190 papers:
CBSE-2015-PlateniusSA #framework #named #process- MatchBox: A Framework for Dynamic Configuration of Service Matching Processes (MCP, WS, SA), pp. 75–84.
CASE-2015-MaP #approach #black box #programmable #testing- Design-to-test approach for black-box testing of programmable controllers (CM, JP), pp. 1018–1024.
CHI-2015-NebelingGSN #multi #named- MUBox: Multi-User Aware Personal Cloud Storage (MN, MG, OS, MCN), pp. 1855–1864.
ICML-2015-LeeR #distributed #linear #optimisation #polynomial- Distributed Box-Constrained Quadratic Optimization for Dual Linear SVM (CPL, DR), pp. 987–996.
SEKE-2015-YungLC #black box #complexity- An Average Case Time Complexity Estimator for Black-box Functions (DY, BL, SKC), pp. 567–570.
ECMFA-2015-SaxonBA #black box #model transformation- Opening the Black-Box of Model Transformation (JTS, BB, DHA), pp. 171–186.
POPL-2015-NgoMMP #black box #policy #runtime #security #source code- Runtime Enforcement of Security Policies on Black Box Reactive Programs (MN, FM, DM, FP), pp. 43–54.
ESEC-FSE-2015-BordingBP- Comprehensive service matching with MatchBox (PB, MB, MCP), pp. 974–977.
ICST-2015-FarzanHV #concurrent #execution #testing- Perspectives on White-Box Testing: Coverage, Concurrency, and Concolic Execution (AF, AH, HV), pp. 1–11.
ICST-2015-NoguchiWFSO #black box #optimisation #testing #using- History-Based Test Case Prioritization for Black Box Testing Using Ant Colony Optimization (TN, HW, YF, AS, KO), pp. 1–2.
CASE-2014-HwangLW #adaptation #learning- Adaptive reinforcement learning in box-pushing robots (KSH, JLL, WHW), pp. 1182–1187.
CASE-2014-ZhangLYL #optimisation #parametricity #simulation- Simulation and parameter optimization of the key working procedure of engine box (CZ, JL, RY, GL), pp. 315–319.
STOC-2014-GoyalOSV #black box- Black-box non-black-box zero knowledge (VG, RO, AS, IV), pp. 515–524.
LATA-2014-KlaudelKD #algebra #logic #semantics- Interval Temporal Logic Semantics of Box Algebra (HK, MK, ZD), pp. 441–452.
CHI-2014-BroySAS #3d #design #guidelines #interface #prototype #tool support- FrameBox and MirrorBox: tools and guidelines to support designers in prototyping interfaces for 3D displays (NB, SS, FA, AS), pp. 2037–2046.
HCI-TMT-2014-SzklannySWCW #interface #metaprogramming #named #performance- SyncBox — Synchronizer and Interface for High-Speed Macro Photography (KS, AS, PW, SC, AW), pp. 652–661.
HIMI-DE-2014-XingGRK #visualisation- Google Analytics Spatial Data Visualization: Thinking Outside of the Box (WX, RG, BR, TRK), pp. 120–127.
ICPR-2014-DengWGZZ #modelling #multi- Multiple View Based Building Modeling with Multi-box Grammar (RD, QW, RG, GZ, HZ), pp. 4027–4032.
KDD-2014-GohR #learning- Box drawings for learning with imbalanced data (STG, CR), pp. 333–342.
KR-2014-LudwigK #difference #logic- Practical Uniform Interpolation and Forgetting for ALC TBoxes with Applications to Logical Difference (ML, BK).
SIGIR-2014-GuptaBV #automation #named- CharBoxes: a system for automatic discovery of character infoboxes from books (MG, PB, VV), pp. 1255–1256.
SLE-2014-MeyersDLSVW #framework #generative #named- ProMoBox: A Framework for Generating Domain-Specific Property Languages (BM, RD, LL, ES, HV, MW), pp. 1–20.
ICLP-J-2014-SaadFG #constraints #reasoning #reliability- The P-Box CDF-Intervals: A Reliable Constraint Reasoning with Quantifiable Information (AS, TWF, CG), pp. 461–475.
