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632 papers:

ECSAECSA-2015-GroherW #architecture #requirements
Collecting Requirements and Ideas for Architectural Group Decision-Making Based on Four Approaches (IG, RW), pp. 181–192.
QoSAQoSA-2015-XuWXZB #as a service #data analysis #realtime
Making Real Time Data Analytics Available as a Service (DX, DW, XX, LZ, LB), pp. 73–82.
WICSAWICSA-2015-GroherW #architecture #case study
A Study on Architectural Decision-Making in Context (IG, RW), pp. 11–20.
ESOPESOP-2015-FetscherCPHF #automation #generative #random #type system
Making Random Judgments: Automatically Generating Well-Typed Terms from the Definition of a Type-System (BF, KC, MHP, JH, RBF), pp. 383–405.
ICPCICPC-2015-MartinCAA #analysis #empirical #open source
Make it simple: an empirical analysis of GNU make feature use in open source projects (DHM, JRC, BA, GA), pp. 207–217.
PLDIPLDI-2015-SinghPV #performance #program analysis
Making numerical program analysis fast (GS, MP, MTV), pp. 303–313.
CHICHI-2015-Al-AmeenWS #multi #random #towards
Towards Making Random Passwords Memorable: Leveraging Users’ Cognitive Ability Through Multiple Cues (MNAA, MKW, SS), pp. 2315–2324.
CHICHI-2015-BorstTR #problem #what
What Makes Interruptions Disruptive?: A Process-Model Account of the Effects of the Problem State Bottleneck on Task Interruption and Resumption (JPB, NAT, HvR), pp. 2971–2980.
CHICHI-2015-Clarke #design
The Work of Mad Men that Makes the Methods of Math Men Work: Practically Occasioned Segment Design (MFC), pp. 3275–3284.
CHICHI-2015-GennipHM #design #interactive #memory management
Things That Make Us Reminisce: Everyday Memory Cues as Opportunities for Interaction Design (DvG, EvdH, PM), pp. 3443–3452.
CHICHI-2015-HookCMADW #case study #design #documentation #experience
Making the Invisible Visible: Design to Support the Documentation of Participatory Arts Experiences (JH, RC, JCM, KA, JD, PCW), pp. 2583–2592.
CHICHI-2015-MayerHJ #challenge #concept #design #social
Making Social Matching Context-Aware: Design Concepts and Open Challenges (JMM, SRH, QJ), pp. 545–554.
CHICHI-2015-NguyenL #tutorial #video
Making Software Tutorial Video Responsive (CN, FL), pp. 1565–1568.
CHICHI-2015-PierceP #design #multi
Making Multiple Uses of the Obscura 1C Digital Camera: Reflecting on the Design, Production, Packaging and Distribution of a Counterfunctional Device (JP, EP), pp. 2103–2112.
The Proper Care and Feeding of Hackerspaces: Care Ethics and Cultures of Making (ALT, SB, JB), pp. 629–638.
CHICHI-2015-ZhangBK #bias #design #information management
Designing Information for Remediating Cognitive Biases in Decision-Making (YZ, RKEB, WAK), pp. 2211–2220.
CSCWCSCW-2015-KulkarniCKBK #distance #matter #named
Talkabout: Making Distance Matter with Small Groups in Massive Classes (CK, JC, YK, MSB, SRK), pp. 1116–1128.
CSCWCSCW-2015-LeeFD #distance
Making Decisions From a Distance: The Impact of Technological Mediation on Riskiness and Dehumanization (MKL, NF, LD), pp. 1576–1589.
Making Time (SEL), pp. 1442–1452.
Making “Safe”: Community-Centered Practices in a Virtual World Dedicated to Children with Autism (KER, CTW, LD, GRH), pp. 1788–1800.
CSCWCSCW-2015-SunLDLG #case study
Reliving the Past & Making a Harmonious Society Today: A Study of Elderly Electronic Hackers in China (YS, SL, XD, TL, NG), pp. 44–55.
HCIDHM-EH-2015-KimRCMLAIS #mobile #usability
Usability of Mobile Applications Supporting Training in Diagnostic Decision-Making by Radiologists (MSK, AABR, MAC, MKM, KJL, MRA, KLI, VS), pp. 448–454.
HCIDHM-HM-2015-EndoYASSH #difference #process
Effect of Skill Level Difference in the Polishing Process of the Maki-e Making Technique (AE, HY, CA, TS, YS, HH), pp. 24–34.
HCIDHM-HM-2015-WangTTTGH #analysis #process
Motion Analysis of Interval Time During “Kana-ami” Making Process (ZW, KiT, TT, YT, AG, HH), pp. 201–211.
HCIDHM-HM-2015-WangTTTGH15a #analysis #process
Brain Activity Analysis on “Kana-Ami” Making Process (ZW, KiT, TT, YT, AG, HH), pp. 212–219.
HCIDUXU-DD-2015-AhmedS #energy #feedback #metric #named
OBDEnergy — Making Metrics Meaningful in Eco-driving Feedback (SA, AS), pp. 395–405.
HCIDUXU-UI-2015-Klein #3d #smarttech
Digital Craftsmanship — The Making of Incunabula, a Fully 3D Printed Wearable Dress (TK), pp. 643–654.
HCIDUXU-UI-2015-Passera #contract #design #how
Beyond the Wall of Text: How Information Design Can Make Contracts User-Friendly (SP), pp. 341–352.
HCILCT-2015-RobertsonSRGCMM #design #implementation #visual notation
The Visual Design and Implementation of an Embodied Conversational Agent in a Shared Decision-Making Context (eCoach) (SR, RS, MR, TWG, TC, VM, AM), pp. 427–437.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2015-AlhammadiSE #knowledge base #migration
A Knowledge based Decision Making Tool to Support Cloud Migration Decision Making (AA, CS, AE), pp. 637–643.
ICMLICML-2015-Soltanmohammadi #data fusion
Context-based Unsupervised Data Fusion for Decision Making (ES, MNP, MvdS), pp. 2076–2084.
KDDKDD-2015-Pratt #machine learning #predict #protocol #proving
Proof Protocol for a Machine Learning Technique Making Longitudinal Predictions in Dynamic Contexts (KBP), pp. 2049–2058.
RecSysRecSys-2015-Das #recommendation
Making Meaningful Restaurant Recommendations At OpenTable (SD), p. 235.
RecSysRecSys-2015-MouliC #dependence #feedback #modelling
Making the Most of Preference Feedback by Modeling Feature Dependencies (SCM, SC), pp. 285–288.
Nudging Grocery Shoppers to Make Healthier Choices (EW, SM), pp. 289–292.
SEKESEKE-2015-AffonsoLON #adaptation #framework #learning #self
A Framework Based on Learning Techniques for Decision-making in Self-adaptive Software (FJA, GL, RAPO, EYN), pp. 24–29.
MoDELSMoDELS-2015-KulkarniBCB #complexity #towards
Toward overcoming accidental complexity in organisational decision-making (VK, SB, TC, BSB), pp. 368–377.
SACSAC-2015-AlmeidaBBCD #variability
Dynamic decision-making based on NFR for managing software variability and configuration selection (AA, NB, TVB, EC, FD), pp. 1376–1382.
SACSAC-2015-KimK #scalability #using
Dual region write buffering: making large-scale nonvolatile buffer using small capacitor in SSD (DK, SK), pp. 2039–2046.
SACSAC-2015-NonnenmacherOBV #modelling #process
Modelling consumers decision-making process about excluding products as a result of mutual influence (VN, LPLdO, BEJB, MBV), pp. 1123–1128.
SACSAC-2015-SilvaBNCS #architecture #design #quality
A decision-making tool to support architectural designs based on quality attributes (ICLS, PHSB, BFdSN, EC, AAS), pp. 1457–1463.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2015-CitoLFG #development #empirical
The making of cloud applications: an empirical study on software development for the cloud (JC, PL, TF, HCG), pp. 393–403.
ICSEICSE-v1-2015-GaoLCMW #interactive #question #testing #what
Making System User Interactive Tests Repeatable: When and What Should We Control? (ZG, YL, MBC, AMM, ZW), pp. 55–65.
ICSEICSE-v1-2015-LiKZ #question #what
What Makes a Great Software Engineer? (PLL, AJK, JZ), pp. 700–710.
ICSEICSE-v1-2015-ZhuHFZLZ #developer #learning
Learning to Log: Helping Developers Make Informed Logging Decisions (JZ, PH, QF, HZ, MRL, DZ), pp. 415–425.
HPCAHPCA-2015-JinPSCSZ #fault #hardware #named
FTXen: Making hypervisor resilient to hardware faults on relaxed cores (XJ, SP, TS, RC, ZS, YZ), pp. 451–462.
ECSAECSA-2014-RekhaM #architecture
Suitability of Software Architecture Decision Making Methods for Group Decisions (VSR, HM), pp. 17–32.
WICSAWICSA-2014-RekhaM #architecture #case study
A Study on Group Decision-Making in Software Architecture (VSR, HM), pp. 185–194.
CASECASE-2014-HsiaoYLH #design #implementation
Design and implementation of a ball-batting robot with optimal batting decision making ability (TH, CMY, IHL, CCH), pp. 1026–1031.
