Travelled to:
1 × Germany
6 × USA
Collaborated with:
L.He H.Yu S.Chang H.Chen J.Xiong Y.Chen K.Lai J.Cong G.Luo B.Xiao V.Zolotov C.Visweswariah P.Mesa C.Lung Y.Su S.Huang T.Wang W.Wen M.Lee W.Hon F.Gong D.Kim J.Ren Y.Liu S.Hu J.Wu Y.Jin Y.Hu X.Li C.Zhang P.Deng H.Geng J.Liu Q.Zhu
Talks about:
yield (3) base (3) memcomput (2) structur (2) circuit (2) simul (2) awar (2) cyberattack (1) triangular (1) constraint (1)
Person: Yiyu Shi
DBLP: Shi:Yiyu
Contributed to:
Wrote 12 papers:
- DAC-2015-LiuHWSJHL #assessment #detection #smarttech
- Impact assessment of net metering on smart home cyberattack detection (YL, SH, JW, YS, YJ, YH, XL), p. 6.
- DAC-2014-ChenWLWSC #design #monitoring #scalability
- Critical Path Monitor Enabled Dynamic Voltage Scaling for Graceful Degradation in Sub-Threshold Designs (YGC, TW, KYL, WYW, YS, SCC), p. 6.
- DATE-2014-ChenLLSHC #3d
- Yield and timing constrained spare TSV assignment for three-dimensional integrated circuits (YGC, KYL, MCL, YS, WKH, SCC), pp. 1–4.
- DATE-2014-ShiC #named
- Memcomputing: The cape of good hope: [Extended special session description] (YS, HMC), pp. 1–3.
- DATE-2014-ZhangDGLZXS #framework #named #simulation
- MSim: A general cycle accurate simulation platform for memcomputing studies (CZ, PD, HG, JL, QZ, JX, YS), pp. 1–5.
- DAC-2011-CongLS #3d
- Thermal-aware cell and through-silicon-via co-placement for 3D ICs (JC, GL, YS), pp. 670–675.
- DAC-2011-LungSHSC #3d #fault tolerance #network
- Fault-tolerant 3D clock network (CLL, YSS, SHH, YS, SCC), pp. 645–651.
- DAC-2010-GongYSKRH #constraints #estimation #named #parametricity #performance
- QuickYield: an efficient global-search based parametric yield estimation with performance constraints (FG, HY, YS, DK, JR, LH), pp. 392–397.
- DAC-2010-XiaoSH #algorithm
- A universal state-of-charge algorithm for batteries (BX, YS, LH), pp. 687–692.
- DAC-2009-XiongSZV #multi #process #statistics
- Statistical multilayer process space coverage for at-speed test (JX, YS, VZ, CV), pp. 340–345.
- DAC-2006-ShiMYH #simulation
- Circuit simulation based obstacle-aware Steiner routing (YS, PM, HY, LH), pp. 385–388.
- DAC-2006-YuSH #analysis #grid #order #performance #power management #reduction
- Fast analysis of structured power grid by triangularization based structure preserving model order reduction (HY, YS, LH), pp. 205–210.