387 papers:
CASE-2015-GallertLRJT #2d #3d #biology #industrial #scalability #throughput- Biological high throughput screening of 2D and 3D cell cultures for future industrial up-scaling (CG, RL, TR, SJ, KT), pp. 1527–1532.
CASE-2015-LinZW #predict #realtime #using- Using real-time sensing data for predicting future state of building fires (CCL, GZ, LLW), pp. 1313–1318.
DAC-2015-WangHWLL #assembly #memory management #named- RADAR: a case for retention-aware DRAM assembly and repair in future FGR DRAM memory (YW, YH, CW, HL, XL), p. 6.
DAC-2015-WangJZWY #energy #performance- Selective restore: an energy efficient read disturbance mitigation scheme for future STT-MRAM (RW, LJ, YZ, LW, JY), p. 6.
HT-2015-Laouris #hybrid- The Near Future is Hybrid (YL), p. 1.
ICFP-2015-PloegC #exclamation- Practical principled FRP: forget the past, change the future, FRPNow! (AvdP, KC), pp. 302–314.
CHI-2015-Odom #case study #comprehension #experience #interactive- Understanding Long-Term Interactions with a Slow Technology: an Investigation of Experiences with FutureMe (WO), pp. 575–584.
CHI-2015-SlegersRVD #elicitation #game studies #research #user interface #using- Using Game Principles in UX Research: A Board Game for Eliciting Future User Needs (KS, SR, JV, PD), pp. 1225–1228.
CSCW-2015-ProstMT #design #energy #towards #using- From Awareness to Empowerment: Using Design Fiction to Explore Paths towards a Sustainable Energy Future (SP, EEM, MT), pp. 1649–1658.
DUXU-DD-2015-RenziF #delphi #human-computer- Delphi Method to Explore Future Scenario Possibilities on Technology and HCI (ABR, SFdF), pp. 644–653.
LCT-2015-SheenL #future of #perspective- The Future of Electronic Textbooks from a User Perspective (KAS, YL), pp. 704–713.
KDD-2015-Awadallah #data transformation #future of- Hadoop’s Impact on the Future of Data Management (AA), p. 1623.
KDD-2015-NagarajanWBNBHT #analysis #predict- Predicting Future Scientific Discoveries Based on a Networked Analysis of the Past Literature (MN, ADW, BJB, IBN, SB, PJH, METD, SB, AKA, JJL, SR, CMB, CRP, LK, AML, AL, HZ, SB, GW, YC, LAD, WSS, OL), pp. 2019–2028.
SAC-2015-BeckersHMG #internet #security- Engineering trust- and reputation-based security controls for future internet systems (KB, MH, FM, MCFG), pp. 1344–1349.
ICSE-v2-2015-Booch #future of #re-engineering- The Future of Software Engineering (SEIP Keynote) (GB), p. 3.
ASPLOS-2015-HauswaldLZLRKDM #named- Sirius: An Open End-to-End Voice and Vision Personal Assistant and Its Implications for Future Warehouse Scale Computers (JH, MAL, YZ, CL, AR, AK, RGD, TNM, VP, LT, JM), pp. 223–238.
HPCA-2015-HayesPUCV #algorithm #architecture #novel #sorting- VSR sort: A novel vectorised sorting algorithm & architecture extensions for future microprocessors (TH, OP, OSÜ, AC, MV), pp. 26–38.
HPCA-2015-PekhimenkoHCMGK #reuse- Exploiting compressed block size as an indicator of future reuse (GP, TH, RC, OM, PBG, MAK, TCM), pp. 51–63.
ICLP-2015-RoseckyPB #energy #grid #prolog #simulation- Grid Mind: Prolog-Based Simulation Environment for Future Energy Grids (JR, FP, BB).
CBSE-2014-Lau #component #modelling #past present future- Software component models: past, present and future (KKL), pp. 185–186.
DATE-2014-SchmidBMKSKMSR- III-V semiconductor nanowires for future devices (HS, BMB, KM, PDK, GS, SFK, PM, VS, HR), pp. 1–2.
ITiCSE-2014-Gulliksen #challenge #education- Meeting the future challenges of education and digitization (JG), p. 2.
CSMR-WCRE-2014-AutiliIT #internet #named #scalability- CHOREOS: Large scale choreographies for the future internet (MA, PI, MT), pp. 391–394.
CSMR-WCRE-2014-RoyZK #past present future- The vision of software clone management: Past, present, and future (Keynote paper) (CKR, MFZ, RK), pp. 18–33.
CSMR-WCRE-2014-VosTPKBHS #automation #internet #named #process #testing- FITTEST: A new continuous and automated testing process for future Internet applications (TEJV, PT, WP, PMK, AB, MH, OS), pp. 407–410.
CHI-2014-CostanzaFCRRJ #energy- Doing the laundry with agents: a field trial of a future smart energy system in the home (EC, JEF, JAC, TR, SDR, NRJ), pp. 813–822.
CHI-2014-DaviesLCEFKS #network #personalisation #pervasive #privacy- Personalisation and privacy in future pervasive display networks (ND, ML, SC, IE, AF, TK, BS), pp. 2357–2366.
CHI-2014-ForlinesMGB #crowdsourcing #network #predict #social- Crowdsourcing the future: predictions made with a social network (CF, SM, LG, RB), pp. 3655–3664.
CHI-2014-RogersPBVMV #people- Never too old: engaging retired people inventing the future with MaKey MaKey (YR, JP, MB, KV, GM, FV), pp. 3913–3922.
CHI-2014-VanieaRW #case study #experience #how #security- Betrayed by updates: how negative experiences affect future security (KV, EJR, RW), pp. 2671–2674.
CHI-2014-YeMOF #mobile #people #smarttech #visual notation- Current and future mobile and wearable device use by people with visual impairments (HY, MM, UO, LF), pp. 3123–3132.
DHM-2014-GoreW #concept #process- A Task Analytic Process to Define Future Concepts in Aviation (BFG, CW), pp. 236–246.
DHM-2014-GuarneriA #design- Active Prevention by Motivating and Engaging Teenagers in Adopting Healthier Lifestyles: — PEGASO Strategy in Designing Future Healthcare Pillars (RG, GA), pp. 351–360.
DHM-2014-OtaEH- Future Applied Conventional Technology Engineering New Academic Fields from Manufacturing Country JAPAN (TO, AE, HH), pp. 185–196.
DUXU-DI-2014-Hellweg #development #education #future of #game studies #what- Wanting the Unwanted — What Games Can Teach Us about the Future of Software Development (DH), pp. 711–719.
DUXU-TMT-2014-IioIM #database #design #user interface- The Database on Near-Future Technologies for User Interface Design from SciFi Movies (JI, SI, HM), pp. 572–579.
HCI-AS-2014-HimmelZWZ #challenge #design #energy- The Youth of Today Designing the Smart City of Tomorrow — Challenges to Future Mobility, Energy, and City Climate (SH, BSZ, WW, MZ), pp. 389–400.
HCI-AS-2014-ZhouXDC #future of #interactive #interface #mobile #past present future- Where Is Mobile Projection Interaction Going? The Past, Present and Future of the Mobile Projected Interface (YZ, TX, BD, RC), pp. 189–198.
HCI-TMT-2014-BorumBF #case study #tool support- The Resilience of Analog Tools in Creative Work Practices: A Case Study of LEGO Future Lab’s Team in Billund (NB, EPB, SRFM), pp. 23–34.
HCI-TMT-2014-Brahnam #human-computer #modelling #prototype- HCI Prototyping and Modeling of Future Psychotherapy Technologies in Second Life (SB), pp. 273–284.
HIMI-DE-2014-JacquesF #case study #information management #student- Personal Information Management Competences: A Case Study of Future College Students (JJ, PF), pp. 320–331.
