216 papers:
CASE-2015-OgunmoluGJG #realtime- A real-time, soft robotic patient positioning system for maskless head-and-neck cancer radiotherapy: An initial investigation (OPO, XG, SBJ, NRG), pp. 1539–1545.
DAC-2015-JiangWS #clustering #power management #sorting- A low power unsupervised spike sorting accelerator insensitive to clustering initialization in sub-optimal feature space (ZJ, QW, MS), p. 6.
DATE-2015-BrachtendorfB- Initial transient response of oscillators with long settling time (HGB, KB), pp. 1162–1167.
ITiCSE-2015-ButlerMSSFW- Initiatives to Increase Engagement in First-Year ICT (MB, MM, JS, S, KEF, AW), pp. 308–313.
CHI-2015-EdgeGMRSWY #editing- Mixed-Initiative Approaches to Global Editing in Slideware (DE, SG, NMF, MR, RAS, CW, KY), pp. 3503–3512.
CSCW-2015-MillerCT #exclamation #experience #quote #user interface- “I LOVE THIS SITE!” vs. “It’s a little girly”: Perceptions of and Initial User Experience with Pinterest (HJM, SC, LGT), pp. 1728–1740.
DUXU-UI-2015-MarcusB #analysis #design- Chinese User-Experience Design: An Initial Analysis (AM, SB), pp. 107–117.
HCI-IT-2015-ImpettHWB #interactive- Musician Fantasies of Dialectical Interaction: Mixed-Initiative Interaction and the Open Work (LI, IH, PKAW, AFB), pp. 184–195.
HCI-UC-2015-GandyBLLMCS #concept- Midtown Buzz: Bridging the Gap Between Concepts and Impact in a Civic Computing Initiative (MG, LDB, LML, AJL, EDM, RJC, MS), pp. 303–313.
SIGIR-2015-MaxwellAJK #adaptation- An Initial Investigation into Fixed and Adaptive Stopping Strategies (DM, LA, KJ, HK), pp. 903–906.
POPL-2015-Sojakova #algebra #induction- Higher Inductive Types as Homotopy-Initial Algebras (KS), pp. 31–42.
SAC-2015-SilvaMR #algorithm #approach #problem #using- An approach to the MOGAS initialization problem using an algorithm based on path relinking (TGNdS, JEBM, LSR), pp. 118–124.
ICSE-v2-2015-Devanbu- New Initiative: The Naturalness of Software (PTD), pp. 543–546.
ICSE-v2-2015-NetoTM #empirical #evaluation #testing- An Initiative to Improve Reproducibility and Empirical Evaluation of Software Testing Techniques (FGdON, RT, PDLM), pp. 575–578.
ASPLOS-2015-SungA #named #performance- DeNovoSync: Efficient Support for Arbitrary Synchronization without Writer-Initiated Invalidations (HS, SVA), pp. 545–559.
DATE-2014-ReimerSSB #using- Using MaxBMC for Pareto-optimal circuit initialization (SR, MS, TS, BB), pp. 1–6.
CHI-2014-PiccardiCZWA #towards- Towards crowd-based customer service: a mixed-initiative tool for managing Q&A sites (TP, GC, MZ, JW, CA), pp. 2725–2734.
HCI-AIMT-2014-JinDC #interactive- Exploring Initiative Interactions on a Proxemic and Ambient Public Screen (HJ, BD, RC), pp. 567–577.
CAiSE-2014-OhlssonHJCR #process #tool support- Prioritizing Business Processes Improvement Initiatives: The Seco Tools Case (JO, SH, PJ, FC, LR), pp. 256–270.
KDIR-2014-CainaRV #impact analysis #monitoring- Marble Initiative — Monitoring the Impact of Events on Customers Opinion (MFC, RPDR, AFV), pp. 403–410.
KEOD-2014-KarkalasS #concept #learning #modelling #student- Intelligent Student Support in the FLIP Learning System based on Student Initial Misconceptions and Student Modelling (SK, SGS), pp. 353–360.
PPoPP-2014-LuoLHKP #hybrid #manycore #programming #runtime- Initial study of multi-endpoint runtime for MPI+OpenMP hybrid programming model on multi-core systems (ML, XL, KH, KCK, DKP), pp. 395–396.
ICTSS-2014-El-FakihSY #assessment #automaton #on the #test coverage #testing- On Code Coverage of Extended FSM Based Test Suites: An Initial Assessment (KEF, TS, NY), pp. 198–204.
DAC-2013-TuJ #feedback #synthesis- Synthesis of feedback decoders for initialized encoders (KHT, JHRJ), p. 6.
ICSM-2013-GharehyaziePF #developer #predict #process #social- Social Activities Rival Patch Submission for Prediction of Developer Initiation in OSS Projects (MG, DP, VF), pp. 340–349.
