219 papers:
DAC-2015-ZolotovF #integer #linear #programming- Variation aware cross-talk aggressor alignment by mixed integer linear programming (VZ, PF), p. 6.
SIGMOD-2015-ArulrajPD #database #memory management- Let’s Talk About Storage & Recovery Methods for Non-Volatile Memory Database Systems (JA, AP, SD), pp. 707–722.
CHI-2015-BrookerVSBFL #social #social media #twitter- Debating Poverty Porn on Twitter: Social Media as a Place for Everyday Socio-Political Talk (PB, JV, SS, JB, TF, SWL), pp. 3177–3186.
CHI-2015-KoemanKR #approach #distributed #exclamation #quote #visualisation- “Everyone Is Talking about It!”: A Distributed Approach to Urban Voting Technology and Visualisations (LK, VK, YR), pp. 3127–3136.
CSCW-2015-KimL #comprehension #mobile- Dwelling Places in KakaoTalk: Understanding the Roles and Meanings of Chatrooms in Mobile Instant Messengers (DjK, YKL), pp. 775–784.
SCSM-2015-KunchiS #social #social media- Talking Circles: Spiritual Aid for Teenagers Through Social Media (MK, SS), pp. 39–47.
ECOOP-2015-Choi #in the large #internet #programming- Programming in the Large for the Internet of Things (Invited Talk) (JDC), p. 2.
ECOOP-2015-Stroustrup #inheritance #object-oriented #programming- Object-Oriented Programming without Inheritance (Invited Talk) (BS), p. 1.
ECOOP-2015-Summers #stack #verification- Software Verification “Across the Stack” (Invited Talk) (AJS), p. 3.
CSL-2015-Abadi- The Prophecy of Timely Rollback (Invited Talk) (MA), p. 1.
CSL-2015-CarapelleL #constraints #logic- Temporal Logics with Local Constraints (Invited Talk) (CC, ML), pp. 2–13.
CSL-2015-Williams- Thinking Algorithmically About Impossibility (Invited Talk) (RRW), pp. 14–23.
RTA-2015-Kirchner #data analysis #graph- Port Graphs, Rules and Strategies for Dynamic Data Analytics — Extended Abstract (Invited Talk) (HK), pp. 1–4.
RTA-2015-Rosu #logic- Matching Logic — Extended Abstract (Invited Talk) (GR), pp. 5–21.
RTA-2015-Talcott #execution #formal method #logic #modelling- Executable Formal Models in Rewriting Logic (Invited Talk) (CLT), p. 22.
ASE-2014-Floridi #design #logic- Keynote talk: the logic of information design (LF), pp. 1–2.
ASE-2014-Larsson #case study #experience #industrial #lifecycle- Keynote talk: experiences from developing industrial software systems with long lifecycles (ML), pp. 5–6.
ASE-2014-Voronkov- Keynote talk: EasyChair (AV), pp. 3–4.
HT-2014-0001IAS #on the #predict- On the predictability of talk attendance at academic conferences (CS, JI, MA, GS), pp. 279–284.
ICPC-2014-WenT #clustering #evaluation #product line- The MoJo family: a story about clustering evaluation (invited talk) (ZW, VT), p. 2.
CHI-2014-KayeMGS- Money talks: tracking personal finances (JJK, MM, RG, DAS), pp. 521–530.
CSCW-2014-HwangYHYLMKS #mobile #named- TalkBetter: family-driven mobile intervention care for children with language delay (IH, CY, CH, DY, YL, CM, JK, JS), pp. 1283–1296.
DUXU-DI-2014-NeidlingerJ #quantum- Sound Bending — Talking Bodies Quantum Sound Suits (KN, WJ), pp. 598–605.
FSE-2014-Chandra- Are you getting traction? tales from the tech transfer trenches (invited talk) (SC), p. 5.
FSE-2014-Lam #named #network #social- Omlet: a revolution against big-brother social networks (invited talk) (MSL), p. 1.
FSE-2014-Penix #case study #developer #experience #tool support- Experiences developing tools for developers (invited talk) (JP), p. 4.