AdaEurope-2014-Shawky #challenge #design #embedded #framework- Future Challenges in Design Frameworks for Embedded Systems: Application to Intelligent Transportation Systems (MS), pp. 7–10.
ICEIS-v2-2014-Kupper #approach #research #social- Measuring the Success of Social CRM — First Approach and Future Research (TK), pp. 573–582.
ECIR-2014-WangL #realtime #statistics #twitter- The Impact of Future Term Statistics in Real-Time Tweet Search (YW, JL), pp. 567–572.
KDD-2014-Etzioni #data mining #future of #mining- The battle for the future of data mining (OE), p. 1.
KEOD-2014-GonenFEBWZP #how #maintenance #modelling #ontology #question- Maintaining SOA Systems of the Future — How Can Ontological Modeling Help? (BG, XF, EES, SB, NW, AZ, IP), pp. 376–381.
SAC-2014-RockiBS #abstraction #future of #performance #programming #question- The future of accelerator programming: abstraction, performance or can we have both? (KR, MB, RS), pp. 886–895.
FSE-2014-AutiliRSP #internet #named- CHOReOSynt: enforcing choreography realizability in the future internet (MA, DDR, ADS, AP), pp. 723–726.
SPLC-2014-HarmanJKLPZ #bibliography #product line #re-engineering- Search based software engineering for software product line engineering: a survey and directions for future work (MH, YJ, JK, WBL, JP, YZ), pp. 5–18.
CGO-2014-DingEO #architecture #compilation #congruence- Single Assignment Compiler, Single Assignment Architecture: Future Gated Single Assignment Form*; Static Single Assignment with Congruence Classes (SD, JE, SÖ), p. 196.
HPCA-2014-PeraisS- Practical data value speculation for future high-end processors (AP, AS), pp. 428–439.
PPoPP-2014-HerlihyL #locality- Well-structured futures and cache locality (MH, ZL), pp. 155–166.
LICS-CSL-2014-CousotC #abstract interpretation #past present future- Abstract interpretation: past, present and future (PC, RC), p. 10.
DAC-2013-AsenovART #performance #predict- Predicting future technology performance (AA, CA, CR, ET), p. 6.
DAC-2013-BartoliniCDMSS #operating system #research- The autonomic operating system research project: achievements and future directions (DBB, RC, GD, MM, MDS, FS), p. 10.
DAC-2013-HenkelBDGNSTW #lessons learnt #reliability #roadmap- Reliable on-chip systems in the nano-era: lessons learnt and future trends (JH, LB, ND, PG, SRN, MS, MBT, NW), p. 10.
DAC-2013-KleebergerGS #evaluation #modelling #performance #predict #standard- Predicting future product performance: modeling and evaluation of standard cells in FinFET technologies (VK, HEG, US), p. 6.
DAC-2013-RellermeyerLK #embedded #operating system- Cloud platforms and embedded computing: the operating systems of the future (JSR, SWL, MK), p. 6.
DAC-2013-ZhangPFH- Lighting the dark silicon by exploiting heterogeneity on future processors (YZ, LP, XF, YH), p. 7.
DATE-2013-GreenGW #energy- Innovative energy storage solutions for future electromobility in smart cities (KG, SRG, RW), pp. 1730–1734.
DATE-2013-KodakaTSYKTXSUTMM #manycore #power management #predict- A near-future prediction method for low power consumption on a many-core processor (TK, AT, SS, AY, TK, TT, HX, TS, HU, JT, TM, NM), pp. 1058–1059.
DATE-2013-NugterenBC #architecture #future of #parametricity- Future of GPGPU micro-architectural parameters (CN, GJvdB, HC), pp. 392–395.
DATE-2013-VermesanBJHBM #architecture #ecosystem #mobile- Smart, connected and mobile: architecting future electric mobility ecosystems (OV, LCJB, RJ, PH, RB, AM), pp. 1740–1744.
DATE-2013-Xie #memory management- Future memory and interconnect technologies (YX0), pp. 964–969.
VLDB-2013-TranBD #big data #design #problem #query- Designing Query Optimizers for Big Data Problems of The Future (NT, SB, JD), pp. 1168–1169.
CSEET-2013-Cowling #development #education #future of #modelling #re-engineering- Model-driven development and the future of software engineering education (TC), pp. 329–331.
FASE-2013-Czarnecki #state of the art #variability- Variability in Software: State of the Art and Future Directions — (Extended Abstract) (KC), pp. 1–5.
CSMR-2013-BagnatoSBV #case study #industrial #internet #testing #uml- The OMG UML Testing Profile in Use — An Industrial Case Study for the Future Internet Testing (AB, AS, EB, TEJV), pp. 457–460.
ICPC-2013-ParninTS #challenge #developer- Blogging developer knowledge: Motivations, challenges, and future directions (CP, CT, MADS), pp. 211–214.
PLDI-2013-Larus #exclamation #in the cloud- Look up!: your future is in the cloud (JRL), pp. 1–2.
ICALP-v2-2013-BokerKKS #nondeterminism- Nondeterminism in the Presence of a Diverse or Unknown Future (UB, DK, OK, MS), pp. 89–100.
CHI-2013-MankoffRF #research #using- Looking past yesterday’s tomorrow: using futures studies methods to extend the research horizon (JM, JAR, HF), pp. 1629–1638.
CHI-2013-RoddenFPBM #energy #towards- At home with agents: exploring attitudes towards future smart energy infrastructures (TR, JEF, NP, KB, SM), pp. 1173–1182.
CSCW-2013-KitturNBGSZLH #future of- The future of crowd work (AK, JVN, MSB, EG, ADS, JZ, ML, JH), pp. 1301–1318.
CSCW-2013-PertererSMWT- Come drive with me: an ethnographic study of driver-passenger pairs to inform future in-car assistance (NP, PS, AM, DW, MT), pp. 1539–1548.
DHM-HB-2013-IllmannFLBD- Application and Future Developments of EMA in Digital Production Planning and Ergonomics (BI, LF, WL, SB, MD), pp. 66–75.
DUXU-PMT-2013-FlanaganV #interface- Future Fashion — At the Interface (PJF, KFCV), pp. 48–57.
DUXU-PMT-2013-Kurosu13a- Sci-Fi Movies and the Pessimistic View for the Future Controlled Society of Totalitarianism (MK), pp. 94–99.
DUXU-WM-2013-WilliamsGMW13a #approach- A User Centred Approach to Evaluating the Future Demand for Bandwidth from Consumers (DW, AG, JM, JW), pp. 150–159.
HCI-AS-2013-JokelaLN #usability- Usability in RFP’s: The Current Practice and Outline for the Future (TJ, JL, MN), pp. 101–106.
HCI-AS-2013-StillwaterWN #bibliography #mobile- Mobile App Support for Electric Vehicle Drivers: A Review of Today’s Marketplace and Future Directions (TS, JW, MN), pp. 640–646.
HCI-IMT-2013-BarbeWM #approach #design- Human Centered Design Approach to Integrate Touch Screen in Future Aircraft Cockpits (JB, MW, RM), pp. 429–438.
ECMFA-2013-Kulkarni #development #modelling- Model Driven Software Development — A Practitioner Takes Stock and Looks into Future (VK), pp. 220–235.
RE-2013-ShiWL #evolution #learning #predict- Learning from evolution history to predict future requirement changes (LS, QW, ML), pp. 135–144.
SAC-2013-CicekD #smarttech- Demand response computation for future smart grids incorporating wind power (NÇ, HD), pp. 680–685.
PLEASE-2013-SchultisEL #architecture #ecosystem #industrial #question #towards- Moving towards industrial software ecosystems: Are our software architectures fit for the future? (KBS, CE, DL), pp. 9–12.