ICSM-2013-SoetensPD #re-engineering- An Initial Investigation into Change-Based Reconstruction of Floss-Refactorings (QDS, JP, SD), pp. 384–387.
GT-VMT-2013-MaierM #approach #diagrams #layout- A Pattern-based Approach for Initial Diagram Layout (SM, MM).
CHI-2013-MullerGSDC #collaboration #enterprise- Crowdfunding inside the enterprise: employee-initiatives for innovation and collaboration (MJM, WG, TS, SD, LTC), pp. 503–512.
ECIR-2013-0001S #game studies #query #refinement- Comparing Crowd-Based, Game-Based, and Machine-Based Approaches in Initial Query and Query Refinement Tasks (CGH, PS), pp. 495–506.
ECIR-2013-WilkieA- An Initial Investigation on the Relationship between Usage and Findability (CW, LA), pp. 808–811.
ICML-c3-2013-SutskeverMDH #learning #on the- On the importance of initialization and momentum in deep learning (IS, JM, GED, GEH), pp. 1139–1147.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-PapulaVH #analysis #enterprise #network #process- Knowledge Networks as a Source of Knowledge Initiatives and Innovation Activity in Small and Medium Enterprises — Regression Analysis for EU 27 Countries (JP, JV, JH), pp. 389–396.
ICMT-2013-CuadradoL #challenge #model transformation #streaming- Streaming Model Transformations: Scenarios, Challenges and Initial Solutions (JSC, JdL), pp. 1–16.
GPCE-2013-MartinME #reuse- Template constructors for reusable object initialization (MM, MM, SE), pp. 43–52.
ESEC-FSE-2013-BraioneDP #execution #lazy evaluation #symbolic computation #term rewriting- Enhancing symbolic execution with built-in term rewriting and constrained lazy initialization (PB, GD, MP), pp. 411–421.
TAP-2013-GogollaBC #analysis #benchmark #metric #ocl #tool support #uml- Initiating a Benchmark for UML and OCL Analysis Tools (MG, FB, JC), pp. 115–132.
CASE-2012-GargSBCHPSG #automation #towards- Initial experiments toward automated robotic implantation of skew-line needle arrangements for HDR brachytherapy (AG, TS, DB, JAMC, ICH, JP, DS, KG), pp. 26–33.
DRR-2012-ChazalonC #analysis #documentation #interactive #performance- Iterative analysis of document collections enables efficient human-initiated interaction (JC, BC).
ITiCSE-2012-CooperNS #using- Initial results of using an intelligent tutoring system with Alice (SC, YJN, LS), pp. 138–143.
LATA-2012-NikolicS #analysis #array- Automaton-Based Array Initialization Analysis (DN, FS), pp. 420–432.
GT-VMT-2012-HanH #modelling- Remedy of Mixed Initiative Conflicts in Model-based System Engineering (FH, PH).
CHI-2012-BogartBDAW #case study #debugging #design #interactive #programming- Designing a debugging interaction language for cognitive modelers: an initial case study in natural programming plus (CB, MMB, SD, HA, RW), pp. 2469–2478.
CIKM-2012-WongCTP #using #web- Mixed-initiative conversational system using question-answer pairs mined from the web (WW, LC, JT, LP), pp. 2707–2709.
ICPR-2012-XuanSCS #algorithm #using- An Enhanced EM algorithm using maximum entropy distribution as initial condition (GX, YQS, PC, PS), pp. 849–852.
KMIS-2012-SaadKAR #concept #information management- Soft Systems Methodology — A Conceptual Model of Knowledge Management Systems Initiatives in Malaysian Public Universities (NHMS, HK, RAA, AAR), pp. 60–69.
SIGIR-2012-LieblingBW #using- Anticipatory search: using context to initiate search (DJL, PNB, RWW), pp. 1035–1036.
ECOOP-2012-ZibinCPS- Object Initialization in X10 (YZ, DC, IP, VAS), pp. 207–231.
ICSE-2012-Kajko-MattssonSGJSHMMEBS #re-engineering- Refounding software engineering: The Semat initiative (Invited presentation) (MKM, MS, MG, IJ, IS, SH, PM, BM, BE, AJB, ES), pp. 1649–1650.
QoSA-ISARCS-2011-FranksLH #metric #modelling #performance #protocol- Performance measurements and modeling of a java-based session initiation protocol (SIP) application server (GF, DHL, CEH), pp. 63–72.
ASE-2011-KhalekNK #constraints #generative- Mixed constraints for test input generation — An initial exploration (SAK, VPN, SK), pp. 548–551.
DATE-2011-BoosNSHHGKS #analysis- Strategies for initial sizing and operating point analysis of analog circuits (VB, JN, MS, SH, SH, HG, DK, RS), pp. 1672–1674.
