198 papers:
DAC-2015-ChenH #equivalence #logic #probability- Equivalence among stochastic logic circuits and its application (THC, JPH), p. 6.
ICSME-2015-NishikawaWFOM #traceability #transitive- Recovering transitive traceability links among software artifacts (KN, HW, YF, KO, RM), pp. 576–580.
CHI-2015-DillahuntM #community- The Promise of the Sharing Economy among Disadvantaged Communities (TD, ARM), pp. 2285–2294.
CHI-2015-StrohmayerCB #learning #people- Exploring Learning Ecologies among People Experiencing Homelessness (AS, RC, MB), pp. 2275–2284.
CSCW-2015-WangNMRW #social #social media #student- Coming of Age (Digitally): An Ecological View of Social Media Use among College Students (YW, MN, GM, SMR, MW), pp. 571–582.
HCI-IT-2015-DavidC- Living Among Screens in the City (BD, RC), pp. 509–518.
HIMI-IKC-2015-NakamuraTA #design #student- Proposal of an Instructional Design Support System Based on Consensus Among Academic Staff and Students (SN, TT, TA), pp. 370–377.
LCT-2015-YildirimC #comprehension #student- Understanding Nomophobia: A Modern Age Phobia Among College Students (CY, APC), pp. 724–735.
SCSM-2015-BeldadK #facebook #risk management- It’s Not About the Risks, I’m just Used to Doing It: Disclosure of Personal Information on Facebook Among Adolescent Dutch Users (ADB, RK), pp. 185–195.
ICEIS-v2-2015-ThommazoCHGPBF #complexity #dependence #requirements #testing #using- Using the Dependence Level Among Requirements to Priorize the Regression Testing Set and Characterize the Complexity of Requirements Change (ADT, KC, EMH, GG, JP, AB, SF), pp. 231–241.
SAC-2015-ChengCCHT #deployment #smarttech- The deployment of shared data objects among handheld and wearable devices (SWC, CWC, YHC, PCH, CHT), pp. 2245–2251.
LICS-2015-AtseriasB #probability- Entailment among Probabilistic Implications (AA, JLB), pp. 621–632.
ASE-2014-PalepuJ #dynamic analysis #slicing- Discriminating influences among instructions in a dynamic slice (VKP, JAJ), pp. 37–42.
ITiCSE-2014-LakanenIL #comprehension #difference #student- Understanding differences among coding club students (AJL, VI, VL), pp. 159–164.
ICPC-2014-VasquezKMSPG #anti #java #matter #metric #mobile- Domain matters: bringing further evidence of the relationships among anti-patterns, application domains, and quality-related metrics in Java mobile apps (MLV, SK, CM, AS, DP, YGG), pp. 232–243.
CHI-2014-LeeLKLKYYGCS #case study #smarttech #student- Hooked on smartphones: an exploratory study on smartphone overuse among college students (UL, JL, MK, CL, YK, SY, KY, GG, KMC, JS), pp. 2327–2336.
CSCW-2014-DillahuntM #comprehension #energy- Understanding factors of successful engagement around energy consumption between and among households (TD, JM), pp. 1246–1257.
CSCW-2014-ForteDMA #network #online #social #student #what- What do teens ask their online social networks?: social search practices among high school students (AF, MD, RMM, DEA), pp. 28–37.
CSCW-2014-MatthewsWBS #collaboration #community #social #tool support- Beyond end user content to collaborative knowledge mapping: interrelations among community social tools (TM, SW, HB, BAS), pp. 900–910.
CSCW-2014-Quinones- Cultivating practice & shepherding technology use: supporting appropriation among unanticipated users (PAQ), pp. 305–318.
CSCW-2014-Vitak #facebook #maintenance #strict- Facebook makes the heart grow fonder: relationship maintenance strategies among geographically dispersed and communication-restricted connections (JV), pp. 842–853.
DHM-2014-AbibBA #communication #comprehension #process- Understanding and Facilitating the Communication Process among Healthcare Professionals (JCA, AOB, JCA), pp. 313–324.
ICEIS-v2-2014-BalikJ #adaptation #api #rest- RESTful User Model API for the Exchange of User’s Preferences among Adaptive Systems (MB, IJ), pp. 627–634.
ICEIS-v3-2014-SilvaA14a #design pattern #semantics- Adding Semantic Relations among Design Patterns (MARS, JCA), pp. 46–56.
