Travelled to:
1 × France
13 × USA
2 × Germany
Collaborated with:
P.Agrawal S.T.Chakradhar M.L.Bushnell K.Cheng S.K.Jain J.Villoldo T.J.Chakraborty R.K.K.R.Sandireddy J.T.d.Sousa ∅ P.Kozak A.Balakrishnan K.Heragu D.Bhattacharya S.Kanjilal N.N.Biswas S.M.Reddy S.C.Seth A.Giani S.Sheng M.S.Hsiao A.K.Bose H.N.Nham E.Pacas-Skewes A.E.Dunlop D.N.Deutsch M.F.Jukl M.Wiesel
Talks about:
circuit (10) test (10) fault (9) generat (8) sequenti (6) use (5) delay (4) path (4) algorithm (3) function (3)
Person: Vishwani D. Agrawal
DBLP: Agrawal:Vishwani_D=
Contributed to:
Wrote 24 papers:
- DATE-2005-SandireddyA #detection #fault #multi
- Diagnostic and Detection Fault Collapsing for Multiple Output Circuits (RKKRS, VDA), pp. 1014–1019.
- DATE-2001-GianiSHA #performance
- Efficient spectral techniques for sequential ATPG (AG, SS, MSH, VDA), pp. 204–208.
- DATE-2000-SousaA #clustering #complexity #fault #modelling #using
- Reducing the Complexity of Defect Level Modeling Using the Clustering Effect (JTdS, VDA), pp. 640–644.
- DAC-1994-ChakradharBA #algorithm
- An Exact Algorithm for Selecting Partial Scan Flip-Flops (STC, AB, VDA), pp. 81–86.
- DAC-1994-HeraguBA #fault #performance
- An Efficient Path Delay Fault Coverage Estimator (KH, MLB, VDA), pp. 516–521.
- DAC-1993-AgrawalAV #distributed #generative #testing
- Sequential Circuit Test Generation on a Distributed System (PA, VDA, JV), pp. 107–111.
- DAC-1993-ChakrabortyAB #design #fault #testing
- Design for Testability for Path Delay faults in Sequential Circuits (TJC, VDA, MLB), pp. 453–457.
- HPDC-1993-AgrawalAV #generative #network
- Test Pattern Generation for Sequential Circuits on a Network of Workstations (PA, VDA, JV), pp. 114–120.
- DAC-1992-BhattacharyaAA #fault #generative #testing #using
- Delay Fault Test Generation for Scan/Hold Circuits Using Boolean Expressions (DB, PA, VDA), pp. 159–164.
- DAC-1992-ChakrabortyAB #fault #generative #logic #modelling #random #testing
- Delay Fault Models and Test Generation for Random Logic Sequential Circuits (TJC, VDA, MLB), pp. 165–172.
- DAC-1992-ChakradharKA #fault tolerance #finite #state machine #synthesis
- Finite State Machine Synthesis with Fault Tolerant Test Function (STC, SK, VDA), pp. 562–567.
- DAC-1991-ChakradharA #algorithm #generative #testing #transitive
- A Transitive Closure Based Algorithm for Test Generation (STC, VDA), pp. 353–358.
- DAC-1990-AgrawalC #specification #synthesis
- Test Function Specification in Synthesis (VDA, KTC), pp. 235–240.
- DAC-1990-ChakradharAB #automation #generative #polynomial #programming #testing #using
- Automatic Test Generation Using Quadratic 0-1 Programming (STC, VDA, MLB), pp. 654–659.
- DAC-1990-ChengA #complexity #multi
- An Entropy Measure for the Complexity of Multi-Output Boolean Functions (KTC, VDA), pp. 302–305.
- DAC-1988-AgrawalCA #concurrent #contest #generative #named
- Contest: A Concurrent Test Generator for Sequential Circuits (VDA, KTC, PA), pp. 84–89.
- DAC-1985-AgrawalAB #multi
- Multiple output minimization (PA, VDA, NNB), pp. 674–680.
- DAC-1984-DunlopADJKW #layout #optimisation #using
- Chip layout optimization using critical path weighting (AED, VDA, DND, MFJ, PK, MW), pp. 133–136.
- DAC-1984-JainA #fault #named #simulation
- STAFAN: An alternative to fault simulation (SKJ, VDA), pp. 18–23.
- DAC-1984-ReddyAJ #detection #fault #logic
- A gate level model for CMOS combinational logic circuits with application to fault detection (SMR, VDA, SKJ), pp. 504–509.
- DAC-1983-JainA #generative #testing #using
- Test generation for MOS circuits using D-algorithm (SKJ, VDA), pp. 64–70.
- DAC-1982-Agrawal #analysis
- Synchronous path analysis in MOS circuit simulator (VDA), pp. 629–635.
- DAC-1981-AgrawalSA #fault #quality
- LSI product quality and fault coverage (VDA, SCS, PA), pp. 196–203.
- DAC-1980-AgrawalBKNP
- A mixed-mode simulator (VDA, AKB, PK, HNN, EPS), pp. 618–625.