Travelled to:
1 × Germany
3 × France
7 × USA
Collaborated with:
R.K.Brayton D.Jongeneel B.G.Arsintescu I.Karkowski ∅ A.A.Szepieniec R.Camposano P.Groeneveld G.S.Garcea N.P.v.d.Meijs K.v.d.Kolk J.Westra C.Visweswariah Y.Watanabe J.A.G.Jess K.Kalafala S.R.Naidu C.Visweswariah S.P.Khatri A.Mehrotra A.L.Sangiovanni-Vincentelli
Talks about:
layout (3) statist (2) design (2) space (2) time (2) plan (2) deepsubmicron (1) constraint (1) technolog (1) floorplan (1)
Person: Ralph H. J. M. Otten
DBLP: Otten:Ralph_H=_J=_M=
Contributed to:
Wrote 11 papers:
- DATE-v2-2004-GarceaMKO #statistics
- Statistically Aware Buffer Planning (GSG, NPvdM, KJvdK, RHJMO), pp. 1402–1403.
- DAC-2003-JessKNOV #parametricity #predict #statistics
- Statistical timing for parametric yield prediction of digital integrated circuits (JAGJ, KK, SRN, RHJMO, CV), pp. 932–937.
- DATE-2003-WestraJOV
- Time Budgeting in a Wireplanning Context (JW, DJJ, RHJMO, CV), pp. 10436–10441.
- DATE-2002-OttenCG #automation #design
- Design Automation for Deepsubmicron: Present and Future (RHJMO, RC, PG), pp. 650–657.
- DAC-2000-JongeneelWBO
- Area and search space control for technology mapping (DJJ, YW, RKB, RHJMO), pp. 86–91.
- DAC-1999-KhatriMBOS #layout #novel
- A Novel VLSI Layout Fabric for Deep Sub-Micron Applications (SPK, AM, RKB, RHJMO, ALSV), pp. 491–496.
- DAC-1998-OttenB #performance
- Planning for Performance (RHJMO, RKB), pp. 122–127.
- DATE-1998-ArsintescuO #constraints #layout
- Constraints Space Management for the Layout of Analog IC’s (BGA, RHJMO), pp. 971–972.
- DAC-1995-KarkowskiO
- Retiming Synchronous Circuitry with Imprecise Delays (IK, RHJMO), pp. 322–326.
- DAC-1982-Otten #automation #design
- Automatic floorplan design (RHJMO), pp. 261–267.
- DAC-1980-SzepieniecO #approach #layout #problem
- The genealogical approach to the layout problem (AAS, RHJMO), pp. 535–542.