CBSE-2012-AbateCTZ #component #future of #learning #repository- Learning from the future of component repositories (PA, RDC, RT, SZ), pp. 51–60.
CASE-2012-EhmP #research- Future research directions for mastering end-to-end semiconductor supply chains (HE, TP), pp. 641–645.
DAC-2012-ParkGMRR #architecture #design #energy #performance #using- Future cache design using STT MRAMs for improved energy efficiency: devices, circuits and architecture (SPP, SKG, NNM, AR, KR), pp. 492–497.
DATE-2012-DrumlSWGH #estimation #manycore #smarttech- Estimation based power and supply voltage management for future RF-powered multi-core smart cards (ND, CS, RW, AG, JH), pp. 358–363.
DATE-2012-FettweisNL- Pathways to servers of the future (GF, WEN, WL), pp. 1161–1166.
DATE-2012-Peraldi-FratiBKK #modelling- Timing Modeling with AUTOSAR — Current state and future directions (MAPF, HB, DK, SK), pp. 805–809.
DATE-2012-RoxEG #analysis #design #network #using- Using timing analysis for the design of future switched based Ethernet automotive networks (JR, RE, PG), pp. 57–62.
DATE-2012-TetzlaffB #design- Memristor technology in future electronic system design (RT, AB), p. 592.
DATE-2012-TorresAGPR #benchmark #metric- Beyond CMOS — benchmarking for future technologies (CMST, JA, MWMG, RMP, WR), pp. 129–134.
VLDB-2012-KhalefaFPL #integration #modelling- Model-based Integration of Past & Future in TimeTravel (MEK, UF, TBP, WL), pp. 1974–1977.
ITiCSE-2012-TillmannMHFBSX #education #future of #mobile #programming- The future of teaching programming is on mobile devices (NT, MM, JdH, MF, JB, AS, TX), pp. 156–161.
SEFM-2012-DinDO #composition #reasoning- Compositional Reasoning about Shared Futures (CCD, JD, OO), pp. 94–108.
CHI-2012-LeeLKS #named- JigsawMap: connecting the past to the future by mapping historical textual cadasters (HL, SL, NK, JS), pp. 463–472.
CSCW-2012-ZubeVOLO #wiki- Classroom Wikipedia participation effects on future intentions to contribute (PZ, AV, EO, CL, JO), pp. 403–406.
CAiSE-2012-Kurowski #challenge- Challenges for Future Platforms, Services and Networked Applications (KK), pp. 19–30.
CAiSE-2012-Missikoff #enterprise #future of- The Future of Enterprise Systems in a Fully Networked Society (MM), pp. 1–18.
ECIR-2012-GaugazSDIGH #impact analysis #predict- Predicting the Future Impact of News Events (JG, PS, GD, TI, MG, NH), pp. 50–62.
HPCA-2012-VegaBBDFJM #architecture- Architectural perspectives of future wireless base stations based on the IBM PowerEN™ processor (AV, PB, AB, JHD, MF, CJ, RKM), pp. 423–432.
HPDC-2012-Bianchini #energy- Leveraging renewable energy in data centers: present and future (RB), pp. 135–136.
ASE-2011-ParizekL #identification #traversal- Identifying future field accesses in exhaustive state space traversal (PP, OL), pp. 93–102.
DAC-2011-BurnsCKPWS #3d #challenge #design- Design, CAD and technology challenges for future processors: 3D perspectives (JB, GC, EK, RP, JDW, MS), p. 212.
DAC-2011-LimVH #challenge #network #realtime- Challenges in a future IP/ethernet-based in-car network for real-time applications (HTL, LV, DH), pp. 7–12.
DATE-2011-DOrazioVD #challenge #network #state of the art- Sensor networks on the car: State of the art and future challenges (LD, FV, MD), pp. 1030–1035.
DATE-2011-DupretTVAP- Smart imagers of the future (AD, MT, AV, LA, AP), pp. 437–442.
DATE-2011-LeeS #component #design- Component-based design for the future (EAL, ALSV), p. 1029.
CSEET-2011-RichardsonRSPD #learning #problem #quality #research- Educating software engineers of the future: Software quality research through problem-based learning (IR, LR, SBS, BP, YD), pp. 91–100.
ITiCSE-2011-Ernst #architecture #manycore #performance #student- Preparing students for future architectures with an exploration of multi- and many-core performance (DJE), pp. 57–62.
CSMR-2011-VosTWHPPN #internet #testing- Future Internet Testing with FITTEST (TEJV, PT, JW, MH, WP, EP, YNB), pp. 355–358.
ICPC-2011-EndrikatH #aspect-oriented #development #maintenance #programming- Is Aspect-Oriented Programming a Rewarding Investment into Future Code Changes? A Socio-technical Study on Development and Maintenance Time (SE, SH), pp. 51–60.
CHI-2011-CostaCS #collaboration #coordination #distributed #evolution #generative #scalability #tool support- The scale and evolution of coordination needs in large-scale distributed projects: implications for the future generation of collaborative tools (JMdRC, MC, CRBdS), pp. 3151–3160.
CHI-2011-KannabiranBB #how #human-computer #research- How HCI talks about sexuality: discursive strategies, blind spots, and opportunities for future research (GK, JB, SB), pp. 695–704.
CSCW-2011-ZhaoLLG #approach #game studies #hybrid #internet #realtime #video- Back to the future: a hybrid approach to transparent sharing of video games over the internet in real time (SZ, DL, TL, NG), pp. 187–196.
DHM-2011-WortelenL #approach #automation #behaviour #estimation- Less Driving While Driving? An Approach for the Estimation of Effects of Future Vehicle Automation Systems on Driver Behavior (BW, AL), pp. 523–532.
DUXU-v1-2011-DinetVB #community #design #difference #towards- Towards Future Methods to Take into Account Cross-Cultural Differences in Design: An Example with the “Expert Community Staff” (ECS) (JD, RV, EB), pp. 53–61.
DUXU-v1-2011-KumarG #design- Future Centered Design: Designing for Sustainable Business (JK, PG), pp. 449–457.
HCD-2011-ChoiPJP #analysis #research #smarttech #state of the art- Scientometric Analysis of Research in Smart Clothing: State of the Art and Future Direction (KC, HP, ESJ, SP), pp. 500–508.
HCI-UA-2011-GuhaDF #design #how- How Children Can Design the Future (MLG, AD, JAF), pp. 559–569.
OCSC-2011-ReedM #education #roadmap- Teacher Agents: The Current State, Future Trends, and Many Roles of Intelligent Agents in Education (KR, GM), pp. 69–78.
CIKM-2011-AmodeoBB #hybrid #modelling #predict- Hybrid models for future event prediction (GA, RB, UB), pp. 1981–1984.
CIKM-2011-JatowtY #scalability- Extracting collective expectations about the future from large text collections (AJ, CmAY), pp. 1259–1264.
CIKM-2011-YanTLSL #learning #predict- Citation count prediction: learning to estimate future citations for literature (RY, JT, XL, DS, XL), pp. 1247–1252.
KEOD-2011-ModicaT #semantics- A Semantic Model to Support Advanced Supply-demand Matchmaking in Future Cloud Resources Market (GDM, OT), pp. 429–432.
RecSys-2011-CamposDS #evaluation #matrix #predict #recommendation #testing #towards- Towards a more realistic evaluation: testing the ability to predict future tastes of matrix factorization-based recommenders (PGC, FD, MASM), pp. 309–312.
SIGIR-2011-Lu #future of #web- Future of the web and search (QL), pp. 1–2.
PPDP-2011-SabelS #concurrent #haskell #semantics- A contextual semantics for concurrent Haskell with futures (DS, MSS), pp. 101–112.