FSE-2014-Bell #dependence #detection #testing- Detecting, isolating, and enforcing dependencies among and within test cases (JB), pp. 799–802.
SPLC-2014-ShakerA #behaviour #interactive #product line- Behaviour interactions among product-line features (PS, JMA), pp. 242–246.
HT-2013-BellFFNHF #social #social media- Examining social media use among older adults (CB, CBF, SF, JN, LH, WBF), pp. 158–163.
CSEET-2013-MacKellar #coordination #re-engineering #student- Analyzing coordination among students in a software engineering project course (BM), pp. 279–283.
ITiCSE-2013-Al-SubaihinA #developer #mobile- Raising awareness of mobile widgets among developers (AAAS, HSAK), p. 337.
CHI-2013-OdomZFHMCLNLLKRSSM #comprehension- Fragmentation and transition: understanding perceptions of virtual possessions among young adults in Spain, South Korea and the United States (WO, JZ, JF, ALH, MM, JC, YKL, TJN, MHL, YL, DjK, YKR, JS, BS, HM), pp. 1833–1842.
CSCW-2013-GrayEVL #facebook- Who wants to know?: question-asking and answering practices among facebook users (RG, NBE, JV, CL), pp. 1213–1224.
DHM-HB-2013-WiezerRO #game studies- Serious Gaming Used as Management Intervention to Prevent Work-Related Stress and Raise Work-Engagement among Workers (NW, MBR, EO), pp. 149–158.
HIMI-LCCB-2013-TakadamaSHISHSY #comprehension #interactive #multi #towards- Towards Understanding of Relationship among Pareto Optimal Solutions in Multi-dimensional Space via Interactive System (KT, YS, TH, YI, KS, KH, HS, TY), pp. 137–146.
EDOC-2013-NagelGEP #consistency #modelling #process- Ensuring Consistency among Business Goals and Business Process Models (BN, CG, GE, JP), pp. 17–26.
CIKM-2013-DasLM #how #wiki- Manipulation among the arbiters of collective intelligence: how wikipedia administrators mold public opinion (SD, AL, MMI), pp. 1097–1106.
ICML-c3-2013-SabatoK #multi- Feature Multi-Selection among Subjective Features (SS, AK), pp. 810–818.
KEOD-2013-Surynek #bibliography #collaboration #web- A Survey of Collaborative Web Search — Through Collaboration among Search Engine Users to More Relevant Results (PS), pp. 331–336.
RecSys-2013-Shi #approach #graph #recommendation #similarity- Trading-off among accuracy, similarity, diversity, and long-tail: a graph-based recommendation approach (LS), pp. 57–64.
SEKE-2013-BassoWPO #how #question #reuse #tool support- How do You Execute Reuse Tasks Among Tools? (FPB, CMLW, RMP, TCO), pp. 721–726.
SAC-2013-MehtaRCN #approach #dependence #using- Selecting among alternatives using dependencies: an NFR approach (RM, TRL, LC, MN), pp. 1292–1297.
CGO-2013-ChouhanRB #interactive #profiling- Pertinent path profiling: Tracking interactions among relevant statements (RC, SR, SB), p. 12.
CASE-2012-CabasinoGMS #comparison #tool support- A comparison among tools for the diagnosability of discrete event systems (MPC, AG, LM, CS), pp. 218–223.
CHI-2012-MullerEMPRG #community #enterprise #online #social #social media- Diversity among enterprise online communities: collaborating, teaming, and innovating through social media (MM, KE, TM, AP, IR, IG), pp. 2815–2824.
CSCW-2012-AntinCN #behaviour #editing- Technology-mediated contributions: editing behaviors among new wikipedians (JA, CC, ON), pp. 373–382.
CSCW-2012-OrenG #distributed #named- ConvoCons: a tool for building affinity among distributed team members (MAO, SBG), pp. 1213–1222.
CSCW-2012-WycheG #case study #communication #how #product line #quote- “This is how we do it in my country”: a study of computer-mediated family communication among Kenyan migrants in the United States (SW, REG), pp. 87–96.
KDD-2012-SchifanellaCCA #dependence #named #web- D-INDEX: a web environment for analyzing dependences among scientific collaborators (CS, LDC, MC, MAA), pp. 1520–1523.