FSE-2014-TsayDH #git- Let’s talk about it: evaluating contributions through discussion in GitHub (JT, LD, JDH), pp. 144–154.
FSE-2014-Wolf #re-engineering- From software engineering to software systems (invited talk) (ALW), p. 2.
FSE-2014-Zimmermann- Data hard with a vengeance (invited talk) (TZ), p. 6.
RTA-TLCA-2014-Schmidt-Schauss #analysis #concurrent #programming language #semantics- Concurrent Programming Languages and Methods for Semantic Analyses (Extended Abstract of Invited Talk) (MSS), pp. 21–30.
GT-VMT-2013-Corradini #concurrent #semantics- Invited Talk: On the Concurrent Semantics of Transformation Systems with Negative Application Conditions (AC).
GT-VMT-2013-Giese #behaviour #graph transformation #probability- Invited Talk: Extensions of Graph Transformation Systems for Timed, Continuous, and Probabilistic Behavior (HG).
CHI-2013-ObristSS #case study #experience- Talking about tactile experiences (MO, SAS, SS), pp. 1659–1668.
HCI-IMT-2013-AnastasiouJW #evaluation #interactive- Evaluation of WikiTalk — User Studies of Human-Robot Interaction (DA, KJ, GW), pp. 32–42.
VISSOFT-2013-Wijk #case study #experience #lessons learnt #visualisation- Keynote talk: Information visualization: Experiences and lessons learned (JJvW), p. 1.
KEOD-2013-LepperT #named- tScore: Makes Computers and Humans Talk About Time (ML, BTyW), pp. 176–183.
SIGIR-2013-PappasP #analysis #collaboration #sentiment- Sentiment analysis of user comments for one-class collaborative filtering over ted talks (NP, APB), pp. 773–776.
CSL-2013-Dershowitz- Res Publica: The Universal Model of Computation (Invited Talk) (ND), pp. 5–10.
CSL-2013-Girard #logic- Three lightings of logic (Invited Talk) (JYG), pp. 11–23.
CSL-2013-Oitavem #nondeterminism #recursion- From determinism, non-determinism and alternation to recursion schemes for P, NP and Pspace (Invited Talk) (IO), pp. 24–27.
CSL-2013-Tendera- Means and Limits of Decision (Invited Talk) (LT), pp. 28–29.
RTA-2013-Kari #automaton #generative- Pattern Generation by Cellular Automata (Invited Talk) (JK), pp. 1–3.
RTA-2013-Okada #multi #term rewriting- Husserl and Hilbert on Completeness and Husserl’s Term Rewrite-based Theory of Multiplicity (Invited Talk) (MO), pp. 4–19.
RTA-2013-VytiniotisJ #normalisation- Evidence Normalization in System FC (Invited Talk) (DV, SLPJ), pp. 20–38.
FM-2012-Abadi #formal method #security- Software Security: A Formal Perspective — (Notes for a Talk) (MA), pp. 1–5.
CHI-2012-DenefK #design #pattern matching- Talking about implications for design in pattern language (SD, DVK), pp. 2509–2518.
CHI-2012-KairamBHC- Talking in circles: selective sharing in google+ (SK, MB, DAH, EHhC), pp. 1065–1074.
CHI-2012-YangAAWL #sentiment- The way i talk to you: sentiment expression in an organizational context (JY, LAA, MSA, ZW, CYL), pp. 551–554.
CSCW-2012-SchroterADK #communication- To talk or not to talk: factors that influence communication around changesets (AS, JA, DD, IK), pp. 1317–1326.
CSCW-2012-WhittakerKE #effectiveness #memory management- Markup as you talk: establishing effective memory cues while still contributing to a meeting (VK, PE, SW), pp. 349–358.
OOPSLA-2012-DattaSS #collaboration #developer #framework- Talk versus work: characteristics of developer collaboration on the jazz platform (SD, RS, BS), pp. 655–668.
RE-2012-MaglyasNS #question #what- What do practitioners mean when they talk about product management? (AM, UN, KS), pp. 261–266.
ICSE-2012-Braithwaite #how #industrial #programming #what- Software as an engineering material: How the affordances of programming have changed and what to do about it (Invited industrial talk) (KB), p. 998.
