258 papers:
CASE-2015-XiePLLY #analysis- Hand-eye calibration and its accuracy analysis in robotic grinding (HX, CtP, WLL, YhL, ZPY), pp. 862–867.
DATE-2015-AhmadyanGNCV #analysis #diagrams #performance- Fast eye diagram analysis for high-speed CMOS circuits (SNA, CG, SN, EC, SV), pp. 1377–1382.
ICPC-2015-BusjahnBBCPSST #eye tracking #linear #order- Eye movements in code reading: relaxing the linear order (TB, RB, AB, MEC, JHP, CS, BS, ST), pp. 255–265.
ICPC-2015-JbaraF #empirical #eye tracking #how #using- How programmers read regular code: a controlled experiment using eye tracking (AJ, DGF), pp. 244–254.
ICSME-2015-BavotaR #code review #quality- Four eyes are better than two: On the impact of code reviews on software quality (GB, BR), pp. 81–90.
SCAM-2015-UddinGGR #comprehension #eye tracking #on the #using #visualisation- On the comprehension of code clone visualizations: A controlled study using eye tracking (MSU, VG, CG, CKR), pp. 161–170.
CHI-2015-CorstenCKB #named- HaptiCase: Back-of-Device Tactile Landmarks for Eyes-Free Absolute Indirect Touch (CC, CC, TK, JOB), pp. 2171–2180.
CHI-2015-DaltonCM #using- Display Blindness?: Looking Again at the Visibility of Situated Displays using Eye-tracking (NSD, EC, PM), pp. 3889–3898.
CHI-2015-FischerRRRRJ #collaboration- Building a Birds Eye View: Collaborative Work in Disaster Response (JEF, SR, TR, SR, SDR, DJ), pp. 4103–4112.
CHI-2015-JoKS #named- EyeBookmark: Assisting Recovery from Interruption during Reading (JJ, BHK, JS), pp. 2963–2966.
CHI-2015-WinklerGLHSDR #security #smarttech- Glass Unlock: Enhancing Security of Smartphone Unlocking through Leveraging a Private Near-eye Display (CW, JG, ADL, GH, PS, DD, ER), pp. 1407–1410.
CHI-2015-ZhengFSDYG #maintenance- Eye-Wearable Technology for Machine Maintenance: Effects of Display Position and Hands-free Operation (XSZ, CF, PMdS, SD, TY, SG), pp. 2125–2134.
CSCW-2015-ChengSMFHD #eye tracking #online #social- Social Eye Tracking: Gaze Recall with Online Crowds (SC, ZS, XM, JLF, SEH, AKD), pp. 454–463.
CSCW-2015-Diakopoulos #editing- The Editor’s Eye: Curation and Comment Relevance on the New York Times (NAD), pp. 1153–1157.
DHM-EH-2015-ShiomiNOTGH #eye tracking- Influence of Proficiency on Eye Movement of the Surgeon for Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy (HS, MN, TO, YT, AG, HH), pp. 367–373.
DHM-EH-2015-YamamotoABKGO- Caregiver’s Eye Gaze and Field of View Presumption Method During Bathing Care in Elderly Facility (AY, TA, HCBJ, NK, AG, TO), pp. 524–532.
DHM-HM-2015-ChottikamponMMS #comparison #metric- Comparison of Braiding Skills Between Expert and Non-experts by Eye’s Movement Measurement (KC, SM, HM, PS, AG, TU, MI, MT, HN, HH), pp. 14–23.
DHM-HM-2015-GotoLTYH #analysis #eye tracking- Analysis of Eye Movement of Caregiver Concerning on Transfer Operation (AG, ML, YT, TY, HH), pp. 58–65.
DHM-HM-2015-SugimotoTNG #comparison #eye tracking #process- Comparison of Eye Movement During the Polishing Process of Metallographic Sample Between Expert and Nonexpert (TS, YT, HN, AG), pp. 399–410.
DUXU-DD-2015-ChenXNWZS #behaviour #research #semantics- Semantic Research of Military Icons Based on Behavioral Experiments and Eye-Tracking Experiments (XJC, CX, YN, HW, JZ, JS), pp. 24–31.
HCI-IT-2015-MurataM #analysis #eye tracking #using- Nonlinear Dynamical Analysis of Eye Movement Characteristics Using Attractor Plot and First Lyapunov Exponent (AM, TM), pp. 78–85.
HCI-IT-2015-MurataMF #modelling #performance- Effects of Target Shape and Display Location on Pointing Performance by Eye-Gaze Input System — Modeling of Pointing Time by Extended Fitts’ Law (AM, MM, DF), pp. 94–106.
HCI-IT-2015-MurataMT #comparison- Optimal Scroll Method for Eye-Gaze Input System — Comparison of R-E and R-S Compatibility (AM, MM, YT), pp. 86–93.
HCI-IT-2015-MutoM #analysis #development #interactive- Analysis of Eye Hand Interaction in Drawing Figure and Letter — For the Development of Handwrite-Training Device (YM, TM), pp. 107–117.
HCI-UC-2015-GunerI #eye tracking #recognition- The Effect of Banner Location on Banner Recognition in a Turkish Government Website: An Eye Tracking Study (HG, YI), pp. 65–72.
HIMI-IKC-2015-SturreCVS #assessment #eye tracking #using- Using Eye Movements to Test Assumptions of the Situation Present Assessment Method (LS, DC, KPLV, TZS), pp. 45–52.
HIMI-IKD-2015-MatsunoAIMM #using- Computer Input System Using Eye Glances (SM, KA, NI, TM, KM), pp. 425–432.
LCT-2015-AltanC #analysis #animation #education- An Eye-Tracking Analysis of Spatial Contiguity Effect in Educational Animations (TA, KÇ), pp. 3–13.
SIGIR-2015-EickhoffDT #query- An Eye-Tracking Study of Query Reformulation (CE, SD, VT), pp. 13–22.
SIGIR-2015-GwizdkaZ #difference #metric #web- Differences in Eye-Tracking Measures Between Visits and Revisits to Relevant and Irrelevant Web Pages (JG, YZ), pp. 811–814.