DATE-2011-HuangDEB #collaboration #communication #framework- A circuit technology platform for medical data acquisition and communication: Outline of a collaboration project within the Swiss Nano-Tera.ch Initiative (QH, CD, CE, TB), pp. 1472–1473.
ICDAR-2011-HuZ #online #recognition #using- HMM-Based Recognition of Online Handwritten Mathematical Symbols Using Segmental K-Means Initialization and a Modified Pen-Up/Down Feature (LH, RZ), pp. 457–462.
ITiCSE-2011-SettlePFD #student- An initial look at prospective student mentoring (AS, SP, LF, MJD), p. 370.
ICSM-2011-JiresalCN #cobol #detection #precise #scalability #source code- Precise detection of un-initialized variables in large, real-life COBOL programs in presence of unrealizable paths (RJ, AC, RN), pp. 448–456.
MSR-2011-SinhaMS #developer #open source #trust- Entering the circle of trust: developer initiation as committers in open-source projects (VSS, SM, SS), pp. 133–142.
CSCW-2011-BardamBGP #interactive #research- The global interaction research initiative at the IT university of Copenhagen, Denmark (JEB, PB, AJG, TP), pp. 489–496.
CSCW-2011-BednarikSP #bidirectional #collaboration- Bidirectional gaze in remote computer mediated collaboration: setup and initial results from pair-programming (RB, AS, SP), pp. 597–600.
DUXU-v1-2011-KashiwaseKKFYJ #mobile- Comparisons on Kansei Factors of Attractiveness between Initial and Long Term Use of Mobile Phone (NK, KK, HK, SF, MY, HJ), pp. 593–601.
DUXU-v1-2011-YamagishiJKKF #mobile- Proposal for Indices to Assess Attractiveness on Initial Use of Mobile Phones (MY, HJ, KK, HK, SF), pp. 696–705.
HCI-DDA-2011-DattaH #design #formal method #interactive- A Formal Model of Mixed-Initiative Interaction in Design Exploration (SD, MH), pp. 185–193.
CAiSE-2011-DiazP #domain-specific language #wiki- A DSL for Corporate Wiki Initialization (OD, GP), pp. 237–251.
ICEIS-J-2011-VianaT11a #how- Electronic Government in Brazil: Evaluating Brazilian Initiative and How to Improve It (GBV, MBFdT), pp. 388–402.
ICEIS-v4-2011-VianaT- Electronic Government in Brazil — Evaluating Brazil Initiative (GBV, MBFdT), pp. 245–253.
KDD-2011-PatnaikBRPKH #case study #challenge #experience #mining #sequence- Experiences with mining temporal event sequences from electronic medical records: initial successes and some challenges (DP, PB, NR, LP, BJK, DAH), pp. 360–368.
ICSE-2011-GolraD #framework #lazy evaluation #modelling #multi- The lazy initialization multilayered modeling framework (FRG, FD), pp. 924–927.
ICSE-2011-SpotoE- Inference of field initialization (FS, MDE), pp. 231–240.
ICSE-2011-ZhangJHHZ #process #simulation- Impact of process simulation on software practice: an initial report (HZ, DRJ, DH, LH, LZ), pp. 1046–1056.
ICSE-2011-ZhouM #developer #future of- Does the initial environment impact the future of developers (MZ, AM), pp. 271–280.
CSEET-2010-TaranH #industrial #re-engineering #student- Software Engineering Leadership: A Student Initiative to Promote Change Agents in Industry (GT, JH), pp. 173–176.
CSMR-2010-CavalcantiACLM #debugging #problem- An Initial Study on the Bug Report Duplication Problem (YCC, ESdA, CEAdC, DL, SRdLM), pp. 264–267.
MSR-2010-ColacoMFH #analysis #developer- OSS developers context-specific Preferred Representational systems: A initial Neurolinguistic text analysis of the Apache mailing list (MCJ, MGM, MF, PHdS), pp. 126–129.
CHI-2010-FriedmanN #community #design #human-computer #information management #multi #research- Multi-lifespan information system design: a research initiative for the hci community (BF, LPN), pp. 2243–2246.
ICPR-2010-CuntoorBPH- Track Initialization in Low Frame Rate and Low Resolution Videos (NPC, AB, AGAP, AH), pp. 3640–3644.
ICPR-2010-XiongHL- Initialization and Pose Alignment in Active Shape Model (PX, LH, CL), pp. 3971–3974.
KDD-2010-AgarwalCE #learning #online #performance #recommendation- Fast online learning through offline initialization for time-sensitive recommendation (DA, BCC, PE), pp. 703–712.
KDIR-2010-HaCohen-KernerB- Initial Experiments with Extraction of Stopwords in Hebrew (YHK, SYB), pp. 449–453.
KMIS-2010-Rodriguez-EliasRVM #approach #information management- Integrating Current Practices and Information Systems in KM Initiatives — A Knowledge Management Audit Approach (OMRE, CERG, AV, AIMG), pp. 71–80.