ICSE-2012-Chapman #ecosystem #industrial #towards- Towards a federated cloud ecosystem (Invited industrial talk) (CC), p. 967.
ICSE-2012-Penix #automation #in the cloud #industrial #scalability #testing- Large-scale test automation in the cloud (Invited industrial talk) (JP), p. 1122.
ICSE-2012-Schulte #analysis #automation #industrial- Ten years of automated code analysis at Microsoft (Invited industrial talk) (WS), p. 1001.
ICSE-2012-Sprenger #case study #experience #how #industrial #re-engineering- How software engineering can benefit from traditional industries — A practical experience report (Invited industrial talk) (TS), p. 1000.
ICSE-2012-Wolff #architecture #industrial #what- Software architecture — What does it mean in industry? (Invited industrial talk) (EW), p. 999.
CSL-2012-Abiteboul #distributed #web- Sharing Distributed Knowledge on the Web (Invited Talk) (SA), pp. 6–8.
CSL-2012-Cook #complexity #proving- Connecting Complexity Classes, Weak Formal Theories, and Propositional Proof Systems (Invited Talk) (SAC), pp. 9–11.
CSL-2012-Lynce #named #satisfiability- Satisfiability: where Theory meets Practice (Invited Talk) (IL), pp. 12–13.
CSL-2012-Makowsky #complexity #graph #parametricity- Definability and Complexity of Graph Parameters (Invited Talk) (JAM), pp. 14–15.
ICLP-2012-BryS #query #semistructured data #simulation #unification- Simulation Unification: Beyond Querying Semistructured Data (Invited Talk) (FB, SS), pp. 1–13.
RTA-2012-Anai #algebra #geometry- Computational Real Algebraic Geometry in Practice (Invited Talk) (HA), p. 1.
RTA-2012-Kirchner #calculus #logic- Rho-Calculi for Computation and Logic (Invited Talk) (CK), pp. 2–4.
RTA-2012-Maneth- Dictionary-Based Tree Compression (Invited Talk) (SM), p. 5.
HT-2011-Bernstein #hypermedia- Can we talk about spatial hypertext (MB), pp. 103–112.
ESOP-2011-Appel- Verified Software Toolchain — (Invited Talk) (AWA), pp. 1–17.
CSMR-2011-Borchers #assessment #re-engineering- Invited Talk: Reengineering from a Practitioner’s View — A Personal Lesson’s Learned Assessment (JB), pp. 1–2.
CSMR-2011-Vangheluwe #challenge #modelling- Invited Talk: Promises and Challenges of Model-Driven Engineering (HV), pp. 3–4.
DLT-2011-Wilke #functional #regular expression- A Functional Program for Regular Expressions Matching — Abstract of Invited Talk (TW), pp. 44–45.
CHI-2011-JamilOPKS #collaboration #interactive #learning- The effects of interaction techniques on talk patterns in collaborative peer learning around interactive tables (IJ, KO, MJP, AK, SS), pp. 3043–3052.
CHI-2011-KannabiranBB #how #human-computer #research- How HCI talks about sexuality: discursive strategies, blind spots, and opportunities for future research (GK, JB, SB), pp. 695–704.
CHI-2011-MaLD #analysis #perspective- Perceptual analysis of talking avatar head movements: a quantitative perspective (XM, BHL, ZD), pp. 2699–2702.
DUXU-v2-2011-RubegniML #interactive #scalability #social #using- Talking to Strangers: Using Large Public Displays to Facilitate Social Interaction (ER, NM, ML), pp. 195–204.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2011-Nierstrasz #modelling- Synchronizing Models and Code (Invited Talk) (ON), p. 1.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2011-Tip #debugging #web- Finding and Fixing Bugs in Web Applications (Invited Talk) (FT), p. 2.
CADE-2011-Claessen #automation #first-order #logic #reasoning- The Anatomy of Equinox — An Extensible Automated Reasoning Tool for First-Order Logic and Beyond — (Talk Abstract) (KC), pp. 1–3.
VMCAI-2011-Dill- Are Cells Asynchronous Circuits? — (Invited Talk) (DLD), p. 1.