DACDAC-2014-SarmaVD #distributed #middleware #mobile #perspective
Sense-making from Distributed and Mobile Sensing Data: A Middleware Perspective (SS, NV, ND), p. 6.
DATEDATE-2014-BiewerGH #novel #smt
A novel model for system-level decision making with combined ASP and SMT solving (AB, JG, CH), pp. 1–4.
DATEDATE-2014-LeeserMRW #effectiveness #float #reasoning
Make it real: Effective floating-point reasoning via exact arithmetic (ML, SM, JR, TW), pp. 1–4.
DATEDATE-2014-ZygmontowiczDCP #network
Making it harder to unlock an LSIB: Honeytraps and misdirection in a P1687 network (AZ, JD, AC, JCP), pp. 1–6.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2014-PangKFF #commit #named #predict
PLANET: making progress with commit processing in unpredictable environments (GP, TK, MJF, AF), pp. 3–14.
VLDBVLDB-2014-Duggan #data-driven
The Case for Personal Data-Driven Decision Making (JD), pp. 943–946.
VLDBVLDB-2014-SuZZHZ #named
STMaker — A System to Make Sense of Trajectory Data (HS, KZ, KZ, JH, XZ), pp. 1701–1704.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2014-Isomottonen #process #student
Making group processes explicit to student: a case of justice (VI), pp. 195–200.
Making the hardware-software connection with PLP (SS), p. 324.
ICSMEICSME-2014-Al-KofahiNN #fault #locality
Fault Localization for Make-Based Build Crashes (JMAK, HVN, TNN), pp. 526–530.
ICALPICALP-v2-2014-KosowskiP #case study #difference
Does Adding More Agents Make a Difference? A Case Study of Cover Time for the Rotor-Router (AK, DP), pp. 544–555.
ICFPICFP-2014-HackettH #performance
Worker/wrapper/makes it/faster (JH, GH), pp. 95–107.
CHICHI-2014-DiSalvoLLJK #design #how #human-computer #matter
Making public things: how HCI design can express matters of concern (CFD, JL, TL, TJ, TK), pp. 2397–2406.
CHICHI-2014-FerreiraFK #visualisation
Sample-oriented task-driven visualizations: allowing users to make better, more confident decisions (NF, DF, ACK), pp. 571–580.
CHICHI-2014-LohseRPKE #gesture #performance
Robot gestures make difficult tasks easier: the impact of gestures on perceived workload and task performance (ML, RR, JGP, DEK, VE), pp. 1459–1466.
CHICHI-2014-ReetzG #gesture #identification
Making big gestures: effects of gesture size on observability and identification for co-located group awareness (AR, CG), pp. 4087–4096.
CHICHI-2014-YangNF #challenge #design
Making sustainability sustainable: challenges in the design of eco-interaction technologies (RY, MWN, JF), pp. 823–832.
CSCWCSCW-2014-CrabtreeC #challenge #design #enterprise
Making it “pay a bit better”: design challenges for micro rural enterprise (AC, AC), pp. 687–696.
CSCWCSCW-2014-Flanagan #design #difference
Making a difference in and through playful design (MF), pp. 1–2.
CSCWCSCW-2014-QuerciaOC #question #what
Aesthetic capital: what makes london look beautiful, quiet, and happy? (DQ, NKO, HC), pp. 945–955.
CSCWCSCW-2014-QuinnB #named #performance #spreadsheet
AskSheet: efficient human computation for decision making with spreadsheets (AJQ, BBB), pp. 1456–1466.
CSCWCSCW-2014-Vitak #facebook #maintenance #strict
Facebook makes the heart grow fonder: relationship maintenance strategies among geographically dispersed and communication-restricted connections (JV), pp. 842–853.
HCIHIMI-AS-2014-KoyamaYKT #named
ChoiceLog: Life Log System Based on Choices for Supporting Decision-Making (JK, KY, IK, YT), pp. 172–183.
HCILCT-NLE-2014-Kim #feedback #learning #self #simulation
Simulation Training in Self-Regulated Learning: Investigating the Effects of Dual Feedback on Dynamic Decision-Making Tasks (JHK), pp. 419–428.
CAiSECAiSE-2014-MoyanoBG #trust
Trust-Aware Decision-Making Methodology for Cloud Sourcing (FM, KB, MCFG), pp. 136–149.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2014-DominguezAERLE #data mining #fuzzy #logic #mining #roadmap #using
Advances in the Decision Making for Treatments of Chronic Patients Using Fuzzy Logic and Data Mining Techniques (MD, JA, JGE, IMR, JMLS, MJE), pp. 325–330.
ICEISICEIS-v3-2014-RoychoudhuryRKK #enterprise #modelling
Models to Aid Decision Making in Enterprises (SR, AR, VK, DK), pp. 465–471.
ECIRECIR-2014-AngeliniFSS #interactive #visual notation
A Visual Interactive Environment for Making Sense of Experimental Data (MA, NF, GS, GS), pp. 767–770.
ICMLICML-c1-2014-YogatamaS #multi #word
Making the Most of Bag of Words: Sentence Regularization with Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (DY, NAS), pp. 656–664.
ICMLICML-c2-2014-TuZWQ #analysis #scalability
Making Fisher Discriminant Analysis Scalable (BT, ZZ, SW, HQ), pp. 964–972.
ICPRICPR-2014-FrazES #recognition
Mid-level-Representation Based Lexicon for Vehicle Make and Model Recognition (MF, EAE, MSS), pp. 393–398.
KDDKDD-2014-GhalwashRO #nondeterminism
Utilizing temporal patterns for estimating uncertainty in interpretable early decision making (MFG, VR, ZO), pp. 402–411.
RecSysRecSys-2014-PeraN14a #automation #recommendation
Automating readers’ advisory to make book recommendations for K-12 readers (MSP, YKN), pp. 9–16.
SEKESEKE-2014-DalliloAF #approach #multi #process
Making the link between strategy and process model collections: a multi-layered approach (FD, JPdA, MF), pp. 387–392.
SEKESEKE-2014-Garcia-NunesSZB #analysis #collaboration #fuzzy #modelling
Mental models analysis based on fuzzy rules for collaborative decision-making (PIGN, AES, ACZ, GB), pp. 695–700.
SEKESEKE-2014-HuHCC #diagrams #execution #model transformation #uml
Extended DEVSML as a Model Transformation Intermediary to Make UML Diagrams Executable (JH, LH, BC, XC), pp. 314–317.
SEKESEKE-2014-Wang #composition #using #web #web service
QoS-Based Web Service Composition by GA Using Consumer Decision-Making Function (GW), pp. 361–364.
SIGIRSIGIR-2014-NiuLGCG #data analysis #learning #rank #robust #what
What makes data robust: a data analysis in learning to rank (SN, YL, JG, XC, XG), pp. 1191–1194.
POPLPOPL-2014-ChaudhuriFK #analysis #consistency #source code
Consistency analysis of decision-making programs (SC, AF, ZK), pp. 555–568.
RERE-2014-HorkoffSCS #nondeterminism
Supporting early decision-making in the presence of uncertainty (JH, RS, MC, ADS), pp. 33–42.
SACSAC-2014-VasconcelosAG #code review #predict #what
What makes your opinion popular?: predicting the popularity of micro-reviews in foursquare (MAV, JMA, MAG), pp. 598–603.
ICSEICSE-2014-LiTH #energy #performance #smarttech #web
Making web applications more energy efficient for OLED smartphones (DL, AHT, WGJH), pp. 527–538.
ICSEICSE-2014-MinkuY #estimation #how #question
How to make best use of cross-company data in software effort estimation? (LLM, XY), pp. 446–456.
HPCAHPCA-2014-FletcherRYDKD #information management #performance #ram #trade-off
Suppressing the Oblivious RAM timing channel while making information leakage and program efficiency trade-offs (CWF, LR, XY, MvD, OK, SD), pp. 213–224.
ISSTAISSTA-2014-HendersonPYHWZY #analysis #framework #performance
Make it work, make it right, make it fast: building a platform-neutral whole-system dynamic binary analysis platform (AH, AP, LKY, XH, XW, RZ, HY), pp. 248–258.
ECSAECSA-2013-AnvaariCJ #architecture #case study #enterprise #industrial
Architectural Decision-Making in Enterprises: Preliminary Findings from an Exploratory Study in Norwegian Electricity Industry (MA, RC, LJ), pp. 162–175.
ECSAECSA-2013-NowakP #architecture
Team Situational Awareness and Architectural Decision Making with the Software Architecture Warehouse (MN, CP), pp. 146–161.
ECSAECSA-2013-VenB #architecture #design
Making the Right Decision: Supporting Architects with Design Decision Data (JSvdV, JB), pp. 176–183.
QoSAQoSA-2013-Schmid #approach #formal method #technical debt
A formal approach to technical debt decision making (KS), pp. 153–162.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2013-GaoLOWC #crowdsourcing #online
An online cost sensitive decision-making method in crowdsourcing systems (JG, XL, BCO, HW, GC), pp. 217–228.
VLDBVLDB-2013-FanGN #big data #preprocessor #query
Making Queries Tractable on Big Data with Preprocessing (WF, FG, FN), pp. 685–696.