SEKE-2010-FeldtM #bibliography #empirical #re-engineering #research- Validity Threats in Empirical Software Engineering Research — An Initial Survey (RF, AM), pp. 374–379.
OOPSLA-2010-MatsakisG #type system- A time-aware type system for data-race protection and guaranteed initialization (NDM, TRG), pp. 634–651.
ICSE-2010-HarperZM #case study #concurrent #experience #research- Experiences in initiating concurrency software research efforts (KEH, JZ, SM), pp. 139–148.
CSL-2010-GhaniJF #algebra #induction- Fibrational Induction Rules for Initial Algebras (NG, PJ, CF), pp. 336–350.
DAC-2009-ChouCK #synthesis- Handling don’t-care conditions in high-level synthesis and application for reducing initialized registers (HZC, KHC, SYK), pp. 412–415.
DAC-2009-Welser #challenge #industrial #motivation #research- The semiconductor industry’s nanoelectronics research initiative: motivation and challenges (JW), pp. 298–300.
ITiCSE-2009-HabermanY #development #self #student- Long-term software projects development: the affect of students’ self-appreciation and initial expectations (BH, CY), p. 363.
ITiCSE-2009-MegiasTBS #distance #education #standard- Free technology academy: a European initiative for distance education about free software and open standards (DM, WT, LB, FS), pp. 70–74.
CHI-2009-HoffmannAPWFW #community #information management- Amplifying community content creation with mixed initiative information extraction (RH, SA, KP, FW, JF, DSW), pp. 1849–1858.
CHI-2009-KarapanosZFM #experience #framework #user interface- User experience over time: an initial framework (EK, JZ, JF, JBM), pp. 729–738.
DHM-2009-BenedictCPHND #information management- Eprescribing Initiatives and Knowledge Acquisition in Ambulatory Care (AJB, JCC, AP, RH, LAN, VGD), pp. 475–482.
HIMI-DIE-2009-DumanHG #adaptation #clustering #visual notation- Adaptive Visual Clustering for Mixed-Initiative Information Structuring (HD, AH, RAGH), pp. 384–393.
HIMI-II-2009-SchwarzlerRWR #modelling #using #visual notation- Using Graphical Models for an Intelligent Mixed-Initiative Dialog Management System (SS, GR, FW, GR), pp. 201–209.
ECIR-2009-LungleyK #automation- Automatically Maintained Domain Knowledge: Initial Findings (DL, UK), pp. 739–743.
ICML-2009-SzitaL #learning #polynomial- Optimistic initialization and greediness lead to polynomial time learning in factored MDPs (IS, AL), pp. 1001–1008.
KMIS-2009-Grundstein- Distinguishing Knowledge from Information — A Prerequisite for Elaborating KM Initiative Strategy (MG), pp. 135–140.
ECOOP-2009-HaackP #flexibility #type system- Type-Based Object Immutability with Flexible Initialization (CH, EP), pp. 520–545.
POPL-2009-QiM- Masked types for sound object initialization (XQ, ACM), pp. 53–65.
RE-2009-GotelM #how #requirements- How to Select a Requirements Management Tool: Initial Steps (OG, PM), pp. 365–367.
ICST-2009-BrooksRM #industrial #user interface #visual notation- An Initial Characterization of Industrial Graphical User Interface Systems (PAB, BPR, AMM), pp. 11–20.
TLCA-2009-Hamana #algebra #semantics- Initial Algebra Semantics for Cyclic Sharing Structures (MH), pp. 127–141.
CASE-2008-BittonG #algorithm #framework #named- Hydra: A framework and algorithms for mixed-initiative UAV-assisted search and rescue (EB, KG), pp. 61–66.
MSR-2008-Zhang #eclipse #fault- An initial study of the growth of eclipse defects (HZ), pp. 141–144.
CHI-2008-BirnholtzGRW #distributed #interactive #named- OpenMessenger: gradual initiation of interaction for distributed workgroups (JPB, CG, GR, MW), pp. 1661–1664.
CHI-2008-LohrB #interactive #speech #user interface #visual notation- Mixed-initiative dialog management for speech-based interaction with graphical user interfaces (AL, BB), pp. 979–988.
CHI-2008-StockZKREGTW #interface- A co-located interface for narration to support reconciliation in a conflict: initial results from Jewish and Palestinian youth (OS, MZ, CK, CR, ZE, DGB, DT, PL(W), pp. 1583–1592.
CAiSE-2008-ViscusiTS #approach #case study #empirical #using- Strategic Alignment in the Context of e-Services — An Empirical Investigation of the INSTAL Approach Using the Italian eGovernment Initiative Case Study (GV, LHT, CS), pp. 163–166.
