133 papers:
HT-2015-AinsworthNS #web- Only One Out of Five Archived Web Pages Existed as Presented (SGA, MLN, HVdS), pp. 257–266.
VLDB-2015-ConsensFKP #bisimulation #query #summary- S+EPPs: Construct and Explore Bisimulation Summaries, plus Optimize Navigational Queries; all on Existing SPARQL Systems (MPC, VF, SK, GP), pp. 2028–2039.
VLDB-2015-DyresonBG #dependence #query- Virtual eXist-db: Liberating Hierarchical Queries from the Shackles of Access Path Dependence (CED, SSB, RG), pp. 1932–1943.
SANER-2015-WongLT #automation #generative #mining #named #source code- CloCom: Mining existing source code for automatic comment generation (EW, TL, LT), pp. 380–389.
SEFM-2015-Vanspauwen0 #encryption #implementation #library #protocol #specification #verification- Verifying Protocol Implementations by Augmenting Existing Cryptographic Libraries with Specifications (GV, BJ), pp. 53–68.
CHI-2015-GrevetG #prototype #scalability #social #using- Piggyback Prototyping: Using Existing, Large-Scale Social Computing Systems to Prototype New Ones (CG, EG), pp. 4047–4056.
KDD-2015-ZhiZTGYJH #modelling- Modeling Truth Existence in Truth Discovery (SZ, BZ, WT, JG, DY, HJ, JH), pp. 1543–1552.
ESEC-FSE-2015-XuanXM #testing- Crash reproduction via test case mutation: let existing test cases help (JX, XX, MM), pp. 910–913.
ASE-2014-FardMM #automation #generative #testing #web- Leveraging existing tests in automated test generation for web applications (AMF, MM, AM), pp. 67–78.
STOC-2014-BitanskyCPR #on the- On the existence of extractable one-way functions (NB, RC, OP, AR), pp. 505–514.
CHI-2014-BighamL #information management- Crowd storage: storing information on existing memories (JPB, WSL), pp. 601–604.
CHI-2014-KimNWGMG #crowdsourcing #information management- Crowdsourcing step-by-step information extraction to enhance existing how-to videos (JK, PTN, SAW, PJG, RCM, KZG), pp. 4017–4026.
DUXU-TMT-2014-JerzakR #evaluation #game studies #heuristic- Serious Games and Heuristic Evaluation — The Cross-Comparison of Existing Heuristic Evaluation Methods for Games (NJ, FR), pp. 453–464.
ICML-c2-2014-NgoT #modelling #relational- Model-Based Relational RL When Object Existence is Partially Observable (NAV, MT), pp. 559–567.
ISSTA-2014-JustJE #database #fault #java #named #source code #testing- Defects4J: a database of existing faults to enable controlled testing studies for Java programs (RJ, DJ, MDE), pp. 437–440.
WCRE-2013-KomondoorBDK #domain model #modelling #using- Using relationships for matching textual domain models with existing code (RK, IB, DD, SK), pp. 371–380.
HCI-IMT-2013-GreeneTM #challenge #gesture #mobile #modelling #multi- Computational Cognitive Modeling of Touch and Gesture on Mobile Multitouch Devices: Applications and Challenges for Existing Theory (KKG, FPT, RJM), pp. 449–455.
KEOD-2013-FrancescomarinoGK #concept #modelling #ontology- Grounding Conceptual Modelling Templates on Existing Ontologies — A Delicate Balance (CDF, CG, MTK), pp. 199–206.
SEKE-2013-JuniorF #experience #mobile #web- SIGAA Mobile — A sucessful experience of constructing a mobile application from a existing web system (GSdAJ, IdMBF), pp. 510–515.
DAC-2012-ChangB #simulation- Improving gate-level simulation accuracy when unknowns exist (KHC, CB), pp. 936–940.
WCRE-2012-ZiftciK #data mining #feature model #mining #using- Feature Location Using Data Mining on Existing Test-Cases (CZ, IK), pp. 155–164.