ICSE-2011-ZhouM #developer #future of- Does the initial environment impact the future of developers (MZ, AM), pp. 271–280.
CC-2011-Odersky #parallel #persistent- Future-Proofing Collections: From Mutable to Persistent to Parallel (MO), p. 1.
DAC-2010-BansalRYJLMMR #3d #question- 3-D stacked die: now or future? (SB, JCR, AY, MSJ, LCL, PM, PM, RR), pp. 298–299.
DAC-2010-GoossensH #evolution #network- The aethereal network on chip after ten years: goals, evolution, lessons, and future (KG, AH), pp. 306–311.
DAC-2010-KuehlmannCCCGGLS #design #in the cloud #question- Does IC design have a future in the clouds? (AK, RC, JC, JC, SG, RG, PL, DS), pp. 412–414.
DAC-2010-NsBNPSGB #design #future of #power management #question #what- What’s cool for the future of ultra low power designs? (NN, JB, KN, VP, TS, AG, SB), pp. 523–524.
DAC-2010-PuriJJJRRS #challenge- EDA challenges and options: investing for the future (RP, WHJ, RJ, AJ, JMR, WCR, LS), pp. 1–2.
VLDB-2010-Etzion #past present future- Event Processing — past, present and future (OE), pp. 1651–1652.
CSEET-2010-KangKBCL- KAIST-CMU MSE Program — The Past and the Future (SK, IYK, JB, HJC, DL), pp. 49–56.
CHI-2010-ForlizziBS #collaboration #design #interactive #navigation- Where should i turn: moving from individual to collaborative navigation strategies to inform the interaction design of future navigation systems (JF, WCB, TS), pp. 1261–1270.
CHI-2010-Takeuchi- Weightless walls and the future office (YT), pp. 619–628.
CAiSE-2010-AalstPS #mining #process- Beyond Process Mining: From the Past to Present and Future (WMPvdA, MP, MS), pp. 38–52.
CIKM-2010-MinkovCLTJ #collaboration #recommendation- Collaborative future event recommendation (EM, BC, JL, SJT, TSJ), pp. 819–828.
ECIR-2010-Smyth #collaboration #social #web- Web Search Futures: Personal, Collaborative, Social (BS), p. 10.
SEKE-2010-Ruhe #information management #re-engineering #research- Future Research Directions for Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (GR), p. 5.
OOPSLA-2010-SwaineTDFF #incremental #parallel #runtime- Back to the futures: incremental parallelization of existing sequential runtime systems (JS, KT, PAD, RBF, MF), pp. 583–597.
SPLC-2010-NolanA #case study #estimation #experience #product line- Dealing with Cost Estimation in Software Product Lines: Experiences and Future Directions (AJN, SA), pp. 121–135.
CC-2010-DingO #algorithm #representation #strict- Unrestricted Code Motion: A Program Representation and Transformation Algorithms Based on Future Values (SD, SÖ), pp. 26–45.
ICTSS-2010-Schieferdecker #automation #perspective #state of the art #testing- Test Automation with TTCN-3 — State of the Art and a Future Perspective (IS), pp. 1–14.
DATE-2009-MatsunagaHIMEOH #in memory- MTJ-based nonvolatile logic-in-memory circuit, future prospects and issues (SM, JH, SI, KM, TE, HO, TH), pp. 433–435.
ITiCSE-2009-FesakisS #education #programming- Influence of the familiarization with “scratch” on future teachers’ opinions and attitudes about programming and ICT in education (GF, KS), pp. 258–262.
ICSM-2009-HanssenYCM #agile #challenge #development #maintenance- Maintenance and agile development: Challenges, opportunities and future directions (GKH, AFY, RC, LM), pp. 487–490.
WCRE-2009-Hainaut #future of #legacy #reverse engineering- Legacy and Future of Data Reverse Engineering (JLH), p. 4.
FM-2009-OHalloran #verification- Guess and Verify — Back to the Future (CO), pp. 23–32.
CHI-2009-PetrelliHW- Making history: intentional capture of future memories (DP, EvdH, SW), pp. 1723–1732.
HCD-2009-RunonenM #concept #development #research #tool support- Shaping the Future with Users — Futures Research Methods as Tools for User-Centered Concept Development (MR, PM), pp. 904–911.
HCI-AUII-2009-PaelkeN #agile #concept #design #navigation #user interface- Dynamic Maps for Future Navigation Systems: Agile Design Exploration of User Interface Concepts (VP, KN), pp. 169–178.
HCI-NT-2009-HermannJSS #internet #using- Acceptance of Future Technologies Using Personal Data: A Focus Group with Young Internet Users (FH, DJ, DS, AS), pp. 431–437.
IDGD-2009-GurleyN #bibliography- A Systematic Review of Technologies Designed to Improve and Assist Cognitive Decline for Both the Current and Future Aging Populations (KG, AFN), pp. 156–163.
IDGD-2009-Rampoldi-HniloWSS #case study #enterprise #future of #mobile- The Future of Enterprise Is with the Mobile Workforce: An International Field Study (LRH, BKW, MS, ACS), pp. 308–315.
CAiSE-2009-IndulskaRRG #challenge #modelling #process #roadmap- Business Process Modeling: Current Issues and Future Challenges (MI, JR, MR, PFG), pp. 501–514.
KEOD-2009-KoppensteinerMLLV #enterprise #framework #semantics- Ontology-oriented Framework for Virtual Enterprises — Accomplished within the Project: Future Network-based Semantic Technologies ((FUNSET-Science) (GK, MM, WL, EL, LV), pp. 300–307.
KMIS-2009-KivijarviPT- Rehearsing for the Future — Scenarios as an Enabler and a Product of Organizational Knowledge Creation (HK, KP, MT), pp. 46–54.
SEKE-2009-Chang- Virtual Spaces: From the Past to the Future (SKC), p. 2.
PPDP-2009-DimoulasPF #contract- Future contracts (CD, RP, MF), pp. 195–206.
HPCA-2009-Banerjee #framework- An intelligent IT infrastructure for the future (PB), pp. 3–4.
DATE-2008-Pamunuwa #integration #memory management #scalability- Memory Technology for Extended Large-Scale Integration in Future Electronics Applications (DP), pp. 1126–1127.
ITiCSE-2008-Cassel #future of- The future of ITiCSE (L(C), pp. 331–332.
CSMR-2008-GlorieZHD #case study #concept analysis #evolution #experience #industrial #scalability #using- Splitting a Large Software Archive for Easing Future Software Evolution — An Industrial Experience Report using Formal Concept Analysis (MG, AZ, LH, AvD), pp. 153–162.
WCRE-2008-Gall #ide- Of Changes and their History: Some Ideas for Future IDEs (HG), p. 3.
EDOC-2008-Ray #challenge #enterprise #roadmap- Enterprise Computing in Healthcare Sector: Emerging Trends and Future Challenges (PR).
ICEIS-DISI-2008-Cardoso #network- Service Engineering for Future Business Value Networks (JC), pp. 15–20.
ICEIS-SAIC-2008-Bachlechner #analysis #architecture #integration #semantics #web #web service- Integration Architectures Based on Semantic Web Services: Fad or Model for the Future? — Findings of a Comprehensive SWOT Analysis (DB), pp. 45–52.
ICPR-2008-SinhaGM #modelling #robust- Back to the future: Robust foreground extraction with reversed-time background modeling (AKS, PG, AM), pp. 1–4.
KDD-2008-Malik #future of #image- The future of image search (JM), p. 4.
KDD-2008-Miletzki #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition- Genesis of postal address reading, current state and future prospects: thirty years of pattern recognition on duty of postal services (UM), pp. 5–6.
SEKE-2008-GolmohammadiRP #bibliography #semantics #web- Fuzziness in the Semantic Web: Survey and Future Directions (SKG, MR, WP), pp. 643–648.