ICTSS-2014-Schmidberger #metric- Well-Defined Coverage Metrics for the Glass Box Test (RS), pp. 113–128.
TAP-2014-BardinCDK #automation #testing #tool support- An All-in-One Toolkit for Automated White-Box Testing (SB, OC, MD, NK), pp. 53–60.
CBSE-2013-Danielson #empirical #tool support- Ethics outside the box: empirical tools for an ethics of artificial agents (PD), pp. 1–2.
VLDB-2013-MousaviGZ #database #knowledge base #mining #named- IBminer: A Text Mining Tool for Constructing and Populating InfoBox Databases and Knowledge Bases (HM, SG, CZ), pp. 1330–1333.
FASE-2013-SakamotoTHWF #code generation #integration #named #testing #web- POGen: A Test Code Generator Based on Template Variable Coverage in Gray-Box Integration Testing for Web Applications (KS, KT, DH, HW, YF), pp. 343–358.
FASE-2013-YangPX #approach #automation #generative #mobile- A Grey-Box Approach for Automated GUI-Model Generation of Mobile Applications (WY, MRP, TX), pp. 250–265.
WCRE-2013-DucheneRRG #black box #data flow #detection #modelling #named- LigRE: Reverse-engineering of control and data flow models for black-box XSS detection (FD, SR, JLR, RG), pp. 252–261.
STOC-2013-ChungPS #security #simulation- Non-black-box simulation from one-way functions and applications to resettable security (KMC, RP, KS), pp. 231–240.
STOC-2013-Goyal #concurrent #simulation- Non-black-box simulation in the fully concurrent setting (VG), pp. 221–230.
MLDM-2013-ParimiC #predict- Pre-release Box-Office Success Prediction for Motion Pictures (RP, DC), pp. 571–585.
ICST-2013-CzemerinskiBU #abstraction #behaviour #black box- Behaviour Abstraction Coverage as Black-Box Adequacy Criteria (HC, VAB, SU), pp. 222–231.
ISSTA-2013-FraserSMAP #automation #generative #question #testing- Does automated white-box test generation really help software testers? (GF, MS, PM, AA, FP), pp. 291–301.
LICS-2013-Accattoli- Compressing Polarized Boxes (BA), pp. 428–437.
CBSE-2012-MaurelBKA #adaptation #monitoring- Adaptive monitoring of end-user OSGi-based home boxes (YM, AB, RK, KA), pp. 157–166.
VLDB-2012-HueskePSRBKT #black box #data flow #optimisation- Opening the Black Boxes in Data Flow Optimization (FH, MP, MS, AR, RB, AK, KT), pp. 1256–1267.
STOC-2012-ChawlaIL #black box #design #on the #reduction- On the limits of black-box reductions in mechanism design (SC, NI, BL), pp. 435–448.
ICALP-v1-2012-BaronOV #black box- Nearly Simultaneously Resettable Black-Box Zero Knowledge (JB, RO, IV), pp. 88–99.
ICALP-v1-2012-RabinMMY #performance #strict #transaction #validation- Strictly-Black-Box Zero-Knowledge and Efficient Validation of Financial Transactions (MOR, YM, SM, MY), pp. 738–749.
KR-2012-BaaderBM #towards #unification- Extending Unification in EL Towards General TBoxes (FB, SB, BM).
KR-2012-CohnRS #analysis #representation #video- Thinking Inside the Box: A Comprehensive Spatial Representation for Video Analysis (AGC, JR, MS).
SIGIR-2012-TureLO #information retrieval- Looking inside the box: context-sensitive translation for cross-language information retrieval (FT, JJL, DWO), pp. 1105–1106.
MoDELS-2012-GonzalezC #approach #atl #generative #named #testing- ATLTest: A White-Box Test Generation Approach for ATL Transformations (CAG, JC), pp. 449–464.
MoDELS-2012-GonzalezC #approach #atl #generative #named #testing- ATLTest: A White-Box Test Generation Approach for ATL Transformations (CAG, JC), pp. 449–464.