ICPR-2008-HajOGV #automation #robust- Automatic face and facial features initialization for robust and accurate tracking (MAH, JO, JG, JV), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-HortaMF #algorithm #clustering #comparison #image #using- A comparison of clustering fully polarimetric SAR images using SEM algorithm and G0P mixture modelwith different initializations (MMH, NDAM, ACF), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-HuaSY #algorithm #clustering #invariant- Scale-invariant density-based clustering initialization algorithm and its application (CH, RS, YY), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-MatsuiCM #automation #detection- Bayesian sequential face detection with automatic re-initialization (AM, SC, TM), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-TranT #automation #framework #modelling- Hand modeling and tracking from voxel data: An integrated framework with automatic initialization (CT, MMT), pp. 1–4.
RecSys-2008-DrennerST #community #experience #user interface- Crafting the initial user experience to achieve community goals (SD, SS, LGT), pp. 187–194.
SIGIR-2008-ElgersmaR #classification- Personal vs non-personal blogs: initial classification experiments (EE, MdR), pp. 723–724.
RE-2008-BeattyA #case study #experience #requirements- Games-Based Requirements Engineering Training: An Initial Experience Report (JB, MA), pp. 211–216.
WICSA-2007-FragaL #approach #architecture #enterprise #ontology- Training Initiative for New Software/Enterprise Architects: An Ontological Approach (AF, JL), p. 19.
CHI-2007-ButlerZEBHK #case study #design- Work-centered design: a case study of a mixed-initiative scheduler (KAB, JZ, CE, AB, RH, DEK), pp. 747–756.
CHI-2007-ZimmermanTSHMCM #approach #automation #learning #named- Vio: a mixed-initiative approach to learning and automating procedural update tasks (JZ, AT, IS, IH, KM, JC, RMM), pp. 1445–1454.
HCI-IDU-2007-HodgettsJ #cost analysis- Reminders, Alerts and Pop-ups: The Cost of Computer-Initiated Interruptions (HMH, DMJ), pp. 818–826.
HIMI-IIE-2007-ImafukuY #development- A Development of Supporting Systems for Disaster Victims in the Initial Stage of Serious Earthquakes (TI, SY), pp. 1020–1028.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2007-WenningGTSK #algorithm #distributed #framework- Investigations on Object-Centered Routing in Dynamic Environments: Algorithmic Framework and Initial Numerical Results — Support for Distributed Decision Making in Transport Systems (BLW, CG, ATG, JS, HK), pp. 225–230.
ICEIS-DISI-2007-KankaanpaaTAKTS #case study #comparative #evolution #legacy- Legacy system evolution — a comparative study of modernisation and replacement initiation factors (IK, PT, JJA, JK, TT, HS), pp. 280–287.
RecSys-2007-OMahonyS #online #recommendation- A recommender system for on-line course enrolment: an initial study (MPO, BS), pp. 133–136.
TLCA-2007-JohannG #algebra #exclamation #semantics- Initial Algebra Semantics Is Enough! (PJ, NG), pp. 207–222.
CASE-2006-LowYPZ #design #prototype- Initial Prototype Design and Investigation of an Undulating Body by SMA (KHL, JY, APP, YZ), pp. 472–477.
ITiCSE-2006-Utting #education #java #problem #programming #using- Problems in the initial teaching of programming using Java: the case for replacing J2SE with J2ME (IU), pp. 193–196.
CHI-2006-LukPLMLH #design #interactive #mobile #prototype #using- A role for haptics in mobile interaction: initial design using a handheld tactile display prototype (JL, JP, SL, KEM, VL, VH), pp. 171–180.
CIKM-2006-PengH #comparison #retrieval- Direct comparison of commercial and academic retrieval system: an initial study (YP, DH), pp. 806–807.
ICPR-v1-2006-BernardinES #adaptation #detection #multi #robust- Detection-Assisted Initialization, Adaptation and Fusion of Body Region Trackers for Robust Multiperson Tracking (KB, AE, RS), pp. 441–445.
ICPR-v2-2006-ParetiV- Ancient Initial Letters Indexing (RP, NV), pp. 756–759.
ICPR-v2-2006-SolemOH #segmentation- Initialization Techniques for Segmentation with the Chan-Vese Model (JES, NCO, AH), pp. 171–174.
ICPR-v4-2006-KragicK #3d #modelling- Initialization and System Modeling in 3-D Pose Tracking (DK, VK), pp. 643–646.
RE-2006-Dick #requirements- A Requirements Guide For All (REGAL): An INCOSE Initiative (JD), p. 264.
SAC-2006-OsorioK #analysis #behaviour- An initial analysis and presentation of malware exhibiting swarm-like behavior (FCCO, ZK), pp. 323–329.
SAC-2006-WuKC #file system #memory management #performance- Efficient initialization and crash recovery for log-based file systems over flash memory (CHW, TWK, LPC), pp. 896–900.