SAC-2015-HoldererAM #bibliography #constraints #workflow- When four-eyes become too much: a survey on the interplay of authorization constraints and workflow resilience (JH, RA, GM), pp. 1245–1248.
ESEC-FSE-2015-KevicWSSSF #developer #interactive- Tracing software developers’ eyes and interactions for change tasks (KK, BMW, TRS, BS, DCS, TF), pp. 202–213.
ESEC-FSE-2015-Konopka #dependence #eye tracking #identification #navigation- Combining eye tracking with navigation paths for identification of cross-language code dependencies (MK), pp. 1057–1059.
ESEC-FSE-2015-ShafferWWMFS #eye tracking #ide #named #re-engineering- iTrace: enabling eye tracking on software artifacts within the IDE to support software engineering tasks (TRS, JLW, BMW, SCM, MF, BS), pp. 954–957.
CASE-2014-LinWF #using- Grasping unknown objects using depth gradient feature with eye-in-hand RGB-D sensor (YCL, STW, LCF), pp. 1258–1263.
ICPC-2014-WaltersSSK #developer #traceability- Capturing software traceability links from developers’ eye gazes (BW, TS, BS, HHK), pp. 201–204.
CHI-2014-CrnovrsaninWM #reduction #visual notation- Stimulating a blink: reduction of eye fatigue with visual stimulus (TC, YW, KLM), pp. 2055–2064.
CHI-2014-NgADGB #interactive #latency- In the blink of an eye: investigating latency perception during stylus interaction (AN, MA, PD, AG, WFB), pp. 1103–1112.
DUXU-TMT-2014-Schall #design #effectiveness #eye tracking #navigation- Eye Tracking Insights into Effective Navigation Design (AS), pp. 363–370.
HCI-AIMT-2014-KashimaMY #programming- Proposal of a Method to Measure Difficulty Level of Programming Code with Eye-Tracking (TK, SM, SY), pp. 264–272.
HCI-AS-2014-CentieiroRDF #interactive- Bet without Looking: Studying Eyes-Free Interaction during Live Sports (PC, TR, AED, DF), pp. 581–592.
HIMI-AS-2014-KangSCL #case study #eye tracking- A Study of Drivers’ Blind Spot in Used of Eye Tracking (YYK, YCS, CCC, CLL), pp. 253–260.
LCT-NLE-2014-UzunosmanogluC #collaboration #learning #online #paradigm- Examining an Online Collaboration Learning Environment with the Dual Eye-Tracking Paradigm: The Case of Virtual Math Teams (SDU, MPÇ), pp. 462–472.
CIKM-2014-HofmannMRS #interactive #query- An Eye-tracking Study of User Interactions with Query Auto Completion (KH, BM, FR, MS), pp. 549–558.
ICPR-2014-Ohn-BarMTT #process #recognition- Head, Eye, and Hand Patterns for Driver Activity Recognition (EOB, SM, AT, MMT), pp. 660–665.
ICPR-2014-TavakoliYRHS #analysis #eye tracking #recognition- Emotional Valence Recognition, Analysis of Salience and Eye Movements (HRT, VY, ER, JH, NS), pp. 4666–4671.
ICPR-2014-WuJ #detection #learning- Learning the Deep Features for Eye Detection in Uncontrolled Conditions (YW, QJ), pp. 455–459.
KDIR-2014-KurasEAH #data mining #mining #security- The GDR Through the Eyes of the Stasi — Data Mining on the Secret Reports of the State Security Service of the former German Democratic Republic (CK, TE, CA, GH), pp. 360–365.
ICSE-2014-RodegheroMMBD #automation #source code #summary- Improving automated source code summarization via an eye-tracking study of programmers (PR, CM, PWM, NB, SKD), pp. 390–401.
ISMM-2014-Printezis #perspective #twitter #virtual machine- Use of the JVM at twitter: a bird’s eye view (TP), p. 1.
ICDAR-2013-KunzeKYK #documentation #eye tracking #image #mobile #retrieval #using #word- The Wordometer — Estimating the Number of Words Read Using Document Image Retrieval and Mobile Eye Tracking (KK, HK, KY, KK), pp. 25–29.
ICDAR-2013-ToyamaDSK #artificial reality #documentation #eye tracking #retrieval #smarttech- Wearable Reading Assist System: Augmented Reality Document Combining Document Retrieval and Eye Tracking (TT, AD, WS, KK), pp. 30–34.
ITiCSE-2013-JalilPWL #design #interactive #learning #taxonomy- Design eye: an interactive learning environment based on the solo taxonomy (SAJ, BP, IW, ALR), pp. 22–27.
CHI-2013-BullingWG #behaviour #named #recognition #visual notation- EyeContext: recognition of high-level contextual cues from human visual behaviour (AB, CW, HG), pp. 305–308.
CHI-2013-Hincapie-RamosI #interactive #mobile #named- CrashAlert: enhancing peripheral alertness for eyes-busy mobile interaction while walking (JDHR, PI), pp. 3385–3388.
CHI-2013-LeeKYHP #adaptation #video- A preliminary investigation of human adaptations for various virtual eyes in video see-through HMDS (JHL, SYK, HCY, BKH, JHP), pp. 309–312.
CHI-2013-PerraultLEG #gesture #interactive #named- Watchit: simple gestures and eyes-free interaction for wristwatches and bracelets (STP, EL, JE, YG), pp. 1451–1460.
CHI-2013-RoudautRSPLB #feedback #gesture #using- Gesture output: eyes-free output using a force feedback touch surface (AR, AR, CS, MP, PL, PB), pp. 2547–2556.
CHI-2013-TeatherS #3d- Pointing at 3d target projections with one-eyed and stereo cursors (RJT, WS), pp. 159–168.
CHI-2013-TockerCSC #eye tracking #visualisation- Individual user characteristics and information visualization: connecting the dots through eye tracking (DT, CC, BS, GC), pp. 295–304.