OOPSLA-2012-BaoZZ #nondeterminism #program analysis- White box sampling in uncertain data processing enabled by program analysis (TB, YZ, XZ), pp. 897–914.
OOPSLA-2012-KaliberaMJV #approach #black box #comprehension #concurrent- A black-box approach to understanding concurrency in DaCapo (TK, MM, REJ, JV), pp. 335–354.
SAC-2012-NathML #classification #fault #on the #testing- On the improvement of a fault classification scheme with implications for white-box testing (SKN, RM, MFL), pp. 1123–1130.
SAC-2012-ShahidPO #bound- Minimum bounding boxes for regular cross-polytopes (SS, SP, CBO), pp. 879–884.
HPDC-2012-SkourtisKB #black box #named #performance- QBox: guaranteeing I/O performance on black box storage systems (DS, SK, SAB), pp. 73–84.
CAV-2012-BogomolovFGLPW #analysis #distance #reachability- A Box-Based Distance between Regions for Guiding the Reachability Analysis of SpaceEx (SB, GF, RG, HL, AP, MW), pp. 479–494.
ICST-2012-MarianiPRS #automation #black box #interactive #named #testing- AutoBlackTest: Automatic Black-Box Testing of Interactive Applications (LM, MP, OR, MS), pp. 81–90.
ECSA-2011-AdmodisastroK #analysis #approach #architecture #black box #development- An Architecture Analysis Approach for Supporting Black-Box Software Development (NA, GK), pp. 180–189.
DATE-2011-TsengHWFC #black box #compilation #library #modelling #power management- Black-box leakage power modeling for cell library and SRAM compiler (CKT, SYH, CCW, SCF, JJC), pp. 637–642.
FASE-2011-WangWHC #black box #evolution #testing- Evolving a Test Oracle in Black-Box Testing (FW, JHW, CHH, KHC), pp. 310–325.
STOC-2011-SarafV #black box #multi #testing- Black-box identity testing of depth-4 multilinear circuits (SS, IV), pp. 421–430.
STOC-2011-Woodruff #approximate #black box #protocol- Near-optimal private approximation protocols via a black box transformation (DPW), pp. 735–744.
CEFP-2011-MichaelsonG #calculus #multi #reasoning- Reasoning about Multi-process Systems with the Box Calculus (GM, GG), pp. 279–338.
CHI-2011-HendyLBM #parametricity- Parameter selection in keyboard-based dialog boxes (JCH, JL, KSB, JM), pp. 2761–2764.
DHM-2011-MarlerKJ #analysis #predict- Optimization-Based Posture Prediction for Analysis of Box Lifting Tasks (TM, LK, RJ), pp. 151–160.
HCI-MIIE-2011-BlazicaVM #named- ShoeBox: A Natural Way of Organizing Pictures According to User’s Affinities (BB, DV, DM), pp. 519–524.
ECIR-2011-MagdyJ #black box #question- Should MT Systems Be Used as Black Boxes in CLIR? (WM, GJFJ), pp. 683–686.
ECOOP-2011-HarmanciGF #coordination #exception #memory management #transaction- Atomic Boxes: Coordinated Exception Handling with Transactional Memory (DH, VG, PF), pp. 634–657.
ICSE-2011-MarianiPRS #automation #black box #named #testing- AutoBlackTest: a tool for automatic black-box testing (LM, MP, OR, MS), pp. 1013–1015.
SLE-2011-SeibelHNG #black box #composition #execution #model transformation- A Dedicated Language for Context Composition and Execution of True Black-Box Model Transformations (AS, RH, SN, HG), pp. 19–39.
ICTSS-2011-Walkinshaw #black box #specification #test coverage #testing- Assessing Test Adequacy for Black-Box Systems without Specifications (NW), pp. 209–224.
TAP-2011-AguirreBFG #black box #bound #generative #test coverage #testing- Incorporating Coverage Criteria in Bounded Exhaustive Black Box Test Generation of Structural Inputs (NA, VSB, MFF, JPG), pp. 15–32.