SEKE-2012-HumayunG #empirical #trust #using- An Empirical Study on Improving Trust among GSD Teams Using KMR (MH, GC), pp. 131–134.
ICSE-2012-Blincoe12a #collaboration #coordination #detection #developer #requirements- Timely detection of Coordination Requirements to support collaboration among software developers (KB), pp. 1601–1603.
ICSE-2012-Faghih #modelling- Model translations among big-step modeling languages (FF), pp. 1555–1558.
PLEASE-2012-QuintonDHMC #feature model #modelling #using- Using feature modelling and automations to select among cloud solutions (CQ, LD, PH, SM, EC), pp. 17–20.
CBSE-2011-SaudraisC #automation #component- Automatic relocation of AUTOSAR components among several ECUs (SS, KC), pp. 199–204.
DAC-2011-HuangY #algorithm- An exact algorithm for the construction of rectilinear Steiner minimum trees among complex obstacles (TH, EFYY), pp. 164–169.
HT-2011-NemotoGL #collaboration #editing #performance #social #wiki- Social capital increases efficiency of collaboration among Wikipedia editors (KN, PAG, RL), pp. 231–240.
WCRE-2011-KashimaHYMI #reuse- An Investigation into the Impact of Software Licenses on Copy-and-paste Reuse among OSS Projects (YK, YH, NY, YM, KI), pp. 28–32.
CHI-2011-EricksonSKL #evaluation #interactive- Synchronous interaction among hundreds: an evaluation of a conference in an avatar-based virtual environment (TE, NSS, WAK, DWL), pp. 503–512.
CHI-2011-GolbeckH #twitter- Computing political preference among twitter followers (JG, DLH), pp. 1105–1108.
CSCW-2011-KanaiK #communication- A menu-planning support system to facilitate communication among neighbors (HK, KK), pp. 661–664.
CSCW-2011-ReynoldsGMMVWBH #student- Contact stratification and deception: blackberry messenger versus SMS use among students (LR, SG, JM, ZM, PV, AW, JPB, JTH), pp. 221–224.
HCD-2011-HashizumeYK #experience #people #user interface- Real User Experience of ICT Devices among Elderly People (AH, TY, MK), pp. 227–234.
HIMI-v2-2011-SakamotoNI #collaboration #multi #off the shelf- Dodging Window Interference to Freely Share Any Off-the-Shelf Application among Multiple Users in Co-located Collaboration (SS, MN, TI), pp. 305–314.
KEOD-2011-PileggiFT #ecosystem #network #semantics- Enabling Semantic Ecosystems among Heterogeneous Cognitive Networks (SFP, CFL, VT), pp. 487–492.
RecSys-2011-SekoYMM #behaviour #recommendation #representation #using- Group recommendation using feature space representing behavioral tendency and power balance among members (SS, TY, MM, SyM), pp. 101–108.
SAC-2011-HorkoffY #how #modelling- Analyzing goal models: different approaches and how to choose among them (JH, ESKY), pp. 675–682.
ESEC-FSE-2011-BarzilayHY #developer #social #social media #using- Using social media to study the diversity of example usage among professional developers (OB, OH, AY), pp. 472–475.
PPoPP-2011-LuchangcoM #concurrent #transaction- Transaction communicators: enabling cooperation among concurrent transactions (VL, VJM), pp. 169–178.
CASE-2010-ZengB #mobile #predict- Collision avoidance for nonholonomic mobile robots among unpredictable dynamic obstacles including humans (LZ, GMB), pp. 940–947.
VLDB-2010-YiuUST #detection #mobile #performance #policy #proximity #self- Efficient Proximity Detection among Mobile Users via Self-Tuning Policies (MLY, LHU, SS, KT), pp. 985–996.
ICSM-2010-GethersP #modelling #object-oriented #relational #topic #using- Using Relational Topic Models to capture coupling among classes in object-oriented software systems (MG, DP), pp. 1–10.
MSR-2010-JuzgadoV #difference #re-engineering #using- Using differences among replications of software engineering experiments to gain knowledge (NJJ, SV).
CHI-2010-DubroyB #case study- A study of tabbed browsing among mozilla firefox users (PD, RB), pp. 673–682.
CSCW-2010-RobersonN #social- Survival needs and social inclusion: technology use among the homeless (JR, BAN), pp. 445–448.