CSCW-2013-JoycePB #collaboration- Keeping eyes on the prize: officially sanctioned rule breaking in mass collaboration systems (EJ, JP, BSB), pp. 1081–1092.
DHM-HB-2013-RichterZF #dependence- Temporal Dependence of Trapezius Muscle Activation during Sustained Eye-Lens Accommodation at Near (HOR, CZ, MF), pp. 269–275.
DUXU-CXC-2013-BaylissVNLB #game studies #lazy evaluation #visual notation- Lazy Eye Shooter: Making a Game Therapy for Visual Recovery in Adult Amblyopia Usable (JDB, IV, MN, DL, DB), pp. 352–360.
DUXU-CXC-2013-WangTKS #evaluation #eye tracking #performance #predict- Banner Evaluation Predicted by Eye Tracking Performance and the Median Thinking Style (MYW, DLT, CTK, VCS), pp. 129–138.
DUXU-PMT-2013-ChynalSS #data analysis #evaluation #eye tracking #usability #using- Remote Usability Evaluation Using Eye Tracking Enhanced with Intelligent Data Analysis (PC, JS, JMS), pp. 212–221.
DUXU-PMT-2013-PrisacariH #design #using- Using Eye-Tracking to Test and Improve Website Design (AP, TH), pp. 389–398.
HCI-AMTE-2013-AkiyoshiT #estimation #eye tracking #framework #interface #learning #using- An Estimation Framework of a User Learning Curve on Web-Based Interface Using Eye Tracking Equipment (MA, HT), pp. 159–165.
HCI-AS-2013-TakahashiISUSHO #biology #eye tracking #using- Proposal for Driver Distraction Indexes Using Biological Signals Including Eye Tracking (NT, SI, HS, SU, YS, KH, MO), pp. 647–653.
HCI-III-2013-DasG #exclamation #sentiment- Sentimental Eyes! (AD, BG), pp. 310–318.
HCI-IMT-2013-GaoIMM #interface- Study of Eye-Glance Input Interface (DG, NI, TM, KM), pp. 225–234.
HCI-IMT-2013-MurataHMH #case study #interface #using- Study on Character Input Methods Using Eye-gaze Input Interface (AM, KH, MM, TH), pp. 320–329.
HCI-IMT-2013-MurataHO #estimation #interface- Proposal of Estimation Method of Stable Fixation Points for Eye-gaze Input Interface (AM, TH, KO), pp. 330–339.
HCI-IMT-2013-MurataUH #case study- Study on Cursor Shape Suitable for Eye-gaze Input System (AM, RU, TH), pp. 312–319.
HCI-IMT-2013-TawatsujiKM #case study #eye tracking #modelling #towards- Experimental Study Toward Modeling of the Uncanny Valley Based on Eye Movements on Human/Non-human Faces (YT, KK, TM), pp. 398–407.
HIMI-D-2013-DjamasbiPY13a #contest- Search Results Pages and Competition for Attention Theory: An Exploratory Eye-Tracking Study (SD, AHP, R(Y), pp. 576–583.
HIMI-D-2013-ShengLD #comprehension #eye tracking #using- Eyes Don’t Lie: Understanding Users’ First Impressions on Websites Using Eye Tracking (HS, NSL, SD), pp. 635–641.
HIMI-HSM-2013-DjamasbiW #design #health #research- Young Adult Health Promotion: Supporting Research Design with Eye-Tracking Methodologies (SD, EVW), pp. 235–244.
HIMI-HSM-2013-MizutaniKSASUKSI #development #eye tracking #visual notation- Development of Screening Visual Field Test Application that Use Eye Movement (MM, KK, SS, TA, TS, MU, SK, MS, TI), pp. 291–300.
OCSC-2013-AdnanHAT #analysis #behaviour #eye tracking #network #online #social- Eye Tracking Analysis of User Behavior in Online Social Networks (WAWA, WNHH, NA, JT), pp. 113–119.
CAiSE-2013-PetruselM #comprehension #process- Eye-Tracking the Factors of Process Model Comprehension Tasks (RP, JM), pp. 224–239.
SAC-2013-CogniniFPPR #collaboration #modelling #named #process #verification- HawkEye: a tool for collaborative business process modelling and verification (RC, DF, AP, AP, BR), pp. 785–786.
DATE-2012-TurturiciSFF #embedded #power management #realtime- Low-power embedded system for real-time correction of fish-eye automotive cameras (MT, SS, LF, EF), pp. 340–341.
ICSM-2012-AliSGA #empirical #requirements #traceability #using- An empirical study on requirements traceability using eye-tracking (NA, ZS, YGG, GA), pp. 191–200.
CHI-2012-BauerCGSWWK #mobile #named #recommendation- ShutEye: encouraging awareness of healthy sleep recommendations with a mobile, peripheral display (JSB, SC, BG, JWS, EW, NFW, JAK), pp. 1401–1410.
CHI-2012-RaihaO #case study #fault #type system- An exploratory study of eye typing fundamentals: dwell time, text entry rate, errors, and workload (KJR, SO), pp. 3001–3010.
CHI-2012-YiCFZ #interactive #mobile- Exploring user motivations for eyes-free interaction on mobile devices (BY, XC, MF, SZ), pp. 2789–2792.
ICPR-2012-DuongDNLDLS #detection #eye tracking #locality #robust #video- Robust eye localization in video by combining eye detector and eye tracker (CND, TCPD, TDN, DDL, DAD, BHL, SS), pp. 242–245.
ICPR-2012-HuiC #robust #towards #using- Towards a robust hand-eye calibration using normal flows (TWH, RC), pp. 2545–2548.
ICPR-2012-ItoOWK #detection- Detection of eyes by circular Hough transform and histogram of gradient (YI, WO, TW, FK), pp. 1795–1798.
ICPR-2012-LuSOS #image #synthesis- Head pose-free appearance-based gaze sensing via eye image synthesis (FL, YS, TO, YS), pp. 1008–1011.
SIGIR-2012-GarkavijsTK- GLASE 0.1: eyes tell more than mice (VG, MT, NK), pp. 1085–1086.