ASE-2010-Holotescu #adaptation #black box #component- Error-avoiding adaptors for black-box software components (CH), pp. 487–492.
DATE-2010-WieckowskiSBCIPA #analysis #black box- A black box method for stability analysis of arbitrary SRAM cell structures (MW, DS, DB, VC, SI, CP, RCA), pp. 795–800.
VLDB-2010-PramanikWML #query- Transforming Range Queries To Equivalent Box Queries To Optimize Page Access (SP, AW, CRM, AXL), pp. 409–416.
ITiCSE-2010-LoQY #energy- Innovative CS capstone projects on green energy applications with WSN in a box (CTDL, KQ, LY), p. 307.
ITiCSE-2010-QianLH #education #embedded- Portable labs in a box for embedded system education (KQ, CTDL, XH), p. 318.
SAS-2010-GurfinkelC #abstract domain #named- Boxes: A Symbolic Abstract Domain of Boxes (AG, SC), pp. 287–303.
ICPR-2010-PhamTN #bound #segmentation #similarity #using- Bounding-Box Based Segmentation with Single Min-cut Using Distant Pixel Similarity (VQP, KT, TN), pp. 4420–4423.
RecSys-2010-XieLW #recommendation- Breaking out of the box of recommendations: from items to packages (MX, LVSL, PTW), pp. 151–158.
SEKE-2010-Wang #black box #parametricity #testing #using- Reducing Black-box Test Suite Using Input Parameter Relationships (LW), pp. 180–185.
MoDELS-v1-2010-IqbalAB #black box #case study #embedded #industrial #modelling #realtime #testing #uml- Environment Modeling with UML/MARTE to Support Black-Box System Testing for Real-Time Embedded Systems: Methodology and Industrial Case Studies (MZZI, AA, LCB), pp. 286–300.
ECOOP-2010-SchaferP #component #concurrent #named- JCoBox: Generalizing Active Objects to Concurrent Components (JS, APH), pp. 275–299.
OOPSLA-2010-RobersonB #composition #model checking #performance- Efficient modular glass box software model checking (MR, CB), pp. 4–21.
SAC-2010-GoldsztejnG #adaptation #consistency- Box consistency through adaptive shaving (AG, FG), pp. 2049–2054.
SAC-2010-VoigtIR #automation #generative #metamodelling #named- MatchBox: combined meta-model matching for semi-automatic mapping generation (KV, PI, AR), pp. 2281–2288.
FSE-2010-EpifaniGT #black box #detection- Change-point detection for black-box services (IE, CG, GT), pp. 227–236.
HPDC-2010-HerzfeldOS #virtual machine- Pools of virtual boxes: building campus grids with virtual machines (DJH, LEO, CAS), pp. 667–675.
ICTSS-2010-ArcuriIB #black box #embedded #random #realtime #search-based #testing #using- Black-Box System Testing of Real-Time Embedded Systems Using Random and Search-Based Testing (AA, MZZI, LCB), pp. 95–110.
DAC-2009-EllithorpeTK #architecture #named #network #using- Internet-in-a-Box: emulating datacenter network architectures using FPGAs (JDE, ZT, RHK), pp. 880–883.
DATE-2009-ViehlPBR #analysis #performance #scheduling- White box performance analysis considering static non-preemptive software scheduling (AV, MP, OB, WR), pp. 513–518.
STOC-2009-AronovES- Small-size epsilon-nets for axis-parallel rectangles and boxes (BA, EE, MS), pp. 639–648.
HCI-NIMT-2009-SuzukiKYY #interactive #interface #towards- A Basic Study of Sensory Characteristics toward Interaction with a Box-Shaped Interface (NS, TK, SY, SY), pp. 513–522.
RecSys-2009-AbbassiALVY #recommendation- Getting recommender systems to think outside the box (ZA, SAY, LVSL, SV, CY), pp. 285–288.
SAC-2009-ChoudhuriG #embedded #named #nondeterminism- FlashBox: a system for logging non-deterministic events in deployed embedded systems (SC, TG), pp. 1676–1682.