STOC-2012-KuperbergLP #combinator #probability- Probabilistic existence of rigid combinatorial structures (GK, SL, RP), pp. 1091–1106.
ICGT-2012-BergmannHH #database #graph transformation #incremental #modelling #relational- Applying Incremental Graph Transformation to Existing Models in Relational Databases (GB, DH, ÁH), pp. 371–385.
CIKM-2012-ZhouCLZ #automation #topic- Exploring the existing category hierarchy to automatically label the newly-arising topics in cQA (GZ, LC, KL, JZ), pp. 1647–1651.
KMIS-2012-EddineDZC #requirements #towards- Towards Unifying Existing Requirements Engineering Approaches into a Unified Model (SIE, TD, NZ, PJC), pp. 311–315.
ICSE-2012-MusluBHEN #ide #recommendation- Improving IDE recommendations by considering global implications of existing recommendations (KM, YB, RH, MDE, DN), pp. 1349–1352.
ICSE-2012-RogersGQB #documentation- Exploring techniques for rationale extraction from existing documents (BR, JG, YQ, JEB), pp. 1313–1316.
SPLC-2012-BartholdtB #product line- Scope extension of an existing product line (JB, DB), pp. 275–282.
CASE-2011-BroderickAT #detection #formal method #industrial- Anomaly detection without a pre-existing formal model: Application to an industrial manufacturing system (JAB, LVA, DMT), pp. 169–174.
HT-2011-WoenselCT #approach #on the fly- A generic approach for on-the-fly adding of context-aware features to existing websites (WVW, SC, ODT), pp. 143–152.
DLT-J-2010-Shur11 #on the- On the existence of Minimal β-powers (AMS), pp. 1683–1696.
DLT-2011-KortelainenS #bound #context-free grammar- There Does Not Exist a Minimal Full Trio with Respect to Bounded Context-Free Languages (JK, TS), pp. 312–323.
ICALP-v2-2011-CominettiCL- Existence and Uniqueness of Equilibria for Flows over Time (RC, JRC, OL), pp. 552–563.
CHI-2011-DearmanST #process- Opportunities exist: continuous discovery of places to perform activities (DD, TS, KNT), pp. 2429–2438.
KEOD-2011-KohnMSL #complexity #ontology- Use of Existing Ontologies as Input for Structural Complexity Management — Reducing the Effort for Analysing and Improving Engineering Systems (AK, MM, HXS, UL), pp. 195–201.
SIGIR-2011-LiuADGMPS #predict #web- Predicting web searcher satisfaction with existing community-based answers (QL, EA, GD, EG, YM, DP, IS), pp. 415–424.
ESEC-FSE-2011-BeschastnikhBSSE #automation #invariant #modelling- Leveraging existing instrumentation to automatically infer invariant-constrained models (IB, YB, SS, MS, MDE), pp. 267–277.
ECSA-2010-Hock-koonO10a #composition #specification- Specifying Loose Coupling from Existing Service Composition Approaches (AAHk, MO), pp. 464–471.
ICSM-2010-GuptaDKR #case study #implementation- A case study in matching service descriptions to implementations in an existing system (HSG, DD, RK, GMR), pp. 1–10.
DLT-2010-Shur #on the- On the Existence of Minimal β-Powers (AMS), pp. 411–422.
ICALP-v1-2010-HarksK #game studies #nash #on the- On the Existence of Pure Nash Equilibria in Weighted Congestion Games (TH, MK), pp. 79–89.
CHI-2010-AhlstromCGI #design #modelling #why- Why it’s quick to be square: modelling new and existing hierarchical menu designs (DA, AC, CG, PI), pp. 1371–1380.
SIGIR-2010-RadovanovicNI #modelling #on the- On the existence of obstinate results in vector space models (MR, AN, MI), pp. 186–193.
