362 papers:
CASE-2015-DeviNVKM #algorithm #implementation- E-mandi implementation based on gale-shapely algorithm for perishable goods supply chain (SPD, YN, NV, SVK, SM), pp. 1421–1426.
CASE-2015-ForstnerM #optimisation #safety #using- Using simulation-based optimization to determine production strategies and safety stock levels in semiconductor supply chains (LF, LM), pp. 655–656.
CASE-2015-HaufMPF #energy #modelling- Energy consumption modeling within the virtual commissioning tool chain (DH, DM, P, JF), pp. 1357–1362.
CASE-2015-Hong #distributed- Government subsidy impacts on decentralized reverse supply chains (IHH), p. 266.
CASE-2015-ZhangTYL #assessment #markov #reliability #using- CAN node reliability assessment using segmented discrete time Markov chains (LZ, LT, FY, YL), pp. 231–236.
DAC-2015-SztipanovitsBNK #cyber-physical #design #lessons learnt- Design tool chain for cyber-physical systems: lessons learned (JS, TB, SN, XDK, EKJ), p. 6.
DocEng-2015-DumasCBS #approach #design- An Approach for Designing Proofreading Views in Publishing Chains (LD, SC, BB, SS), pp. 215–218.
FoSSaCS-2015-BacciBLM #distance #markov #on the- On the Total Variation Distance of Semi-Markov Chains (GB, GB, KGL, RM), pp. 185–199.
CSCW-2015-PearsonRJ #named #sketching- PaperChains: Dynamic Sketch+Voice Annotations (JP, SR, MJ), pp. 383–392.
DUXU-DD-2015-FanHV #big data #risk management- Supply Chain Risk Management in the Era of Big Data (YF, LH, SV), pp. 283–294.
HIMI-IKC-2015-GavishN- The Effect of Timing When Introducing a Decision Aid in a Decision Support System for Supply Chain Management (NG, HN), pp. 101–108.
ICEIS-v1-2015-ShamsuzzohaEAH #case study #network- Tracking and Tracing of Global Supply Chain Network — Case Study from a Finnish Company (AS, ME, RAT, PTH), pp. 46–53.
ICML-2015-SalimansKW #markov #monte carlo- Markov Chain Monte Carlo and Variational Inference: Bridging the Gap (TS, DPK, MW), pp. 1218–1226.
MoDELS-2015-Murphy- Software supply chains (keynote) (GCM), p. 2.
SAC-2015-AbdiH #algorithm #distributed- An algorithm for distributed certificate chain discovery in open environments (SA, JH), pp. 2292–2298.
SAC-2015-BurkhardtK #classification #multi #on the- On the spectrum between binary relevance and classifier chains in multi-label classification (SB, SK), pp. 885–892.
SAC-2015-HogenboomNJFV #distributed #optimisation #query #rdf- RDF chain query optimization in a distributed environment (AH, EN, MJ, FF, DV), pp. 353–359.
SAC-2015-Homm0G #concurrent #markov #modelling #statistics #testing- Concurrent streams in Markov chain usage models for statistical testing of complex systems (DH, JE, RG), pp. 1803–1807.
SAC-2015-LasagniR #3d- Force model of a robotic particle chain for 3d displays (ML, KR), pp. 314–319.
ESEC-FSE-2015-GhaisasMBGKV #automation #security #towards- Towards automating the security compliance value chain (SG, MM, BB, AG, RK, HMV), pp. 1014–1017.
CAV-2015-AbateBCK #adaptation #analysis #markov #network- Adaptive Aggregation of Markov Chains: Quantitative Analysis of Chemical Reaction Networks (AA, LB, MC, MZK), pp. 195–213.
LICS-2015-Carreiro #bisimulation #invariant #logic- PDL Is the Bisimulation-Invariant Fragment of Weak Chain Logic (FC), pp. 341–352.
VMCAI-2015-SahaEJMT #distributed #markov- Distributed Markov Chains (RS, JE, SKJ, MM, PST), pp. 117–134.
ECSA-2014-KochHD #generative #requirements #specification- Generating EAST-ADL Event Chains from Scenario-Based Requirements Specifications (TK, JH, JD), pp. 146–153.
ASE-2014-TurenneKGR #generative- A tool chain for generating the description files of highly available software (MT, AK, AG, SR), pp. 867–870.
CASE-2014-ChenS #approach #markov #modelling #novel #using- Modeling building occupancy using a novel inhomogeneous Markov chain approach (ZC, YCS), pp. 1079–1084.
CASE-2014-ChuLSO #analysis #contract #flexibility #linear #parametricity #programming #using- Flexibility analysis on a supply chain contract using a parametric Linear Programming model (CC, EEL, XS, DO), pp. 704–709.
CASE-2014-WangGWG #analysis #behaviour #generative #multi- Analysis of multi-location PEV charging behaviors based on trip chain generation (DW, XG, JW, JG), pp. 151–156.
DATE-2014-LiuW #configuration management #design #embedded #logic #obfuscation- Embedded reconfigurable logic for ASIC design obfuscation against supply chain attacks (BL, BW), pp. 1–6.
DRR-2014-WuZCLN #framework #markov #recognition #segmentation- A Markov chain based line segmentation framework for handwritten character recognition (YW, SZ, HC, DL, PN), p. ?–12.
VLDB-2014-Markl #big data #data analysis #declarative #independence- Breaking the Chains: On Declarative Data Analysis and Data Independence in the Big Data Era (VM), pp. 1730–1733.
ICSME-2014-GuanaGS #named #towards- ChainTracker: Towards a Comprehensive Tool for Building Code-Generation Environments (VG, KG, ES), pp. 613–616.
LCT-NLE-2014-TaraghiSES #classification #learning #markov #multi- Markov Chain and Classification of Difficulty Levels Enhances the Learning Path in One Digit Multiplication (BT, AS, ME, MS), pp. 322–333.
ICEIS-v3-2014-WijkBBW #assurance #collaboration- Assurance in Collaborative ICT-enabled Service Chains (YWvW, NRTPvB, KFCdB, JCW), pp. 368–375.
CIKM-2014-LiZLW #classification #probability- Probabilistic Classifier Chain Inference via Gibbs Sampling (LL, LZ, GL, HW), pp. 1855–1858.
ECIR-2014-ChhabraB #generative #summary #towards- Towards Generating Text Summaries for Entity Chains (SC, SB), pp. 136–147.
ICML-c1-2014-BardenetDH #adaptation #approach #markov #monte carlo #scalability #towards- Towards scaling up Markov chain Monte Carlo: an adaptive subsampling approach (RB, AD, CCH), pp. 405–413.
ICML-c1-2014-HajiaghayiKWB #estimation #markov #performance- Efficient Continuous-Time Markov Chain Estimation (MH, BK, LW, ABC), pp. 638–646.
SIGIR-2014-FerranteFM #injection #markov #modelling #precise- Injecting user models and time into precision via Markov chains (MF, NF, MM), pp. 597–606.
AMT-2014-RichaBPBR #algebra #graph transformation #model transformation #testing #towards #using- Towards Testing Model Transformation Chains Using Precondition Construction in Algebraic Graph Transformation (ER, EB, LP, MB, JFR), pp. 34–43.
ICMT-2014-GuanaS #analysis- ChainTracker, a Model-Transformation Trace Analysis Tool for Code-Generation Environments (VG, ES), pp. 146–153.
MoDELS-2014-BascianiRIP #automation #metamodelling #model transformation- Automated Chaining of Model Transformations with Incompatible Metamodels (FB, DDR, LI, AP), pp. 602–618.
MoDELS-2014-BascianiRIP #automation #metamodelling #model transformation- Automated Chaining of Model Transformations with Incompatible Metamodels (FB, DDR, LI, AP), pp. 602–618.
PPDP-2014-Haemmerle #constraints #logic programming #on the- On Combining Backward and Forward Chaining in Constraint Logic Programming (RH), pp. 213–224.