SIGIR-2012-TranF #information retrieval #interactive #using- Using eye-tracking with dynamic areas of interest for analyzing interactive information retrieval (VTT, NF), pp. 1165–1166.
CHI-2011-AshbrookBW #mobile #named- Nenya: subtle and eyes-free mobile input with a magnetically-tracked finger ring (DA, PB, SW), pp. 2043–2046.
CHI-2011-DugganP #eye tracking- Skim reading by satisficing: evidence from eye tracking (GBD, SJP), pp. 1141–1150.
CHI-2011-EllingLJ #eye tracking #using- Retrospective think-aloud method: using eye movements as an extra cue for participants’ verbalizations (SE, LL, MdJ), pp. 1161–1170.
CHI-2011-Freeman #eye tracking #protocol #usability #using- Triggered think-aloud protocol: using eye tracking to improve usability test moderation (BF), pp. 1171–1174.
CHI-2011-HillDAGM #experience #eye tracking #web- Older web users’ eye movements: experience counts (RLH, AD, JLA, PG, LM), pp. 1151–1160.
CHI-2011-KarrerWLHB #interactive #named- Pinstripe: eyes-free continuous input on interactive clothing (TK, MW, LL, FH, JOB), pp. 1313–1322.
CHI-2011-PasqueroSS #interactive- A haptic wristwatch for eyes-free interactions (JP, SJS, NS), pp. 3257–3266.
CHI-2011-Vazquez-AlvarezB #interface #mobile #multi- Eyes-free multitasking: the effect of cognitive load on mobile spatial audio interfaces (YVA, SAB), pp. 2173–2176.
CSCW-2011-GergleC #collaboration #eye tracking #mobile #using #what- See what I’m saying?: using Dyadic Mobile Eye tracking to study collaborative reference (DG, ATC), pp. 435–444.
DUXU-v2-2011-KomogortsevTMCH #approach #automation #identification #named #usability- EMA: Automated Eye-Movement-Driven Approach for Identification of Usability Issues (OVK, DET, CJM, JC, CH), pp. 459–468.
DUXU-v2-2011-Yang #eye tracking #web- Exploring Cultural Variation in Eye Movements on a Web Page between Americans and Koreans (CY), pp. 68–76.
HCD-2011-FujitaK #design #development #interface #mobile- Design and Development of Eyes- and Hands-Free Voice Interface for Mobile Phone (KF, TK), pp. 207–216.
HCI-DDA-2011-DjamasbiST #behaviour #eye tracking #visual notation- Visual Hierarchy and Viewing Behavior: An Eye Tracking Study (SD, MS, TT), pp. 331–340.
HCI-ITE-2011-AbeOO #analysis #detection #image- Eye-gaze Detection by Image Analysis under Natural Light (KA, SO, MO), pp. 176–184.
HCI-ITE-2011-TakahashiK- Eye-Movement-Based Instantaneous Cognition Model for Non-verbal Smooth Closed Figures (YT, SK), pp. 314–322.
HIMI-v1-2011-MitaWKM #case study #communication #using- A Study of Attention Control by Using Eye Communication with an Anthropomorphic Agent (TM, RW, NK, KM), pp. 603–611.
HIMI-v1-2011-YamamotoSYNW #development #interactive- Development of an Eye-Tracking Pen Display for Analyzing Embodied Interaction (MY, HS, KY, TN, TW), pp. 651–658.
IDGD-2011-ZhangFZ #feedback #visual notation- Effects of Different Visual Feedback Forms on Eye Cursor’s Stabilities (XZ, WF, HZ), pp. 273–282.
CIKM-2011-VliegendhartLKP #network #peer-to-peer- A peer’s-eye view: network term clouds in a peer-to-peer system (RV, ML, CK, JAP), pp. 1909–1912.
SIGIR-2011-StuparM #named- Picasso — to sing, you must close your eyes and draw (AS, SM), pp. 715–724.
ECSA-2010-VerjusCRD #architecture #framework #named- BeeEye: A Framework for Constructing Architectural Views (HV, SC, AR, SD), pp. 376–383.
DATE-2010-ChengLW #diagrams #optimisation- Optimization of FIR filter to improve eye diagram for general transmission line systems (YSC, YCL, RBW), pp. 1321–1324.
ICPC-2010-SharifM #eye tracking #identifier- An Eye Tracking Study on camelCase and under_score Identifier Styles (BS, JIM), pp. 196–205.
ICSM-2010-SharifM #comprehension #design pattern #eye tracking #layout- An eye tracking study on the effects of layout in understanding the role of design patterns (BS, JIM), pp. 1–10.
CHI-2010-ForgetCB #visual notation- Shoulder-surfing resistance with eye-gaze entry in cued-recall graphical passwords (AF, SC, RB), pp. 1107–1110.
CHI-2010-ZhangRZ #modelling- Modeling dwell-based eye pointing target acquisition (XZ, XR, HZ), pp. 2083–2092.
CIKM-2010-GeXZOYL #detection #evolution #named- Top-Eye: top-k evolving trajectory outlier detection (YG, HX, ZHZ, HTO, JY, KCL), pp. 1733–1736.
ICPR-2010-BattiatoFGMR- Boosting Gray Codes for Red Eyes Removal (SB, GMF, MG, GM, DR), pp. 4214–4217.
ICPR-2010-KayaCC #design #using- Designing a Pattern Stabilization Method Using Scleral Blood Vessels for Laser Eye Surgery (AK, ABC, HBC), pp. 698–701.
ICPR-2010-Tagawa #eye tracking #modelling #statistics #using- Depth Perception Model Based on Fixational Eye Movements Using Bayesian Statistical Inference (NT), pp. 1662–1665.
ICPR-2010-ValentiLSDG #estimation #visual notation- Visual Gaze Estimation by Joint Head and Eye Information (RV, AL, NS, CD, TG), pp. 3870–3873.
ICPR-2010-WhitelamJB #case study #detection #multi- Multispectral Eye Detection: A Preliminary Study (CW, ZJ, TB), pp. 209–212.