VLDBVLDB-2013-YuanL013a #using
Making Updates Disk-I/O Friendly Using SSDs (MS, KAR, MC, BB), pp. 997–1008.
CSEETCSEET-2013-ChimalakondaN #adaptation #education #learning #personalisation #re-engineering #what
What makes it hard to teach software engineering to end users? some directions from adaptive and personalized learning (SC, KVN), pp. 324–328.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2013-BackBCMMM #education #student
Making computing interesting to school students: teachers’ perspectives (JB, JB, PC, CM, PWM, LRM), pp. 255–260.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2013-BundeDS #assessment #process
Making the most of the assessment process (DPB, JFD, JS), p. 359.
MSRMSR-2013-JiangAG #case study #how #kernel #linux #performance
Will my patch make it? and how fast?: case study on the Linux kernel (YJ, BA, DMG), pp. 101–110.
MSRMSR-2013-SubramanianH #online
Making sense of online code snippets (SS, RH), pp. 85–88.
ICALPICALP-v1-2013-Blaser #commutative
Noncommutativity Makes Determinants Hard (MB), pp. 172–183.
CHICHI-2013-CuendetMBC #named #video
VideoKheti: making video content accessible to low-literate and novice users (SC, IM, KB, EC), pp. 2833–2842.
CHICHI-2013-JungBLK #design
Make it move: a movement design method of simple standing products based on systematic mapping of torso movements & product messages (JJ, SHB, JHL, MSK), pp. 1279–1288.
CHICHI-2013-KelleyCS #privacy #process
Privacy as part of the app decision-making process (PGK, LFC, NMS), pp. 3393–3402.
CHICHI-2013-KimSLKL13a #named
TapBoard: making a touch screen keyboard more touchable (SK, JS, GL, HK, WL), pp. 553–562.
CHICHI-2013-KukkaOKGO #interactive #visual notation #what
What makes you click: exploring visual signals to entice interaction on public displays (HK, HO, VK, JG, TO), pp. 1699–1708.
CHICHI-2013-ThiryLBR #authoring #framework #timeline
Authoring personal histories: exploring the timeline as a framework for meaning making (ET, SEL, RB, TR), pp. 1619–1628.
CHICHI-2013-WallaceMWO #design
Making design probes work (JW, JCM, PCW, PO), pp. 3441–3450.
CHICHI-2013-YinOPZ #adaptation #approach
Making touchscreen keyboards adaptive to keys, hand postures, and individuals: a hierarchical spatial backoff model approach (YY, TO, KP, SZ), pp. 2775–2784.
Medication management in the making: on ethnography-design relations (TOA), pp. 1103–1112.
CSCWCSCW-2013-Barlow #chat #using
Emergent roles in decision-making tasks using group chat (JBB), pp. 1505–1514.
CSCWCSCW-2013-HalfakerKT #wiki
Making peripheral participation legitimate: reader engagement experiments in wikipedia (AH, OK, DT), pp. 849–860.
CSCWCSCW-2013-KaneTL #communication
Shared decision making needs a communication record (BK, PJT, SL), pp. 79–90.
CSCWCSCW-2013-ReineckeNBNG #behaviour #difference #online #scheduling
Doodle around the world: online scheduling behavior reflects cultural differences in time perception and group decision-making (KR, MKN, AB, MN, KZG), pp. 45–54.
Proposal of Automotive 8-directional Warning System That Makes Use of Tactile Apparent Movement (AM, SK, MM, TH), pp. 98–107.
HCIDHM-SET-2013-NagataHKMKNAKOO #development #evaluation #metric #process #self
Development of a Measurement and Evaluation System for Bed-Making Activity for Self-training (AN, ZH, MKP, JM, YK, MN, KA, NK, TO, JO), pp. 268–275.
HCIDUXU-CXC-2013-BaylissVNLB #game studies #lazy evaluation #visual notation
Lazy Eye Shooter: Making a Game Therapy for Visual Recovery in Adult Amblyopia Usable (JDB, IV, MN, DL, DB), pp. 352–360.
HCIDUXU-WM-2013-Gould #network
Dot, Line, Network: Helping Individuals Make Sense of “New Data” (EWG), pp. 496–505.
HCIHCI-IMT-2013-WahabZ #implementation #multi
The Implementation of Multi-touch Table to Support the Military Decision Making through Critical Success Factors (CSFs) (NW, HBZ), pp. 523–529.
Human Factors in Supply Chain Management — Decision Making in Complex Logistic Scenarios (PB, SR, MG, GS, MZ), pp. 423–432.
HCIHIMI-LCCB-2013-KanegaeYYW #communication #game studies
Effects of a Communication with Make-Believe Play in a Real-Space Sharing Edutainment System (HK, MY, MY, TW), pp. 326–335.
HCIOCSC-2013-LanghorneTK #health #multi #online #web
Untangling the Web of e-Health: Multiple Sclerosis Patients’ Perceptions of Online Health Information, Information Literacy, and the Impact on Treatment Decision Making (ALL, PT, LK), pp. 304–312.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2013-al-KetbiC #data mining #integration #mining
Integration of Decision Support Systems and Data Mining for Improved Decision Making (OaK, MC), pp. 482–489.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2013-GrabisK #integration #on-demand
On-demand Data Integration for Decision-making Applications (JG, JK), pp. 201–208.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2013-DobsonSO #case study #ontology
Data, Ontologies and Decision Making — An Inter-disciplinary Case Study (SD, AS, TO), pp. 563–568.
ICEISICEIS-v3-2013-RamdoyalPDSLJ #metamodelling #resource management #workflow
A Generic Workflow Metamodel to Support Resource-aware Decision Making (RR, CP, MAD, GS, IL, JMJ), pp. 243–250.
ICMLICML-c1-2013-BergstraYC #architecture #optimisation
Making a Science of Model Search: Hyperparameter Optimization in Hundreds of Dimensions for Vision Architectures (JB, DY, DDC), pp. 115–123.
KDDKDD-2013-ChenHL #multi #recommendation
Making recommendations from multiple domains (WC, WH, MLL), pp. 892–900.
KDDKDD-2013-FuLLFHS #feedback #mobile #people #why
Why people hate your app: making sense of user feedback in a mobile app store (BF, JL, LL, CF, JIH, NMS), pp. 1276–1284.
KDDKDD-2013-GaneshapillaiG #data-driven
A data-driven method for in-game decision making in MLB: when to pull a starting pitcher (GG, JVG), pp. 973–979.
KDIRKDIR-KMIS-2013-GirdauskieneS #what
Assessing Environmental Dimensions for Creativity and Knowledge Creation — What Features of Task, Group and Time do make an Impact on Creativity and Knowledge Creation in a Creative Organization (LG, AS), pp. 532–538.
KDIRKDIR-KMIS-2013-Karacapilidis #collaboration #data-driven
Mastering Data-Intensive Collaboration and Decision Making (NIK), pp. 1–11.
KDIRKDIR-KMIS-2013-StroetmannLOE #difference #information management #performance #quality
When Measuring Performance Makes the Difference — Quality and Success of a Clinical Knowledge Management Project (BS, AL, AO, OE), pp. 419–425.
KEODKEOD-2013-LepperT #named
tScore: Makes Computers and Humans Talk About Time (ML, BTyW), pp. 176–183.
RecSysRecSys-2013-PeraN #personalisation #recommendation #what
What to read next?: making personalized book recommendations for K-12 users (MSP, YKN), pp. 113–120.
Is relevance hard work?: evaluating the effort of making relevant assessments (RV, MH), pp. 765–768.
REFSQREFSQ-2013-AzmehMC #community #requirements
Highlighting Stakeholder Communities to Support Requirements Decision-Making (ZA, IM, PC), pp. 190–205.
REFSQREFSQ-2013-BencomoB #adaptation #modelling #network #self
Supporting Decision-Making for Self-Adaptive Systems: From Goal Models to Dynamic Decision Networks (NB, AB), pp. 221–236.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2013-MusluBEN #analysis
Making offline analyses continuous (KM, YB, MDE, DN), pp. 323–333.
Good technology makes the difficult task easy (AT), pp. 683–686.
ICSEICSE-2013-DeRose #development
The connection between movie making and software development (keynote) (TD), p. 856.
PLEASEPLEASE-2013-ChimalakondaN #education #product line #question #what
What makes it hard to apply software product lines to educational technologies? (SC, KVN), pp. 17–20.
ICSTICST-2013-IchidaSO #testing
A Method of Making Single Function Tests for Constituting Scenario Tests (NI, TS, HO), pp. 479–480.
WICSA-ECSAWICSA-ECSA-2012-LytraSZ #architecture #framework #integration #multi
Architectural Decision Making for Service-Based Platform Integration: A Qualitative Multi-Method Study (IL, SS, UZ), pp. 111–120.
ASEASE-2012-TamrawiNNN #analysis #named #refactoring
SYMake: a build code analysis and refactoring tool for makefiles (AT, HAN, HVN, TNN), pp. 366–369.
CASECASE-2012-ChenC #collaboration
An expert decision-making strategy based on collaborative cloud system (CCC, APC), pp. 777–781.