LICS-CSL-2014-ChenK #distance #markov #on the- On the total variation distance of labelled Markov chains (TC, SK), p. 10.
CASE-2013-GohWYFPLL #monitoring #named #realtime #risk management #visualisation- RiskVis: Supply chain visualization with risk management and real-time monitoring (RSMG, ZW, XY, XF, LP, SL, XL), pp. 207–212.
CASE-2013-ShaoLW #approach #markov- A Markov chain approach to study flow disruptions on surgery in emergency care (XS, JL, DAW), pp. 990–995.
CASE-2013-ViswanadhamS #multi- Multi tier supplier selection for a sustainable global supply chain (NV, AS), pp. 492–497.
CASE-2013-ViswanadhamVK- Orchestrating the print supply chain in emerging markets (NV, SV, RK), pp. 213–218.
CASE-2013-XieLSD #analysis #approach #markov #modelling #process- Modeling and analysis of hospital inpatient rescue process: A Markov chain approach (XX, JL, CHS, YD), pp. 978–983.
DAC-2013-KunduCSK- An ATE assisted DFD technique for volume diagnosis of scan chains (SK, SC, IS, RK), p. 6.
DATE-2013-BakshiH #reduction #smt #using- LFSR seed computation and reduction using SMT-based fault-chaining (DB, MSH), pp. 1071–1076.
SIGMOD-2013-CaiVPAHJ #markov #simulation #using- Simulation of database-valued markov chains using SimSQL (ZC, ZV, LLP, SA, PJH, CMJ), pp. 637–648.
TACAS-2013-BenediktLW #ltl #markov #model checking- LTL Model Checking of Interval Markov Chains (MB, RL, JW), pp. 32–46.
HIMI-LCCB-2013-BraunerRGSZ- Human Factors in Supply Chain Management — Decision Making in Complex Logistic Scenarios (PB, SR, MG, GS, MZ), pp. 423–432.
HIMI-LCCB-2013-FlachsbartEH #human-computer #mobile #question- Are HCI Issues a Big Factor in Supply Chain Mobile Apps? (BF, CCE, MGH), pp. 450–456.
ICEIS-J-2013-LiuDH13a #risk management- Business Intelligence for Improving Supply Chain Risk Management (LL, HAMD, WH), pp. 190–205.
ICEIS-v1-2013-ChiuFW #analysis #collaboration #integration #performance #social- An Analysis of Supply Chain Collaboration and Its Impact on Firm Performance — An Integration of Social Capital, Justice, and Technology Use (MLC, CYF, ILW), pp. 5–12.
ICEIS-v1-2013-DiabatAAAF #framework #optimisation #performance- A Framework for Optimizing the Supply Chain Performance of a Steel Producer (AHD, RAA, MHA, AJA, MNF), pp. 554–562.
ICEIS-v1-2013-LaurierP #concept #representation- An Enterprise-ontology based Conceptual-modeling Grammar for Representing Value Chain and Supply Chain Scripts (WL, GP), pp. 103–111.
ICEIS-v1-2013-Santibanez-GonzalezM #network #novel- A Novel Mathematical Formulation for the Strategic Planning of a Reverse Supply Chain Network — Theoretical and Computational Results (EDRSG, NM), pp. 570–577.
ICML-c1-2013-WilliamsonDX #markov #modelling #monte carlo #parallel #parametricity- Parallel Markov Chain Monte Carlo for Nonparametric Mixture Models (SW, AD, EPX), pp. 98–106.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-TorresE #information management- K-BEST for Supply Chain Knowledge — A System for Knowledge Management in Supply Chains (GCLT, SE), pp. 321–327.
KEOD-2013-NogueiraG #multi #nondeterminism #programming #set- Supply Chain Tracing of Multiple Products under Uncertainty and Incomplete Information — An Application of Answer Set Programming (MLN, NPG), pp. 399–406.
SEKE-2013-GayedLB #case study #forensics #process #representation- Representing Chains of Custody Along a Forensic Process: A Case Study on Kruse Model (TFG, HL, MB), pp. 674–680.
AMT-2013-CalegariD #qvt #testing- Rule Chains Coverage for Testing QVT-Relations Transformations (DC, AD), pp. 32–41.
SOSP-2013-ZhangPZSAL #latency #transaction- Transaction chains: achieving serializability with low latency in geo-distributed storage systems (YZ, RP, SZ, YS, MKA, JL), pp. 276–291.
ICTSS-2013-SchrammelMK #testing- Chaining Test Cases for Reactive System Testing (PS, TM, DK), pp. 133–148.
CASE-2012-CostantinoDEFS #analysis #evaluation #fuzzy #novel #performance- A novel fuzzy Data Envelopment Analysis methodology for performance evaluation in a two-stage supply chain (NC, MD, NE, MF, FS), pp. 974–979.
CASE-2012-EhmP #research- Future research directions for mastering end-to-end semiconductor supply chains (HE, TP), pp. 641–645.
CASE-2012-HsiehYCLTC- A new swappable fluidic module for applications of capillary convective polymerase chain reaction (YFH, ASY, CWC, SKL, LYT, PHC), pp. 900–903.
CASE-2012-RusslandEP #process #workflow- A workflow management system for cross-system processes in semiconductor supply chains (TR, HE, TP), pp. 635–640.
DocEng-2012-Crozat #collaboration #xml- Structured and fragmented content in collaborative XML publishing chains (SC), pp. 145–148.
LATA-2012-AnantharamanBNR #unification- Unification Modulo Chaining (SA, CB, PN, MR), pp. 70–82.
CHI-2012-KoppelBMW #behaviour- Chained displays: configurations of public displays can be used to influence actor-, audience-, and passer-by behavior (MTK, GB, JM, RW), pp. 317–326.
KEOD-2012-NogueiraG #programming #set #using- Recall-driven Product Tracing and Supply Chain Tracking using Answer Set Programming (MLN, NPG), pp. 125–133.
KMIS-2012-EmmeneggerLT #semantics- Improving Supply-Chain-Management based on Semantically Enriched Risk Descriptions (SE, EL, BT), pp. 70–80.
MLDM-2012-JiangLS #correlation #image #multi- Multi-label Image Annotation Based on Neighbor Pair Correlation Chain (GJ, XL, ZS), pp. 345–354.
SEKE-2012-GayedLB #forensics #semantics #towards #web- Computer Forensics: Toward the Construction of Electronic Chain of Custody on the Semantic Web (TFG, HL, MB), pp. 406–411.
AMT-2012-EtienABP #model transformation- Chaining model transformations (AE, VA, XB, RFP), pp. 9–14.
ECMFA-2012-RadjenovicMPRMBK #automation #embedded #modelling #named #uml #verification- MADES: A Tool Chain for Automated Verification of UML Models of Embedded Systems (AR, NDM, RFP, MR, AM, LB, DSK), pp. 340–351.
MoDELS-2012-AranegaEM #feature model #model transformation #using- Using Feature Model to Build Model Transformation Chains (VA, AE, SM), pp. 562–578.
MoDELS-2012-KainzBK #approach #model transformation- A Generic Approach Simplifying Model-to-Model Transformation Chains (GK, CB, AK), pp. 579–594.
MoDELS-2012-AranegaEM #feature model #model transformation #using- Using Feature Model to Build Model Transformation Chains (VA, AE, SM), pp. 562–578.
MoDELS-2012-KainzBK #approach #model transformation- A Generic Approach Simplifying Model-to-Model Transformation Chains (GK, CB, AK), pp. 579–594.
PLEASE-2012-SaratxagaAHEM #product line #variability- Product line tool-chain: variability in critical systems (CLS, CAM, ØH, CE, AM), pp. 57–60.
CAV-2012-GuetGHMS #markov #search-based- Delayed Continuous-Time Markov Chains for Genetic Regulatory Circuits (CCG, AG, TAH, MM, AS), pp. 294–309.