SAC-2009-NarayananCKS #parallel #scalability- Parallel materialization of large ABoxes (SN, ÜVÇ, TMK, JHS), pp. 1257–1261.
SLE-2009-RenggliDN- Language Boxes (LR, MD, ON), pp. 274–293.
CSL-2009-AccattoliG- Jumping Boxes (BA, SG), pp. 55–70.
ICST-2009-BertoliniPdM #automation #black box #empirical #evaluation #testing #user interface- An Empirical Evaluation of Automated Black Box Testing Techniques for Crashing GUIs (CB, GP, Md, AM), pp. 21–30.
ICST-2009-TanNM #automation #black box #library #parallel #programming #testing- Automated Black Box Testing Tool for a Parallel Programming Library (RPT, PN, SM), pp. 307–316.
CBSE-2008-Brada #black box #component- The CoSi Component Model: Reviving the Black-Box Nature of Components (PB), pp. 318–333.
CBSE-2008-KuperbergKR #behaviour #black box #component #modelling #parametricity #performance #predict #using- Performance Prediction for Black-Box Components Using Reengineered Parametric Behaviour Models (MK, KK, RHR), pp. 48–63.
ECSA-2008-Kotonya #architecture #black box #component #development- An Architecture-Centric Development Environment for Black-Box Component-Based Systems (GK), pp. 98–113.
ICALP-C-2008-AltmannJR #black box #integer #on the- On Black-Box Ring Extraction and Integer Factorization (KA, TJ, AR), pp. 437–448.
CHI-2008-DixonGC #parametricity #performance- Optimal parameters for efficient crossing-based dialog boxes (MD, FG, NC), pp. 1623–1632.
ICPR-2008-ChenA #recognition- Recognition of box-like objects by fusing cues of shape and edges (CCC, JKA), pp. 1–5.
CAV-2008-Felten- Coping with Outside-the-Box Attacks (EWF), pp. 3–4.
TAP-2008-TillmannH #dot-net #generative #testing- Pex-White Box Test Generation for .NET (NT, JdH), pp. 134–153.
DATE-2007-FengWZKS #automation #black box #generative #interactive #realtime- Interactive presentation: Automatic model generation for black box real-time systems (THF, LW, WZ, SK, SAS), pp. 930–935.
PLDI-2007-HaRDRRPCW #black box #component #fault- Improved error reporting for software that uses black-box components (JH, CJR, JVD, IR, HER, DEP, DLC, EW), pp. 101–111.
ICALP-2007-FurukawaA #black box #encryption- Fully Collusion Resistant Black-Box Traitor Revocable Broadcast Encryption with Short Private Keys (JF, NA), pp. 496–508.
HCI-IDU-2007-GokturkC #experience #open source- Out of Box Experience Issues of Free and Open Source Software (MG, GÇ), pp. 774–783.
HIMI-MTT-2007-SakuradaHON #interface #online #recognition #using- A Japanese Text Input Interface Using On-Line Writing-Box-Free Handwriting Recognition and Kana-to-Kanji Conversion (TS, YH, HO, MN), pp. 940–949.
PPDP-2007-FischerK #functional #generative #logic programming #source code #testing- Systematic generation of glass-box test cases for functional logic programs (SF, HK), pp. 63–74.
SAC-2007-AppelPSTT #clustering- Biased box sampling — a density-biased sampling for clustering (APA, AAP, EPMdS, AJMT, CTJ), pp. 445–446.
AMOST-2007-KicillofGTB #automation #test coverage #testing- Achieving both model and code coverage with automated gray-box testing (NK, WG, NT, VAB), pp. 1–11.
TAP-2007-BeckertG #black box #specification #testing- White-Box Testing by Combining Deduction-Based Specification Extraction and Black-Box Testing (BB, CG), pp. 207–216.
CBSE-2006-MauranPL #black box #distributed- Supervising Distributed Black Boxes (PM, GP, PTXL), pp. 166–181.
ASE-2006-Rajan #black box #metric #testing- Coverage Metrics to Measure Adequacy of Black-Box Test Suites (AR), pp. 335–338.