VMCAI-2011-Logozzo #abstract interpretation #verification- Practical Verification for the Working Programmer with CodeContracts and Abstract Interpretation — (Invited Talk) (FL), pp. 19–22.
VMCAI-2011-SiegelG #analysis #formal method #message passing- Formal Analysis of Message Passing — (Invited Talk) (SFS, GG), pp. 2–18.
VMCAI-2011-SteffenR #quality- Quality Engineering: Leveraging Heterogeneous Information — (Invited Talk) (BS, OR), pp. 23–37.
CSCW-2010-LeeKF #how #people #question- Receptionist or information kiosk: how do people talk with a robot? (MKL, SBK, JF), pp. 31–40.
RecSys-2010-ZhaoZYZZF #recommendation #social #what- Who is talking about what: social map-based recommendation for content-centric social websites (SZ, MXZ, QY, XZ, WZ, RF), pp. 143–150.
REFSQ-2010-Alexander #requirements- Keynote Talk Piecing Together the Requirements Jigsaw-Puzzle (IA), p. 1.
FSE-2010-Johnson10a #research- Avoiding the classic catastrophic computer science failure mode: 2010 acm sigsoft outstanding research award talk (REJ), pp. 5–6.
ICLP-2010-Aref10 #datalog #enterprise #industrial #research- Datalog for Enterprise Software: from Industrial Applications to Research (Invited Talk) (MA), p. 1.
ICLP-2010-Fages10 #biology #logic #paradigm- A Logical Paradigm for Systems Biology (Invited Talk) (FF), pp. 2–3.
PEPM-2009-CifuentesKLS #debugging #detection #program analysis #using- Program analysis for bug detection using parfait: invited talk (CC, NK, LL, BS), pp. 7–8.
CHI-2009-HilligesK #design- Getting sidetracked: display design and occasioning photo-talk with the photohelix (OH, DSK), pp. 1733–1736.
HCI-AUII-2009-WeissKWMF #comparison- Comparison of Different Talking Heads in Non-Interactive Settings (BW, CK, IW, SM, SF), pp. 349–357.
ICML-2009-Cortes #kernel #learning #performance #question- Invited talk: Can learning kernels help performance? (CC), p. 1.
ICML-2009-Freund #game studies #learning #online- Invited talk: Drifting games, boosting and online learning (YF), p. 2.
HT-2008-PourabdollahAB #approach #hypermedia #rdf #xml- Are we talking about the same structure?: a unified approach to hypertext links, xml, rdf and zigzag (AP, HA, TJB), pp. 241–242.
MSR-2008-PattisonBD- Talk and work: a preliminary report (DSP, CB, PTD), pp. 113–116.
SIGIR-2008-BilenkoWRM #query- Talking the talk vs. walking the walk: salience of information needs in querying vs. browsing (MB, RWW, MR, GCM), pp. 705–706.
BX-2008-Axelsen- Languages Short Talk 2 (HBA), p. 2.
BX-2008-Bezivin #modelling- Models and Transformations Short Talk 1 (JB), p. 22.
BX-2008-Cunha- Languages and Applications Short Talk 6 (JC), p. 13.
BX-2008-Czarnecki #modelling- Models Short Talk 5 (KC), p. 19.
BX-2008-Diskin #modelling- Models Short Talk 6 (ZD), p. 20.
BX-2008-Fischer #modelling- Models Short Talk 2 (BF), p. 16.
BX-2008-Fisher- Languages and Applications Short Talk 5 (KF), p. 12.
BX-2008-Foster- Languages Short Talk 7 (NF), p. 7.
BX-2008-Glueck- Languages Short Talk 1 (RG), p. 1.
BX-2008-Hidaka #modelling- Models Short Talk 7 (SH), p. 21.
BX-2008-Hu- Languages Short Talk 6 (ZH), p. 6.
BX-2008-Kato- Languages and Applications Short Talk 7 (HK), p. 14.
BX-2008-Laemmel- Languages and Applications Short Talk 3 (RL), p. 10.
BX-2008-Lutterkort- Languages and Applications Short Talk 4 (DL), p. 11.