OOPSLA-2010-SwaineTDFF #incremental #parallel #runtime- Back to the futures: incremental parallelization of existing sequential runtime systems (JS, KT, PAD, RBF, MF), pp. 583–597.
RE-2010-FerrariMSHGS #architecture #case study #prototype #requirements- Requirements Engineering Decisions in the Context of an Existing Architecture: A Case Study of a Prototypical Project (RF, NHM, OS, CH, JG, WS), pp. 79–88.
WICSA-ECSA-2009-ShahinLK #architecture #design #modelling #tool support- Architectural design decision: Existing models and tools (MS, PL, MRK), pp. 293–296.
CSMR-2009-Gimnich #design #using- Using Existing Software Assets in SOA Design (RG), pp. 309–310.
ICPC-2009-HuangDS #policy #prototype #source code- Prototyping synchronization policies for existing programs (YH, LKD, REKS), pp. 289–290.
WCRE-1999-BouhissiM99a #reverse engineering #web #web service- Reverse Engineering Existing Web Service Applications (HEB, MM), pp. 279–283.
DLT-2009-FreydenbergerR- Existence and Nonexistence of Descriptive Patterns (DDF, DR), pp. 228–239.
CHI-2009-BighamC #interface- Evaluating existing audio CAPTCHAs and an interface optimized for non-visual use (JPB, AC), pp. 1829–1838.
RE-2009-MillerFM #architecture #requirements- Characteristics of New Requirements in the Presence or Absence of an Existing System Architecture (JAM, RF, NHM), pp. 5–14.
CSL-2009-HorbachW #induction #query- Deciding the Inductive Validity of FOR ALL THERE EXISTS * Queries (MH, CW), pp. 332–347.
DAC-2008-Larson- Translation of an existing VMM-based SystemVerilog testbench to OVM (KDL), p. 237.
ICPC-2008-FlemingKSDX #comprehension #concurrent #maintenance- Refining Existing Theories of Program Comprehension During Maintenance for Concurrent Software (SDF, EK, REKS, LKD, SX), pp. 23–32.
CAiSE-2008-NiknafsR #analysis- Computer-Aided Method Engineering: An Analysis of Existing Environments (AN, RR), pp. 525–540.
REFSQ-2008-ZhangFH #challenge #optimisation #requirements- Search Based Requirements Optimisation: Existing Work and Challenges (YZ, AF, MH), pp. 88–94.
SPLC-2008-HarhurinH #analysis- Service-Oriented Commonality Analysis Across Existing Systems (AH, JH), pp. 255–264.
CSL-2008-NakazawaTKN #λ-calculus- Undecidability of Type-Checking in Domain-Free Typed λ-Calculi with Existence (KN, MT, YK, HN), pp. 478–492.
CASE-2007-LucianoBR- GPU-based elastic-object deformation for enhancement of existing haptic applications (CL, PPB, SHRR), pp. 146–151.
CSMR-2007-Leeten #configuration management #evolution #scalability- Software Configuration Management, Fundament for Evolution of Large Existing Code Bases (BL), pp. 321–322.
ICSM-2007-CorboGP #learning #source code- Smart Formatter: Learning Coding Style from Existing Source Code (FC, CDG, MDP), pp. 525–526.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2007-LeitnerEOC #programming language- Reflecting on an Existing Programming Language (AL, PTE, MO, IC), pp. 319–339.
CSL-2007-FinkelL #rank- There Exist Some ω-Powers of Any Borel Rank (OF, DL), pp. 115–129.
VLDB-2006-MoerkotteN #algorithm #analysis #generative #programming- Analysis of Two Existing and One New Dynamic Programming Algorithm for the Generation of Optimal Bushy Join Trees without Cross Products (GM, TN), pp. 930–941.
ITiCSE-2006-GharibyanG #case study #gender- Gender gap in computer science does not exist in one former soviet republic: results of a study (HG, SG), pp. 222–226.