MoDELS-2008-SvendsenOEMCAH #future of- The Future of Train Signaling (AS, GKO, JE, TM, EC, KJA, ØH), pp. 128–142.
MoDELS-2008-SvendsenOEMCAH #future of- The Future of Train Signaling (AS, GKO, JE, TM, EC, KJA, ØH), pp. 128–142.
POPL-2008-LahiriQ #precise #smt #using #verification- Back to the future: revisiting precise program verification using SMT solvers (SKL, SQ), pp. 171–182.
RE-2008-HerrmannD #predict #requirements #research- Requirements Prioritization Based on Benefit and Cost Prediction: An Agenda for Future Research (AH, MD), pp. 125–134.
PPoPP-2008-NavabiZJ #scheduling- Quasi-static scheduling for safe futures (AN, XZ, SJ), pp. 23–32.
ICLP-2008-Baral #information management #programming #reasoning #representation #set #using- Using Answer Set Programming for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Future Directions (CB), pp. 69–70.
LICS-2008-ChenF #axiom #equivalence #on the- On the Axiomatizability of Impossible Futures: Preorder versus Equivalence (TC, WF), pp. 156–165.
CASE-2007-KaberST #interactive #research- Human-automation Interaction Strategies for Life Science Applications: Implications and Future Research (DK, NS, KT), pp. 615–620.
CASE-2007-KaberST07a #interactive #research- Human-Automation Interaction Strategies for Life Science Applications: Implications and Future Research (DK, NS, KT), p. 92–?.
DAC-2007-Kwon #challenge #industrial- Perspective of the Future Semiconductor Industry: Challenges and Solutions (OHK).
DAC-2007-Natale #analysis #challenge- Virtual Platforms and Timing Analysis: Status, Challenges and Future Directions (MDN), pp. 551–555.
DATE-2007-EachempatiNGVM #architecture- Assessing carbon nanotube bundle interconnect for future FPGA architectures (SE, AN, AG, NV, YM), pp. 307–312.
DATE-2007-KrishnaiahES #architecture #configuration management #scalability- Scalable reconfigurable channel decoder architecture for future wireless handsets (GK, NE, SS), pp. 1563–1568.
DATE-2007-PozziP #future of #question- A future of customizable processors: are we there yet? (LP, PGP), pp. 1224–1225.
DATE-2007-RhodLC #architecture #performance- A low-SER efficient core processor architecture for future technologies (ELR, CALL, LC), pp. 1448–1453.
HT-2007-Hall #hypermedia- Back to the future with hypertext: a tale of two or three conferences (WH), pp. 179–180.
HT-2007-NelsonSM #hypermedia- Back to the future: hypertext the way it used to be (THN, RAS, MM), pp. 227–228.
ICDAR-2007-Fujisawa #documentation #future of #past present future #recognition- A View on the Past and Future of Character and Document Recognition (HF), pp. 3–7.
ITiCSE-2007-LeidlR #how #learning #question- How will future learning work in the third dimension? (ML, GR), p. 329.
ITiCSE-2007-OwensAB- The computing educators oral history project: planning for the future (BBO, VLA, LJB), p. 328.
ESOP-2007-BoerCJ- A Complete Guide to the Future (FSdB, DC, EBJ), pp. 316–330.
CHI-2007-PalenL #future of- Citizen communications in crisis: anticipating a future of ICT-supported public participation (LP, SBL), pp. 727–736.
CHI-2007-ZanbakaUGH #design #interface #social- Social responses to virtual humans: implications for future interface design (CAZ, ACU, PG, LFH), pp. 1561–1570.
DHM-2007-Bubb #design- Future Applications of DHM in Ergonomic Design (HB), pp. 779–793.
HCI-IDU-2007-ItohHTK #design #process- A New User-Centered Design Process for Creating New Value and Future (YI, YH, HT, MK), pp. 108–116.
HCI-IPT-2007-SiioHM- Kitchen of the Future and Applications (IS, RH, NM), pp. 946–955.
ICEIS-EIS-2007-HeberlingHBH #collaboration #game studies #multi #online #peer-to-peer- Future Collaborative Systems Between Peer-to-Peer and Massive Multiplayer Online Games (MH, RH, TB, TH), pp. 340–346.
ICEIS-J-2007-HosbondNA07a #mobile- Shaping Mobile Applications for the Future (JHH, PAN, IA), pp. 266–275.
ICEIS-SAIC-2007-Magyar- Channels to the Future (GM), pp. 369–374.
CIKM-2007-PraingS #database #modelling- Modeling historical and future movements of spatio-temporal objects in moving objects databases (RP, MS), pp. 183–192.
ESEC-FSE-2007-PradellaMP #symmetry #verification- The symmetry of the past and of the future: bi-infinite time in the verification of temporal properties (MP, AM, PSP), pp. 312–320.
HPCA-2007-KatayamaO #memory management- Optical Interconnect Opportunities for Future Server Memory Systems (YK, AO), pp. 46–50.
SAT-2007-Davis #named #past present future #satisfiability- SAT: Past and Future (MD), pp. 1–2.
ASE-2006-Rajamani #automation #past present future- Automatic Property Checking for Software: Past, Present and Future (SKR), p. 12.
DAC-2006-BanerjeeS #future of #question- Are carbon nanotubes the future of VLSI interconnections? (KB, NS), pp. 809–814.
DATE-2006-VanderperrenD #matlab #uml- From UML/SysML to Matlab/Simulink: current state and future perspectives (YV, WD), p. 93.
ICPC-2006-Tilley #challenge #documentation #lessons learnt- Program Redocumentation: Lessons Learned & Future Challenges (SRT), p. xiv.
WCRE-2006-Muller #challenge- Bits of History, Challenges for the Future and Autonomic Computing Technology (HAM), pp. 9–18.
SEFM-2006-Rajamani #automation #past present future- Automatic Property Checking for Software: Past, Present and Future (SKR), pp. 18–20.
CHI-2006-KristensenKP #design- Participatory design in emergency medical service: designing for future practice (MK, MK, LP), pp. 161–170.
RE-2006-BushN #requirements #research- Requirements Engineering Research in Some Future Worlds: An Exercise in Scenario Planning (DB, BN), p. 324.
SAC-2006-RaptopoulouVM #performance #query- Efficient processing of past-future spatiotemporal queries (KR, MV, YM), pp. 68–72.
ICSE-2006-Abrial #formal method #industrial #problem- Formal methods in industry: achievements, problems, future (JRA), pp. 761–768.
ICSE-2006-Fischer #re-engineering- Software engineering themes for the future (GF), pp. 1043–1044.
DATE-2005-Holt #past present future- Wireless LAN: Past, Present, and Future (KH), pp. 92–93.
DocEng-2005-Malloy #documentation #future of- The future of documents (TM), p. 1.
HT-2005-Wiil #hypermedia #information management- Hypermedia technology for knowledge workers: a vision of the future (UKW), pp. 4–6.
IWPC-2005-Storey #comprehension #past present future #tool support- Theories, Methods and Tools in Program Comprehension: Past, Present and Future (MADS), pp. 181–191.
ICEIS-v1-2005-Barki #assessment #enterprise #implementation #information management #research- Enterprise Information Systems Implementation Research: Assessment and Suggestions for the Future (HB), p. 11.
ICEIS-v2-2005-VasconcelosSLK #information management- Knowledge Management in Non-Governmental Organisations — A Partnership for the Future (JBdV, PCS, PGL, CK), pp. 17–26.
SIGIR-2005-Flores #challenge #future of #information retrieval #question- The future of media, blogs and innovation: new IR challenges? (FF), p. 218.
OOPSLA-2005-WelcJH #java- Safe futures for Java (AW, SJ, ALH), pp. 439–453.