BX-2008-Matsuda- Languages Short Talk 3 (KM), p. 3.
BX-2008-Mu- Languages and Applications Short Talk 1 (SCM), p. 8.
BX-2008-Nakano- Languages Short Talk 4 (KN), p. 4.
BX-2008-Pierantonio #modelling- Models Short Talk 3 (AP), p. 17.
BX-2008-Razavi #modelling- Models Short Talk 4 (AR), p. 18.
BX-2008-Ruscio #modelling- Models and Transformations Short Talk 2 (DDR), p. 23.
BX-2008-Schuerr #modelling- Models Short Talk 1 (AS), p. 15.
BX-2008-Song #modelling- Models and Transformations Short Talk 6 (HS), p. 27.
BX-2008-Terwilliger #modelling- Models and Transformations Short Talk 5 (JT), p. 26.
BX-2008-Vallecillo #modelling- Models and Transformations Short Talk 3 (AV), p. 24.
BX-2008-Voigtlaender- Languages and Applications Short Talk 2 (JV), p. 9.
BX-2008-Wang- Languages Short Talk 5 (MW), p. 5.
BX-2008-Wasowski #modelling- Models and Transformations Short Talk 4 (AW), p. 25.
BX-2008-Xiong #modelling- Models and Transformations Short Talk 7 (YX), p. 28.
ICSE-2008-RiccaPTTCV #evolution- Are fit tables really talking?: a series of experiments to understand whether fit tables are useful during evolution tasks (FR, MDP, MT, PT, MC, CAV), pp. 361–370.
CAV-2008-Larus #design #named- Singularity: Designing Better Software (Invited Talk) (JRL), pp. 1–2.
PEPM-2007-MoorHV #object-oriented #query- Object-oriented queries over software systems: (abstract of invited talk) (OdM, EH, MV), p. 91.
CHI-2006-ArguelloBJKLRW #community #interactive #online- Talk to me: foundations for successful individual-group interactions in online communities (JA, BSB, EJ, REK, KSL, CPR, XW), pp. 959–968.
CSCW-2006-AokiSPTWY #multi- Where’s the “party” in “multi-party”?: analyzing the structure of small-group sociable talk (PMA, MHS, LDP, JDT, AW, WY), pp. 393–402.
ECOOP-2006-DedeckerCMDM #programming- Ambient-Oriented Programming in AmbientTalk (JD, TVC, SM, TD, WDM), pp. 230–254.
LOPSTR-2006-Marchiori #how #semantics #web- How to Talk to a Human: The Semantic Web and the Clash of the Titans (MM), pp. 1–14.
DATE-2005-LaMeresK #encoding #induction- Encoding-Based Minimization of Inductive Cross-Talk for Off-Chip Data Transmission (BJL, SPK), pp. 1318–1323.
MSR-2005-YingWA #eclipse #mining #repository #source code- Source code that talks: an exploration of Eclipse task comments and their implication to repository mining (ATTY, JLW, SA), pp. 91–95.
CHI-2005-LambertyK- Camera talk: making the camera a partial participant (KKL, JLK), pp. 839–848.
DRR-2004-LalanneMI #documentation #multi- Talking about documents: revealing a missing link to multimedia meeting archives (DL, DM, RI), pp. 82–91.
PASTE-2004-Ernst #dynamic analysis- Invited Talk Static and dynamic analysis: synergy and duality (MDE), p. 35.
PASTE-2004-Godefroid #model checking- Invited Talk: “Model checking” software with VeriSoft (PG), p. 36.
PASTE-2004-Leavens #exclamation #ml- Invited Talk: JML framed! (GTL), p. 1.
PEPM-2004-BeyerCHJM #query #verification- Invited talk: the blast query language for software verification (DB, AC, TAH, RJ, RM), pp. 201–202.
PEPM-2004-McIlraith #declarative #programming #towards #web #web service- Invited talk: towards declarative programming for web services (SAM), pp. 1–2.
PEPM-2004-Morrisett #question #what- Invited talk: what’s the future for proof-carrying code? (JGM), p. 203.