LICS-2012-AgrawalAGT #approximate #markov #verification- Approximate Verification of the Symbolic Dynamics of Markov Chains (MA, SA, BG, PST), pp. 55–64.
CASE-2011-MettaB #design- Optimized closed-loop supply chain configuration selection for sustainable product designs (HM, FB), pp. 438–443.
DATE-2011-ChenO #analysis #fault #image #statistics- Diagnosing scan chain timing faults through statistical feature analysis of scan images (MC, AO), pp. 185–190.
DATE-2011-EbrahimiMA #fault #named #safety- ScTMR: A scan chain-based error recovery technique for TMR systems in safety-critical applications (ME, SGM, HA), pp. 298–292.
CIAA-2011-CarninoF #automaton #generative #markov #random #using- Random Generation of Deterministic Acyclic Automata Using Markov Chains (VC, SDF), pp. 65–75.
LATA-2011-DelahayeLLPW #markov #problem- Decision Problems for Interval Markov Chains (BD, KGL, AL, MLP, AW), pp. 274–285.
ICEIS-v1-2011-LiLC #adaptation #complexity #research- Research on Innovation of Shipbuilding Supply Chain Management based on Complexity Adaptive System (GL, CL, YC), pp. 389–395.
ICEIS-v1-2011-ZdravkovicTP #network #ontology #semantics- Local Ontologies for Semantic Interoperability in Supply Chain Networks (MZ, MT, HP), pp. 22–31.
ICEIS-v1-2011-ZhaoL- Model of the Emergencies Risk Transmission in Price-driven Supply Chain (YZ, JL), pp. 405–411.
ICEIS-v2-2011-GonzalezML #design- A Model for Designing Non Cooperative Supply Chain Where Logistics Service Providers Take Part (EDRSG, GRM, HPLL), pp. 409–417.
ICEIS-v2-2011-JiaWLW #higher-order #research- The Research on Stability of Supply Chain under High Order Delay (SJ, LW, CL, QW), pp. 361–367.
ICEIS-v2-2011-Santibanez-GonzalezLM #algorithm #design #problem #search-based- A Genetic Algorithm for Solving a Public Sector Sustainable Supply Chain Design Problem (EDRSG, HPLL, GRM), pp. 222–227.
ICEIS-v2-2011-TianC #framework #information management- Study of Information Sharing Platform in Eco-supply Chain (QT, XC), pp. 432–437.
ICEIS-v2-2011-YangJ #implementation #research #risk management- Research on Critical Chain Management and Risk Management in Project Implementation Management (ZY, JJ), pp. 351–356.
ICEIS-v3-2011-HuXJ- Information Forecast in a Supply Chain with Electronic Market (PH, WX, LJ), pp. 507–510.
ICEIS-v3-2011-LiXH #on the- On Low-carbon Supply Chain Management (JL, FX, GH), pp. 497–501.
ICEIS-v3-2011-YangF- Mitigate Supply Risk in Supply Chain (XY, SF), pp. 544–549.
ICEIS-v4-2011-HuGK #evaluation #modelling #network #trust- Supply Chain Trust Evaluation Model based on Bayesian Network (XH, FG, YK), pp. 712–715.
ICEIS-v4-2011-Kong11a #bibliography- The Brief Overview of the Supply Chain Finance (LK), pp. 708–711.
ICEIS-v4-2011-LiangL #industrial #research- Research on Benefits Distribution of IOT Industry Chain (YL, XL), pp. 662–665.
ICEIS-v4-2011-LiangY #enterprise #how- How to Control the Distribution Cost of the Cold Chain Logistics Enterprise (SXL, GY), pp. 716–719.
ICEIS-v4-2011-SunL #analysis #industrial- Brief Analysis on Profits Allocation of IOT Industry Chain (QS, XL), pp. 165–169.
ICEIS-v4-2011-WangZLC #industrial #research- The Research of Supply Chain between Traditional and Electronic Publishing Industry (CW, RZ, DL, WC), pp. 678–684.
ICEIS-v4-2011-WuM- Study of System Dynamics Model of Green Supply Chain based on Balanced Scorecard (YW, DM), pp. 726–731.
ICEIS-v4-2011-XiongLL #analysis #industrial- The Analysis of the Internet-of-things Industrial Chain based on Hypercycle Theory (QX, XL, YL), pp. 513–517.
CIKM-2011-Cribbin #interactive- Citation chain aggregation: an interaction model to support citation cycling (TC), pp. 2149–2152.
CIKM-2011-VirgilioM #calculus #data analysis #using- RFID data analysis using tensor calculus for supply chain management (RDV, FM), pp. 1743–1748.
ICMT-2011-BauerK #model transformation- Combining Specification-Based and Code-Based Coverage for Model Transformation Chains (EB, JMK), pp. 78–92.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2011-BauerKE #model transformation #quality #testing- Test Suite Quality for Model Transformation Chains (EB, JMK, GE), pp. 3–19.
SAC-2011-ParisAL #on-demand- Accelerated chaining: a better way to harness peer power in video-on-demand applications (JFP, AA, DDEL), pp. 534–539.
ICSE-2011-DeissenboeckHHLW #assessment #modelling #quality- The quamoco tool chain for quality modeling and assessment (FD, LH, MH, KL, SW), pp. 1007–1009.
ASE-2010-IvanovOSV #analysis #behaviour #embedded #modelling #set #tool support- REMES tool-chain: a set of integrated tools for behavioral modeling and analysis of embedded systems (DI, MO, CCS, AV), pp. 361–362.
CASE-2010-BadurdeenWSGIJ #modelling- Integrated modeling to enhance resilience in sustainable supply chains (FB, KW, MS, TJG, DI, ISJ), pp. 130–135.
CASE-2010-GeK #contract- Integrating advance demand information in supply chain contracts (DG, AK), pp. 380–385.
CASE-2010-Hsu #bound #markov #safety- Control of continuous-time Markov chains with safety upper bounds (SPH), pp. 990–993.
DATE-2010-GupteJ #evaluation #fault #slicing- An evaluation of a slice fault aware tool chain (AG, PHJ), pp. 1803–1808.
DATE-2010-KanoriaMM #analysis #markov #monte carlo #statistics #using- Statistical static timing analysis using Markov chain Monte Carlo (YK, SM, AM), pp. 813–818.
DATE-2010-Voget- AUTOSAR and the automotive tool chain (SV), pp. 259–262.
PODS-2010-DeutchKM #fixpoint #markov #on the #probability #query- On probabilistic fixpoint and Markov chain query languages (DD, CK, TM), pp. 215–226.
VLDB-2010-BenediktKOS #markov #probability #xml- Probabilistic XML via Markov Chains (MB, EK, DO, PS), pp. 770–781.
TACAS-2010-ValmariF #markov- Simple O(m logn) Time Markov Chain Lumping (AV, GF), pp. 38–52.
TACAS-2010-ZhangN #interactive #markov #model checking- Model Checking Interactive Markov Chains (LZ, MRN), pp. 53–68.
ICFP-2010-MorrisJ #programming- Instance chains: type class programming without overlapping instances (JGM, MPJ), pp. 375–386.
CHI-2010-BonanniHZCI #design #web- Small business applications of sourcemap: a web tool for sustainable design and supply chain transparency (LB, MH, DZ, CC, HI), pp. 937–946.
CIKM-2010-ZhangGGZS #named #similarity- CasJoin: a cascade chain for text similarity joins (XZ, ZG, HG, HZ, ZS), pp. 1725–1728.
ICML-2010-DembczynskiCH #classification #multi #probability- Bayes Optimal Multilabel Classification via Probabilistic Classifier Chains (KD, WC, EH), pp. 279–286.
ICPR-2010-KimL #markov #monte carlo #optimisation #random #using- Continuous Markov Random Field Optimization Using Fusion Move Driven Markov Chain Monte Carlo Technique (WK, KML), pp. 1364–1367.