RecSys-2010-CastagnosJP #recommendation- Eye-tracking product recommenders’ usage (SC, NJ, PP), pp. 29–36.
SIGIR-2010-BuscherDC #quality #random #web- The good, the bad, and the random: an eye-tracking study of ad quality in web search (GB, STD, EC), pp. 42–49.
SAC-2010-WelferSM #approach #detection #image- A morphologic three-stage approach for detecting exudates in color eye fundus images (DW, JS, DRM), pp. 964–968.
ICPC-2009-GueheneucKM #comprehension #using- Working session: Using eye-tracking to understand program comprehension (YGG, HHK, JIM), pp. 278–279.
CHI-2009-BellRBSMFC #game studies #named #navigation- EyeSpy: supporting navigation through play (MB, SR, BB, SS, DM, JF, MC), pp. 123–132.
CHI-2009-BuscherCM #eye tracking #predict #using #web #what- What do you see when you’re surfing?: using eye tracking to predict salient regions of web pages (GB, EC, MRM), pp. 21–30.
CHI-2009-RaihaS- Disambiguating ninja cursors with eye gaze (KJR, OS), pp. 1411–1414.
DHM-2009-Marshall #what- What the Eyes Reveal: Measuring the Cognitive Workload of Teams (SPM), pp. 265–274.
HCD-2009-Cinar #case study #eye tracking #usability #web- Eye Tracking Method to Compare the Usability of University Web Sites: A Case Study (MOÇ), pp. 671–678.
HCI-NT-2009-AbeOO #automation #image #using- Automatic Method for Measuring Eye Blinks Using Split-Interlaced Images (KA, SO, MO), pp. 3–11.
HCI-NT-2009-AlacamD #eye tracking #representation #usability- A Usability Study of WebMaps with Eye Tracking Tool: The Effects of Iconic Representation of Information (ÖA, MD), pp. 12–21.
HCI-NT-2009-KimBJ #eye tracking #student #visual notation- Students’ Visual Perceptions of Virtual Lectures as Measured by Eye Tracking (YJK, JAB, BHJ), pp. 85–94.
HCI-NT-2009-LangeWB #analysis #automation #evaluation #information management- Automated Analysis of Eye-Tracking Data for the Evaluation of Driver Information Systems According to ISO/TS 15007-2: 2001 (CL, MW, HB), pp. 105–110.
HCI-NT-2009-MatsudaUOM #analysis #eye tracking #multi- An Analysis of Eye Movements during Browsing Multiple Search Results Pages (YM, HU, MO, KiM), pp. 121–130.
HCI-VAD-2009-DogusoyC #comprehension #eye tracking #learning #process- An Innovative Way of Understanding Learning Processes: Eye Tracking (BD, KÇ), pp. 94–100.
IDGD-2009-PhukanR #eye tracking #usability #using- Considerations for Using Eye Trackers during Usability Studies (AP, MR), pp. 301–307.
IDGD-2009-YangE- Innovation through Customers’ Eyes (YY, ME), pp. 429–434.
SIGIR-2009-BuscherED #comparison #eye tracking #feedback- Segment-level display time as implicit feedback: a comparison to eye tracking (GB, LvE, AD), pp. 67–74.
CHI-2008-LiBH #mobile #named- Blindsight: eyes-free access to mobile phones (KAL, PB, KH), pp. 1389–1398.
CHI-2008-RatwaniMT #eye tracking #fault #predict #using- Predicting postcompletion errors using eye movements (RMR, JMM, JGT), pp. 539–542.
CHI-2008-SasamotoCH #authentication #named- Undercover: authentication usable in front of prying eyes (HS, NC, EH), pp. 183–192.
CHI-2008-ZhangRZ- Improving eye cursor’s stability for eye pointing tasks (XZ, XR, HZ), pp. 525–534.
CSCW-2008-SteptoeWMGRSRS #analysis #collaboration- Eye-tracking for avatar eye-gaze and interactional analysis in immersive collaborative virtual environments (WS, RW, AM, EG, JR, PMS, DJR, AS), pp. 197–200.
ICPR-2008-ChamaretM #using #validation #video- Attention-based video reframing: Validation using eye-tracking (CC, OLM), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-LiuA #automation #recognition- Automatic eye state recognition and closed-eye photo correction (ZL, HA), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-XuZW #detection #feature model #semantics- Semantic feature extraction for accurate eye corner detection (CX, YZ, ZW), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-ZhengW #detection #precise #robust- Robust and precise eye detection based on locally selective projection (YZ, ZW), pp. 1–4.
RecSys-2008-XuJL #documentation #image #online #personalisation #recommendation #video- Personalized online document, image and video recommendation via commodity eye-tracking (SX, HJ, FCML), pp. 83–90.
SIGMOD-2007-QuXL #quality #towards- Quality is in the eye of the beholder: towards user-centric web-databases (HQ, JX, AL), pp. 1106–1108.
VLDB-2007-SalperwyckABBPS #named- GhostDB: Hiding Data from Prying Eyes (CS, NA, MB, LB, PP, DS), pp. 1346–1349.
ICPC-2007-YusufKM #comprehension #diagrams #eye tracking #uml- Assessing the Comprehension of UML Class Diagrams via Eye Tracking (SY, HHK, JIM), pp. 113–122.
CHI-2007-CutrellG #web #what- What are you looking for?: an eye-tracking study of information usage in web search (EC, ZG), pp. 407–416.
CHI-2007-GuanC #eye tracking #rank #web- An eye tracking study of the effect of target rank on web search (ZG, EC), pp. 417–420.
CHI-2007-KumarPW #named #using- EyePoint: practical pointing and selection using gaze and keyboard (MK, AP, TW), pp. 421–430.
CHI-2007-ZhaoDCBB #feedback #named #using- Earpod: eyes-free menu selection using touch input and reactive audio feedback (SZ, PD, MHC, RB, PB), pp. 1395–1404.