CIKM-2010-LiQKG #automation #constraints #model merging #using- Automatic schema merging using mapping constraints among incomplete sources (XL, CQ, DK, SG), pp. 299–308.
SAC-2010-LamprierASL #clustering- Traveling among clusters: a way to reconsider the benefits of the cluster hypothesis (SL, TA, FS, BL), pp. 1774–1780.
SAC-2010-MengleG #category theory #mining- Mining temporal relationships among categories (SSRM, NG), pp. 1107–1108.
SAC-2010-NepomucenoLA #clustering #correlation #linear #metaheuristic- Evolutionary metaheuristic for biclustering based on linear correlations among genes (JAN, ATL, JSAR), pp. 1143–1147.
ICDAR-2009-AlyUFS #classification #statistics- Statistical Classification of Spatial Relationships among Mathematical Symbols (WA, SU, AF, MS), pp. 1350–1354.
CSEET-2009-RamingwongSI #case study #multi #student- A Study on a Multidimensional Model of Mum Effect among IT Students (SR, ASMS, LI), pp. 69–76.
ITiCSE-2009-AndersonL #collaboration #community #learning #student- Exploring technologies for building collaborative learning communities among diverse student populations (NA, CCL), pp. 243–247.
ITiCSE-2009-Perrenet #difference #student- Differences in beliefs and attitudes about computer science among students and faculty of the bachelor program (JP), pp. 129–133.
LATA-2009-LopatkovaH #segmentation- Segmentation Charts for Czech — Relations among Segments in Complex Sentences (ML, TH), pp. 542–553.
CHI-2009-SauroL #correlation #metric #prototype #usability- Correlations among prototypical usability metrics: evidence for the construct of usability (JS, JRL), pp. 1609–1618.
HCD-2009-HashizumeKY #communication #difference- Regional Difference in the Use of Cell Phone and Other Communication Media among Senior Users (AH, MK, TY), pp. 426–435.
HCI-NT-2009-KweonCC #comparison #interactive #internet- Interaction Comparison among Media Internet Genre (SHK, EJC, AJC), pp. 455–464.
HCI-VAD-2009-AliSLB #student- Developing, Deploying and Assessing Usage of a Movie Archive System among Students of Film Studies (NMA, AFS, HL, PB), pp. 567–576.
HCI-VAD-2009-BaldirisFMG #adaptation #machine learning- Adaptation Decisions and Profiles Exchange among Open Learning Management Systems Based on Agent Negotiations and Machine Learning Techniques (SB, RF, CM, SG), pp. 12–20.
HIMI-DIE-2009-TaguchiKT- A Method for Evaluating the Relationship among Four Perspectives of the Balanced Scorecard (YT, TK, TT), pp. 163–170.
HIMI-II-2009-SawaragiIHN #approach #identification #using- Identifying Latent Similarities among Near-Miss Incident Records Using a Text-Mining Method and a Scenario-Based Approach (TS, KI, YH, HN), pp. 594–603.
OCSC-2009-WuO #bibliography #online- Medication Adherence among the Elderly and Technology Aids: Results from an Online Survey Study (HW, AAO), pp. 719–727.
ICEIS-DISI-2009-RomeuAC #integration #metric #using- Integration Method Among BSC, CMMI and Six Sigma using GQM to Support Measurement Definition (MIBCIS) (LR, JA, AC), pp. 171–176.
KMIS-2009-CronholmG #development- Competence Development Among IT-consultants — The Need for Collective and Structured Reflection (SC, GG), pp. 258–261.
SIGIR-2009-SmuckerAC #evaluation #information retrieval #statistics #testing- Agreement among statistical significance tests for information retrieval evaluation at varying sample sizes (MDS, JA, BC), pp. 630–631.
PODS-2008-GollapudiP #power of #similarity- The power of two min-hashes for similarity search among hierarchical data objects (SG, RP), pp. 211–220.
SIGMOD-2008-PatelHL #classification #mining- Mining relationships among interval-based events for classification (DP, WH, MLL), pp. 393–404.
CHI-2008-DantecE #design- Designs on dignity: perceptions of technology among the homeless (CALD, WKE), pp. 627–636.
ICEIS-DISI-2008-BarchettiBMS #framework #multi- A Framework to Support Interoperability and Multi-Channel Delivery Among Heterogeneous Systems: TRAME Project (UB, AB, LM, SSS), pp. 179–189.