ICSE-2006-LiHSR #case study #experience #fault #predict- Experiences and results from initiating field defect prediction and product test prioritization efforts at ABB Inc (PLL, JDH, MS, BR), pp. 413–422.
DATE-2005-NolletAMV #low cost #migration- Low Cost Task Migration Initiation in a Heterogeneous MP-SoC (VN, PA, JYM, DV), pp. 252–253.
CSEET-2005-Sindre #case study #communication #education #experience #game studies #student- Teaching Oral Communication Techniques in RE by Student-Student Role Play: Initial Experiences (GS), pp. 85–92.
RE-2005-Nesland #framework #implementation #lessons learnt #process #requirements- Initial Lessons Learned from the Definition and Implementation of a Platform Requirements Engineering Process at Intel Corporation (SN), pp. 429–433.
WCRE-2004-BruntinkDT #aspect-oriented #empirical #reverse engineering- An Initial Experiment in Reverse Engineering Aspects (MB, AvD, TT), pp. 306–307.
WCRE-2004-MohanGL #approach #complexity #concept #using- An Initial Approach to Assessing Program Comprehensibility Using Spatial Complexity, Number of Concepts and Typographical Style (AM, NG, PJL), pp. 246–255.
AdaEurope-2004-Nadrchal #on the fly #realtime #requirements- Event Language for Real-Time On-the-Fly Control According to the Initial Requirements (SPN), pp. 120–131.
CGO-2004-WuBQEF #predict- The Accuracy of Initial Prediction in Two-Phase Dynamic Binary Translators (YW, MBJ, JQ, OE, JF), pp. 227–238.
ICSM-2003-MantylaVL #empirical #smell #taxonomy- A Taxonomy and an Initial Empirical Study of Bad Smells in Code (MM, JV, CL), pp. 381–384.
ICEIS-v2-2003-SalemSA #algorithm #self #using- Improving Self-Organizing Feature Map (SOFM) Training Algorithm Using K-Means Initialization (ABMS, MMS, AFA), pp. 399–405.
PPDP-2003-Hamana #algebra #approach #term rewriting- Term rewriting with variable binding: an initial algebra approach (MH), pp. 148–159.
SAC-2003-GeorgeW #development #industrial- An Initial Investigation of Test Driven Development in Industry (BG, LAW), pp. 1135–1139.
ICSE-2003-EbertS #concept #product line- Tricks and Traps of Initiating a Product Line Concept in Existing Product (CE, MS), pp. 520–527.
PEPM-2002-RamakrishnanCP #interactive- Mixed-initiative interaction = mixed computation (NR, RC, MAPQ), pp. 119–130.
CHI-2002-ZhengVBOO #process #social #trust- Trust without touch: jumpstarting long-distance trust with initial social activities (JZ, ESV, NB, JSO, GMO), pp. 141–146.
RE-2002-Alexander #analysis #case study #experience #industrial #trade-off- Initial Industrial Experience of Misuse Cases in Trade-Off Analysis (IFA), pp. 61–70.
SAC-2002-JulstromR #algorithm #robust #set- Initialization is robust in evolutionary algorithms that encode spanning trees as sets of edges (BAJ, GRR), pp. 547–552.
WICSA-2001-GeppertR #design #internet #protocol- Collaboration-Based Design — Exemplified by the Internet Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) (BG, FR), p. 158–?.
ICDAR-2001-DowntonTWHLBSR #architecture #design #legacy- Constructing Web-Based Legacy Index Card Archives — Architectural Design Issues and Initial Data Acquisition (ACD, ACT, GJW, ACH, SML, GWB, MJS, GSR), pp. 854–858.
CSEET-2001-Newman #case study #education #re-engineering- Observations on Relationships between Initial Professional Education for Software Engineering and Systems Engineering-A Case Study (IN), p. 172–?.
CAiSE-2001-Rudolph #experience #pervasive- Project Oxygen: Pervasive, Human-Centric Computing — An Initial Experience (LR), pp. 1–12.
CAV-2001-Bertot #formal method #proving #theorem proving #verification- Formalizing a JVML Verifier for Initialization in a Theorem Prover (YB), pp. 14–24.
CSEET-2000-Carter #re-engineering- Initiating an Undergraduate Program in Software Engineering (BDC), p. 307.
CSEET-2000-Runeson #case study #experience #re-engineering- A New Software Engineering Program — Structure and Initial Experiences (PR), pp. 223–232.
WCRE-2000-MooreM #internet #legacy #migration #user interface- Migrating Legacy User Interfaces to the Internet: Shifting Dialogue Initiative (MMM, LVM), pp. 52–58.
CSCW-2000-Bajesy #implementation #named- IT2: an information technology initiative for the twenty-first century — NSF plans for implementation (RB), p. 359.