HCI-IPT-2007-WuH #visualisation- The Perceptual Eye View: A User-Defined Method for Information Visualization (LHW, PYH), pp. 181–190.
HCI-MIE-2007-BaranDC #approach #eye tracking #how #problem- How Do Adults Solve Digital Tangram Problems? Analyzing Cognitive Strategies Through Eye Tracking Approach (BB, BD, KÇ), pp. 555–563.
HCI-MIE-2007-ChiGH #visual notation- Visual Foraging of Highlighted Text: An Eye-Tracking Study (EHhC, MG, LH), pp. 589–598.
HCI-MIE-2007-DaimotoTFTKY- Effects of a Dual-Task Tracking on Eye Fixation Related Potentials (EFRP) (HD, TT, KF, HT, MK, AY), pp. 599–604.
HCI-MIE-2007-KomogortsevK #design #interface- Kalman Filtering in the Design of Eye-Gaze-Guided Computer Interfaces (OK, JIK), pp. 679–689.
HCI-MIE-2007-LiLXJ #gesture #interface #named- EyeScreen: A Gesture Interface for Manipulating On-Screen Objects (SL, JL, YX, YJ), pp. 710–717.
HCI-MIE-2007-YecanSBC #behaviour #multimodal- Tracing Users’ Behaviors in a Multimodal Instructional Material: An Eye-Tracking Study (EY, ES, BB, KÇ), pp. 755–762.
HCI-MIE-2007-ZhangM #eye tracking- Evaluating Eye Tracking with ISO 9241 — Part 9 (XZ, ISM), pp. 779–788.
HCI-MIE-2007-ZhouZ #eye tracking #metric- Impact of Mental Rotation Strategy on Absolute Direction Judgments: Supplementing Conventional Measures with Eye Movement Data (RZ, KZ), pp. 789–798.
HIMI-IIE-2007-NagamatsuKKS #development #eye tracking #using- Development of a Skill Acquisition Support System Using Expert’s Eye Movement (TN, YK, JK, HS), pp. 430–439.
CASE-2006-ShangYQ #algorithm #equation #linear- Algorithm of Two-Step Eye-Hand Calibration by Resolving Linear Equations (YS, QY, ZQ), pp. 218–222.
CHI-2006-GuanLCR #eye tracking- The validity of the stimulated retrospective think-aloud method as measured by eye tracking (ZG, SL, EC, JR), pp. 1253–1262.
ICPR-v1-2006-DoYC #detection #estimation #using- Skin Color Detection through Estimation and Conversion of Illuminant Color using Sclera Region of Eye under Varying Illumination (HCD, JYY, SIC), pp. 327–330.
ICPR-v1-2006-ParkAB #detection #metric #performance- Efficient Measurement of Eye Blinking under Various Illumination Conditions for Drowsiness Detection Systems (IP, JHA, HB), pp. 383–386.
ICPR-v1-2006-XingmingH #algorithm #detection #independence- An Illumination Independent Eye Detection Algorithm (XZ, HZ), pp. 392–395.
ICPR-v1-2006-ZhuJB #estimation- Nonlinear Eye Gaze Mapping Function Estimation via Support Vector Regression (ZZ, QJ, KPB), pp. 1132–1135.
ICPR-v2-2006-NiuSYCG #2d #locality- 2D Cascaded AdaBoost for Eye Localization (ZN, SS, SY, XC, WG), pp. 1216–1219.
ICPR-v3-2006-BaiSW #algorithm #novel #symmetry- A Novel Eye Location Algorithm based on Radial Symmetry Transform (LB, LS, YW), pp. 511–514.
ICPR-v3-2006-ChanLN #re-engineering- Extending the Depth of Field in a Compound-Eye Imaging System with Super-Resolution Reconstruction (WSC, EYL, MKN), pp. 623–626.
ICPR-v3-2006-WillamowskiC #automation #detection #probability- Probabilistic Automatic Red Eye Detection and Correction (JW, GC), pp. 762–765.
ICPR-v3-2006-ZhaoL06a- Hand-Eye Calibration Based on Screw Motions (ZZ, YL), pp. 1022–1026.
ICPR-v4-2006-JinYSLX #classification #detection #hybrid #precise #robust- A hybrid classifier for precise and robust eye detection (LJ, XHY, SS, JL, LX), pp. 731–735.
ICPR-v4-2006-ZhaoG #detection #robust- Robust Eye Detection under Active Infrared Illumination (SZ, RRG), pp. 481–484.
CHI-2005-FonoV #evaluation #named- EyeWindows: evaluation of eye-controlled zooming windows for focus selection (DF, RV), pp. 151–160.
CHI-2005-HornofC #named- EyeDraw: enabling children with severe motor impairments to draw with their eyes (AJH, AC), pp. 161–170.
CHI-2005-OuOYF #collaboration- Effects of task properties, partner actions, and message content on eye gaze patterns in a collaborative task (JO, LMO, JY, SRF), pp. 231–240.
CHI-2005-QvarfordtZ- Conversing with the user based on eye-gaze patterns (PQ, SZ), pp. 221–230.
CHI-2005-SadasivanGGD #eye tracking- Use of eye movements as feedforward training for a synthetic aircraft inspection task (SS, JSG, AKG, ATD), pp. 141–149.
SIGIR-2005-PuolamakiSSSK #collaboration #eye tracking #information retrieval- Combining eye movements and collaborative filtering for proactive information retrieval (KP, JS, ES, JS, SK), pp. 146–153.
ICPR-v1-2004-KannalaB #lens- A Generic Camera Calibration Method for Fish-Eye Lenses (JK, SSB), pp. 10–13.
ICPR-v3-2004-BagciAKC #eye tracking #markov #modelling #using- Eye Tracking Using Markov Models (AMB, RA, AAK, EC), pp. 818–821.
ICPR-v3-2004-DOrazioLCD #algorithm #detection #image #realtime- An Algorithm for Real Time Eye Detection in Face Images (TD, ML, GC, AD), pp. 278–281.
ICPR-v3-2004-WuCW #estimation #image #visual notation- Visual Line Estimation from a Single Image of Two Eyes (HW, QC, TW), pp. 290–293.