ICEIS-ISAS1-2008-OhgrenS #bibliography #enterprise #ontology- Do SME Need Ontologies? — Results from a Survey among Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (AÖ, KS), pp. 104–111.
CIKM-2008-AlqadahB08a #clustering #detection #set- Detecting significant distinguishing sets among bi-clusters (FA, RB), pp. 1455–1456.
SAC-2008-MengleGP #category theory #classification #using- Discovering relationships among categories using misclassification information (SSRM, NG, AP), pp. 932–937.
MSR-2007-German #open source #using- Using Software Distributions to Understand the Relationship among Free and Open Source Software Projects (DMG), p. 24.
CHI-2007-HornbaekL #correlation #metric #usability- Meta-analysis of correlations among usability measures (KH, ELCL), pp. 617–626.
CHI-2007-TangDSWSL #social- Exploring patterns of social commonality among file directories at work (JCT, CD, MS, FW, AES, TAL), pp. 951–960.
CHI-2007-WongOORYF #multi- Sharing a single expert among multiple partners (JW, LMO, JO, CPR, JY, SRF), pp. 261–270.
HIMI-IIE-2007-MitsumotoW #email #people #visual notation- Exchanging Graphical Emails Among Elderly People and Kindergarten Children (MM, SHW), pp. 74–83.
HIMI-IIE-2007-MiwaIHS- Shadow Arts-Communication: System Supporting Communicability for Encounter Among Remote Groups (YM, SI, SH, DS), pp. 84–94.
ICEIS-SAIC-2007-CastroS #towards- Towards Cooperation Among Competitive Trader Agents (PALdC, JSS), pp. 138–143.
ECIR-2007-AslamP #estimation #multi #query #using- Query Hardness Estimation Using Jensen-Shannon Divergence Among Multiple Scoring Functions (JAA, VP), pp. 198–209.
MLDM-2007-WuLLY #documentation #xml- Discovering Relations Among Entities from XML Documents (YW, QL, WL, HY), pp. 899–910.
RE-2007-GandhiL #assessment #certification #comprehension #correlation #multi #requirements #risk management- Discovering and Understanding Multi-dimensional Correlations among Certification Requirements with application to Risk Assessment (RAG, SWL), pp. 231–240.
SAC-2007-AnderssonGLW- Reporting leadership patterns among trajectories (MA, JG, PL, TW), pp. 3–7.
SAC-2007-LauwLP- TUBE (Text-cUBE) for discovering documentary evidence of associations among entities (HWL, EPL, HP), pp. 824–828.
SAC-2007-SawaiSKHN #ad hoc #consistency #network- Quorum-based consistency management among replicas in ad hoc networks with data update (YS, MS, AK, TH, SN), pp. 955–956.
PPoPP-2007-ZhangSZSG #concurrent- Optimized lock assignment and allocation: a method for exploiting concurrency among critical sections (YZ, VCS, WZ, VS, GRG), pp. 146–147.
DAC-2006-HuaMSSMJD #3d- Exploring compromises among timing, power and temperature in three-dimensional integrated circuits (HH, CM, KS, AMS, SM, RJ, WRD), pp. 997–1002.
STOC-2006-GoldbergP #equilibrium #problem- Reducibility among equilibrium problems (PWG, CHP), pp. 61–70.
ICALP-v1-2006-FotakisKS #game studies- Atomic Congestion Games Among Coalitions (DF, SCK, PGS), pp. 572–583.
ICEIS-SAIC-2006-MartinelliSS #using- E-Procurement Adoption among Italian Firms by Using Domain Names (MM, IS, MS), pp. 124–131.
ICPR-v2-2006-Lu #evaluation #similarity- Joint Distributions based on DFB and Gaussian Mixtures for Evaluation of Style Similarity among Paintings (XL), pp. 865–868.
MoDELS-2006-GarousiBL #analysis #behaviour #dependence #distributed #modelling #uml #visualisation- Analysis and Visualization of Behavioral Dependencies Among Distributed Objects Based on UML Models (VG, LCB, YL), pp. 365–379.
MoDELS-2006-TaleghaniA #semantics #uml- Semantic Variations Among UML StateMachines (AT, JMA), pp. 245–259.