ICML-2000-Maloof #adaptation- An Initial Study of an Adaptive Hierarchical Vision System (MAM), pp. 567–574.
ICPR-v2-2000-KabanG #clustering #documentation- Initialized and Guided EM-Clustering of Sparse Binary Data with Application to Text Based Documents (AK, MG), pp. 2744–2747.
ICPR-v3-2000-LuceySC #linear #performance #using- Initialized Eigenlip Estimator for Fast Lip Tracking Using Linear Regression (SL, SS, VC), pp. 3182–3185.
SAC-2000-DoyonD #bytecode #java #verification- Verifying Object Initialization in the Java Bytecode Language (SD, MD), pp. 821–830.
ICDAR-1999-Stork #documentation #research- Character and Document Research in the Open Mind Initiative (DGS), pp. 1–12.
WCRE-1999-BurdM #approach #evolution #towards- An Initial Approach towards Measuring and Characterizing Software Evolution (EB, MM), pp. 168–174.
CHI-1999-Horvitz #user interface- Principles of Mixed-Initiative User Interfaces (EH), pp. 159–166.
SIGIR-1999-Nordlie #comparison #development #interactive #online #query #quote- “User Revealment” — a Comparison of Initial Queries and Ensuing Question Development in Online Searching and in Human Reference Interactions (RN), pp. 11–18.
SAC-1999-FenwickD #automaton #estimation #using- Electrical Substation Service-Area Estimation Using Cellular Automata: An Initial Report (JWF, LJD), pp. 560–565.
ICSE-1999-WalkerBM #aspect-oriented #assessment #programming- An Initial Assessment of Aspect-Oriented Programming (RJW, ELAB, GCM), pp. 120–130.
DAC-1998-CongW #performance- Optimal FPGA Mapping and Retiming with Efficient Initial State Computation (JC, CW), pp. 330–335.
SIGMOD-1998-UrhanFA #query- Cost Based Query Scrambling for Initial Delays (TU, MJF, LA), pp. 130–141.
ITiCSE-1998-AbernethyGT #case study #experience- Inquiry-based computer science instruction: some initial experiences (KA, PG, KT), pp. 14–17.
TAGT-1998-GodardMM #graph #power of- The Power of Local Computations in Graphs with Initial Knowledge (EG, YM, AM), pp. 71–84.
CHI-1998-Rocco #trust- Trust Breaks Down in Electronic Contexts But Can Be Repaired by Some Initial Face-to-Face Contact (ER), pp. 496–502.
ICML-1998-BradleyF #clustering- Refining Initial Points for K-Means Clustering (PSB, UMF), pp. 91–99.
ICPR-1998-BreukelenD #classification #network- Neural network initialization by combined classifiers (MvB, RPWD), pp. 215–218.
ICPR-1998-GrimNPSF- Initializing normal mixtures of densities (JG, JN, PP, PS, FJF), pp. 886–890.
ICPR-1998-KeeniNS #automation #classification #estimation #generative #network #using- Automatic generation of initial weights and estimation of hidden units for pattern classification using neural networks (KK, KN, HS), pp. 1568–1571.
KDD-1998-FayyadRB #algorithm #clustering #refinement- Initialization of Iterative Refinement Clustering Algorithms (UMF, CR, PSB), pp. 194–198.
OOPSLA-1998-FreundM #bytecode #java #type system- A Type System for Object Initialization in the Java Bytecode Language (SNF, JCM), pp. 310–327.
ICRE-1998-LecoeucheMR #elicitation #framework #requirements- A Framework for Requirements Elicitation through Mixed-Initiative Dialogue (RL, CM, DSR), p. 190–?.
HT-1997-PetrieMMOM #design #evaluation #hypermedia #interface- Initial Design and Evaluation of an Interface to Hypermedia Systems for Blind Users (HP, SM, PM, AMO, DM), pp. 48–56.
ITiCSE-1997-JawaryBV- International initiative (AJ, CB, SSV), pp. 85–87.
HPCA-1997-Abdel-ShafiHAA #communication #evaluation #multi- An Evaluation of Fine-Grain Producer-Initiated Communication in Cache-Coherent Multiprocessors (HAS, JH, SVA, VSA), pp. 204–215.
HPCA-1997-AugustCGH #architecture #branch #predict- Architectural Support for Compiler-Synthesized Dynamic Branch Prediction Strategies: Rationale and Initial Results (DIA, DAC, JCG, WmWH), pp. 84–93.
ITiCSE-1996-MalyWOAGYSTP #case study #experience #interactive- Interactive remote instruction: initial experiences (KM, JCW, CMO, HMAW, AG, AY, ES, RT, AP), pp. 153–155.
ITiCSE-1996-WoodmanH #object-oriented- From software user to software author: an initial pedagogy for introductory object-oriented computing (MW, SH), pp. 60–62.