DACDAC-2012-DinglerKNHCNPBLS #logic
Making non-volatile nanomagnet logic non-volatile (AD, SK, MTN, XSH, GC, JN, WP, GHB, PL, VKS), pp. 476–485.
Whom to Ask? Jury Selection for Decision Making Tasks on Micro-blog Services (CCC, JS, YT, LC), pp. 1495–1506.
VLDBVLDB-2012-ElmoreDAA #database #mobile #named #peer-to-peer
InfoPuzzle: Exploring Group Decision Making in Mobile Peer-to-Peer Databases (AJE, SD, DA, AEA), pp. 1998–2001.
FASEFASE-2012-GuimaraesS #integration
Making Software Integration Really Continuous (MLG, ARS), pp. 332–346.
WRLAWRLA-2012-ArusoaieSER #interactive #maude
Making Maude Definitions More Interactive (AA, TFS, CE, GR), pp. 83–98.
CSMRCSMR-2012-BauerH #api #comprehension #maintenance
Understanding API Usage to Support Informed Decision Making in Software Maintenance (VB, LH), pp. 435–440.
CSMRCSMR-2012-ShahDM #source code
Making Smart Moves to Untangle Programs (SMAS, JD, CM), pp. 359–364.
ICSMEICSM-2012-HindleBZN #analysis #developer #implementation #question #requirements #topic
Relating requirements to implementation via topic analysis: Do topics extracted from requirements make sense to managers and developers? (AH, CB, TZ, NN), pp. 243–252.
ICSMEICSM-2012-NasehiSMB #case study #programming #stack overflow #what
What makes a good code example?: A study of programming Q&A in StackOverflow (SMN, JS, FM, CB), pp. 25–34.
ICSMEICSM-2012-QiML #automation #performance #scalability #source code #using
Making automatic repair for large-scale programs more efficient using weak recompilation (YQ, XM, YL), pp. 254–263.
SASSAS-2012-GiacobazziM #abstract interpretation #modelling #obfuscation
Making Abstract Interpretation Incomplete: Modeling the Potency of Obfuscation (RG, IM), pp. 129–145.
STOCSTOC-2012-Sherstov12a #robust
Making polynomials robust to noise (AAS), pp. 747–758.
LATALATA-2012-GeffertGP #automaton
Two-Way Automata Making Choices Only at the Endmarkers (VG, BG, GP), pp. 264–276.
ICFPICFP-2012-Mitchell #haskell
Shake before building: replacing make with haskell (NM), pp. 55–66.
CHICHI-2012-Friess #case study #design #process
Personas and decision making in the design process: an ethnographic case study (EF), pp. 1209–1218.
CHICHI-2012-KratzMS #gesture
Making gestural input from arm-worn inertial sensors more practical (LK, DM, TSS), pp. 1747–1750.
CHICHI-2012-Swift #music #named
Becoming-sound: affect and assemblage in improvisational digital music making (BS), pp. 1815–1824.
CSCWCSCW-2012-BenfordTACR #design
Supporting traditional music-making: designing for situated discretion (SB, PT, AYA, AC, TR), pp. 127–136.
CSCWCSCW-2012-BrownLB #design #developer #effectiveness
Interactional identity: designers and developers making joint work meaningful and effective (JMB, GL, RB), pp. 1381–1390.
CSCWCSCW-2012-FugelstadDMKMTS #community #online #predict #what
What makes users rate (share, tag, edit...)?: predicting patterns of participation in online communities (PF, PD, JFM, JK, CAM, LGT, MS), pp. 969–978.
CSCWCSCW-2012-LiuBS #collaboration #design #detection #product line
Conflict detection and resolution for product line design in a collaborative decision making environment (X(L, ECB, JES), pp. 1327–1336.
CSCWCSCW-2012-PentlandHK #consistency #distance #distributed
Awareness as an antidote to distance: making distributed groups cooperative and consistent (AP, PH, TK), pp. 1237–1246.
CAiSECAiSE-2012-Petrusel #modelling #process
Aggregating Individual Models of Decision-Making Processes (RP), pp. 47–63.
EDOCEDOC-2012-ZarghamiSES #as a service #logic #process
Decision as a Service: Separating Decision-making from Application Process Logic (AZ, BS, MZE, MvS), pp. 103–112.
ICEISICEIS-J-2012-PereiraBB12a #aspect-oriented #design #process
Values and Cultural Aspects in Design: Artifacts for Making Them Explicit in Design Activities (RP, SBB, MCCB), pp. 358–375.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2012-Pohjalainen #agile #bottom-up #modelling
Agile Models Need to be Bottom-up — Adding Productivity to a Late Project Makes it Later (PP), pp. 395–400.
ICEISICEIS-v3-2012-HayashiMB #approach #towards
Schools as Organizations — A Semiotic Approach towards Making Sense of Information Technology (ECSH, MCM, MCCB), pp. 15–24.
CIKMCIKM-2012-PennacchiottiSVV #twitter
Making your interests follow you on twitter (MP, FS, HV, RV), pp. 165–174.
ICMLICML-2012-RakhlinSS #optimisation #probability
Making Gradient Descent Optimal for Strongly Convex Stochastic Optimization (AR, OS, KS), p. 204.
ICPRICPR-2012-AbdelmaseehBAE #recognition
Car Make and Model recognition combining global and local cues (MA, IB, MFA, MES), pp. 910–913.
ICPRICPR-2012-ChatbriK #algorithm #image #robust #sketching #towards
Towards making thinning algorithms robust against noise in sketch images (HC, KK), pp. 3030–3033.
KEODKEOD-2012-MunozCLCP #enterprise #framework #ontology
Ontological Framework for Integrating Environmental Issues within Sustainable Enterprise — Enhancing Enterprise Decision-making (EM, ECG, JML, AEC, LP), pp. 385–388.
KMISKMIS-2012-HanelF #towards
Facing the Change — Towards a Dynamic Decision Making in Manufacturing Environments (TH, CF), pp. 107–112.
KRKR-2012-CravenTCHW #performance
Efficient Argumentation for Medical Decision-Making (RC, FT, CC, AH, MW).
RecSysRecSys-2012-WuGRR #microblog #recommendation
Making recommendations in a microblog to improve the impact of a focal user (SW, LG, WR, LR), pp. 265–268.
SIGIRSIGIR-2012-LevelingJ #case study #documentation
Making results fit into 40 characters: a study in document rewriting (JL, GJFJ), pp. 1107–1108.
SIGIRSIGIR-2012-QumsiyehN #multi #personalisation #predict #recommendation
Predicting the ratings of multimedia items for making personalized recommendations (RQ, YKN), pp. 475–484.
PADLPADL-2012-Stewart #exclamation #functional #haskell #programming
Make Things Now! Pragmatic Functional Programming in Haskell (DS), p. 17.
RERE-2012-AmellerCF #architecture #named #tool support
ArchiTech: Tool support for NFR-guided architectural decision-making (DA, OC, XF), pp. 315–316.
FSEFSE-2012-AthanasopoulosZV #abstraction #quality
Service selection for happy users: making user-intuitive quality abstractions (DA, AZ, PV), p. 32.
Making sense of healthcare benefits (JB, MG, MN, YS), pp. 1034–1043.
ICSEICSE-2012-MarinescuC #execution #symbolic computation #testing
make test-zesti: A symbolic execution solution for improving regression testing (PDM, CC), pp. 716–726.
ICSEICSE-2012-ZhouM #community #what
What make long term contributors: Willingness and opportunity in OSS community (MZ, AM), pp. 518–528.
LDTALDTA-2012-VieraSM #attribute grammar #how
UUAG meets AspectAG: how to make attribute grammars first-class (MV, SDS, AM), p. 6.
SPLCSPLC-2012-NohrerBE #comparison #consistency #nondeterminism
A comparison of strategies for tolerating inconsistencies during decision-making (AN, AB, AE), pp. 11–20.
OSDIOSDI-2012-LiPCGPR #consistency #performance
Making Geo-Replicated Systems Fast as Possible, Consistent when Necessary (CL, DP, AC, JG, NMP, RR), pp. 265–278.
Dissent in Numbers: Making Strong Anonymity Scale (DIW, HCG, BF, AJ), pp. 179–182.
ICSTSAT-2012-BalintS #probability
Choosing Probability Distributions for Stochastic Local Search and the Role of Make versus Break (AB, US), pp. 16–29.
QoSAQoSA-ISARCS-2011-Zave #architecture #how #internet
How software architecture can make an application-friendly internet (PZ), pp. 1–2.
WICSAWICSA-2011-HarrisonC #architecture #scalability
Attempting to Understand the Progress of Software Architecture Decision-Making on Large Australian Defence Projects (TCH, APC), pp. 42–45.
WICSAWICSA-2011-Selic #abstraction
Making Abstraction Concrete (BS), p. 1.
ASEASE-2011-WesongaMR #concurrent #fault #source code #visualisation
Guided test visualization: Making sense of errors in concurrent programs (SW, EGM, NR), pp. 624–627.
DocEngDocEng-2011-DevineGH #documentation
Making accessible PDF documents (HD, AG, MRBH), pp. 275–276.
CSEETCSEET-2011-BromanS #how #question #re-engineering #student
How can we make software engineering text books well-founded, up-to-date, and accessible to students? (DB, KS), pp. 386–390.