ICPR-v3-2004-YanLWW #automation- Automatic Template Matching Method for Tropical Cyclone Eye Fix (KYW, CLY, PWL, WWT), pp. 650–653.
ICPR-v4-2004-MiyauchiSNK- Human-Robot Eye Contact through Observations and Actions (DM, AS, AN, YK), pp. 392–395.
ICPR-v4-2004-OyekoyaS #behaviour #using #visual notation- Exploring Human Eye Behaviour using a Model of Visual Attention (OO, FS), pp. 945–948.
SIGIR-2004-GrankaJG #analysis #behaviour- Eye-tracking analysis of user behavior in WWW search (LAG, TJ, GG), pp. 478–479.
CHI-2003-BeierV #design #framework #guidelines #user interface #web- The bull’s-eye: a framework for web application user interface design guidelines (BB, MWV), pp. 489–496.
CHI-2003-BrewsterLBHT #interactive #multimodal #smarttech- Multimodal “eyes-free” interaction techniques for wearable devices (SAB, JL, MB, MH, ST), pp. 473–480.
CHI-2003-GarauSVBSS #communication #quality- The impact of avatar realism and eye gaze control on perceived quality of communication in a shared immersive virtual environment (MG, MS, VV, AB, AS, MAS), pp. 529–536.
CHI-2003-HornofH #eye tracking- Cognitive strategies and eye movements for searching hierarchical computer displays (AJH, TH), pp. 249–256.
CHI-2003-VertegaalWSC #named #using #video- GAZE-2: conveying eye contact in group video conferencing using eye-controlled camera direction (RV, IW, CS, CC), pp. 521–528.
SIGMOD-2002-HinneburgKW #clustering #named #visual notation- HD-Eye: visual clustering of high dimensional data (AH, DAK, MW), p. 629.
CHI-2002-Chen #symmetry- Leveraging the asymmetric sensitivity of eye contact for videoconference (MC), pp. 49–56.
CSCW-2002-VertegaalD #question- Explaining effects of eye gaze on mediated group conversations: : amount or synchronization? (RV, YD), pp. 41–48.
ICPR-v1-2002-CamusW #image #performance #reliability- Reliable and Fast Eye Finding in Close-up Images (TAC, RPW), pp. 389–394.
ICPR-v4-2002-MorimotoAF #detection- Detecting Eye Position and Gaze from a Single Camera and 2 Light Sources (CHM, AA, MF), pp. 314–317.
ICPR-v4-2002-MoriyamaKCXAGI #automation #behaviour #recognition- Automatic Recognition of Eye Blinking in Spontaneously Occurring Behavior (TM, TK, JFC, JX, ZA, JG, HI), p. 78–?.
ICPR-v4-2002-ZhuJFL #eye tracking #information retrieval #realtime- Combining Kalman Filtering and Mean Shift for Real Time Eye Tracking under Active IR Illumination (ZZ, QJ, KF, KL), p. 318–?.
CHI-2001-GarauSBS #communication #using- The impact of eye gaze on communication using humanoid avatars (MG, MS, SB, MAS), pp. 309–316.
CHI-2001-VertegaalSVN- Eye gaze patterns in conversations: there is more the conversational agents than meets the eyes (RV, RS, GCvdV, AN), pp. 301–308.
CHI-2001-WangZS- Chinese input with keyboard and eye-tracking: an anatomical study (JW, SZ, HS), pp. 349–356.
SVIS-2001-BaloianL #visualisation- Visualization for the Mind’s Eye (NAB, WL), pp. 354–367.
CHI-2000-ArsenaultW #feedback- Eye-hand co-ordination with force feedback (RA, CW), pp. 408–414.
CHI-2000-BouchKB #internet #quality #requirements- Quality is in the eye of the beholder: meeting users’ requirements for Internet quality of service (AB, AK, NTB), pp. 297–304.
CHI-2000-PauwsBE #music #programming- Programming and enjoying music with your eyes closed (SP, DB, BE), pp. 376–383.
CHI-2000-SibertJ #evaluation #interactive- Evaluation of eye gaze interaction (LES, RJKJ), pp. 281–288.
CHI-2000-TanriverdiJ #eye tracking- Interacting with eye movements in virtual environments (VT, RJKJ), pp. 265–272.
ICPR-v1-2000-KawaguchiHR #robust- Robust Extraction of Eyes from Face (TK, DH, MR), pp. 5109–5114.
ICPR-v1-2000-MalmH #approach- A New Approach to Hand-Eye Calibration (HM, AH), pp. 1525–1529.
ICPR-v1-2000-RavyseSCR #composition #detection #process #recognition #using- Eye Activity Detection and Recognition Using Morphological Scale-Space Decomposition (IR, HS, JC, MJTR), pp. 5080–5083.
ICPR-v4-2000-HuangM #detection #precise- Face Detection and Precise Eyes Location (WH, RM), pp. 4722–4727.
ICPR-v4-2000-SmithSL #monitoring- Monitoring Head/Eye Motion for Driver Alertness with One Camera (PS, MS, NdVL), pp. 4636–4635.
CHI-1999-ByrneADM #eye tracking #visual notation- Eye Tracking the Visual Search of Click-Down Menus (MDB, JRA, SD, MM), pp. 402–409.
CHI-1999-Salvucci #eye tracking #interface #modelling #process- Inferring Intent in Eye-Based Interfaces: Tracing Eye Movements with Process Models (DDS), pp. 254–261.
HCI-CCAD-1999-OzawaAFSY #adaptation #case study #education #implementation #process #realtime- An experimental study on implementing real-time estimator of human cognitive process into eye-sensing head mounted display for realizing adaptive CAI for teaching plant diagnosis knowledge (TO, YA, SF, HS, HY), pp. 1197–1200.
HCI-EI-1999-FukuzumiY #case study- Study on Stress Management — Relationship among Body Sway, Eye Accomodation, and Mental Fatigue by VDT Work - (SF, TY), pp. 79–83.