SAC-2005-Hutchinson #future of #information management- The future of systematic information protection (BH), p. 1.
SAC-2005-Omitola #declarative- Declarative control of the future home environment (TO), pp. 1626–1627.
ICSE-2005-Ciancarini #education #on the- On the education of future software engineers (PC), pp. 649–650.
HPCA-2005-HwuP #architecture #future of #industrial #perspective #research- The Future of Computer Architecture Research: An Industrial Perspective (WmWH, SJP), p. 264.
DAC-2004-Wolf #future of #multi- The future of multiprocessor systems-on-chips (WW), pp. 681–685.
DATE-DF-2004-Eklow #question #testing- IP Testing — The Future Differentiator? (BE), pp. 6–9.
DATE-v1-2004-NikitovicB #mobile #power management- A Low Power Strategy for Future Mobile Terminals (MN, MB), pp. 702–703.
DRR-2004-Henzinger #future of #information retrieval #past present future #web- The past, present, and future of web information retrieval (MRH), pp. 23–26.
PODS-2004-Henzinger #future of #information retrieval #past present future #web- The Past, Present and Future of Web Information Retrieval (MRH), p. 46.
ITiCSE-2004-Mander #question- Back to the future? (KM), p. 2.
PEPM-2004-Morrisett #question #what- Invited talk: what’s the future for proof-carrying code? (JGM), p. 203.
ICALP-2004-Henzinger #future of #past present future #web- The Past, Present, and Future of Web Search Engines (MRH), p. 3.
SEFM-2004-FlakeM #bound #ocl- Past- and Future-Oriented Time-Bounded Temporal Properties with OCL (SF, WM), pp. 154–163.
LSO-2004-HolzM #learning #past present future #research- Research on Learning Software Organizations — Past, Present, and Future (HH, GM), pp. 1–6.
SEKE-2004-WihartoS #logic #using #xml- Future Proofing and Retargeting Application Logic Using O2XML (MW, PS), pp. 173–178.
OOPSLA-2004-PratikakisSH #java- Transparent proxies for java futures (PP, JS, MWH), pp. 206–223.
PPDP-2004-Morrisett #question #what- Invited talk: what’s the future for proof-carrying code? (JGM), p. 5.
DAC-2003-Spirakis #challenge #design #question- Leading-edge and future design challenges — is the classical EDA ready? (GS), p. 416.
DAC-2003-Wasshuber- Recent advances and future prospects in single-electronics (CW), pp. 274–275.
ICDAR-2003-Bunke #past present future #recognition- Recognition of Cursive Roman Handwriting — Past, Present and Future (HB), p. 448–?.
ICDAR-2003-Fairhurst #authentication #documentation #future of #verification- Document Identity, Authentication and Ownership: The Future of Biometric Verification (MCF), p. 1108–?.
SIGMOD-2003-Bosworth #future of #web #web service- The Future of Web Services — I (AB), p. 635.
SIGMOD-2003-Cabrera #future of #web #web service- The Future of Web services — II (FC), p. 635.
ICALP-2003-AlfaroHM- Discounting the Future in Systems Theory (LdA, TAH, RM), pp. 1022–1037.
FME-2003-Kishida #development #paradigm #roadmap- Looking Back to the Future: Thoughts on Paradigm Shift in Software Development (KK), pp. 1–6.
FME-2003-SawadaKF #future of #implementation #past present future- Past, Present, and Future of SRA Implementation of CafeOBJ: Annex (TS, KK, KF), pp. 7–17.
ICEIS-v1-2003-Hodgett #challenge #data transformation- Data Management: The Challenge of the Future (RAH), pp. 478–482.
ICEIS-v4-2003-Fernandes #future of- The Future of Telephony: The IP Solution (SF), pp. 206–211.
ICSE-2003-Ross #concept #contract #education #programming- Teaching Contract Programming Concepts to Future Software Engineers (DFR), p. 647.
LDTA-2003-MensDBSG #named #refactoring #research #roadmap- Refactoring: Current Research and Future Trends (TM, SD, BDB, HS, PVG), pp. 483–499.
HPCA-2003-Bhandarkar #enterprise- Billion Transistor Chips in Mainstream Enterprise Platforms of the Future (DB), p. 3.
CSL-2003-Artemov #logic- Back to the Future: Explicit Logic for Computer Science (Invited Lecture) (SNA), p. 43.
DATE-2002-OttenCG #automation #design- Design Automation for Deepsubmicron: Present and Future (RHJMO, RC, PG), pp. 650–657.
CSEET-2002-Leveson #education #future of #re-engineering- The Future of Software Engineering Education (NGL), p. 2.
CSEET-2002-Modesitt #collaboration #future of #industrial #re-engineering- International Software Engineering University Consortium (ISEUC): A Glimpse into the Future of University and Industry Collaboration (KLM), p. 32–?.
ITiCSE-2002-Martinez-UnanuePPUV #bibliography #education #programming- Electronic books for programming education: a review and future prospects (RMU, MPV, CPF, JUF, JÁVI), pp. 34–38.
TACAS-2002-Lowry #analysis #tool support- Software Construction and Analysis Tools for Future Space Missions (MRL), pp. 1–19.
ICEIS-2002-BirkholzerV #architecture #enterprise #information management #integration- The Role of Enterprise Architecture for Planning and Managing Future Information Systems Integration (TB, JV), pp. 42–49.
ICEIS-2002-CesareLP #modelling #research #uml- Business Modelling with UML: Distilling Directions for Future Research (SdC, ML, DP), pp. 570–579.
CIKM-2002-Faloutsos #data mining #mining #network #self- Future directions in data mining: streams, networks, self-similarity and power laws (CF), p. 93.
OOPSLA-2002-Manolescu #continuation #workflow- Workflow enactment with continuation and future objects (DAM), pp. 40–51.
ICSE-2002-ErdogmusBHRS #re-engineering- Software engineering economics: background, current practices, and future directions (MHE, BWB, WH, DJR, KJS), pp. 683–684.
DAC-2001-OzgunerMDWSH #design #education #logic #verification- Teaching Future Verification Engineers: The Forgotten Side of Logic Design (FÖ, DWM, JD, BW, JS, LH), pp. 253–255.
DAC-2001-SylvesterK #challenge #design #performance- Future Performance Challenges in Nanometer Design (DS, HK), pp. 3–8.
DATE-2001-WernerGWR- Crosstalk noise in future digital CMOS circuits (CW, RG, AW, UR), pp. 331–335.
DATE-2001-YeungHMMZ #integration #question #standard #what- Standard bus vs. bus wrapper: what is the best solution for future SoC integration? (CY, AH, GM, JM, JZ), pp. 776–777.
SVIS-2001-Diehl- Future Perspectives — Introduction (SD0), pp. 347–353.
SIGAda-2001-Dewar #ada #development- Keynote address: future development of the Ada language (RD), pp. 1–2.
ICEIS-v1-2001-Iordanova #architecture- An Agent-Based Architecture of Future Integrated Operational Decision Supporting Systems (BNI), pp. 509–513.
ESEC-FSE-2001-AbererH #concept #information management #modelling #peer-to-peer #state of the art- Peer-to-peer information systems: concepts and models, state-of-the-art, and future systems (KA, MH), pp. 326–327.
ITiCSE-2000-Sutinen #challenge #visualisation- Future challenges in program visualization (panel session) (ES), pp. 176–177.
AdaEurope-2000-Pflug #ada #question- Ada after 10 Years of Usage — Is There a Commercial Future? (BP), p. 4.
EDOC-2000-Feldman #future of #roadmap- Technology Trends and Drivers and a Vision of the Future of e-Business (SIF), p. 2.