MoDELS-2006-GarousiBL #analysis #behaviour #dependence #distributed #modelling #uml #visualisation- Analysis and Visualization of Behavioral Dependencies Among Distributed Objects Based on UML Models (VG, LCB, YL), pp. 365–379.
MoDELS-2006-TaleghaniA #semantics #uml- Semantic Variations Among UML StateMachines (AT, JMA), pp. 245–259.
SAC-2006-AgostiFO #automation #graph #image- Graph-based automatic suggestion of relationships among images of illuminated manuscripts (MA, NF, NO), pp. 1063–1067.
ITiCSE-2005-AhmadzadehEH #analysis #debugging #student- An analysis of patterns of debugging among novice computer science students (MA, DE, CH), pp. 84–88.
ITiCSE-2005-Lindholm #development #student- Development of object-understanding among students in the humanities (ML), p. 382.
WICSA-2004-RoshandelSMGZ #architecture #comprehension #modelling #trade-off- Understanding Tradeoffs among Different Architectural Modeling Approaches (RR, BRS, NM, DG, DZ), pp. 47–56.
ICEIS-v2-2004-KooptiwootS #mining #set #using- Mining the Relationships in the Form of the Predisposing Factors and Coincident Factors Among Numerical Dynamic Attributes in Time Series Data Set by Using the Combination of Some Existing Techniques (SK, MAS), pp. 327–334.
ICEIS-v5-2004-PengV #automation #mobile #navigation- Automatic Navigation Among Mobile DTV Services (CP, PV), pp. 140–145.
KDD-2004-ZhangZK #approach #category theory #data mining #image #mining #modelling- A data mining approach to modeling relationships among categories in image collection (RZ, Z(Z, SK), pp. 749–754.
VLDB-2003-MadhavanH #data flow- Composing Mappings Among Data Sources (JM, AYH), pp. 572–583.
ITiCSE-2003-BarkerG03a #experience #student #why- Why project courses sometimes widen the experience gap among students (LJB, KGD), p. 258.
ITiCSE-2003-MoormanJ #student #towards- Still a stranger here: attitudes among secondary school students towards computer science (PM, EJ), pp. 193–197.
ICSM-2003-JohnsonD #experience #information management #legacy #reverse engineering #using- Experience in developing interoperations among legacy information systems using partial reverse engineering (MJ, CNGD), pp. 369–372.
CIKM-2003-MiuraS #information retrieval #music #similarity- Similarity among melodies for music information retrieval (TM, IS), pp. 61–68.
SIGIR-2003-BartlettT #data flow- Discovering and structuring information flow among bioinformatics resources (JCB, EGT), pp. 411–412.
ICSE-2003-SarmaNH #configuration management #named- Palantír: Raising Awareness among Configuration Management Workspaces (AS, ZN, AvdH), pp. 444–454.
SOSP-2003-CoxN #named #peer-to-peer- Samsara: honor among thieves in peer-to-peer storage (LPC, BDN), pp. 120–132.
DATE-2002-LuchettaMP #comparison #fault- Critical Comparison among Some Analog Fault Diagnosis Procedures Based on Symbolic Techniques (AL, SM, MCP), p. 1105.
ICML-2002-BockhorstC #concept- Exploiting Relations Among Concepts to Acquire Weakly Labeled Training Data (JB, MC), pp. 43–50.
LSO-2002-HofmannW #approach #community #learning- Building Communities among Software Engineers: The ViSEK Approach to Intra- and Inter-Organizational Learning (BH, VW), pp. 25–33.
ECOOP-2002-CzajkowskiDN #virtual machine- Code Sharing among Virtual Machines (GC, LD, NN), pp. 155–177.
ICSE-2002-PaceC #architecture #aspect-oriented #framework #object-oriented- An object-oriented bridge among architectural styles, aspects and frameworks (JADP, MRC), p. 717.
ICDAR-2001-WatanabeS #estimation- Estimation of Home-Address Numbers on the Basis of Relationships and Directions among House Blocks (TW, TS), p. 1245–?.
PODS-2001-CohenNS #query- Equivalences among Aggregate Queries with Negation (SC, WN, YS).
FASE-2001-PingerE #communication #composition- Compositional Checking of Communication among Observers (RP, HDE), pp. 32–44.
FME-2001-Katz #modelling #specification- Faithful Translations among Models and Specifications (SK), pp. 419–434.