ICPR-2010-LawalAM #abduction #classification #network #recognition #using- Recognition of Handwritten Arabic (Indian) Numerals Using Freeman’s Chain Codes and Abductive Network Classifiers (IAL, REAA, SAM), pp. 1884–1887.
ICPR-2010-LeeCL #algorithm #data-driven #graph #markov #monte carlo #using- A Graph Matching Algorithm Using Data-Driven Markov Chain Monte Carlo Sampling (JL, MC, KML), pp. 2816–2819.
ICPR-2010-Martin-HerreroF #classification #question- Tensor-Driven Hyperspectral Denoising: A Strong Link for Classification Chains? (JMH, MFA), pp. 2820–2823.
KDIR-2010-TsengPF #classification #markov #using- The Typhoon Track Classification using Tri-plots and Markov Chain (JCHT, HKKP, CF), pp. 364–369.
KMIS-2010-ZyglarskiB #keyword #markov #natural language #network- Keywords Extraction — Selecting Keywords in Natural Language Texts with Markov Chains and Neural Networks (BZ, PB), pp. 315–321.
REFSQ-2010-Fricker #ecosystem #requirements- Requirements Value Chains: Stakeholder Management and Requirements Engineering in Software Ecosystems (SF), pp. 60–66.
PLEASE-2010-HartmannKMRTY #component- Integrating heterogeneous components in software supply chains (HH, MK, AAJM, JR, TT, TYH), pp. 8–15.
SPLC-2010-HartmannKMRTY #component #integration #using- Using MDA for Integration of Heterogeneous Components in Software Supply Chains (HH, MK, AAJM, JR, TT, TYH), pp. 361–376.
HPDC-2010-KrampeLS #hybrid #markov #parallel- A hybrid Markov chain model for workload on parallel computers (AK, JL, WS), pp. 589–596.
ICST-2010-Panesar-WalawegeSBC #concept #modelling #safety #standard- Characterizing the Chain of Evidence for Software Safety Cases: A Conceptual Model Based on the IEC 61508 Standard (RKPW, MS, LCB, TC), pp. 335–344.
CASE-2009-GoswamiSBC- A DECOMSYS based tool-chain for analyzing FlexRay based automotive control applications (DG, PS, UDB, SC), pp. 403–408.
CASE-2009-ParkPSR #adaptation- Decision support for optimal adaptation of product and supply chain systems based on real options theory (CHP, LP, KS, HER), pp. 316–321.
CASE-2009-ViswanadhamK #network #process- Orchestrating a network of activities in the value chain (NV, SK), pp. 501–506.
DATE-2009-TangGCR #generative #multi- Improving compressed test pattern generation for multiple scan chain failure diagnosis (XT, RG, WTC, SMR), pp. 1000–1005.
ICDAR-2009-SiddiqiV #recognition #set- A Set of Chain Code Based Features for Writer Recognition (IS, NV), pp. 981–985.
SIGMOD-2009-NathYC #outsourcing- Secure outsourced aggregation via one-way chains (SN, HY, HC), pp. 31–44.
FoSSaCS-2009-KuhnrichSSK #analysis #data flow #infinity #interprocedural- Interprocedural Dataflow Analysis over Weight Domains with Infinite Descending Chains (MK, SS, JS, SK), pp. 440–455.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2009-TangL #algorithm #quality #search-based- A Fuzzy-guided Genetic Algorithm for Quality Enhancement in the Supply Chain (CXHT, HCWL), pp. 85–89.
ICEIS-DISI-2009-Chen #graph- Directed Acyclic Graphs and Disjoint Chains (YC), pp. 17–24.
ICEIS-ISAS-2009-BelkhatirBB #industrial #process #re-engineering- Business Process Re-engineering in Supply Chains Examining the Case of the Expanding Halal Industry (MB, SB, NB), pp. 77–82.
ICEIS-ISAS-2009-GoebelTGTN #how- RFID in the Supply Chain: How to Obtain a Positive ROI — The Case of Gerry Weber (CG, CT, OG, RT, RN), pp. 95–102.
ICEIS-J-2009-ShishkovSV #collaboration #flexibility #perspective #towards- Towards Flexible Inter-enterprise Collaboration: A Supply Chain Perspective (BS, MvS, AV), pp. 513–527.
ICEIS-J-2009-WauteletALK #adaptation #process- A Process for Developing Adaptable and Open Service Systems: Application in Supply Chain Management (YW, YA, JCL, MK), pp. 564–576.
KEOD-2009-ThwaitesFS #graph- Chain Event Graph Map Model Selection (PAT, GF, JQS), pp. 392–395.
ICMT-2009-FabroABJ #model transformation #using- Achieving Rule Interoperability Using Chains of Model Transformations (MDDF, PA, JB, FJ), pp. 249–259.
MoDELS-2009-ChenouardJ #automation #constraints- Automatically Discovering Hidden Transformation Chaining Constraints (RC, FJ), pp. 92–106.
MoDELS-2009-KusterGZ #automation #development #incremental #model transformation #testing #using- Incremental Development of Model Transformation Chains Using Automated Testing (JMK, TG, OZ), pp. 733–747.
MoDELS-2009-YieCWD #approach #evolution- An Approach for Evolving Transformation Chains (AY, RC, DW, DD), pp. 551–555.
MoDELS-2009-ChenouardJ #automation #constraints- Automatically Discovering Hidden Transformation Chaining Constraints (RC, FJ), pp. 92–106.
MoDELS-2009-KusterGZ #automation #development #incremental #model transformation #testing #using- Incremental Development of Model Transformation Chains Using Automated Testing (JMK, TG, OZ), pp. 733–747.
MoDELS-2009-YieCWD #approach #evolution- An Approach for Evolving Transformation Chains (AY, RC, DW, DD), pp. 551–555.
ESEC-FSE-2009-ArbabMMKQ #analysis #coordination #modelling #named #performance- Reo2MC: a tool chain for performance analysis of coordination models (FA, SM, YJM, MZK, HQ), pp. 287–288.
GTTSE-2009-FritzscheG #model management #model transformation #performance- Model Transformation Chains and Model Management for End-to-End Performance Decision Support (MF, WG), pp. 345–363.
CAV-2009-HenzingerMW #abstraction #infinity #markov- Sliding Window Abstraction for Infinite Markov Chains (TAH, MM, VW), pp. 337–352.
CAV-2009-KitchenK #constraints #integer #markov #monte carlo- A Markov Chain Monte Carlo Sampler for Mixed Boolean/Integer Constraints (NK, AK), pp. 446–461.
LICS-2009-ChenHKM #automaton #markov #model checking #specification- Quantitative Model Checking of Continuous-Time Markov Chains Against Timed Automata Specifications (TC, TH, JPK, AM), pp. 309–318.
LICS-2009-Kahlon #bound #communication #decidability #thread- Boundedness vs. Unboundedness of Lock Chains: Characterizing Decidability of Pairwise CFL-Reachability for Threads Communicating via Locks (VK), pp. 27–36.
VMCAI-2009-WimmerBB #bound #generative #markov #model checking #using- Counterexample Generation for Discrete-Time Markov Chains Using Bounded Model Checking (RW, BB, BB), pp. 366–380.
CASE-2008-PatilS #adaptation #nondeterminism- Adapting product and supply chain systems under severe uncertainty (LP, KS), pp. 285–290.
CASE-2008-QianK #component #performance #product line- Supply chain performance with various price-dependent demand functions and component commonality in one product family (LQ, Z(K), pp. 760–765.
DAC-2008-ElmWIZLM #clustering #reduction- Scan chain clustering for test power reduction (ME, HJW, MEI, CGZ, JL, NM), pp. 828–833.
DATE-2008-ElmW #embedded- Scan Chain Organization for Embedded Diagnosis (ME, HJW), pp. 468–473.
DRR-2008-BaiNS #composition #using- Extracting curved text lines using the chain composition and the expanded grouping method (NNB, KN, YS), p. 68150.
