Travelled to:
3 × USA
4 × France
5 × Germany
Collaborated with:
C.Silvano G.Palermo R.Zafalon G.Mariani M.Sami D.Sciuto A.Bona E.Paone S.Xydis F.Robino I.Sander V.M.Sima K.Bertels A.Brankovic J.Jovic A.Gellert A.Florea L.N.Vintan L.Salvemini N.Vahabi D.Melpignano G.Haugou T.Lepley P.Avasare G.Vanmeerbeeck C.Ykman-Couvreur
Talks about:
explor (7) embed (6) architectur (5) system (5) design (5) space (5) power (4) methodolog (3) processor (3) energi (3)
Person: Vittorio Zaccaria
DBLP: Zaccaria:Vittorio
Contributed to:
Wrote 14 papers:
- DATE-2015-PaoneRPZSS #constraints #framework #performance #platform
- Customization of OpenCL applications for efficient task mapping under heterogeneous platform constraints (EP, FR, GP, VZ, IS, CS), pp. 736–741.
- DATE-2014-MarianiPZS #design #named #predict #scheduling #simulation #using
- DeSpErate: Speeding-up design space exploration by using predictive simulation scheduling (GM, GP, VZ, CS), pp. 1–4.
- DATE-2013-PaoneVZSMHL #embedded #manycore #modelling #platform #simulation
- Improving simulation speed and accuracy for many-core embedded platforms with ensemble models (EP, NV, VZ, CS, DM, GH, TL), pp. 671–676.
- DATE-2013-XydisPZS #architecture #compilation #framework #metamodelling #parametricity #synthesis
- A meta-model assisted coprocessor synthesis framework for compiler/architecture parameters customization (SX, GP, VZ, CS), pp. 659–664.
- DATE-2012-MarianiSPZSB #architecture #configuration management #design #multi #resource management #runtime #using
- Using multi-objective design space exploration to enable run-time resource management for reconfigurable architectures (GM, VMS, GP, VZ, CS, KB), pp. 1379–1384.
- DAC-2010-MarianiBPJZS #design #multi
- A correlation-based design space exploration methodology for multi-processor systems-on-chip (GM, AB, GP, JJ, VZ, CS), pp. 120–125.
- DATE-2010-GellertPZFVS #architecture #design #energy #predict #smt
- Energy-performance design space exploration in SMT architectures exploiting selective load value predictions (AG, GP, VZ, AF, LNV, CS), pp. 271–274.
- DATE-2010-MarianiAVYPSZ #design #framework #industrial #manycore #resource management #runtime
- An industrial design space exploration framework for supporting run-time resource management on multi-core systems (GM, PA, GV, CYC, GP, CS, VZ), pp. 196–201.
- DATE-DF-2004-BonaZZ #industrial #modelling #simulation
- System Level Power Modeling and Simulation of High-End Industrial Network-on-Chip (AB, VZ, RZ), pp. 318–323.
- DATE-2003-PalermoSZ #architecture #embedded
- Power-Performance System-Level Exploration of a MicroSPARC2-Based Embedded Architecture (GP, CS, VZ), pp. 20182–20187.
- SAC-2003-SalveminiSSSZZ #architecture #embedded #energy #performance #trade-off
- A Methodology for the Efficient Architectural Exploration of Energy-Delay Trade-offs for Embedded Systems (LS, MS, DS, CS, VZ, RZ), pp. 672–678.
- DAC-2002-BonaSSZSZ #clustering #embedded #energy #estimation #optimisation
- Energy estimation and optimization of embedded VLIW processors based on instruction clustering (AB, MS, DS, VZ, CS, RZ), pp. 886–891.
- DATE-2002-BonaSSZSZ #embedded #estimation #optimisation
- An Instruction-Level Methodology for Power Estimation and Optimization of Embedded VLIW Cores (AB, MS, DS, VZ, CS, RZ), p. 1128.
- DATE-2001-SamiSSZZ #embedded
- Exploiting data forwarding to reduce the power budget of VLIW embedded processors (MS, DS, CS, VZ, RZ), pp. 252–257.