ICEIS-2000-Ghanea-Hercock #case study #future of- Case Study: Agents — The Future of Intelligent Communications (RAGH), p. XLIV.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2000-Meyer #component #development #future of- The Future of Component-Based Development (BM), p. 5.
ICSE-2000-Booch #future of- The future of software (abstract of invited presentation) (GB), p. 3.
CL-2000-Robinson #challenge #logic- Computational Logic: Memories of the Past and Challenges for the Future (JAR), pp. 1–24.
SIGMOD-1999-HinneburgK #clustering #database #scalability- Clustering Methods for Large Databases: From the Past to the Future (AH, DAK), p. 509.
HCI-CCAD-1999-Pederson #design #information management #physics- Physical-virtual instead of physical or virtual — designing artefacts for future knowledge work environments (TP), pp. 1070–1074.
HCI-CCAD-1999-ScheuermannLT #challenge #education #online- Moderating the future: the challenge of on-line education (FS, KL, RT), pp. 745–749.
HCI-EI-1999-Czerwinski99a #design #roadmap #web- Trends in Future Web Designs (MC), pp. 1223–1226.
HCI-EI-1999-MarcusAFG99d #development #interface- User-Interface Development: Lessons for the Future from two Past Projects (AM, JA, VF, EG), pp. 1227–1231.
HCI-EI-1999-SanuiU #email #evaluation #grid- Extracting Baby-Boomers’ Future Expectations by the Evaluation Grid Method Through E-Mail (JS, MU), pp. 760–763.
SIGAda-1999-Boehm #future of #predict #re-engineering- Predicting the future of computer systems and software engineering (keynote address) (BWB), p. 227.
SIGAda-1999-PautetT #distributed #question #what- What future for the distributed systems annex? (LP, ST), pp. 77–82.
ICEIS-1999-TerzisNWDF #enterprise #future of- The Future of Enterprise Groupware Applications (ST, PN, VPW, SAD, JF), pp. 525–532.
KDD-T-1999-KeimH #clustering #scalability #set- Clustering Techniques for Large Data Sets — from the Past to the Future (DAK, AH), pp. 141–181.
RE-1999-HaumerJPH #approach #past present future- Bridging the Gap Between Past and Future in RE: A Scenario-Based Approach (PH, MJ, KP, PH), pp. 66–73.
ESEC-FSE-1999-LevesonHR #design #lessons learnt #process #specification- Designing Specification Languages for Process Control Systems: Lessons Learned and Steps to the Future (NGL, MPEH, JDR), pp. 127–145.
PPoPP-1999-TauraTY #named #standard #thread- StackThreads/MP: Integrating Futures into Calling Standards (KT, KT, AY), pp. 60–71.
DATE-1998-Page #design- Design Of Future Systems (IP), pp. 343–347.
VLDB-1998-Shaw #future of- Technology and the Future of Commerce and Finance (Abstract) (DES), p. 13.
CIKM-1998-FinanceDR #network #query- Querying Future Telecommunication Networks (BF, TD, AR), pp. 226–233.
KDD-1998-WeigendCFW- Discovering Technical Traders in the T-bond Futures Market (ASW, FC, SF, SRW), pp. 354–358.
SIGIR-1998-Kirsch #future of #internet- The Future of Internet Search (Keynote Address) (SK), p. 1.
ECOOP-1998-Lange #distributed #future of #mobile #question- Mobile Objects and Mobile Agents: The Future of Distributed Computing? (DBL), pp. 1–12.
OOPSLA-1998-BrachaOSW #java #programming language- Making the Future Safe for the Past: Adding Genericity to the Java Programming Language (GB, MO, DS, PW), pp. 183–200.
TOOLS-USA-1998-Li #java #virtual machine- Java Virtual Machine — Present and Near Future (QL), p. 480.
IWTCS-1998-Ek #generative #state of the art #testing- Testing and Test Generation: State of the Art and Future Expectations (AE), pp. 293–306.
DAC-1997-LefebvreMS #future of #generative #physics #synthesis- The Future of Custom Cell Generation in Physical Synthesis (ML, DM, CS), pp. 446–451.
ITiCSE-1997-OwensBPB #education- Changing computer science curricula (panel): planning for the future (BBO, SB, MP, AB), pp. 139–140.
CHI-1997-LambourneFR #roadmap #social- Social Trends and Product Opportunities: Philips’ Vision of the Future Project (RL, KF, BR), pp. 494–501.
HCI-CC-1997-MetakidesGW #user interface- User Interface Software & Technology (UIST) Under ESPRIT: Current Work and Future Directions (GM, AG, JW), pp. 485–488.
HCI-CC-1997-Suzuki #analysis #development #evaluation #variability- The Application of Heart Rate Variability Analysis on the Evaluation of Mental Strain and its Future Development (KS), pp. 559–562.
HCI-SEC-1997-AnkerA #approach #communication #development #mobile #multi- Mobile Multimedia Communication: A Task- and User-Centered Approach to Future Systems Development (FWGvdA, AGA), pp. 651–654.
HCI-SEC-1997-Schulte #design- Cockpit Systems Design in Future Military Aircraft (AS), pp. 3–6.
HCI-SEC-1997-Stary97a #interactive #modelling #question #specification- The Role of Interaction Modeling in Future Cognitive Ergonomics: Do Interaction Models Lead to Formal Specification of Involved Machine Intelligence? (CS), pp. 91–94.
SIGIR-1997-Saracevic #summary- Users Lost: Reflections on the Past, Future, and Limits of Information Science (Summary) (TS), pp. 1–2.
OOPSLA-1997-IngallsKMWK #smalltalk- Back to the Future: The Story of Squeak — A Usable Smalltalk Written in Itself (DI, TK, JM, SW, ACK), pp. 318–326.
TOOLS-ASIA-1997-CoplienECW #distributed- Distributed Object Technology; the Future (JC, CE, AC, LW), pp. 416–417.
SAC-1997-SolowayN #education #future of #learning #lessons learnt- The future of computers in education: learning 10 lessons from the past (abstract only) (ES, CAN), p. 2.
HT-1996-CramerEMMP- Future (Hyper)Spaces (KC, SE, CCM, TM, MP), p. 261.
PODS-1996-Manber #problem #research #web- Future Directions and Research Problems in the World Wide Web (Abstract) (UM), pp. 213–215.
VLDB-1996-Baru #database #performance- Performance of Future Database Systems: Bottlenecks and Bonananzas (CKB), p. 599.
FME-1996-Peleska #automation #industrial #safety #testing- Test Automation for Safety-Critical Systems: Industrial Application and Future Developments (JP), pp. 39–59.
ICFP-1996-Moreau #semantics- The Semantics of Scheme with Future (LM), pp. 146–156.
CSCW-1996-Bharwani #bibliography #design #video- The MIT Design Studio of the Future: Virtual Design Review (Video Program) (SB), p. 10.
CSCW-1996-PoltrockG #case study #experience #roadmap #tutorial #workflow- CSCW, Groupware and Workflow: Experiences, State of Art and Future Trends (Tutorial) (SEP, JG), p. 3.
AKDDM-1996-Uthurusamy #challenge #data mining #information management #mining- From Data Mining to Knowledge Discovery: Current Challenges and Future Directions (RU), pp. 561–569.
OOPSLA-1996-EcklundDF #case study #identification #requirements- Change Cases: Use Cases that Identify Future Requirements (EFEJ, LMLD, MJF), pp. 342–358.
ICSE-1996-Basili #re-engineering- The Role of Experimentation in Software Engineering: Past, Current, and Future (VRB), pp. 442–449.
ICSE-1996-DeMarco #development #past present future- The Role of Software Development Methodologies: Past, Present, and Future (TD), pp. 2–4.
ICSE-1996-Hoare #how #proving #reliability- The Role of Formal Techniques: Past, Current and Future or How Did Software Get so Reliable without Proof? (Extended Abstract) (CARH), pp. 233–234.