SIGMOD-2008-LeeC #performance #query #using- Efficient storage scheme and query processing for supply chain management using RFID (CHL, CWC), pp. 291–302.
ITiCSE-2008-Shaban-NejadH #education #learning #towards- Web-based dynamic learning through lexical chaining: a step forward towards knowledge-driven education (ASN, VH), p. 375.
FoSSaCS-2008-ChatterjeeSH #markov #model checking- Model-Checking ω-Regular Properties of Interval Markov Chains (KC, KS, TAH), pp. 302–317.
DLT-J-2007-DoyenHR08 #equivalence #markov- Equivalence of Labeled Markov Chains (LD, TAH, JFR), pp. 549–563.
CHI-2008-SuM #communication #multi- Communication chains and multitasking (NMS, GM), pp. 83–92.
CAiSE-2008-SienaMLKPS #case study #effectiveness #modelling #traceability- Exploring the Effectiveness of Normative i* Modelling: Results from a Case Study on Food Chain Traceability (AS, NAMM, JL, IKK, AP, AS), pp. 182–196.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2008-GezerYTOA #framework #mobile #scheduling- A Bi-Criteria Scheduling Framework for the Supply Chain Management of Mobile Providers (GG, IOY, HMT, TÖ, RA), pp. 364–369.
ICEIS-ISAS2-2008-BohmLH #concept #evaluation #ontology #performance- A Supply Chain Ontology Conceptualization with Focus on Performance Evaluation (ACB, HPL, GPH), pp. 402–409.
ICEIS-SAIC-2008-JainB #approach #novel- A Novel Approach to Model and Evaluate Dynamic Agility in Supply Chains (VJ, LB), pp. 93–100.
ICML-2008-SalakhutdinovM08a #markov #matrix #monte carlo #probability #using- Bayesian probabilistic matrix factorization using Markov chain Monte Carlo (RS, AM), pp. 880–887.
ICPR-2008-ChenSSL #image #recognition- Representative feature chain for single gallery image face recognition (SC, CS, SS, BCL), pp. 1–4.
SIGIR-2008-WeiLLH #multi #query #summary- Query-sensitive mutual reinforcement chain and its application in query-oriented multi-document summarization (FW, WL, QL, YH), pp. 283–290.
ECMDA-FA-2008-PilgrimVSB #visualisation- Constructing and Visualizing Transformation Chains (JvP, BV, ISG, YB), pp. 17–32.
SLE-2008-FritzscheJAMGSBK #automation #embedded #model transformation #modelling- Systematic Usage of Embedded Modelling Languages in Automated Model Transformation Chains (MF, JJ, UA, SM, WG, ITAS, TJB, PK), pp. 134–150.
SPLC-2008-EvestiNHP #architecture #quality- A Tool Chain for Quality-Driven Software Architecting (AE, EN, KH, MP), p. 360.
SPLC-2008-HartmannT #diagrams #feature model #multi #product line #using #variability- Using Feature Diagrams with Context Variability to Model Multiple Product Lines for Software Supply Chains (HH, TT), pp. 12–21.
CASE-2007-MishraV #framework #risk management- A CBR-based Decision Support System Framework for Construction Supply Chain Risk Management (VKM, NV), pp. 980–985.
CASE-2007-PanosF #automation- The Benefits of Automatic Data Collection in the Fresh Produce Supply Chain (RP, TF), pp. 1034–1038.
CASE-2007-SunFSFCD #analysis #bibliography #paradigm- Decision Paradigms in the Semiconductor Supply Chain: A Survey and Analysis (YS, ALF, DLS, JWF, TEC, BMD), pp. 106–110.
CASE-2007-ViswanadhamK #framework- A Decision Framework for Location Selection in Global Supply Chains (NV, SK), pp. 704–709.
DATE-2007-Huang #learning- Dynamic learning based scan chain diagnosis (YH0), pp. 510–515.
DATE-2007-SinanogluS #modelling- Diagnosis, modeling and tolerance of scan chain hold-time violations (OS, PS), pp. 516–521.
TACAS-2007-Derisavi #algorithm #markov- A Symbolic Algorithm for Optimal Markov Chain Lumping (SD), pp. 139–154.
ICSM-2007-GustavssonLLMB07a #modelling #open source #xmi- Integrating proprietary and open-source tool chains through horizontal interchange of XMI models (HG, BL, BL, AM, MB), pp. 521–522.
CIAA-2007-Volkov #automaton #partial order- Synchronizing Automata Preserving a Chain of Partial Orders (MVV), pp. 27–37.
SFM-2007-Stewart #markov #modelling #performance- Performance Modelling and Markov Chains (WJS), pp. 1–33.
ICEIS-DISI-2007-BlaszkowskaPW #case study #traceability- Logistics traceability for supply chain improvement — case study of SMMART project (PB, JP, MW), pp. 599–604.
ICEIS-DISI-2007-Moller #concept #framework #process #research #towards- The conceptual framework for business process innovation: Towards a research program on global supply chain intelligence (CM), pp. 233–238.
ICEIS-DISI-2007-ZephirCMR #collaboration #evaluation- Supply chain improvement — assessing readiness for change trough collaboration evaluation (OZ, EC, SM, BR), pp. 609–614.
ICEIS-SAIC-2007-HeRBSG #design- A Design for Business Intelligence Service in Demand Driven Supply Chain Management (TH, PR, RB, LS, CAG), pp. 20–25.
CIKM-2007-CaoGNB #markov #modelling #query- Extending query translation to cross-language query expansion with markov chain models (GC, JG, JYN, JB), pp. 351–360.
SAC-2007-NakamuraM #design #linux #trust- Designing a trust chain for a thin client on a live Linux cd (MN, SM), pp. 1605–1606.
ICSE-2007-FuR #analysis #architecture #exception #java- Exception-Chain Analysis: Revealing Exception Handling Architecture in Java Server Applications (CF, BGR), pp. 230–239.
CAV-2007-KatoenKLW #abstraction #markov- Three-Valued Abstraction for Continuous-Time Markov Chains (JPK, DK, ML, VW), pp. 311–324.
CASE-2006-ChenFWCAH #adaptation #distributed #framework #simulation- An Adaptive Distributed Simulation Framework for a Server Fulfillment Supply Chain (YC, JWF, TW, TEC, EA, VH), pp. 649–655.
CASE-2006-WuD #analysis #multi #network #performance- Performance analysis of complex supply chain networks with multi-product (YW, MD), pp. 630–635.
CASE-2006-ZhouD #game studies #learning- An evolutionary game model on supply chains learning through imitation (MZ, FD), pp. 645–648.
DATE-2006-ZengI #concurrent #testing #using- Concurrent core test for SOC using shared test set and scan chain disable (GZ, HI), pp. 1045–1050.
DATE-DF-2006-CarvalhoPJF #algorithm #fault tolerance #implementation- A practical implementation of the fault-tolerant daisy-chain clock synchronization algorithm on CAN (FCC, CEP, ETSJ, EPdF), pp. 189–194.
DATE-DF-2006-LennardBFIUSWFRB #design #integration #proving #specification- Industrially proving the SPIRIT consortium specifications for design chain integration (CKL, VB, SF, MI, CU, MS, JW, OF, FR, PB), pp. 142–147.
SIGMOD-2006-SilbersteinBY #constraints #energy #monitoring #network- Constraint chaining: on energy-efficient continuous monitoring in sensor networks (AS, RB, JY), pp. 157–168.
TACAS-2006-SenVA #markov #model checking #nondeterminism- Model-Checking Markov Chains in the Presence of Uncertainties (KS, MV, GA), pp. 394–410.
ICEIS-DISI-2006-Vemuri #agile- The Benefits of Accurate, and Timely Data in Lean Production Environments — RFID in Supply Chain Management (VKV), pp. 221–225.
ICEIS-SAIC-2006-AdamidesKPK #agile #design #framework #towards- Towards an Integrated IS Framework for the Design and Management of Lean Supply Chains (EA, NIK, HP, DK), pp. 35–42.