ICEIS-DISI-2006-EzenwoyeS #process #robust- Enabling Robustness in Existing BPEL Processes (OE, SMS), pp. 95–102.
ICEIS-ISAS-2006-ZdravkovicH #flexibility #process #using- Flexible Realization of Business Processes Using Existing Services (JZ, MH), pp. 165–172.
KR-2006-MaierHF #named- Dataspaces: Co-existence with Heterogeneity (DM, AYH, MJF), p. 3.
DATE-2005-ElbazTSGABBR #bibliography #encryption #hardware- Hardware Engines for Bus Encryption: A Survey of Existing Techniques (RE, LT, GS, PG, CA, MB, CB, JBR), pp. 40–45.
ICALP-2005-EfthymiouS #graph #on the #random- On the Existence of Hamiltonian Cycles in Random Intersection Graphs (CE, PGS), pp. 690–701.
CHI-2005-OviattLC #difference #integration #multimodal #question #what #why- Individual differences in multimodal integration patterns: what are they and why do they exist? (SLO, RL, RC), pp. 241–249.
EDOC-2005-FischerMW #process- Improving IT Management at the BMW Group by Integrating Existing IT Management Processes (FF, FM, AW), pp. 219–228.
ICEIS-v4-2005-MisraPH #knowledge base #ontology- Adding Support for Dynamic Ontologies to Existing Knowledge Bases (UM, ZP, JH), pp. 97–104.
ECIR-2005-BoydellGSS #modelling- Manipulating the Relevance Models of Existing Search Engines (OB, CG, AFS, BS), pp. 540–542.
MoDELS-2005-StreetP #modelling #uml- The Impact of UML 2.0 on Existing UML 1.4 Models (JAS, RGPI), pp. 431–444.
MoDELS-2005-StreetP #modelling #uml- The Impact of UML 2.0 on Existing UML 1.4 Models (JAS, RGPI), pp. 431–444.
FoSSaCS-2004-BozgaEL #effectiveness #encryption #on the #protocol- On the Existence of an Effective and Complete Inference System for Cryptographic Protocols (LB, CE, YL), pp. 42–57.
ICSM-2004-EverittTT #architecture #evaluation #process #validation- Validating and Improving an Existing Software Architectural Evaluation Process (TE, RTT, JDT), pp. 417–421.
SCAM-2004-CeccatoT #aspect-oriented #programming- Adding Distribution to Existing Applications by Means of Aspect Oriented Programming (MC, PT), pp. 107–116.
WCRE-2004-BoisDV #named #refactoring- Refactoring — Improving Coupling and Cohesion of Existing Code (BDB, SD, JV), pp. 144–151.
STOC-2004-ChenKLRSV #bound #confluence #theorem- (Almost) tight bounds and existence theorems for confluent flows (JC, RDK, LL, RR, RS, AV), pp. 529–538.
STOC-2004-Devanur #algorithm #constraints #equilibrium- The spending constraint model for market equilibrium: algorithmic, existence and uniqueness results (NRD), pp. 519–528.
ICALP-2004-NikoletseasRS #graph #independence #performance #random #scalability #set- The Existence and Efficient Construction of Large Independent Sets in General Random Intersection Graphs (SEN, CR, PGS), pp. 1029–1040.
CAiSE-2004-MorishimaK #database #optimisation #relational #source code #xml- Optimizing DOM Programs on XML Views over Existing Relational Databases (AM, AK), pp. 248–262.
ICEIS-v2-2004-KooptiwootS #mining #set #using- Mining the Relationships in the Form of the Predisposing Factors and Coincident Factors Among Numerical Dynamic Attributes in Time Series Data Set by Using the Combination of Some Existing Techniques (SK, MAS), pp. 327–334.
ICEIS-v2-2004-KooptiwootS04a #idea #mining #set #using- Mining the Relationships in the Form of Predisposing Factor and Coincident Factor in Time Series Data Set by Using the Combination of some Existing Ideas with a new Idea from the Fact in the Chemical Reaction (SK, MAS), pp. 531–534.