CSEETCSEET-2011-ChimalakondaN #education #learning #question #re-engineering
Can we make software engineering education better by applying learning theories? (SC, KVN), p. 561.
CSEETCSEET-2011-LiB #education #process #re-engineering #research #validation #verification
Making winners for both education and research: Verification and validation process improvement practice in a software engineering course (QL, BWB), pp. 304–313.
CSEETCSEET-2011-Meawad #agile #enterprise #re-engineering
The virtual agile enterprise: Making the most of a software engineering course (FM), pp. 324–332.
CSEETCSEET-2011-RodriguesW #architecture #comprehension
Making the comprehension of software architecture attractive (CSCR, CMLW), pp. 416–420.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2011-SettleDD #difference #student
Does lecture capture make a difference for students in traditional classrooms (AS, LD, MJD), pp. 78–82.
WCREWCRE-2011-NadiH #linux #mining
Make it or Break it: Mining Anomalies from Linux Kbuild (SN, RCH), pp. 315–324.
ICFPICFP-2011-GonthierZND #ad hoc #automation #how #proving
How to make ad hoc proof automation less ad hoc (GG, BZ, AN, DD), pp. 163–175.
ICFPICFP-2011-OhoriU #database #ml #programming language #standard
Making standard ML a practical database programming language (AO, KU), pp. 307–319.
CHICHI-2011-BekkerA #design
Developmentally situated design (DSD): making theoretical knowledge accessible to designers of children’s technology (TB, ANA), pp. 2531–2540.
CHICHI-2011-ChauKHF #interactive #machine learning #named #network #scalability
Apolo: making sense of large network data by combining rich user interaction and machine learning (DHC, AK, JIH, CF), pp. 167–176.
CHICHI-2011-ChettyHBOSG #internet #network #why
Why is my internet slow?: making network speeds visible (MC, DH, AB, UO, BS, REG), pp. 1889–1898.
CHICHI-2011-Gaver #design #how
Making spaces: how design workbooks work (WWG), pp. 1551–1560.
CHICHI-2011-LelisH #how #online #people #rating
Informing decisions: how people use online rating information to make choices (SL, AH), pp. 2285–2294.
CHICHI-2011-Light #design #performance #using
Democratising technology: making transformation using designing, performance and props (AL), pp. 2239–2242.
CHICHI-2011-LucaFMSHKH #internet #security #visualisation
Does MoodyBoard make internet use more secure?: evaluating an ambient security visualization tool (ADL, BF, MEM, JS, DH, NK, HH), pp. 887–890.
HCIDUXU-v1-2011-ChampneyKS #design #performance #process
Making the Design Process More Usable: Aligning Design with User Performance (RKC, CK, KMS), pp. 33–42.
HCIDUXU-v1-2011-PetrovicS #towards
Make Space for the Customer: The Shift towards Customer Centricity (KP, MS), pp. 485–490.
HCIDUXU-v1-2011-Zhu #design
Make User-Centered Design Sustainable in China (JZ), pp. 509–518.
HCIDUXU-v2-2011-SnyderSWR #mobile
Personas on the Move: Making Personas for Today’s Mobile Workforce (MS, ACS, BKW, LRH), pp. 313–320.
HCIHIMI-v1-2011-MaeshiroNM #composition #music #process #representation
Representation of Decision Making Process in Music Composition Based on Hypernetwork Model (TM, SiN, MM), pp. 109–117.
HCIHIMI-v2-2011-BrandonEGFGV #behaviour #feedback #social #visual notation
The Effects Visual Feedback on Social Behavior during Decision Making Meetings (MB, SE, TdG, TF, BvG, TV), pp. 219–228.
Technology-Based Decision-Making Support System (HJ, ML, PK, WKS), pp. 262–267.
HCIIDGD-2011-MurakamiNNY #community #design #education #framework
Design and Construction of SNS Platform and “Working Room” for Making Community for Fostering Japanese Teachers (MM, NN, KN, KY), pp. 543–549.
HCIOCSC-2011-AhmadL11a #question #what
Interpreting User-Generated Content: What Makes a Blog Believeable? (RA, WGL), pp. 81–89.
AdaSIGAda-2011-EilersK #execution #testing
Making the non-executable ACATS tests executable (DE, TK), pp. 75–80.
SIGAdaSIGAda-2011-RosenMT #ada #how
How to make Ada go “viral” (JPR, BM, STT), pp. 35–36.
EDOCEDOC-2011-FakhfakhVP #multi #quality
Multi-criteria Decision Making Method for Quality of Service Aggregation (NF, HV, FP), pp. 203–212.
EDOCEDOC-2011-Papazoglou #process #standard
Making Business Processes Compliant to Standards and Regulations (MPP), pp. 3–13.
ICEISICEIS-J-2011-GuLZWLSLW #enterprise #evaluation #generative #information management #process #safety
Intelligent Information Acquisition and Utilization in Safety Evaluation Decision Making Process of Power Generation Enterprises (DxG, CyL, JZ, JW, WL, JS, WL, YW), pp. 162–177.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2011-BaiW #detection #fuzzy #identification #multi
Applying Fuzzy Multiple Criteria Decision Making to Evaluate and Identify Optimal Explosive Detection Equipments (YB, DW), pp. 118–124.
ECIRECIR-2011-ElsweilerBR #case study #email #what
What Makes Re-finding Information Difficult? A Study of Email Re-finding (DE, MB, IR), pp. 568–579.
ICMLICML-2011-LiZ #towards
Towards Making Unlabeled Data Never Hurt (YFL, ZHZ), pp. 1081–1088.
KEODKEOD-2011-MunozCLCP #enterprise #framework #integration #ontology #process
Ontological Framework for the Enterprise from a Process Perspective — Operational, Tactical and Strategic Integration for Improved Decision-making (EM, ECG, JML, AEC, LP), pp. 538–546.
MODELSMoDELS-2011-FahrenbergLW #difference #exclamation #semantics
Vision Paper: Make a Difference! (Semantically) (UF, AL, AW), pp. 490–500.
MODELSMoDELS-2011-JohansenHF #combinator #feature model #modelling #product line #testing
Properties of Realistic Feature Models Make Combinatorial Testing of Product Lines Feasible (MFJ, ØH, FF), pp. 638–652.
MODELSMoDELS-2011-FahrenbergLW #difference #exclamation #semantics
Vision Paper: Make a Difference! (Semantically) (UF, AL, AW), pp. 490–500.
MODELSMoDELS-2011-JohansenHF #combinator #feature model #modelling #product line #testing
Properties of Realistic Feature Models Make Combinatorial Testing of Product Lines Feasible (MFJ, ØH, FF), pp. 638–652.
OnwardOnward-2011-Derk #perspective #programming language #what
What makes a programming language popular?: an essay from a historical perspective (MD), pp. 163–166.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2011-PalmerS #difference #java #metaprogramming
Backstage Java: making a difference in metaprogramming (ZP, SFS), pp. 939–958.
Making prophecies with decision predicates (BC, EK), pp. 399–410.
REFSQREFSQ-2011-VeerappaL #clustering #requirements
Clustering Stakeholders for Requirements Decision Making (VV, EL), pp. 202–208.
SPLCSPLC-2011-NohrerE #optimisation
Optimizing User Guidance during Decision-Making (AN, AE), pp. 25–34.
ASPLOSASPLOS-2011-CoburnCAGGJS #named #performance #persistent
NV-Heaps: making persistent objects fast and safe with next-generation, non-volatile memories (JC, AMC, AA, LMG, RKG, RJ, SS), pp. 105–118.
VMCAIVMCAI-2011-LahiriV #named
ExplainHoudini: Making Houdini Inference Transparent (SKL, JV), pp. 309–323.
ECSAECSA-2010-IvanovicA #architecture
Customer Value in Architecture Decision Making (AI, PA), pp. 263–278.
ECSAECSA-2010-SavolainenKMN #architecture #case study #development #experience #framework
Experiences in Making Architectural Decisions during the Development of a New Base Station Platform (JS, JK, TM, AN), pp. 425–432.
ECSAECSA-2010-ZalewskiK #architecture #complexity
Architecture Decision-Making in Support of Complexity Control (AZ, SK), pp. 501–504.
ASEASE-2010-NohrerE #named
C2O: a tool for guided decision-making (AN, AE), pp. 363–364.
CASECASE-2010-SunCL #algorithm #scheduling #using
Scheduling of steel-making and continuous casting system using the surrogate subgradient algorithm for lagrangian relaxation (LS, TC, PBL), pp. 885–890.
DACDAC-2010-HarmsCDHUWY #design #experience #question #what
What will make your next design experience a much better one? (TH, JAC, RD, RAH, DU, GW, JY), p. 730.
DATEDATE-2010-SuCG #multi
A general method to make multi-clock system deterministic (MS, YC, XG), pp. 1480–1485.
Hadoop++: Making a Yellow Elephant Run Like a Cheetah (Without It Even Noticing) (JD, JAQR, AJ, YK, VS, JS), pp. 518–529.
FASEFASE-2010-Harman #optimisation #why
Why the Virtual Nature of Software Makes It Ideal for Search Based Optimization (MH), pp. 1–12.