ICEIS-SAIC-2006-ChungO #grid- A Grid Service Computing Environment for Supply Chain Management (SC, GAO), pp. 112–118.
CIKM-2006-CaoNB #documentation #markov #modelling #query- Constructing better document and query models with markov chains (GC, JYN, JB), pp. 800–801.
ICPR-v1-2006-LourakisA #3d #performance #reliability- Chaining Planar Homographies for Fast and Reliable 3D Plane Tracking (MIAL, AAA), pp. 582–586.
ICPR-v1-2006-WenGL #clustering #detection #markov #monte carlo- Markov Chain Monte Carlo Data Association for Merge and Split Detection in Tracking Protein Clusters (QW, JG, KLP), pp. 1030–1033.
ICPR-v2-2006-YangLWW #clustering #markov #robust- Robust Clustering based on Winner-Population Markov Chain (FWY, HJL, PSPW, HHW), pp. 589–592.
ICPR-v2-2006-YuCMW #detection #markov #monte carlo #multi- Boosted Markov Chain Monte Carlo Data Association for Multiple Target Detection and Tracking (QY, IC, GGM, BW), pp. 675–678.
ICPR-v3-2006-SandersonG #kernel #markov #on the #sequence- On Authorship Attribution via Markov Chains and Sequence Kernels (CS, SG), pp. 437–440.
ICPR-v4-2006-LinO #network #recognition #speech- Switching Auxiliary Chains for Speech Recognition based on Dynamic Bayesian Networks (HL, ZO), pp. 258–261.
QAPL-2005-WolfBM06 #markov- Trace Machines for Observing Continuous-Time Markov Chains (VW, CB, MEMC), pp. 259–277.
SAC-2006-ChongL #using- An extension of dead end elimination for protein side-chain conformation using merge-decoupling (KFC, HWL), pp. 195–199.
SAC-2006-ReeveHB #named #summary- BioChain: lexical chaining methods for biomedical text summarization (LHR, HH, ADB), pp. 180–184.
IJCAR-2006-ChaudhuriPP #logic- A Logical Characterization of Forward and Backward Chaining in the Inverse Method (KC, FP, GP), pp. 97–111.
LICS-2006-KuskeL #automaton #logic #monad- Monadic Chain Logic Over Iterations and Applications to Pushdown Systems (DK, ML), pp. 91–100.
CASE-2005-ChangC #industrial #requirements- Engineering-chain requirements for semiconductor industry (JYCC, FTC), pp. 381–386.
CASE-2005-TangK #distributed #game studies #modelling #multi #problem- Cooperation in a multi-stage game for modeling distributed task delegation in a supply chain procurement problem (KT, SRTK), pp. 93–98.
CASE-2005-ViswanadhamB #outsourcing- Foreign direct investment or outsourcing: a supply chain decision model (NV, KB), pp. 232–237.
DATE-2005-Sangiovanni-Vincentelli #design #evolution #question- Integrated Electronics in the Car and the Design Chain Evolution or Revolution? (ALSV), pp. 532–533.
DocEng-2005-JacquinFC #documentation #rdf- A web-based document harmonization and annotation chain: from PDF to RDF (TJ, OF, BC), pp. 225–226.
TACAS-2005-RemkeHC #infinity #markov #model checking- Model Checking Infinite-State Markov Chains (AR, BRH, LC), pp. 237–252.
EDOC-2005-StefanovL #process- Bridging the Gap between Data Warehouses and Business Processes: A Business Intelligence Perspective for Event-Driven Process Chains (VS, BL), pp. 3–14.
ICEIS-v4-2005-MuniafuV #community- Creating Joint Efficiencies: Web-Enabled Supply Chain Services for Rural Communities (SMM, AV), pp. 127–134.
CIKM-2005-NarasimhaT #database #named #outsourcing- DSAC: integrity for outsourced databases with signature aggregation and chaining (MN, GT), pp. 235–236.
CIKM-2005-SrihariLB #approach #concept #graph- Unapparent information revelation: a concept chain graph approach (RKS, SL, AB), pp. 329–330.
ICML-2005-LiuXC #graph #predict #using- Predicting protein folds with structural repeats using a chain graph model (YL, EPX, JGC), pp. 513–520.
KDD-2005-RadlinskiJ #feedback #learning #query #rank- Query chains: learning to rank from implicit feedback (FR, TJ), pp. 239–248.
SEKE-2005-SongLN #evaluation #framework #markov #named #object-oriented #specification- OOMSE — An Object Oriented Markov Chain Specification and Evaluation Framework (HS, CL, RN), pp. 229–234.
ECMDA-FA-2005-PressoB #experience- Applying MDA to Voice Applications: An Experience in Building an MDA Tool Chain (MJP, MB), pp. 1–8.
LCTES-2005-SassoneWL #dependence #embedded #performance- Static strands: safely collapsing dependence chains for increasing embedded power efficiency (PGS, DSW, GHL), pp. 127–136.
LICS-2005-AbdullaHM #finite #infinity #markov #verification- Verifying Infinite Markov Chains with a Finite Attractor or the Global Coarseness Property (PAA, NBH, RM), pp. 127–136.
DAC-2004-TummeltshammerHP #constant #multi- Multiple constant multiplication by time-multiplexed mapping of addition chains (PT, JCH, MP), pp. 826–829.
DATE-DF-2004-BainbridgePF #design #self #using- The Design and Test of a Smartcard Chip Using a CHAIN Self-Timed Network-on-Chip (WJB, LAP, SBF), pp. 274–279.
DATE-DF-2004-BantasKL #design #modelling- An Inductance Modeling Flow Seamlessly Integrated in the RF IC Design Chain (SB, YK, AL), pp. 39–45.
DATE-v1-2004-BonhommeGGLPV #design #power management- Design of Routing-Constrained Low Power Scan Chains (YB, PG, LG, CL, SP, AV), pp. 62–67.
DATE-v2-2004-HuangCHTHH #analysis #fault #probability- Intermittent Scan Chain Fault Diagnosis Based on Signal Probability Analysis (YH, WTC, CJH, HYT, AH, YTH), pp. 1072–1077.
DATE-v2-2004-LeiningerGM #configuration management- Diagnosis of Scan-Chains by Use of a Configurable Signature Register and Error-Correcting Code (AL, MG, PM), pp. 1302–1309.
DocEng-2004-YehC #identification #topic- Creation of topic map by identifying topic chain in chinese (CLY, YCC), pp. 112–114.
ICEIS-v2-2004-BendouM #graph #learning #network- Learning Bayesian Networks with Largest Chain Graphs (MB, PM), pp. 184–190.
ICEIS-v3-2004-MarinBSM #process #re-engineering #requirements- Requirements Engineering for the Business Process Re-Engineering: An Example in the Agro-Food Supply Chain (FM, PB, FS, LM), pp. 538–542.
ICEIS-v4-2004-PenseriniSP #framework- A P2P-Based Infrastructure for Virtual-Enterprise’s Supply-Chain Management (LP, LS, MP), pp. 316–321.
ICML-2004-WellingRT #approximate #markov- Approximate inference by Markov chains on union spaces (MW, MRZ, YWT).
ICPR-v1-2004-SugimuraS #re-engineering- Camera Calibration and Reconstruction from the Chain Connection of Mutual Camera Projections (YS, JS), pp. 100–103.
ICPR-v3-2004-MatsuiCUM #markov #monte carlo #recognition #using- Bayesian Face Recognition using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo Method (AM, SC, FU, TM), pp. 918–921.
ICPR-v4-2004-MurakitaII #markov #monte carlo #using- Human Tracking using Floor Sensors based on the Markov Chain Monte Carlo Method (TM, TI, HI), pp. 917–920.
KR-2004-Baget #algorithm #concept #graph- Improving the Forward Chaining Algorithm for Conceptual Graphs Rules (JFB), pp. 407–414.