HCI-EI-1999-KohzukiNTUHT #eye tracking #interactive #using- Man-Machine Interaction Using Eye Movement (KK, TN, AT, MU, SH, KT), pp. 407–411.
HCI-EI-1999-Kovalenko #visual notation- Visual Strain and Eye Disorders in display Uses (VK), pp. 184–186.
HCI-EI-1999-Stelovsky #architecture #eye tracking #integration #interactive #java #source code #user interface- An Extendible Architecture for the Integration of Eye Tracking and User Interaction Events of Java Programs with Complex User Interfaces (JS), pp. 861–865.
HCI-EI-1999-TeiwesBEMST #eye tracking #human-computer #interactive #research #testing #usability- The Use of Eye Tracking for Human-Computer Interaction Research and Usability Testing (WT, MB, GWE, SM, ES, WT), pp. 1119–1122.
ICPR-1998-BernoggerYBP #animation #eye tracking- Eye tracking and animation for MPEG-4 coding (SB, LY, AB, AP), pp. 1281–1284.
ICPR-1998-BrucksteinHHN #3d #estimation- New devices for 3D pose estimation: mantis eyes, Agann paintings, sundials, and other space fiducials (AMB, RJH, TSH, ANN), pp. 305–309.
ICPR-1998-HuangSLW #approach #detection #image #robust- A robust approach to face and eyes detection from images with cluttered background (WH, QS, CPL, JKW), pp. 110–113.
ICPR-1998-XuS #detection #realtime #using- Rits Eye: a software-based system for real-time face detection and tracking using pan-tilt-zoom controllable camera (GX, TS), pp. 1194–1197.
HCI-CC-1997-AnkrumS #monitoring #variability- Heart Rate Variability in Eye-Level and Low Monitor Conditions (DRA, KS), pp. 571–574.
HCI-CC-1997-Vanderheiden97a #architecture #interface- Use of a Common Table Architecture for Creating Hands Free, Eyes Free, Noisy Environment (Flex-Modal, Flex-Input) Interfaces (GCV), pp. 449–452.
HCI-SEC-1997-FisherADTCJ #named #visualisation #web- CZWeb: Fish-Eye Views for Visualizing the World-Wide Web (BDF, MA, JD, PT, GC, CVJ), pp. 719–722.
HCI-SEC-1997-FukushimaY #adaptation- Application of a Newly Developed Eye Sensing Head-Mounted-Display to a Mutual Adaptive CAI for Plant-Diagnosis (SF, HY), pp. 225–228.
HCI-SEC-1997-Riedel #3d #aspect-oriented #parametricity #performance- 3D-Rendering and the Eye: Aspects for Efficient Rendering Through Physiological and Anatomical Parameters of the Eye (OR), pp. 981–984.
CHI-1996-VelichkovskyH #human-computer #interactive- New Technological Windows into Mind: There is More in Eyes and Brains for Human-Computer Interaction (BV, JPH), pp. 496–503.
CHI-1996-YamaashiCNB- Beating the Limitations of Camera-Monitor Mediated Telepresence with Extra Eyes (KY, JRC, TN, WB), pp. 50–57.
ICPR-1996-BalaDHVW #architecture #detection #hybrid #search-based #using #visual notation- Visual routine for eye detection using hybrid genetic architectures (JWB, KD, JH, HV, HW), pp. 606–610.
ICPR-1996-DaniilidisB #approach- The dual quaternion approach to hand-eye calibration (KD, EBC), pp. 318–322.
ICPR-1996-HerpersMSW #detection- Context based detection of keypoints and features in eye regions (RH, MM, GS, LW), pp. 23–28.
ICPR-1996-Herve #coordination- Hand/eye coordination: role of the active observer (JYH), pp. 292–296.
ICPR-1996-HwangH #approach #using- Performing temporal action with a hand-eye system using the SHOSLIF approach (WSH, SJH), pp. 35–39.
ICPR-1996-LamY96a #image- An Improved Method for Locating and Extracting the Eye in Human Face Images (KML, HY).
HCI-ACS-1993-Bruno- Eye Discomfort and VDT Work (PB), pp. 722–727.
HCI-ACS-1993-GipsOT- Direct Control of the Computer Through Electrodes Placed Around the Eyes (JG, PO, JT), pp. 630–635.
HCI-ACS-1993-PouraghabagherB #evaluation #eye tracking #monitoring #using- An Evaluation of Information Highlighting Methods on Computer Screens Using an Eye Movement Monitor (RP, DB), pp. 762–767.
HCI-ACS-1993-SaitoSTSS #eye tracking- Characteristics of Vertical Eye Movements in the Workstation Used Flat Panel Display (SS, MS, ST, TS, SS), pp. 756–761.
HCI-SHI-1993-HowardC #towards- Snapshots from the Eye: Toward Strategies for Viewing Bibliographic Citations (DLH, MEC), pp. 488–493.
HCI-SHI-1993-MoriiKT #animation #detection #evaluation #eye tracking #realtime #using- Evaluation of a Gaze Using Real-Time CG Eye-Animation Combined with Eye Movement Detector (KM, FK, NT), pp. 1103–1108.
HCI-SHI-1993-SchryverG #3d #interface- Eye-Gaze and Intent: Application in 3D Interface Control (JCS, JG), pp. 573–578.
HCI-SHI-1993-Watanabe #feedback #speech- Voice-Responsive Eye-Blinking Feedback for Improved Human-to-Machine Speech Input (TW), pp. 1091–1096.
CHI-1992-IshiiK #named- ClearBoard: A Seamless Medium for Shared Drawing and Conversation with Eye Contact (HI, MK), pp. 525–532.
CHI-1990-Jacob #eye tracking #interactive #what- What you look at is what you get: eye movement-based interaction techniques (RJKJ), pp. 11–18.
HCI-SES-1987-Saito #analysis #evaluation #eye tracking- Quantitative Evaluation of VDT Operations Through the Analysis of Spatio-Temporal Characteristics of Eye Movement (SS), pp. 197–202.