CASE-2006-BeghiLPS #black box #modelling #prototype- Black-box modeling of a Two-Stroke Racing Motorcycle Engine for Virtual Prototyping Applications (AB, ML, SP, DS), pp. 280–285.
DAC-2006-ChoP #named- BoxRouter: a new global router based on box expansion and progressive ILP (MC, DZP), pp. 373–378.
STOC-2006-IshaiKLP #black box- Black-box constructions for secure computation (YI, EK, YL, EP), pp. 99–108.
CSCW-2006-PalenB- Of pill boxes and piano benches: “home-made” methods for managing medication (LP, SAB), pp. 79–88.
ICPR-v1-2006-KatsoulasK #bound #image- Box-like Superquadric Recovery in Range Images by Fusing Region and Boundary Information (DK, DIK), pp. 719–722.
KR-2006-LiuLMW #logic- Updating Description Logic ABoxes (HL, CL, MM, FW), pp. 46–56.
PPDP-2006-GarraldaCD #named- BASS: boxed ambients with safe sessions (PG, ABC, MDC), pp. 61–72.
SAC-2006-PhilippePBBH #approach #black box #web- A black-box approach for web application SLA (JP, NDP, SB, FB, DH), pp. 807–808.
CSL-2006-Mellies #diagrams #string- Functorial Boxes in String Diagrams (PAM), pp. 1–30.
ICALP-2005-HorvitzK #black box #bound #performance- Bounds on the Efficiency of “Black-Box” Commitment Schemes (OH, JK), pp. 128–139.
CEFP-2005-ZsokHH #design #distributed- Designing Distributed Computational Skeletons in D-Clean and D-Box (VZ, ZH, ZH), pp. 223–256.
SAC-2005-ChabertTN #consistency #constraints #problem- Box-set consistency for interval-based constraint problems (GC, GT, BN), pp. 1439–1443.
HPDC-2005-Thain #grid- Identity boxing: secure user-level containment for the grid (DT), pp. 299–300.
CAV-2005-Younes #black box #probability #verification- Probabilistic Verification for “Black-Box” Systems (HLSY), pp. 253–265.
FATES-2005-Huima #black box #testing- A Note on an Anomaly in Black-Box Testing (AH), pp. 47–61.
FATES-2005-XieD #approach #concurrent #testing- Testing Systems of Concurrent Black-Boxes-An Automata-Theoretic and Decompositional Approach (GX, ZD), pp. 170–186.
ASE-2004-HopcroftB #csp #development- Combining the Box Structure Development Method and CSP (PJH, GHB), pp. 340–345.
ITiCSE-WGR-2004-Medina #education #social- Beyond the ballot box: computer science education and social responsibility (EMM), pp. 7–10.
ESOP-2004-LeviB #analysis #control flow- A Control Flow Analysis for Safe and Boxed Ambients (FL, CB), pp. 188–203.
ESOP-2004-PhillipsYE #automaton #calculus #distributed- A Distributed Abstract Machine for Boxed Ambient Calculi (AP, NY, SE), pp. 155–170.
ICSM-2004-XieN #black box #difference #testing- Checking Inside the Black Box: Regression Testing Based on Value Spectra Differences (TX, DN), pp. 28–37.
ICALP-2004-KrauthgamerL #black box #complexity #nearest neighbour- The Black-Box Complexity of Nearest Neighbor Search (RK, JRL), pp. 858–869.
SEFM-2004-BidoitHKB #black box #object-oriented #specification- Glass-Box and Black-Box Views on Object-Oriented Specifications (MB, RH, AK, HB), pp. 208–217.
ICML-2004-TaoSVO #approximate #learning #multi- SVM-based generalized multiple-instance learning via approximate box counting (QT, SDS, NVV, TTO).
ICPR-v2-2004-KatsoulasW #detection #image- Edge Detection in Range Images of Piled Box-like Objects (DK, AW), pp. 80–84.
KDD-2004-Hooker04a #black box- Discovering additive structure in black box functions (GH), pp. 575–580.