RE-2004-KaiyaOK #case study #diagrams #identification- Identifying Stakeholders and Their Preferences about NFR by Comparing Use Case Diagrams of Several Existing Systems (HK, AO, KK), pp. 112–121.
LICS-2004-DamsN #abstraction #branch #finite #model checking- The Existence of Finite Abstractions for Branching Time Model Checking (DD, KSN), pp. 335–344.
KDD-2003-RaoSNGR #analysis- Clinical and financial outcomes analysis with existing hospital patient records (RBR, SS, RSN, CG, HR), pp. 416–425.
ICSE-2003-EbertS #concept #product line- Tricks and Traps of Initiating a Product Line Concept in Existing Product (CE, MS), pp. 520–527.
ICLP-2003-BackofenW #approach #constraints #modelling #predict- A Constraint-Based Approach to Structure Prediction for Simplified Protein Models That Outperforms Other Existing Methods (RB, SW), pp. 49–71.
ICML-2002-PerkinsP #fixpoint #on the- On the Existence of Fixed Points for Q-Learning and Sarsa in Partially Observable Domains (TJP, MDP), pp. 490–497.
ICDAR-2001-HiranoOY- Field Extraction Method from Existing Forms Transmitted by Facsimile (TH, YO, FY), pp. 738–742.
CSEET-2001-SindersonS #education #re-engineering #source code- Undergraduate Software Engineering Education: The Body of Knowledge, Existing Programs and Accreditation (ES, LS), pp. 221–230.
IWPC-2001-Sneed #cobol #logic #source code- Extracting Business Logic from Existing COBOL Programs as a Basis for Redevelopment (HMS), pp. 167–175.
SAC-2001-AlhajjP #database #information management #object-oriented- Transferring database contents from a conventional information systemto a corresponding existing object oriented information system (RA, FP), pp. 220–224.
DATE-2000-CotaRABCL #reuse- Reuse of Existing Resources for Analog BIST of a Switch Capacitor Filte (ÉFC, MR, FA, YB, LC, ML), pp. 226–230.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2000-DuvalP #design pattern #interactive #kernel #object-oriented #using- Using the PAC-Amodeus Model and Design Patterns to Make Interactive an Existing Object-Oriented Kernel (TD, FP), pp. 407–418.
ICDAR-1999-Phillips #how #image #set- How to Extend and Bootstrap an Existing Data Set with Real-life Degraded Images (ITP), pp. 689–692.
ITiCSE-1999-PrestonS #assessment #online- Improving on-line assessment: an investigation of existing marking methodologies (JAP, RLS), pp. 29–32.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1999-ZendraC #eiffel #library- Adding External Iterators to an Existing Eiffel Class Library (OZ, DC), pp. 188–199.
RTA-1999-Marcinkowski #algebra #formal method- Undecidability of the exists*forall* Part of the Theory of Ground Term Algebra Modulo an AC Symbol (JM), pp. 92–102.
CIKM-1998-Sanderson #tool support- Accurate User Directed Summarizatiion from Existing Tools (MS), pp. 45–51.
ALP-PLILP-1998-ClearyL #using- Constructive Negation Using Typed Existence Properties (JGC, LL), pp. 411–426.
CSL-1998-Barthe #normalisation #type system- Existence and Uniqueness of Normal Forms in Pure Type Systems with βη-Conversion (GB), pp. 241–259.
HCI-CC-1997-ShihG #design #guidelines #question- Do Existing Menu Design Guidelines Work in Chinese? (HMS, RSG), pp. 161–164.
CSL-1997-KupfermanKY #reduction- Existence of Reduction Hierarchies (OK, RPK, MY), pp. 327–340.
OOPSLA-1996-Yelland #case study #design pattern #framework- Creating Host Compliance in a Portable Framework: A Study in the Use of Existing Design Patterns (PMY), pp. 18–29.
