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Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × China
1 × France
1 × Georgia
1 × Italy
1 × South Korea
13 × USA
4 × Canada
Collaborated with:
S.R.Fussell R.E.Kraut A.D.Balakrishnan J.Forlizzi J.N.Cummings M.K.Lee R.Kang L.A.Dabbish T.Mukhopadhyay W.L.Scherlis J.Hyde E.J.Carter J.K.Hodgins R.Zadeh M.Schneider S.P.Weisband P.Kinnaird P.Scupelli J.Mankoff D.T.Nguyen A.Kane S.Brown C.Kelleher R.F.Pausch L.Dabbish H.Faste P.E.Rybski A.Kittur L.D.Setlock S.Parise L.S.Sproull K.Waters H.C.Stuart K.Kuksenok J.A.Rode K.Waldman Y.Xiao M.D.Gross D.Cosley D.Frankowski L.G.Terveen J.Riedl J.Szczypula V.Lundmark J.Manning K.Huang P.J.Sparto A.Smailagic D.P.Siewiorek J.D.Weisz H.Zhang Y.Ren J.A.Konstan S.R.Barley W.H.Dutton P.Resnick J.Yates G.Marcu K.Tassini Q.Carlson J.Goodwyn G.Rivkin K.J.Schaefer A.K.Dey S.E.Hudson J.Fogarty C.G.Atkeson D.Avrahami J.C.Lee J.Yang
Talks about:
inform (7) social (6) collabor (5) use (5) internet (4) effect (4) do (4) transpar (3) analysi (3) design (3)

Person: Sara B. Kiesler

DBLP DBLP: Kiesler:Sara_B=

Contributed to:

CHI 20152015
CSCW 20152015
CHI 20142014
CSCW 20142014
CHI 20132013
CSCW 20132013
CHI 20122012
CSCW 20122012
CHI 20112011
CSCW 20112011
CHI 20102010
CSCW 20102010
CHI 20082008
CSCW 20082008
CHI 20072007
CHI 20052005
CHI 20042004
CSCW 20042004
CHI 20032003
CHI 19981998
CHI 19971997
CHI 19961996
CSCW 19961996

Wrote 32 papers:

CHI-2015-HydeCKH #interactive #persuasion #using
Using an Interactive Avatar’s Facial Expressiveness to Increase Persuasiveness and Socialness (JH, EJC, SBK, JKH), pp. 1719–1728.
CSCW-2015-NguyenDK #online #social
The Perverse Effects of Social Transparency on Online Advice Taking (DTN, LAD, SBK), pp. 207–217.
CHI-2014-HuangSKSMS #physics #smarttech
A technology probe of wearable in-home computer-assisted physical therapy (KH, PJS, SBK, AS, JM, DPS), pp. 2541–2550.
CHI-2014-HydeKHC #behaviour #elicitation #people #video
Conversing with children: cartoon and video people elicit similar conversational behaviors (JH, SBK, JKH, EJC), pp. 1787–1796.
CSCW-2014-KangKK #analysis #collaboration #information management #tool support
Teammate inaccuracy blindness: when information sharing tools hinder collaborative analysis (RK, AK, SBK), pp. 797–806.
CHI-2013-KangBK #design #internet #people #policy #why
Why do people seek anonymity on the internet?: informing policy and design (RK, SB, SBK), pp. 2657–2666.
CHI-2013-MarcuTCGRSDK #comprehension #education #why
Why do they still use paper?: understanding data collection and use in Autism education (GM, KT, QC, JG, GR, KJS, AKD, SBK), pp. 3177–3186.
Co-worker transparency in a microtask marketplace (PK, LD, SBK, HF), pp. 1285–1290.
CHI-2012-LeeKFR #case study #embedded #social
Ripple effects of an embedded social agent: a field study of a social robot in the workplace (MKL, SBK, JF, PER), pp. 695–704.
CSCW-2012-StuartDKKK #framework #social
Social transparency in networked information exchange: a theoretical framework (HCS, LAD, SBK, PK, RK), pp. 451–460.
CHI-2011-LeeKF #behaviour #design #mining #persuasion
Mining behavioral economics to design persuasive technology for healthy choices (MKL, SBK, JF), pp. 325–334.
CHI-2011-MankoffKKRW #modelling #online
Competing online viewpoints and models of chronic illness (JM, KK, SBK, JAR, KW), pp. 589–598.
CHI-2011-ZadehBKC #challenge #design #what
What’s in a move?: normal disruption and a design challenge (RZ, ADB, SBK, JNC), pp. 2897–2906.
CSCW-2011-BalakrishnanKCZ #integration #matter #research #what #why
Research team integration: what it is and why it matters (ADB, SBK, JNC, RZ), pp. 523–532.
CHI-2010-ScupelliXFKG #aspect-oriented #coordination #physics
Supporting coordination in surgical suites: physical aspects of common information spaces (PS, YX, SRF, SBK, MDG), pp. 1777–1786.
CSCW-2010-BalakrishnanFKK #analysis #collaboration #information management #visualisation
Pitfalls of information access with visualizations in remote collaborative analysis (ADB, SRF, SBK, AK), pp. 411–420.
CSCW-2010-LeeKF #how #people #question
Receptionist or information kiosk: how do people talk with a robot? (MKL, SBK, JF), pp. 31–40.
CHI-2008-BalakrishnanFK #collaboration #question #visualisation
Do visualizations improve synchronous remote collaboration? (ADB, SRF, SBK), pp. 1227–1236.
CSCW-2008-CummingsK #collaboration #distributed #experience #research
Who collaborates successfully?: prior experience reduces collaboration barriers in distributed interdisciplinary research (JNC, SBK), pp. 437–446.
CHI-2007-KelleherPK #motivation #programming #women
Storytelling alice motivates middle school girls to learn computer programming (CK, RFP, SBK), pp. 1455–1464.
CHI-2007-WeiszKZRKK #chat #video
Watching together: integrating text chat with video (JDW, SBK, HZ, YR, REK, JAK), pp. 877–886.
CHI-2005-CosleyFKTR #community #how
How oversight improves member-maintained communities (DC, DF, SBK, LGT, JR), pp. 11–20.
CHI-2005-DabbishKFK #comprehension #email #predict
Understanding email use: predicting action on a message (LAD, REK, SRF, SBK), pp. 691–700.
Calling while driving: effects of providing remote traffic context (MS, SBK), pp. 561–569.
CHI-2004-FussellKSS #multi
Effects of instant messaging on the management of multiple project trajectories (SRF, SBK, LDS, PS), pp. 191–198.
CSCW-2004-BarleyDKRKY #question
Does CSCW need organization theory? (SRB, WHD, SBK, PR, REK, JY), pp. 122–124.
CHI-2003-HudsonFAAFKLY #predict
Predicting human interruptibility with sensors: a Wizard of Oz feasibility study (SEH, JF, CGA, DA, JF, SBK, JCL, JY), pp. 257–264.
CHI-1998-KrautMSKS #communication #internet
Communication and Information: Alternative Uses of the Internet in Households (REK, TM, JS, SBK, WLS), pp. 368–375.
CHI-1997-KieslerKLSM #internet #usability
Usability, Help Desk Calls, and Residential Internet Usage (SBK, REK, VL, WLS, TM), pp. 536–537.
CHI-1996-KrautSMMK #internet #named
HomeNet: A Field Trial of Residential Internet Services (REK, WLS, TM, JM, SBK), pp. 284–291.
Self Disclosure on Computer Forms: Meta-Analysis and Implications (SPW, SBK), pp. 3–10.
CSCW-1996-PariseKSW #social
My Partner is a Real Dog: Cooperation with Social Agents (SP, SBK, LSS, KW), pp. 399–408.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.