SEKE-2004-BeydedaG #component #off the shelf #self- Black- and White-Box Self-testing COTS Components (SB, VG), pp. 104–109.
LDTA-2004-JohnstoneSE #algorithm #case study #glr #parsing- The Grammar Tool Box: A Case Study Comparing GLR Parsing Algorithms (AJ, ES, GRE), pp. 97–113.
CC-2004-OwenW #cost analysis- Reducing the Cost of Object Boxing (TO, DW), pp. 202–216.
CAV-2004-SenVA #black box #model checking #probability #statistics- Statistical Model Checking of Black-Box Probabilistic Systems (KS, MV, GA), pp. 202–215.
DATE-2003-DobrovolnyVWD #analysis #modelling- Analysis and White-Box Modeling of Weakly Nonlinear Time-Varying Circuits (PD, GV, PW, SD), pp. 10624–10629.
DATE-2003-RemondB #design #set- Set Top Box SoC Design Methodology at STMicroelectronics (FR, PB), pp. 20220–20223.
SIGMOD-2003-Shivakumar- Google in a Box — Building the Google Search Appliance (NS), p. 635.
ICFP-2003-WashburnW #encoding #higher-order #morphism #parametricity #polymorphism #syntax- Boxes go bananas: encoding higher-order abstract syntax with parametric polymorphism (GW, SW), pp. 249–262.
ICEIS-v2-2003-BailonDF #fuzzy- Extension of the Box-Counting Method to Measure the Fractal Dimension of Fuzzy Data (ABB, MD, WF), pp. 185–190.
SOSP-2003-AguileraMWRM #black box #debugging #distributed #performance- Performance debugging for distributed systems of black boxes (MKA, JCM, JLW, PR, AM), pp. 74–89.
FATES-2003-TylerS #behaviour #black box #testing- Black-Box Testing of Grey-Box Behavior (BT, NS), pp. 1–14.
ASE-2002-SchroederFK #automation #black box #generative #testing- Generating Expected Results for Automated Black-Box Testing (PJS, PF, BK), pp. 139–148.
TACAS-2002-BornotMNZ #black box- Black Box Unfolding with Local First Search (SB, RM, PN, SZ), pp. 386–400.
DAC-2001-FanLWC #2d #design #on the- On Optimum Switch Box Designs for 2-D FPGAs (HF, JL, YLW, CCC), pp. 203–208.
ITiCSE-2001-HabermanK #black box #concept #education- Activating “black boxes” instead of opening “zipper” — a method of teaching novices basic CS concepts (BH, YBDK), pp. 41–44.
ICSM-2001-BeydedaGS #representation #testing #visual notation- A Graphical Class Representation for Integrated Black- and White-Box Testing (SB, VG, MS), pp. 706–715.
STOC-2001-CanettiKPR #black box #concurrent- Black-box concurrent zero-knowledge requires Ω(log n) rounds (RC, JK, EP, AR), pp. 570–579.
TOOLS-USA-2001-Devos01a- Confronting Possibilities and Needs in the Digital Economy: Breaking out of the Box to Envision the System (MMD), pp. 432–434.
SOSP-2001-Arpaci-DusseauA- Information and Control in Gray-Box Systems (ACAD, RHAD), pp. 43–56.
IJCAR-2001-HaarslevMT #logic #modelling #pseudo #reasoning- Exploiting Pseudo Models for TBox and ABox Reasoning in Expressive Description Logics (VH, RM, AYT), pp. 61–75.
ICSM-2000-Comella-DordaWSR #bibliography #black box #information management #legacy- A Survey of Black-Box Modernization Approaches for Information Systems (SCD, KCW, RCS, JER), pp. 173–183.
ICPR-v2-2000-FukushimaN #online #recognition- On-Line Writing-Box-Free Recognition of Handwritten Japanese Text Considering Character Size Variations (TF, MN), pp. 2359–2363.