FASEFASE-2010-LuoZZH #approach #concurrent #lightweight
A Lightweight and Portable Approach to Making Concurrent Failures Reproducible (QL, SZ, JZ, MH), pp. 323–337.
PEPMPEPM-2010-HoldermansH #strict
Making “stricterness” more relevant (SH, JH), pp. 121–130.
CIAACIAA-2010-TirnaucaT #automaton #identification #query
Types of Trusted Information That Make DFA Identification with Correction Queries Feasible (CT, CIT), pp. 272–281.
ICALPICALP-v2-2010-MarcinkowskiMK #decidability #logic
B and D Are Enough to Make the Halpern-Shoham Logic Undecidable (JM, JM, EK), pp. 357–368.
ICFPICFP-2010-ReedP #calculus #difference #distance #privacy
Distance makes the types grow stronger: a calculus for differential privacy (JR, BCP), pp. 157–168.
CHICHI-2010-SaponasTMTL #interface
Making muscle-computer interfaces more practical (TSS, DST, DM, JT, JAL), pp. 851–854.
CSCWCSCW-2010-AmesGKS #network #product line
Making love in the network closet: the benefits and work of family videochat (MGA, JG, JK, MS), pp. 145–154.
The roles that make the domestic work (JAR), pp. 381–390.
AdaEuropeAdaEurope-2010-Baker #manycore #question #realtime #reliability #what
What to Make of Multicore Processors for Reliable Real-Time Systems? (TPB), pp. 1–18.
EDOCEDOC-2010-Gronmo #aspect-oriented #graph transformation #question
Can Graph Transformation Make Aspect Languages for BPEL Redundant? (RG), pp. 153–162.
ICEISICEIS-AIDSS-2010-KrammerM #collaboration #named #process
DecisionWave — Embedding Collaborative Decision Making into Business Processes (CK, AM), pp. 232–237.
ICEISICEIS-AIDSS-2010-MokotoffGP #multi #normalisation #problem
Normalization Procedures on Multicriteria Decision Making — An Example on Environmental Problems (EM, EG, JP), pp. 206–211.
ICEISICEIS-J-2010-LopesVSS #using
Using Cases, Evidences and Context to Support Decision Making (ECL, VV, ACS, US), pp. 340–356.
CIKMCIKM-2010-RonenS10a #concurrent #network #protocol #social
Concurrent atomic protocols for making and changing decisions in social networks (RR, OS), pp. 1337–1340.
ICMLICML-2010-LiKL #approximate #scalability
Making Large-Scale Nyström Approximation Possible (ML, JTK, BLL), pp. 631–638.
ICPRICPR-2010-KinnunenKLLK #categorisation #random #set #visual notation
Making Visual Object Categorization More Challenging: Randomized Caltech-101 Data Set (TK, JKK, LL, JL, HK), pp. 476–479.
A Characterization of Optimality Criteria for Decision Making under Complete Ignorance (RBL, SK, PM).
KRKR-2010-LiVK #approach #performance
An Efficient Majority-Rule-Based Approach for Collective Decision Making with CP-Nets (ML, QBV, RK).
SEKESEKE-2010-AlhassanCB #analysis #fault #network #people #social
Do More People Make the Code More Defect Prone?: Social Network Analysis in OSS Projects (SA, BC, ABB), pp. 93–98.
RERE-2010-JantunenGW #requirements
Making Sense of Product Requirements (SJ, DCG, RW), pp. 89–92.
RERE-2010-MahauxHM #requirements
Making It all Up: Getting in on the Act to Improvise Creative Requirements (MM, PH, NAMM), pp. 375–376.
SACSAC-2010-BattistelliMMSS #documentation
Avoiding to dispense with accuracy: a method to make different DTDs documents comparable (MB, SM, LAM, PS, SS), pp. 862–866.
SACSAC-2010-BillardH #memory dump
Making sense of unstructured flash-memory dumps (DB, RH), pp. 1579–1583.
SACSAC-2010-MilettoPSB #music #social #web
Social music making on the web with CODES (EMM, MSP, JPS, FB), pp. 876–877.
ICSEICSE-2010-CarriereKO #architecture #framework
A cost-benefit framework for making architectural decisions in a business context (SJC, RK, IO), pp. 149–157.
ICSEICSE-2010-NandaGSCSB #tool support
Making defect-finding tools work for you (MGN, MG, SS, SC, DS, PB), pp. 99–108.
ICSEICSE-2010-Soares #refactoring
Making program refactoring safer (GLS), pp. 521–522.
PLEASEPLEASE-2010-IvanovicA #architecture
Information needed for architecture decision making (AI, PA), pp. 54–57.
CGOCGO-2010-YuXHFZ #analysis #pointer #scalability
Level by level: making flow- and context-sensitive pointer analysis scalable for millions of lines of code (HY, JX, WH, XF, ZZ), pp. 218–229.
ICSTSAT-2010-Naveh #constraints #difference
The Big Deal: Applying Constraint Satisfaction Technologies Where It Makes the Difference (YN), pp. 1–7.
DACDAC-2009-George #how
How to make computers that work like the brain (DG), pp. 420–423.
DATEDATE-2009-GarciaO #embedded #fault #information management #self
Making DNA self-assembly error-proof: Attaining small growth error rates through embedded information redundancy (SG, AO), pp. 898–901.
DATEDATE-2009-SchlichtmannSKPGDEH #design #how #statistics
Digital design at a crossroads How to make statistical design methodologies industrially relevant (US, MS, HK, MP, VG, MD, UE, JH), pp. 1542–1547.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2009-LiuJ #named
DataLens: making a good first impression (BL, HVJ), pp. 1115–1118.
CSEETCSEET-2009-Bass #quality
Making Quality Attributes First Class Entities (LB), p. 3.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2009-Kurkovsky #development #game studies #mobile
Making the case for mobile game development (SK), p. 401.
ICSMEICSM-2009-JiaSYL #data transformation #difference #predict #question #set
Data transformation and attribute subset selection: Do they help make differences in software failure prediction? (HJ, FS, YY, QL), pp. 519–522.
ICALPICALP-v2-2009-ClementiPS #named
MANETS: High Mobility Can Make Up for Low Transmission Power (AEFC, FP, RS), pp. 387–398.
FMFM-2009-Boute #logic #unification
Making Temporal Logic Calculational: A Tool for Unification and Discovery (RTB), pp. 387–402.
CHICHI-2009-ChenGDMG #network #people #recommendation #social
Make new friends, but keep the old: recommending people on social networking sites (JC, WG, CD, MJM, IG), pp. 201–210.
CHICHI-2009-MentisBHRC #development
Development of decision rationale in complex group decision making (HMM, PMB, BH, MBR, JMC), pp. 1341–1350.
Making history: intentional capture of future memories (DP, EvdH, SW), pp. 1723–1732.
Making sense of strangers’ expertise from signals in digital artifacts (NSS, KE, GG, JTH), pp. 69–78.
CHICHI-2009-Zimmerman #design #people
Designing for the self: making products that help people become the person they desire to be (JZ), pp. 395–404.
HCIDHM-2009-WuLYSD #on the
On Improving Provider Decision Making with Enhanced Computerized Clinical Reminders (SjW, MRL, YY, JJS, BND), pp. 569–577.
HCIHCD-2009-Eraslan #approach #evaluation #multi #usability
Usability Evaluation of Mp3/CD Players: A Multi-Criteria Decision Making Approach (EE), pp. 55–64.
HCIHCD-2009-Go #design #question #usability #what
What Properties Make Scenarios Useful in Design for Usability? (KG), pp. 193–201.
HCIHCI-NT-2009-AkasakaO #performance
Providing an Efficient Way to Make Desktop Icons Visible (TA, YO), pp. 569–578.
HCIHIMI-II-2009-AnseT #development #web
Development of a Coloration Support Tool for Making Web Page Screens User-Friendly for Color Blind (MA, TT), pp. 3–9.
HCIHIMI-II-2009-ChouC09a #fuzzy #multi #perspective
A Fuzzy Multiple Criteria Decision Making Model for Selecting the Distribution Center Location in China: A Taiwanese Manufacturer’s Perspective (CCC, PCC), pp. 140–148.
HCIHIMI-II-2009-Terawaki #framework #learning
Framework for Supporting Decision Making in Learning Management System Selection (YT), pp. 699–707.
ICEISICEIS-DISI-2009-WoodmanA #agile #development
Grounding and Making Sense of Agile Software Development (MW, ABAM), pp. 234–240.
ICEISICEIS-J-2009-Al-NoryBN #composition #framework #nondeterminism
A Service Composition Framework for Decision Making under Uncertainty (MTAN, AB, HN), pp. 363–375.
CIKMCIKM-2009-SunLL #case study #category theory #classification #performance #predict #what
What makes categories difficult to classify?: a study on predicting classification performance for categories (AS, EPL, YL), pp. 1891–1894.
CIKMCIKM-2009-ZhangJZZ #bidirectional #detection
Exploiting bidirectional links: making spamming detection easier (YZ, QJ, LZ, YZ), pp. 1839–1842.