PEPM-2004-Shapiro #injection- Invited talk: injecting life with computers (EYS), p. 200.
STOC-2004-Wigderson #question #why- Depth through breadth, or why should we attend talks in other areas? (AW), p. 579.
ICEIS-v3-2004-Nobre04a #what- Computer Ethics: What are we Talking About? Possible Contributions from Philosophy of Action, Critical Realism and Modern Hermeneutics (ÂLN), pp. 683–687.
ICEIS-v5-2004-CarricoDGT #composition- Modular Production of Rich Digital Talking Books (LC, CD, NG, AJS, IT), pp. 158–163.
ICEIS-v5-2004-DuarteCS #architecture #flexibility #interface- A Flexible Interface Architecture for Digital Talking Books (CD, LC, HS), pp. 146–151.
ICPR-v3-2004-OstermannW- Talking Faces — Technologies and Applications (JO, AW), pp. 826–833.
PPDP-2004-BeyerCHJM #query #verification- Invited talk: the blast query language for software verification (DB, AC, TAH, RJ, RM), pp. 1–2.
PPDP-2004-McIlraith #declarative #programming #towards #web #web service- Invited talk: towards declarative programming for web services (SAM), pp. 3–4.
PPDP-2004-Morrisett #question #what- Invited talk: what’s the future for proof-carrying code? (JGM), p. 5.
PPDP-2004-Shapiro #injection- Invited talk: injecting life with computers (EYS), p. 6.
PPDP-2004-Smaragdakis #generative #tool support- Invited talk: program generators and the tools to make them (YS), pp. 7–8.
DATE-2003-ZachariahCKT #fault #modelling #on the- On Modeling Cross-Talk Faults (STZ, YSC, SK, CT), pp. 10490–10495.
IWPC-2003-JacobD #automation #named- TALK2C: A Tool for Automatic Migratio (SDJ, MD), pp. 288–289.
AGTIVE-2003-KarsaiA #architecture #graph transformation #modelling- Graph Transformations in OMG’s Model-Driven Architecture: (Invited Talk) (GK, AA), pp. 243–259.
AGTIVE-2003-Rising #graph grammar #graph transformation #multi #semantics- MPEG-7 Semantic Descriptions: Graph Transformations, Graph Grammars, and the Description of Multimedia (Invited Talk) (HKR), pp. 369–382.
RTA-2003-Giavitto #modelling #simulation- Invited Talk: Topological Collections, Transformations and Their Application to the Modeling and the Simulation of Dynamical Systems (JLG), pp. 208–233.
RTA-2003-Lincoln #biology- Invited Talk: Symbolic Systems Biology (PL), p. 1.
RTA-2003-McAllester #algorithm #logic #ml #type inference- Joint RTA-TLCA Invited Talk: A Logical Algorithm for ML Type Inference (DAM), pp. 436–451.
DATE-2002-HassounCC #verification- Verifying Clock Schedules in the Presence of Cross Talk (SH, ECG, CC), pp. 346–350.
PADL-2002-Dahl #how- How to Talk to Your Computer so that It Will Listen (VD), pp. 3–8.
SAT-2002-Clarke #abstraction #logic #model checking #refinement #satisfiability- SAT based abstraction refinement in temporal logic model checking (Keynote Talk) (EC), p. 26.
SAT-2002-Marques-Silva #reasoning #satisfiability- Hypothetical reasoning in propositional satisfiability (Keynote Talk) (JMS), p. 14.
SAT-2002-Schoening #bound #satisfiability- New worst case bounds on k-SAT (Keynote Talk) (US), p. 1.
DAC-2001-MassoudKMW #analysis #difference #induction #modelling- Modeling and Analysis of Differential Signaling for Minimizing Inductive Cross-Talk (YM, JK, DM, JW), pp. 804–809.
CHI-2001-BlySN #mobile- Quiet calls: talking silently on mobile phones (SAB, TS, LN), pp. 174–187.
ASE-2000-LiuR #automation #security #using- Automated Security Checking and Patching Using TestTalk (CL, DJR), pp. 261–264.