CADE-1996-Ganzinger #proving #theorem proving- Saturation-Based Theorem Proving: Past Successes and Future Potential (Abstract) (HG), p. 1.
CSEE-1995-MalyRWLOORSP #past present future- Computer Productivity Initiative: Past, Present, Future (KM, DER, JCW, IBL, SO, CMO, NSVR, DS, GP), pp. 15–29.
CHI-1995-ParikhL #design #interface- Electronic Futures Markets versus Floor Trading: Implications for Interface Design (SSP, GLL), pp. 296–303.
CHI-1995-WhittakerS #coordination- Back to the Future: Pen and Paper Technology Supports Complex Group Coordination (SW, HS), pp. 495–502.
TRI-Ada-1995-Beckwith #corba #development #future of- CORBA and the Future of Application Development (BB), pp. 225–242.
SEKE-1995-UrbanCCM #education #future of #re-engineering- The Future of Software Engineering Education (JEU, DEC, DLC, RTM), p. 63.
POPL-1995-FlanaganF #optimisation #semantics- The Semantics of Future and Its Use in Program Optimizations (CF, MF), pp. 209–220.
ESEC-1995-Schwartzel #industrial- Demands and Perspectives for Future Software Engineers: An Industrial Viewpoint (Abstract) (HS), pp. 1–2.
ASF+SDF-1995-Brand #asf+sdf #ide #past present future #pretty-printing- Pretty printing in the ASF+SDF Meta-environment: Past, Present, and Future (MvdB), pp. 155–174.
VLDB-1994-Bernstein #database- PC Database Systems — Present and Future (PAB), p. 754.
VLDB-1994-ZemankovaI #database #state of the art- Scientific Databases — State of the Art and Future Directions (MZ, YEI), pp. 752–753.
OOPSLA-1994-BogleL #using- Reducing Cross Domain Call Overhead using Batched Futures (PB, BL), pp. 341–354.
VLDB-1993-Kim #database #object-oriented- Object-Oriented Database Systems: Promises, Reality, and Future (WK), pp. 676–687.
CSM-1993-NewtonB #case study #design #maintenance- Designing Systems for Future Maintainability: A Case Study (JN, KHB), pp. 272–280.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1993-Henderson-Sellers93b #named #question- Keynote: Object Technology: W(h)ither the Future? (BHS), p. 3.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1993-Henderson-Sellers93c #question- Object Technology: W(h)ither the Future? (BHS), pp. 295–306.
TOOLS-USA-1993-Wang #future of #object-oriented #programming- The Future of Object-Oriented Programming (GW), p. 8.
PPoPP-1993-WagnerC #implementation #named #performance- Leapfrogging: A Portable Technique for Implementing Efficient Futures (DBW, BC), pp. 208–217.
ILPS-1993-Ben-Eliyahu #revisited- Back to the Future: Program Completion, Revisited (RBE), p. 642.
DAC-1992-KahnG #design- The Electronic Design Interchange Format EDIF: Present and Future (HJK, RG), pp. 666–671.
HT-ECHT-1992-Bolter #artificial reality #future of #hypermedia- Virtual Reality and the Future of Hypertext (JDB), p. 2.
HT-ECHT-1992-MuzzolonB #artificial reality- Virtual Reality: Present and Future (Demonstration) (PM, PB), p. 294.
HT-ECHT-1992-Ritchie #future of #hypermedia #question- The Future of Electronic Literacy: Will Hypertext Ever Find Acceptance? (IR), p. 1.
CHI-1992-MarcusNRSV #predict #user interface- Sci-fi at CHI: Cyberpunk novelists predict future user interfaces (AM, DAN, RR, BS, VV), pp. 435–437.
TRI-Ada-C-1992-Gerhardt #ada #how- How “Outsiders” see Ada and its Future (MG), pp. 361–363.
TRI-Ada-C-1992-LockP #ada #past present future #re-engineering #requirements- Requirements on Ada Reengineering Technology from Past, Present and Future Systems (EDL, NSP), pp. 384–395.
ICSE-1992-Tichy #in the large #named #past present future- Programming-in-the-Large: Past, Present, and Future (WFT), pp. 362–367.
KBSE-1991-DeBellisSC #research- Directions for Future KBSA Research (MD, WCS, GC), pp. 84–89.
ESEC-1991-Feldman #challenge #configuration management- Software Configuration Management: Past Uses and Future Challenges (SIF), pp. 1–6.
LFP-1990-KatzW #continuation #interactive- Continuing into the Future: On the Interaction of Futures and First-Class Continuations (MK, DW), pp. 176–184.
VLDB-1989-Apers #research- Future research directions: Evidence from this conference (PMGA), p. 465.
CAiSE-1989-Assche #automation #future of #on the #tool support- On the Future of CASE Tools (FVA).
CAiSE-1989-Rolland #automation #future of #modelling #on the #tool support #why- On the Future of Modelling — Why Current CASE Tools Insist on Supporting 20 Years Old Methods and Techniques (CR).
ECOOP-1989-Deutsch #future of #past present future #smalltalk- The Past, Present and Future of Smalltalk (LPD), pp. 73–87.
ESEC-1989-Armenise #development #framework #process- Software Process Machines: A Framework for Future Software Development Environments (PA), pp. 118–139.
DAC-1988-BorrielloD #synthesis- High-Level Synthesis: Current Status and Future Directions (GB, ED), pp. 477–482.
DAC-1988-Ross- Future Developments in Information Technology (abstract) (IMR), p. 1.
PODS-1987-Ullman #database #past present future- Database Theory: Past and Future (JDU), pp. 1–10.
HCI-CE-1987-Bergmano #design #user interface- Design for the Future: A User Interface for Telecommunications Operator Services (HB, KO), pp. 383–390.
DAC-1983-Mayo #automation #challenge #design #lessons learnt- Design automation — lessons of the past, challenges for the future (JSM), pp. 1–2.
Ada-1983-Butler #past present future- Diana Past, Present, and Future (KJB), pp. 3–22.
DAC-1982-PilotyB- The conlan project: Status and future plans (RP, DB), pp. 202–212.
DAC-1981-BreuerP #roadmap #simulation- Digital system simulation: Current status and future trends or darwin’s theory of simulation (MAB, ACP), pp. 269–275.
VLDB-1980-DeutschC #standard- DBMS Standards: Current Status and Future Directions (DRD, EKC), pp. 431–433.
DAC-1979-Losleben #automation #design #future of- Future of design automation (Position Paper) (PL), p. 349.
ICSE-1979-Vick #on the #past present future #re-engineering #tool support- On Software Engineering Tools: Past, Present and Future (CRV), p. 52.
VLDB-1977-HouselM #bibliography #database #future of- A Note on the Survey: “Future of Database Technology” (BCH, AGM), pp. 568–570.
DAC-1975-GiuglianoB #automation #design #layout- Present and future on P.C.B. layout design automation system at SIT-Siemens (AG, FB), pp. 134–143.
DAC-1974-GarrocqH #design- The IPAD System: A future management/engineering/design environment (CAG, MJH), pp. 327–334.
DAC-1974-Su #automation #design #future of- Speculation on the future of design automation (SYHS), pp. 186–193.
SIGFIDET-1974-Everest #database #future of- The Futures of Data Base Management (GCE), pp. 445–462.
DAC-1973-FinrowH #architecture #automation #design #development #towards- Towards a user based automated architectural design system: Theory, system operation and future development (JF, RH), pp. 97–108.
DAC-1973-KitamuraW #automation #design- Present and future in design automation systems (TK, TW), pp. 222–227.
DAC-1971-Albright #architecture #future of- The future of computer applications in the architectural profession (GHA), p. 56.