KMISKMIS-2009-GallupMZRO #approach #collaboration #information management #self
Facilitating Decision Making, Re-use and Collaboration — A Knowledge Management Approach for System Self-Awareness (SPG, DJM, YZ, JR, CO), pp. 236–241.
RecSysRecSys-2009-BaskinK #recommendation
Preference aggregation in group recommender systems for committee decision-making (JPB, SK), pp. 337–340.
SEKESEKE-2009-ChangL #design
Supporting Good Decision Making at Early Stage of Software Design (HFC, SCYL), pp. 493–498.
SEKESEKE-2009-Hayshi #outsourcing #process
Establish Decision Making Process for Selecting Outsourcing Company (AH), pp. 666–671.
ECOOPECOOP-2009-MitchellSS #scalability
Making Sense of Large Heaps (NM, ES, GS), pp. 77–97.
PPDPPPDP-2009-EastlundF #composition #induction
Making induction manifest in modular ACL2 (CE, MF), pp. 105–116.
SACSAC-2009-EbraertVV #flexibility #reuse
Flexible features: making feature modules more reusable (PE, JV, YV), pp. 1963–1970.
SACSAC-2009-GaoZL #algorithm #constraints #fuzzy #optimisation
A particle swarm optimization based algorithm for fuzzy bilevel decision making with constraints-shared followers (YG, GZ, JL), pp. 1075–1079.
SACSAC-2009-RamanathanRG #framework #people #process #trade-off #using
The people, the process or the technology?: Using the ACE framework to make tradeoffs in service delivery improvement (JR, RR, RG), pp. 259–264.
ECSAECSA-2008-MakkiBG #architecture #automation #multi #process #trade-off
Automating Architecture Trade-Off Decision Making through a Complex Multi-attribute Decision Process (MM, EB, AAG), pp. 264–272.
DACDAC-2008-YanC #named
DeFer: deferred decision making enabled fixed-outline floorplanner (JZY, CC), pp. 161–166.
DocEngDocEng-2008-Shilman #documentation #topic
Aggregate documents: making sense of a patchwork of topical documents (MS), pp. 3–7.
Making revisions hyper-visible (DAK), pp. 113–116.
Making SENSE: socially enhanced search and exploration (TC, MK, SM, TN, JXP, RS, GW), pp. 1480–1483.
CSEETCSEET-2008-PortBK #requirements
Nancy R. Mead: Making Requirements Prioritization a Priority (DNP, BWB, DK), pp. 250–261.
ICALPICALP-C-2008-HallgrenKSZ #protocol #quantum #verification
Making Classical Honest Verifier Zero Knowledge Protocols Secure against Quantum Attacks (SH, AK, PS, SZ), pp. 592–603.
SEFMSEFM-2008-BhatejaM #message passing #testing
Tagging Make Local Testing of Message-Passing Systems Feasible (PB, MM), pp. 171–180.
CHICHI-2008-HornbaekF #empirical #evaluation #usability
Making use of business goals in usability evaluation: an experiment with novice evaluators (KH, EF), pp. 903–912.
The Linguistic Generalized OWA Operator and its Application in Strategic Decision Making (JMM, AMGL), pp. 219–224.
ICEISICEIS-ISAS2-2008-MacielRG #online #process
Measuring the e-Participation in Decision-Making Processes through Online Surveys (CM, LR, ACBG), pp. 426–434.
ICEISICEIS-J-2008-WengXLN08a #estimation #performance #recommendation
An Efficient Neighbourhood Estimation Technique for Making Recommendations (LTW, YX, YL, RN), pp. 253–264.
ICEISICEIS-SAIC-2008-BrockeTW #e-commerce #mobile
Making Use of Mobile Devices in E-Commerce — Overcoming Organizational Barriers through User Participation (JvB, BT, DW), pp. 168–173.
ICEISICEIS-SAIC-2008-WengXLLN #recommendation #taxonomy #web
Web Information Recommendation Making Based on Item Taxonomy (LTW, YX, YL, RN), pp. 20–28.
ICEISICEIS-SAIC-2008-WengXLN #estimation #performance #recommendation
Efficient Neighbourhood Estimation for Recommendation Making (LTW, YX, YL, RN), pp. 12–19.
Data degradation: making private data less sensitive over time (NA, LB, HvH, PP, PMGA), pp. 1401–1402.
ICPRICPR-2008-ScherCD #game studies
Making real games virtual: Tracking board game pieces (SS, RC, JD), pp. 1–4.
Making Decisions through Preference-Based Argumentation (LA, YD, PM), pp. 113–123.
KRKR-2008-PiniRVW #nondeterminism
Dealing with Incomplete Agents’ Preferences and an Uncertain Agenda in Group Decision Making via Sequential Majority Voting (MSP, FR, KBV, TW), pp. 571–578.
SEKESEKE-2008-Claudio #how
How to make an information elephant dance (CC), p. 1.
ECOOPECOOP-2008-ArtziKE #named
ReCrash: Making Software Failures Reproducible by Preserving Object States (SA, SK, MDE), pp. 542–565.
SACSAC-2008-AlmeidaRTG #word
Making colors worth more than a thousand words (JA, AR, RdST, SG), pp. 1180–1186.
SACSAC-2008-MendoncaBC #collaboration #coordination
Decision-making coordination in collaborative product configuration (MM, TTB, DDC), pp. 108–113.
SACSAC-2008-PiresTR #collaboration #internet
A UMLS interoperable solution to support collaborative diagnosis decision making over the internet (DFP, CACT, EESR), pp. 1400–1404.
FSEFSE-2008-BettenburgJSWPZ #debugging #question #what
What makes a good bug report? (NB, SJ, AS, CW, RP, TZ), pp. 308–318.
CCCC-2008-Schwartzbach #compilation #design #how
Design Choices in a Compiler Course or How to Make Undergraduates Love Formal Notation (MIS), pp. 1–15.
A Decision-Making Procedure for Resolution-Based SAT-Solvers (EG), pp. 119–132.
WICSAWICSA-2007-Muccini #architecture #testing #what
What Makes Software Architecture-Based Testing Distinguishable (HM), p. 29.
CASECASE-2007-GomezHR #fuzzy #logic #maintenance
Decision Making Based on Fuzzy Logic for Product Subcontracting Taking into Account Maintenance Actions (RAFG, SH, NR), pp. 771–776.
Making Manufacturing Work For You (SV, RP, SG, AO, RM, GY, WN, YZ), pp. 107–108.
Google Books: making the public domain universally accessible (AL, DSB).
HTHT-2007-CanosSPL #design #process
Strong vs. weak links: making processes prevail over structure in navigational design (JHC, CS, MdCP, ML), pp. 139–140.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2007-JagadishCEJLNY #database
Making database systems usable (HVJ, AC, AE, MJ, YL, AN, CY), pp. 13–24.
VLDBVLDB-2007-SilbersteinGMPY #approach
Making Sense of Suppressions and Failures in Sensor Data: A Bayesian Approach (AS, AEG, KM, GP, JY), pp. 842–853.
ICPCICPC-2007-Kiczales #aspect-oriented #design
Making the Code Look Like the Design — Aspects and Other Recent Work (GK), p. 14.
ICSMEICSM-2007-TraversoP #exclamation
Agree or Change! Making Services Evolve (PT, MP), pp. 2–3.
PLDIPLDI-2007-LattnerLA #analysis #points-to
Making context-sensitive points-to analysis with heap cloning practical for the real world (CL, AL, VSA), pp. 278–289.
Negative weights make adversaries stronger (PH, TL, RS), pp. 526–535.
ICALPICALP-2007-DawarGKS #scalability
Model Theory Makes Formulas Large (AD, MG, SK, NS), pp. 913–924.
CHICHI-2007-SongM #video #visual notation
Effects of audio and visual surrogates for making sense of digital video (YS, GM), pp. 867–876.
CHICHI-2007-WongH #programming #towards #web
Making mashups with marmite: towards end-user programming for the web (JW, JIH), pp. 1435–1444.
HCIHCI-AS-2007-LiuLS #behaviour #comprehension #design #game studies #online #what
What Makes Game Players Want to Play More? A Mathematical and Behavioral Understanding of Online Game Design (DL, XL, RS), pp. 284–293.
HCIHCI-IDU-2007-EschenbrennerN #identification #information management #what
What Makes Them So Special?: Identifying Attributes of Highly Competent Information System Users (BE, FFHN), pp. 736–745.
HCIHCI-IDU-2007-HwangS #detection #problem #usability #what
What Makes Evaluators to Find More Usability Problems?: A Meta-analysis for Individual Detection Rates (WH, GS), pp. 499–507.
HCIHCI-IDU-2007-Jounila #design #how #user interface
How to Make Tailored User Interface Guideline for Software Designers (IJ), pp. 527–535.
HCIHCI-IDU-2007-NingT #functional #how #order #usability
How to Use Emotional Usability to Make the Product Serves a Need Beyond the Traditional Functional Objective to Satisfy the Emotion Needs of the User in Order to Improve the Product Differentiator — Focus on Home Appliance Product (LN, ST), pp. 587–593.
HCIHCI-IDU-2007-YoonY #design #development #metric #process #user interface
Development of Quantitative Metrics to Support UI Designer Decision-Making in the Design Process (YSY, WCY), pp. 316–324.
