Travelled to:
1 × Germany
3 × USA
4 × France
Collaborated with:
P.Girard A.Virazel C.Landrault M.Bastian L.Dilillo A.Ney V.Gouin D.Dumas Y.Bonhomme L.Guiller R.A.Fonseca A.Bosio N.Badereddine
Talks about:
sram (5) fault (4) diagnosi (3) analysi (3) design (3) core (3) cell (3) technolog (2) techniqu (2) driver (2)
Person: Serge Pravossoudovitch
DBLP: Pravossoudovitch:Serge
Contributed to:
Wrote 8 papers:
- DAC-2010-FonsecaDBGPVB #analysis #reliability #simulation #statistics
- A statistical simulation method for reliability analysis of SRAM core-cells (RAF, LD, AB, PG, SP, AV, NB), pp. 853–856.
- DATE-2009-NeyDGPVBG #fault
- A new design-for-test technique for SRAM core-cell stability faults (AN, LD, PG, SP, AV, MB, VG), pp. 1344–1348.
- DATE-2008-NeyGPVBG
- A Design-for-Diagnosis Technique for SRAM Write Drivers (AN, PG, SP, AV, MB, VG), pp. 1480–1485.
- DATE-2007-NeyGLPVB #analysis #fault
- Slow write driver faults in 65nm SRAM technology: analysis and March test solution (AN, PG, CL, SP, AV, MB), pp. 528–533.
- DAC-2005-DililloGPVB #analysis #comparison #fault #injection
- Resistive-open defect injection in SRAM core-cell: analysis and comparison between 0.13 µm and 90 nm technologies (LD, PG, SP, AV, MB), pp. 857–862.
- DATE-v1-2004-BonhommeGGLPV #design #power management
- Design of Routing-Constrained Low Power Scan Chains (YB, PG, LG, CL, SP, AV), pp. 62–67.
- EDAC-1994-DumasGLP #effectiveness #fault
- Effectiveness of a Variable Sampling Time Strategy for Delay Fault Diagnosis (DD, PG, CL, SP), pp. 518–523.
- DAC-1992-GirardLP #approach #novel
- A Novel Approach to Delay-Fault Diagnosis (PG, CL, SP), pp. 357–360.