KR-2000-HaarslevM #reasoning #strict #transitive- Expressive ABox Reasoning with Number Restrictions, Role Hierarchies, and Transitively Closed Roles (VH, RM), pp. 273–284.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2000-AssmannBG #metaprogramming- Meta-Programming Grey-Box Connectors (UA, HB, TG), pp. 300–311.
ISSTA-2000-SchroederK #analysis #black box #reduction #using- Black-box test reduction using input-output analysis (PJS, BK), pp. 173–177.
IWPC-1999-Korel #black box #component #comprehension #off the shelf- Black-Box Understanding of COTS Components (BK), pp. 92–99.
HCI-CCAD-1999-UchyigitCQC- Agents in the box (GU, BC, EQ, JC), pp. 157–161.
GCSE-1999-Bruin #approach #component #composition- A Grey-Box Approach to Component Composition (HdB), pp. 195–209.
ICLP-1999-BenhamouGGP #consistency- Revising Hull and Box Consistency (FB, FG, LG, JFP), pp. 230–244.
STOC-1998-HuangR #algebra #approach #black box #composition #problem #set- A Black Box Approach to the Algebraic Set Decomposition Problem (MDAH, AJR), pp. 497–506.
LICS-1998-Mackie #linear #logic- Linear Logic With Boxes (IM), pp. 309–320.
DAC-1997-LiuSAS #black box #design #optimisation- Optimizing Designs Containing Black Boxes (THL, KS, AA, VS), pp. 113–116.
ICSM-1997-HeSRC #black box #maintenance #testing- Software Black Box Mechanism: A Pragmatic Method for Software Crash Diagnosis and Usage Maintenance Testing (ZH, GS, MR, IC), pp. 142–149.
EDOC-1997-Kindel #black box #encapsulation #interface #multi #named #what- COM: what makes it work, black-box encapsulation through multiple, immutable interfaces (CK), pp. 68–77.
ICPR-1996-FengLC #approach #estimation- Fractional box-counting approach to fractal dimension estimation (JF, WCL, CTC), pp. 854–858.
KR-1996-GiacomoL #logic #reasoning- TBox and ABox Reasoning in Expressive Description Logics (GDG, ML), pp. 316–327.
ICDAR-v1-1995-HoriD #analysis #reasoning #robust- Robust table-form structure analysis based on box-driven reasoning (OH, DSD), pp. 218–221.
ICDAR-v2-1995-HaHP #bound #component #recursion #using- Recursive X-Y cut using bounding boxes of connected components (JH, RMH, ITP), pp. 952–955.
ICDAR-v2-1995-HaHP95a #bound #composition #documentation- Document page decomposition by the bounding-box project (JH, RMH, ITP), pp. 1119–1122.
ILPS-1995-PugetL #constraints- Beyond the Glass Box: Constraints as Objects (JFP, ML), pp. 513–527.
SAS-1994-Goubault- Generalized Boxings, Congruences and Partial Inlining (JG), pp. 147–161.
POPL-1994-HengleinJ- Formally Optimal Boxing (FH, JJ), pp. 213–226.
ICDAR-1993-KrtolicaM #algorithm #recognition- Two-stage box connectivity algorithm for optical character recognition (RK, SM), pp. 179–182.
HCI-SHI-1993-MalinowskiKDS #adaptation #user interface- Computer-Aided Adaptation of User Interfaces with Menus and Dialog Boxes (UM, TK, HD, MSH), pp. 122–127.
HCI-SHI-1993-Page #interface- Selecting Colors for Dialog Boxes and Buttons in a Text Interface (SRP), pp. 208–213.
ICML-1993-RendersBS #adaptation #black box #how- Adaptive NeuroControl: How Black Box and Simple can it be (JMR, HB, MS), pp. 260–267.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1993-MenziesS #black box #constraints #framework #how- How to Edit “It”; or: A “Black-box” Constraint-Based Framework for User-Interaction with Arbitrary Structures (TM, RS), pp. 213–224.
LICS-1992-GonthierAL #linear #logic- Linear Logic Without Boxes (GG, MA, JJL), pp. 223–234.
CC-1990-GroschE #compilation- A Tool Box for Compiler Construction (JG, HE), pp. 106–116.