SIGIR-2004-HoenkampS #documentation #markov- The document as an ergodic markov chain (EH, DS), pp. 496–497.
OSDI-2004-RenesseS #replication #throughput- Chain Replication for Supporting High Throughput and Availability (RvR, FBS), pp. 91–104.
CAV-2004-BustanRV #markov #verification- Verifying ω-Regular Properties of Markov Chains (DB, SR, MYV), pp. 189–201.
IJCAR-2004-Tammet #semantics #web- Chain Resolution for the Semantic Web (TT), pp. 307–320.
DATE-2003-OhKWS #architecture #feedback #using- Test Pattern Compression Using Prelude Vectors in Fan-Out Scan Chain with Feedback Architecture (NO, RK, TWW, JS), pp. 10110–10115.
ICDAR-2003-AlamKNRTW #design #documentation #summary #using- Structured and Unstructured Document Summarization: Design of a Commercial Summarizer using Lexical Chains (HA, AK, MN, AFRR, YT, CW), pp. 1147–1152.
ICDAR-2003-HoqueSF #approach #classification #multi #performance #recognition- A New Chain-code Quantization Approach Enabling High Performance Handwriting Recognition based on Multi-Classifier Schemes (SH, KS, MCF), pp. 834–838.
SIGMOD-2003-BabcockBDM #data type #memory management #scheduling- Chain : Operator Scheduling for Memory Minimization in Data Stream Systems (BB, SB, MD, RM), pp. 253–264.
IWPC-2003-Zeller- Isolating Cause-Effect Chains with AskIgo (AZ), pp. 296–297.
ICEIS-v2-2003-MorenoJCR #fuzzy #induction- Induction of Temporal Fuzzy Chains (JMG, LJ, JJCS, LRB), pp. 308–315.
ICEIS-v2-2003-SolvangDS #flexibility #fuzzy #logic #network- Applying Fuzzy Logic and Neural Network for Quantifying Flexibility of Supply Chains (WDS, ZD, BS), pp. 557–561.
ICEIS-v4-2003-PerkinsJBC #collaboration #information management #trust- Building Supply Chain Relationships with Knowledge Management: Engineering Trust in Collaborative Systems (JP, AKJ, LB, SC), pp. 63–70.
ICEIS-v4-2003-StorBNM #enterprise #framework #network- It Infrastructure for Supply Chain Management in Company Networks with Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise (MS, NB, JN, GM), pp. 280–287.
ICML-2003-Duff03a #approximate #markov- Diffusion Approximation for Bayesian Markov Chains (MOD), pp. 139–146.
RE-2003-JarkeFMS #process #requirements #traceability- Media-Assisted Product and Process Requirements Traceability in Supply Chains (MJ, OF, MM, MS), pp. 375–376.
RE-2003-TuunanenR #elicitation #requirements- Market Driven Requirements Elicitation via Critical Success Chains (TT, MR), pp. 367–368.
HT-2002-RosenbergBMBMS #hypermedia- Chain saws for sculptural Hypertext (JR, MB, CCM, PDB, DEM, FMSI), p. 137.
SCAM-J-2001-SouterP02 #automation #identification- Characterization and automatic identification of type infeasible call chains (ALS, LLP), pp. 721–732.
CSMR-2002-HajnalF #algorithm #precise- A Precise Demand-Driven Def-Use Chaining Algorithm (ÁH, IF), p. 77–?.
ICML-2002-StrensBE #markov #monte carlo #optimisation #using- Markov Chain Monte Carlo Sampling using Direct Search Optimization (MJAS, MB, NE), pp. 602–609.
ICML-2002-ThamDR #classification #learning #markov #monte carlo #using- Sparse Bayesian Learning for Regression and Classification using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (SST, AD, KR), pp. 634–641.
ICPR-v1-2002-Baggenstoss #classification- The Chain-Rule Processor: Optimal Classification Through Signal Processing (PMB), pp. 230–234.
ICPR-v2-2002-SanchezBK #markov #video- Coupled Markov Chains for Video Contents Characterization (JMS, XB, JRK), pp. 461–464.
ICPR-v3-2002-BaesensECV #classification #learning #markov #monte carlo #network #using- Learning Bayesian Network Classifiers for Credit Scoring Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo Search (BB, MEP, RC, JV), pp. 49–52.
KDD-2002-LinLCY #data mining #database #distributed #mining #transaction- Distributed data mining in a chain store database of short transactions (CRL, CHL, MSC, PSY), pp. 576–581.
FSE-2002-Zeller #source code- Isolating cause-effect chains from computer programs (AZ), pp. 1–10.
DAC-2001-BayraktarogluO #reduction- Test Volume and Application Time Reduction Through Scan Chain Concealment (IB, AO), pp. 151–155.
DATE-2001-ChandraC #performance #testing #using- Efficient test data compression and decompression for system-on-a-chip using internal scan chains and Golomb coding (AC, KC), pp. 145–149.
ICDAR-2001-ZhengLDP #detection- Form Frame Line Detection with Directional Single-Connected Chain (YZ, CL, XD, SP), pp. 699–703.
SCAM-2001-SouterP- Type Infeasible Call Chains (ALS, LLP), pp. 196–205.
STOC-2001-MontenegroS #agile #geometry #markov- Edge isoperimetry and rapid mixing on matroids and geometric Markov chains (RM, JBS), pp. 704–711.
SAC-2001-HwangR #algorithm #detection #fault- Algorithms to detect chained-inference faults in information distribution systems (YPH, DCR), pp. 679–685.
IJCAR-2001-Waldmann #order- Superposition and Chaining for Totally Ordered Divisible Abelian Groups (UW), pp. 226–241.
DATE-2000-NicoliciA #clustering #multi #power management- Scan Latch Partitioning into Multiple Scan Chains for Power Minimization in Full Scan Sequential Circuits (NN, BMAH), pp. 715–722.
TACAS-2000-HermannsKMS #markov #model checking- A Markov Chain Model Checker (HH, JPK, JMK, MS), pp. 347–362.
AdaEurope-2000-BarrazaPCC #development #predict- An Application of the Chains-of-Rare-Events Model to Software Development Failure Prediction (NRB, JDP, BCF, FC), pp. 185–195.
ICEIS-2000-KreplinRS #enterprise- Real Supply Chains and Virtual Enterprises (KDK, DMR, HS), pp. 455–460.
ICPR-v1-2000-ChabbiP #image- A Generic Relaxation Technique for Hierarchic Stereo Chain Matching of Uncalibrated Images (HC, SP), pp. 1746–1749.
ICPR-v1-2000-MossH #markov #monte carlo #using- Alignment and Correspondence Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (SM, ERH), pp. 1928–1931.
ICPR-v2-2000-ChenC #recursion- Recursive Conversion of Chain Code into Quadtree with Table Lookup (ZC, IPC), pp. 6054–6057.
SAC-2000-HuangHBL #design- Genome-wide Polymerase Chain Reaction Primer Design (HHH, GEH, RB, HL), pp. 65–74.
CAV-2000-BaierHHK #analysis #markov #model checking- Model Checking Continuous-Time Markov Chains by Transient Analysis (CB, BRH, HH, JPK), pp. 358–372.
DAC-1999-ParkC #scheduling- Performance-Driven Scheduling with Bit-Level Chaining (SP, KC), pp. 286–291.
ICDAR-1999-SuralD99a #documentation #image #markov- A Two-state Markov Chain Model of Degraded Document Images (SS, PKD), pp. 463–466.
STOC-1999-ChenLP #markov- Lifting Markov Chains to Speed up Mixing (FC, LL, IP), pp. 275–281.
STOC-1999-DinitzMR #complexity #symmetry- Bit Complexity of Breaking and Achieving Symmetry in Chains and Rings (Extended Abstract) (YD, SM, SR), pp. 265–274.
ICALP-1999-Clote #markov- Protein Folding, the Levinthal Paradox and Rapidly Mixing Markov Chains (PC), pp. 240–249.