ICALP-1995-CosnardC #network- A Characterization of the Existence of Energies for Neural Networks (MC, EGC), pp. 570–580.
ICSE-1995-GarlanAO #architecture #why- Architectural Mismatch or Why It’s Hard to Build Systems Out Of Existing Parts (DG, RA, JO), pp. 179–185.
TRI-Ada-1994-Gilroy #problem #reuse- Interesting Problems in Transforming Existing Software for Reusability (KG), pp. 374–387.
SEKE-1994-CanforaLT #inheritance- Recovering object classes and inheritance relationships from existing code (GC, GADL, MT), pp. 233–240.
CADE-1994-ChazarainK #induction #proving- Mechanizable Inductive Proofs for a Class of Forall Exists Formulas (JC, EK), pp. 118–132.
CADE-1994-Hutter #induction #order #proving #synthesis- Synthesis of Induction Orderings for Existence Proofs (DH), pp. 29–41.
SIGMOD-1993-AnanthanarayananGKLP #approach #object-oriented #relational #using- Using the Co-existence Approach to Achieve Combined Functionality of Object-Oriented and Relational Systems (RA, VG, WK, TJL, HP), pp. 109–118.
ICSE-1993-DunnK #automation #detection #reuse- Automating the Detection of Reusable Parts in Existing Software (MFD, JCK), pp. 381–390.
STOC-1992-BroderFU #graph- Existence and Construction of Edge Disjoint Paths on Expander Graphs (AZB, AMF, EU), pp. 140–149.
CSL-1992-Smith #type system- Kleene’s Slash and Existence of Values of Open Terms in Type Theory (JMS), pp. 395–402.
CSL-1990-Stark #fixpoint #logic #on the- On the Existence of Fixpoints in Moore’s Autoepistemic Logic and the Non-Monotonic Logic of McDermott and Doyle (RFS), pp. 354–365.
HT-1989-MarshallI #how #hypermedia #online- Guided Tours and On-Line Presentations: How Authors Make Existing Hypertext Intelligible for Readers (CCM, PMI), pp. 15–26.
SEI-1989-Scoy #education #re-engineering- Developing an Undergraduate Software Engineering Curriculum within an Existing Computer Science Program (FLVS), pp. 294–303.
SEKE-1989-LiRPS #execution #hybrid #modelling #paradigm #simulation- A Hybrid Modeling Paradigm for Simulating Existing Software and Its Execution Environment (XL, AR, RP, JS), pp. 61–66.
CSL-1988-Priese #on the- On the Existence of Fair Schedulers (LP), pp. 272–287.
LICS-1988-AbadiL #refinement- The Existence of Refinement Mappings (MA, LL), pp. 165–175.
LICS-1988-GrabowskiH #effectiveness #hoare #logic #on the- On the Existence of Effective Hoare Logics (MG, HH), pp. 428–435.
STOC-1987-Allender #generative #pseudo- Some Consequences of the Existence of Pseudorandom Generators (EA), pp. 151–159.
ICALP-1984-AtzeniM #constraints #database #dependence #functional #null- Functional Dependencies and Disjunctive Existence Constraints in Database Relations with Null Values (PA, NMM), pp. 69–81.
CADE-1984-Mulmuley #proving #recursion- The Mechanization of Existence Proofs of Recursive Predicates (KM), pp. 460–475.
DAC-1982-McDermott #modelling- Transmission gate modeling in an existing three-value simulator (RMM), pp. 678–681.
ICALP-1982-Sipser #on the #set- On Relativization and the Existence of Complete Sets (MS), pp. 523–531.
DAC-1980-ThompsonKRRSB #functional #simulation- The incorporation of functional level element routines into an existing digital simulation system (EWT, PGK, WRRJ, DR, JS, RvB), pp. 394–401.
STOC-1969-Borodin #complexity #recursion- Complexity Classes of Recursive Functions and the Existence of Complexity Gaps (AB), pp. 67–78.