VLDB-2000-Carey #industrial #research- Toto, We’re Not in Kansas Anymore: On Transitioning from Research to the Real (Invited Industrial Talk) (MJC), p. 733.
WRLA-2000-Millen #analysis #bibliography #encryption #protocol #term rewriting- Applications of Term Rewriting to Cryptographic Protocol Analysis overview of the invited talk (JKM), pp. 229–234.
WRLA-2000-Nakashima #bibliography #information management- Cyber Assistance for Situtated Human Information Processing Overview of the invited talk (HN), pp. 292–293.
PEPM-2000-Das #case study #experience #scalability #source code #static analysis- Static Analysis of Large Programs: Some Experiences (Abstract of Invited Talk) (MD), p. 1.
PEPM-2000-Pfenning #logic #on the #staged- On the Logical Foundations of Staged Computation (Abstract of Invited Talk) (FP), p. 33.
PEPM-2000-Walpole #case study #challenge #experience #operating system- Operating Systems Specialization: Experiences, Opportunities and Challenges (Abstract of Invited Talk) (JW), p. 83.
ICFP-2000-HarperP- Advanced module systems: a guide for the perplexed (abstract of invited talk) (RH, BCP), p. 130.
ICFP-2000-Seger #functional #hardware #programming #verification- Combining functional programming and hardware verification (abstract of invited talk) (CJHS), p. 244.
CHI-2000-RodensteinD #design- Talking in circles: designing a spatially-grounded audioconferencing environment (RR, JSD), pp. 81–88.
CSCW-2000-RodensteinD #social- Talking in circles: a spatially-grounded social environment (RR, JSD), p. 349.
KDD-2000-Buchanan #information management #source code #using- Informed knowledge discovery: using prior knowledge in discovery programs (invited talk, abstract only) (BGB), p. 3.
KDD-2000-Catlett #data mining #mining #privacy- Among those dark electronic mills: privacy and data mining (invited talk, abstract only) (JC), p. 4.
KDD-2000-Cutler #metric #named- E-metrics: tomorrow’s business metrics today (invited talk, abstract only) (MC), p. 6.
KDD-2000-Goodnight- Decision support in the booming e-world (invited talk, abstract only) (JG), p. 5.
KDD-2000-Papadimitriou #data mining #mining #on the- On certain rigorous approaches to data mining (invited talk, abstract only) (CHP), p. 2.
KDD-2000-Stodder #data mining #mining- After the gold rush (invited talk, abstract only): data mining in the new economy (invited talk, abstract only) (DS), p. 7.
HCI-CCAD-1999-Nishida #community #evolution- Facilitating community knowledge evolution by talking virtualized egos (TN), pp. 437–441.
HCI-EI-1999-Haubner #image #on the #quality #visual notation- On the Visual Quality of Still Images and of Low-motion Talking Head Digital Videos (PJH), pp. 471–475.
HCI-EI-1999-MachateS #gesture #interactive- Let Your Hands Talk — Gestures as a Means of Interaction (JM, SS), pp. 291–295.
KDD-1999-Agrawal #data mining #mining- Data Mining: Crossing the Chasm (Invited talk, Abstract only) (RA), p. 2.
KDD-1999-Hackathorn #web- Farming the Web for Systematic Business Intelligence (Invited talk, Abstract only) (RDH), p. 3.
KDD-1999-Pregibon #named #statistics- 2001: A Statistical Odyssey (Invited talk, Abstract only) (DP), p. 4.
SEKE-1999-JohanssonHC #experience #in a nutshell #quote- “Talk to Paula and Peter — They Are Experienced” — The Experience Engine in a Nutshell (CJ, PAVH, MC), pp. 171–185.
CADE-1999-Gradel #logic- Invited Talk: Decision procedures for guarded logics (EG), pp. 31–51.
CADE-1999-Nieuwenhuis #constraints #deduction- Invited Talk: Rewrite-based Deduction and Symbolic Constraints (RN), pp. 302–313.
CADE-1999-Nipkow #programming language #proving #theorem proving- Invited Talk: Embedding Programming Languages in Theorem Provers (Abstract) (TN), p. 398.