AGTIVE-1999-GatzemeierM #authoring- Improving the Publication Chain Through High-Level Authoring Support (FHG, OM), pp. 255–262.
HCI-CCAD-1999-SiemieniuchS #lifecycle- Knowledge lifecycle management along the supply chain (CES, MAS), pp. 333–337.
DAC-1998-XieB #classification #finite #markov #performance- Efficient State Classification of Finite State Markov Chains (AX, PAB), pp. 605–610.
DATE-1998-ChangCML #functional #testing- Functional Scan Chain Testing (DC, KTC, MMS, MTCL), pp. 278–283.
DATE-1998-ChatzigeorgiouN #effectiveness- Collapsing the Transistor Chain to an Effective Single Equivalent Transistor (AC, SN), pp. 2–6.
TAGT-1998-Drewes #generative #power of- Some Remarks on the Generative Power of Collage Grammars and Chain-Code Grammars (FD), pp. 1–14.
EDOC-1998-LoosA #modelling #object-oriented #process #uml- Object-orientation in business process modeling through applying event driven process chains (EPC) in UML (PL, TA), pp. 102–112.
LOPSTR-1998-Rosenblueth #source code #using- An Exhaustive-Search Method Using Layered Streams Obtained Through a Meta-Interpreter for Chain Programs (DAR), pp. 322–324.
EDTC-1997-HigamiK #design #parallel- Design of partially parallel scan chain (YH, KK), p. 626.
VLDB-1997-KraissW #documentation #migration #predict #scalability- Vertical Data Migration in Large Near-Line Document Archives Based on Markov-Chain Predictions (AK, GW), pp. 246–255.
TACAS-1997-PhilippsS #verification- Formal Verification of Statecharts with Instantaneous Chain Reaction (JP, PS), pp. 224–238.
STOC-1997-Fill #algorithm #markov- An Interruptible Algorithm for Perfect Sampling via Markov Chains (JAF), pp. 688–695.
DAC-1996-ChenLH #layout- Layout Driven Selecting and Chaining of Partial Scan (CSC, KHL, TH), pp. 262–267.
TACAS-1996-BuhrkeLV #infinity- Strategy Construction in Infinite Ganes with Streett and Rabin Chain Winning Conditions (NB, HL, JV), pp. 207–224.
ICPR-1996-SanchizQP #algorithm #detection- A neural network-based algorithm to detect dominant points from the chain-code of a contour (JMS, JMIQ, FP), pp. 325–329.
KDD-1996-StolorzC #learning #markov #monte carlo #visual notation- Harnessing Graphical Structure in Markov Chain Monte Carlo Learning (PES, PCC), pp. 134–139.
CAV-1996-AzizSSB #markov #verification- Verifying Continuous Time Markov Chains (AA, KS, VS, RKB), pp. 269–276.
STOC-1995-LovaszW #markov #performance- Efficient stopping rules for Markov chains (LL, PW), pp. 76–82.
ICALP-1995-GrecoSZ #automaton #logic programming #source code- The PushDown Method to Optimize Chain Logic Programs (Extended Abstract) (SG, DS, CZ), pp. 523–534.
CAV-1995-KrishnanPBV #automaton #game studies- The Rabin Index and Chain Automata, with Applications to Automatas and Games (SCK, AP, RKB, PV), pp. 253–266.
RTA-1995-Holmes #equation #proving #recursion #theorem- Disguising Recursively Chained Rewrite Rules as Equational Theorems, as Implemented in the Prover EFTTP Mark 2 (MRH), pp. 432–437.
DAC-1994-BenedettoLSY #problem- Chain Closure: A Problem in Molecular CAD (MDDB, PL, ALSV, KY), pp. 497–502.
KBSE-1994-TongKP #flexibility #re-engineering- A Flexible Rule-Chaining Engine for Process-Based Software Engineering (AZT, GEK, SSP), pp. 79–88.
TAGT-1994-DassowHT- Chain-Code Pictures and Collages Generated by Hyperedge Replacement (JD, AH, ST), pp. 412–427.
CIKM-1994-ChenH #algorithm #graph #linear #source code #traversal- An Optimal Graph Traversal Algorithm for Evaluating Linear Binary-Chain Programs (YC, TH), pp. 34–41.
CADE-1994-BachmairG #order- Ordered Chaining for Total Orderings (LB, HG), pp. 435–450.
STOC-1993-CoffmanJSW #analysis #markov #proving- Markov chains, computer proofs, and average-case analysis of best fit bin packing (EGCJ, DSJ, PWS, RRW), pp. 412–421.
STOC-1993-FelsnerW #algorithm #combinator #set- Maximum k-chains in planar point sets: combinatorial structure and algorithms (SF, LW), pp. 146–153.
RTA-1993-DelorP #commutative #order- Extension of the Associative Path Ordering to a Chain of Associative Commutative Symbols (CD, LP), pp. 389–404.
PODS-1992-Dong #datalog #query #tool support- Datalog Expressiveness of Chain Queries: Grammar Tools and Characterizations (GD), pp. 81–90.
CADE-1992-Chen #empirical #knowledge-based #proving #theorem proving- Tactic-based Theorem Proving and Knowledge-based Forward Chaining: an Experiment with Nuprl and Ontic (WZC), pp. 552–566.
KBSE-1991-HeinemanKBB #parametricity- Rule Chaining in MARVEL: Dynamic Binding of Parameters (GTH, GEK, NSB, IBS), pp. 215–222.
PODS-1990-Royer #evaluation- Backward Chaining Evaluation in Stratified Disjunctive Theories (VR), pp. 183–195.
VLDB-1990-Wood #source code- Factoring Augmented Regular Chain Programs (PTW), pp. 255–263.
ICALP-1990-Radge #parallel- The Parallel Simplicity of Compaction and Chaining (PR), pp. 744–751.
GG-1990-Chytil- Cycle Chain Code Picture Languages (FJB, MC), pp. 157–173.
CADE-1990-NieP #proving #semantics- A Complete Semantic Back Chaining Proof System (XN, DAP), pp. 16–27.
CSL-1990-Burgard #logic programming #performance #source code- Efficiency Considerations on Goal-Directed Chaining for Logic Programs (WB), pp. 80–94.
STOC-1988-JerrumS #agile #approximate #markov- Conductance and the Rapid Mixing Property for Markov Chains: the Approximation of the Permanent Resolved (Preliminary Version) (MJ, AS), pp. 235–244.
CADE-1988-Hines #knowledge-based #proving #theorem proving- Hyper-Chaining and Knowledge-Based Theorem Proving (LMH), pp. 469–486.
PODS-1987-AfratiP #complexity #parallel #query- The Parallel Complexity of Simple Chain Queries (FNA, CHP), pp. 210–213.
LICS-1987-Thomas #first-order #infinity #logic #on the- On Chain Logic, Path Logic, and First-Order Logic over Infinite Trees (WT), pp. 245–256.
POPL-1986-Hoover #attribute grammar- Dynamically Bypassing Copy Rule Chains in Attribute Grammars (RH), pp. 14–25.
ICALP-1982-Blum #context-free grammar #on the #power of- On the Power of Chain Rules in Context Free Grammars (NB), pp. 72–82.
GG-1982-MaurerRW- Chain code picture languages (HAM, GR, EW), pp. 232–244.
ICALP-1980-Schlichtiger- Partitioned Chain Grammars (PS), pp. 555–568.
CADE-1980-BledsoeH #proving- Variable Elimination and Chaining in a Resolution-based Prover for Inequalities (WWB, LMH), pp. 70–87.
ICALP-1978-Nijholt #on the #parsing- On the Parsing and Covering of Simple Chain Grammars (AN), pp. 330–344.
ICALP-1977-Nijholt- Simple Chain Grammars (AN), pp. 352–364.
POPL-1976-LaLonde #lr #on the #parsing #reduction- On Directly Constructing LR(k) Parsers Without Chain Reductions (WRL), pp. 127–133.