ICEIS-v1-2001-LopesMNC- Conflict and Negotiation among Intentional Agents (FL, NJM, AQN, HC), pp. 353–360.
ICEIS-v2-2001-JohnsonD #category theory #enterprise #information management #modelling #specification #using- Enterprise Information Systems: Specifying the Links among Project Data Models Using Category Theory (MJ, CNGD), pp. 619–626.
CIKM-2000-BellatrecheKS #on the #performance- On Efficient Storage Space Distribution Among Materialized Views and Indices in Data Warehousing Environments (LB, KK, MS), pp. 397–404.
KDD-2000-Catlett #data mining #mining #privacy- Among those dark electronic mills: privacy and data mining (invited talk, abstract only) (JC), p. 4.
DAC-1999-YimK #design- Reducing Cross-Coupling Among Interconnect Wires in Deep-Submicron Datapath Design (JSY, CMK), pp. 485–490.
HCI-EI-1999-FukuzumiY #case study- Study on Stress Management — Relationship among Body Sway, Eye Accomodation, and Mental Fatigue by VDT Work - (SF, TY), pp. 79–83.
HCI-EI-1999-KinoeM #idea- Discovering Latent Relationships among Ideas: A Methodology for Facilitating New Idea Creation (YK, HM), pp. 1242–1246.
HCI-EI-1999-LaursenJR #performance- Performance and Muscle Load among Young and Elderly (BL, BRJ, AR), pp. 89–92.
HCI-EI-1999-SkybergSWVLD #health #reduction- Health Improvements Among VDU Workers after Reduction of the Airborne Dust in the Office. — Three Double-blind Intervention Studies (KS, KS, EW, AIV, FL, PD), pp. 61–64.
HCI-EI-1999-VeierstedF- Indoor Foliage Plants Reduce Mucous Membrane and Neuropsychological Discomfort Among Office Workers (KBV, TF), pp. 65–68.
ICEIS-1999-LopesMCN- Negotiation Among Intentional Agents (FL, NJM, HC, AQN), p. 768.
PODS-1998-NuttSS #query- Deciding Equivalences Among Aggregate Queries (WN, YS, SS), pp. 214–223.
ICSM-2000-Wallnau #component #coordination #legacy- Repairing coordination mismatches among legacy components (KCW), p. 302.
HCI-CC-1997-Carayon #quality- Longitudinal Studies of Quality of Working Life and Stress Among Computer Users (PC), pp. 361–364.
HCI-CC-1997-MatiasS #modelling #predict- Predictive Models of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Among Office Personnel (ACM, GS), pp. 529–532.
HCI-CC-1997-PiamonteOA- Evaluating Telecom Icons Among Asian Countries (DPP, KO, JDAA), pp. 169–172.
HCI-CC-1997-SkybergSEVG #health #problem- Electric Fields, Dust and Health Problems Among VDU-Users in an Office Environment: An Intervention Program (KS, KS, EW, AIV, LOG), pp. 655–657.
HCI-SEC-1997-MorrisH #library- Potential Key Stress Factors Among Academic Library Assistants (AM, SH), pp. 407–410.
SAC-1997-SiLL97a #approach #database #documentation #modelling- A data modeling approach to the seamless information exchange among structured documents and databases (AS, HVL, RWHL), pp. 78–87.
KDD-1996-ChanS #database #modelling- Sharing Learned Models among Remote Database Partitions by Local Meta-Learning (PKC, SJS), pp. 2–7.
DAC-1995-WuL- Register Minimization beyond Sharing among Variables (TYW, YLL), pp. 164–169.
CIKM-1995-SuLAYY #knowledge base #rule-based- An Extensible Knowledge Base Management System for Supporting Rule-based Interoperability among Heterogeneous Systems (SYWS, HL, JAAF, TFY, ZY), pp. 1–10.
CIKM-1995-YangP #approach #configuration management #multi- A Configurable Approach for Object Sharing Among Multidatabase Systems (JY, MPP), pp. 129–136.
ECOOP-1995-SatohT #distributed #interactive #realtime- Time and Asynchrony in Interactions among Distributed Real-Time Objects (IS, MT), pp. 331–350.
SAC-1995-JungG #automation #knowledge base #visualisation- Automatic determination and visualization of relationships among symptoms for building medical knowledge bases (GSJ, VNG), pp. 101–107.
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