ICLP-1999-Kahn #prolog- From Prolog and Zelta to ToonTalk (KMK), pp. 67–78.
HT-1998-Moulthrop- Straight Talk for Troubled Times, Or: The Street Finds Its Uses for Things (SM), p. 306.
ITiCSE-1998-JohnsonLHSFDM #collaboration #using- Virtual office hours using TechTalk, a Web-based mathematical collaboration tool (JRJ, YNL, TTH, TS, TF, SD, PM), pp. 130–133.
CHI-1998-Strommen #interface #learning- When the Interface is a Talking Dinosaur: Learning Across Media with ActiMates Barney (ES), pp. 288–295.
CSCW-1998-McDonaldA #case study- Just Talk to Me: A Field Study of Expertise Location (DWM, MSA), pp. 315–324.
CSCW-1998-ZhangWDT #comparison #web- Talking to Customers on the Web: A Comparison of Three Voice Alternatives (QZ, CGW, SD, MT), pp. 109–117.
SAC-1998-Nola #algebra #aspect-oriented #fuzzy #logic- Algebraic aspects of fuzzy logic (invited talk) (AdN), pp. 255–261.
CADE-1998-Kaufmann #verification- ACL2 Support for Verification Projects (Invited Talk) (MK), pp. 220–238.
CADE-1998-Pfenning #deduction #linear #logic #reasoning- Reasoning About Deductions in Linear Logic (Abstract of Invited Talk) (FP), pp. 1–2.
CADE-1998-Pnueli #deduction #verification- Deductive vs. Model-Theoretic Approaches to Formal Verification (Abstract of Invited Talk) (AP), p. 301.
ICSE-1997-Osterweil #process- Software Processes Are Software Too, Revisited: An Invited Talk on the Most Influential Paper of ICSE 9 (LJO), pp. 540–548.
CHI-1996-BowersPO #collaboration- Talk and Embodiment in Collaborative Virtual Environments (JB, JP, JO), pp. 58–65.
CSCW-1996-Whittaker #collaboration #evaluation- Talking to Strangers: An Evaluation of the Factors Affecting Electronic Collaboration (SW), pp. 409–418.
ICPR-1996-LuettinTB96a #learning- Learning to recognise talking faces (JL, NAT, SWB), pp. 55–59.
KR-1996-Gottlob #complexity #power of- Complexity and Expressive Power of KR Formalisms (Invited Talk Abstract) (GG), pp. 647–649.
CHI-1995-FelsH #adaptation #interface #named- GloveTalkII: An Adaptive Gesture-to-Formant Interface (SF, GEH), pp. 456–463.
ICLP-1995-Kahn #concurrent #constraints #named #programming- ToonTalk — Concurrent Constraint Programming for Kids (KMK), p. 3.
LFP-1994-DavisPS- Talking About Modules and Delivery (HD, PP, NS), pp. 113–120.
LFP-1994-DavisPS94a- Sweet Harmony: The Talk/C++ Connection (HD, PP, NS), pp. 121–127.
CHI-1994-BowersP94a #design #prototype #requirements- Talking through design: requirements and resistance in cooperative prototyping (JB, JP), pp. 299–305.
INTERCHI-1993-CowleyJ- Talking to machines (abstract) (CKC, DMJ), p. 522.
INTERCHI-1993-NardiSKLWS- Turning away from talking heads: the use of video-as-data in neurosurgery (BAN, HS, AK, RL, SW, RJS), pp. 327–334.
RE-1993-LoucopoulosPMMLZ #object-oriented #requirements- I never knew my requirements were object-oriented until I talked to my analyst (PL, CP, SJM, JAM, L, LZ), pp. 226–230.
TOOLS-USA-1992-Szafron #named #object-oriented #specification- SPECTalk: an Object-Oriented Data Specification Language (DS), pp. 123–137.
ICSE-1990-Basili #metric- Recent Advances in Software Measurement (Abstract for Talk) (VRB), pp. 44–49.
ICLP-1986-JaffarLM86 #logic programming #roadmap #semantics- Invited Talk: Some Issues and Trends in the Semantics of Logic Programming (JJ, JLL, MJM), pp. 223–241.