TRI-Ada-1996-Moody #ada #architecture #case study #experience #migration #reuse- Migrating Well Engineered Ada 83 Applications into Newer Architecture and Reuse Based Ada 95 Systems: Experiences from Boeing’s Reuse Initiative Project (SAM), pp. 219–229.
JICSLP-1996-Shen #implementation #parallel- Initial Results of the Parallel Implementation of DASWAM (KS), pp. 513–527.
CSEE-1995-MalyRWLOORSP #past present future- Computer Productivity Initiative: Past, Present, Future (KM, DER, JCW, IBL, SO, CMO, NSVR, DS, GP), pp. 15–29.
AdaEurope-1995-BirusKKRT #ada #realtime- Extending the Ada 95 Initial Conditions for Preelaboration for Use in Real-Time Systems (TB, PK, EK, JR, JLT), pp. 164–169.
SAC-1995-FiedlerLDL #using- Optimal initialization of mixed-layer model using the adjoint technique (RF, SL, SKD, JML), pp. 91–95.
HPCA-1995-SterlingSMG #evaluation- An Initial Evaluation of the Convex SPP-1000 for Earth and Space Science Application (TLS, DS, PM, JPG), pp. 176–185.
DAC-1994-JunH #automation #pipes and filters #synthesis- Automatic Synthesis of Pipeline Structures with Variable Data Initiation Intervals (HSJ, SYH), pp. 537–541.
CSEE-1994-MalyRWLOORIK- Computer Productivity Initiative (KM, DER, JCW, IBL, SO, CMO, NSVR, TI, GK), pp. 441–459.
SAC-1994-MerkleL #algorithm #analysis #parallel #performance #search-based- An initial analysis of data parallelism in the fast messy genetic algorithm (LDM, GBL), pp. 488–492.
ICDAR-1993-Dengel #documentation #learning- Initial learning of document structure (AD), pp. 86–90.
ICSE-1993-LubarsPR #modelling #object-oriented- Developing Initial OOA Models (MDL, CP, CR), pp. 255–264.
DAC-1992-Scallan #framework #perspective- CAD Framework Initiative — A User Perspective (TJS), pp. 672–675.
KR-1992-ShohamT #multi- Emergent Conventions in Multi-Agent Systems: Initial Experimental Results and Observations (Preliminary Report) (YS, MT), pp. 225–231.
DAC-1991-Srinivasan #algorithm- An Algorithm for Performance-Driven Initial Placement of Small-Cell ICs (AS), pp. 636–639.
DAC-1990-FidukKKP #design #framework #perspective- Design Methodology Management — a CAD Framework Initiative Perspective (KWF, SK, MK, EBP), pp. 278–283.
DAC-1989-PrasitjutrakulK #approach #programming- Path-Delay Constrained Floorplanning: A Mathematical Programming Approach for Initial Placement (SP, WJK), pp. 364–369.
ML-1989-ORorkeMS #abduction #case study- Theory Formation by Abduction: Initial Results of a Case Study Based on the Chemical Revolution (PO, SM, DS), pp. 266–271.
DAC-1988-PillageR #metric #polynomial- A Quadratic Metric with a Simple Solution Scheme for Initial Placement (LTP, RAR), pp. 324–329.
LFP-1988-GoldmanG #implementation- Preliminary Results with the Initial Implementation of Qlisp (RG, RPG), pp. 143–152.
ALP-1988-Comon #algebra #effectiveness- An Effective Method for Handling Initial Algebras (HC), pp. 108–118.
HCI-CE-1987-SewellGR #evaluation #interface- Initial Evaluation of an Intelligent Interface for Operators (DRS, NDG, WBR), pp. 551–558.
CRAI-1986-Gallo #approach #re-engineering #towards- The PCTE Initiative: Toward a European Approach to Software Engineering (FG), pp. 16–29.
DAC-1984-Blanks #array #using- Initial placement of gate arrays using least-squares methods (JPB), pp. 670–671.
DAC-1984-Palczewski #algorithm #performance- Performance of algorithms for initial placement (MP), pp. 399–404.
DAC-1984-Richard #standard- A standard cell initial placement strategy (BDR), pp. 392–398.
ICALP-1983-Gabarro #complexity- Initial Index: A New Complexity Function for Languages (JG), pp. 226–236.
STOC-1981-JosephY #modelling #performance #polynomial #source code- Fast Programs for Initial Segments and Polynomial Time Computation in Weak Models of Arithmetic (Preliminary Abstract) (DJ, PY), pp. 55–61.
SOSP-1975-Janson #multi #process- Dynamic Linking and Environment Initialization in a Multi-Domain Process (PAJ), pp. 43–50.
DAC-1974-BreuerF #automation #concept #design- Initial design concepts for an advanced design automation system (MAB, ADF), pp. 366–371.