HCIHCI-IPT-2007-AuerD #difference
When Does a Difference Make a Difference? A Snapshot on Global Icon Comprehensibility (SA, ED), pp. 3–12.
A Decision Making Model for the Taiwanese Shipping Logistics Company in China to Select the Container Distribution Center Location (CCC), pp. 844–854.
HCIHIMI-MTT-2007-LeeL #design #navigation
Integrated Physically Based Manipulation and Decision-Making Tree for Navigation to Support Design Rationale (JHL, TCL), pp. 480–489.
HCIHIMI-MTT-2007-ZhuSC #approach #process #quality #visualisation
Integrating Data Quality Data into Decision-Making Process: An Information Visualization Approach (BZ, GS, YC), pp. 366–369.
HCIOCSC-2007-HuL #named #social
PixelWish: Collective Wish-Making and Social Cohesion (CH, SMSL), pp. 80–85.
HCIOCSC-2007-MorrisonG #interactive #named #network #social #visualisation
ConnectDots: Visualizing Social Network Interaction for Improved Social Decision Making (DM, BG), pp. 134–140.
ICEISICEIS-AIDSS-2007-BlunnCCWD #information management #mobile
Mobile Decision Making and Knowledge Management: Supporting Geoarchaeologists in the Field (MB, JC, DEC, CW, DD), pp. 57–62.
ICEISICEIS-AIDSS-2007-SokolovaF #architecture #assessment #data mining #mining #multi
A Multi-Agent Architecture for Environmental Impact Assessment: Information Fusion, Data Mining and Decision Making (MVS, AFC), pp. 219–224.
ICEISICEIS-AIDSS-2007-WenningGTSK #algorithm #distributed #framework
Investigations on Object-Centered Routing in Dynamic Environments: Algorithmic Framework and Initial Numerical Results — Support for Distributed Decision Making in Transport Systems (BLW, CG, ATG, JS, HK), pp. 225–230.
ICEISICEIS-EIS-2007-GeH #quality
A Theoretical Model to Explain Effects of Information Quality Awareness on Decision Making (MG, MH), pp. 164–169.
ICEISICEIS-EIS-2007-PetersT #workflow
Making Incomplete Information Visible in Workflow Systems (GP, RT), pp. 434–440.
KDDKDD-2007-SmithE #bias #classification #generative #robust
Making generative classifiers robust to selection bias (ATS, CE), pp. 657–666.
SEKESEKE-2007-HewettP #development #framework #trade-off
Software Tradeoff Assistant: An Integrated Framework for Analytical Decision Making and Tradeoffs in Software Development (RH, VP), pp. 450–455.
SIGIRSIGIR-2007-ShahKF #algorithm #case study #feedback
Making mind and machine meet: a study of combining cognitive and algorithmic relevance feedback (CS, DK, XF), pp. 877–878.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2007-AvgustinovTM #monitoring
Making trace monitors feasible (PA, JT, OdM), pp. 589–608.
ICSEICSE-2007-ElbaumPDJ #debugging #testing
Bug Hunt: Making Early Software Testing Lessons Engaging and Affordable (SGE, SP, JD, MJ), pp. 688–697.
ISMMISMM-2007-Joisha #framework #garbage collection #performance
Overlooking roots: a framework for making nondeferred reference-counting garbage collection fast (PGJ), pp. 141–158.
SOSPSOSP-2007-ChunMSK #memory management #word
Attested append-only memory: making adversaries stick to their word (BGC, PM, SS, JK), pp. 189–204.
CAVCAV-2007-BogudlovLRS #analysis #parametricity
Revamping TVLA: Making Parametric Shape Analysis Competitive (IB, TLA, TWR, MS), pp. 221–225.
ISSTAISSTA-2007-EnglerD #automation #execution #scalability
Under-constrained execution: making automatic code destruction easy and scalable (DRE, DD), pp. 1–4.
DACDAC-2006-WangDC #approach #named #scheduling #tool support
ExtensiveSlackBalance: an approach to make front-end tools aware of clock skew scheduling (KW, LD, XC), pp. 951–954.
Decision-making for complex SoCs in consumer electronic products (RW, YZ), p. 173.
DATEDATE-2006-OgrasMLC #architecture #communication #optimisation
Communication architecture optimization: making the shortest path shorter in regular networks-on-chip (ÜYO, RM, HGL, NC), pp. 712–717.
The Making of TPC-DS (RON, MP), pp. 1049–1058.
CSEETCSEET-2006-GrunbacherSBIKP #approach #education #re-engineering #student
Making Every Student a Winner: The WinWin Approach in Software Engineering Education (PG, NS, ROB, HPI, HK, DP), pp. 201–208.
CSEETCSEET-2006-HayesDHSD #question
Will Johnny/Joanie Make a Good Software Engineer? Are Course Grades Showing the Whole Picture? (JHH, AD, EAH, SKS, OD), pp. 175–184.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2006-VilnerZ #difference #gender
Once she makes it, she is there: gender differences in computer science study (TV, EZ), pp. 227–231.
Sustain, Enhance, or Replace: Making Decisions on Systems (EJC), p. 134.
Index Vector Elimination — Making Index Vectors Affordable (RB, SH, SBS, KT, CG, AVS), pp. 19–36.
Making action visible in time-critical work (JL), pp. 201–210.
CHICHI-2006-SalovaaraJOSKKT #mobile
Collective creation and sense-making of mobile media (AS, GJ, AO, TS, PK, EK, ST), pp. 1211–1220.
Making things work: dimensions of configurability as appropriation work (EB, IW), pp. 229–238.
ICPRICPR-v4-2006-KiseNIY #approach #performance #physics #recognition #towards
Efficient Recognition of Planar Objects Based on Hashing of Keypoints — An Approach Towards Making the Physical World Clickable (KK, TN, MI, SY), pp. 813–816.
Qualitative Decision Making with Bipolar Information (DD, HF), pp. 175–186.
KRKR-2006-Rector #information management #representation
Users Are Always Right ... Even When They Are Wrong: Making Knowledge Representation Useful and Usable (ALR), p. 4.
SIGIRSIGIR-2006-CarmelYDP #query #question #what
What makes a query difficult? (DC, EYT, AD, DP), pp. 390–397.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2006-FairbanksGS #design #framework #using
Design fragments make using frameworks easier (GF, DG, WLS), pp. 75–88.
RERE-2006-MaidenSGOM #mobile #requirements #tool support
Making Mobile Requirements Engineering Tools Usable and Useful (NAMM, NS, PG, OO, KM), pp. 26–35.
SACSAC-2006-MameiQZ #physics #tuple
Making tuple spaces physical with RFID tags (MM, RQ, FZ), pp. 434–439.
ICSEICSE-2006-LiCSBTM #component #development #empirical #off the shelf
An empirical study on decision making in off-the-shelf component-based development (JL, RC, OPNS, CB, MT, MM), pp. 897–900.
OSDIOSDI-2006-Ta-MinLL #configuration management #interface #operating system #trust
Splitting Interfaces: Making Trust Between Applications and Operating Systems Configurable (RTM, LL, DL), pp. 279–292.
OSDIOSDI-2006-ZeldovichBKM #data flow
Making Information Flow Explicit in HiStar (NZ, SBW, EK, DM), pp. 263–278.
ICSTSAT-2006-LynceM #satisfiability #type inference
SAT in Bioinformatics: Making the Case with Haplotype Inference (IL, JMS), pp. 136–141.
CASECASE-2005-MaheshFWL #agile #benchmark #metric #prototype
Benchmarking for decision making in rapid prototyping systems (MM, JYHF, YSW, HTL), pp. 19–24.
Making History: an Emergent System for the Systematic Accrual of Transcriptions of Historic Manuscripts (FC), pp. 543–449.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2005-Demaille #compilation
Making compiler construction projects relevant to core curriculums (AD), pp. 266–270.
PASTEPASTE-2005-Myers #distributed #program analysis #program transformation
Making distributed systems secure with program analysis and transformation (ACM), p. 47.
SEFMSEFM-2005-Hall #formal method
Making Formal Methods Work (AH), pp. 261–262.
CHICHI-2005-AokiW #ambiguity #communication #design
Making space for stories: ambiguity in the design of personal communication systems (PMA, AW), pp. 181–190.
CHICHI-2005-GarfinkelMSNM #email #how
How to make secure email easier to use (SLG, DM, JIS, EN, RCM), pp. 701–710.
Camera talk: making the camera a partial participant (KKL, JLK), pp. 839–848.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2005-SimonssonLJNGW #approach #enterprise #evaluation #top-down
Scenario-based Evaluation of Enterprise — a Top-Down Approach for Chief Information Officer Decision Making (MS, ÅL, PJ, LN, JG, OW), pp. 130–137.
ICEISICEIS-v5-2005-JaklicV #algorithm #documentation #image #preprocessor
Two Simple Algorithms for Document Image Preprocessing — Making a Document Scanning Application More User-Friendly (AJ, BV), pp. 116–121.
KDDKDD-2005-HeC #approach #robust
Making holistic schema matching robust: an ensemble approach (BH, KCCC), pp. 429–438.
ECMFAECMDA-FA-2005-FondementB #metamodelling #syntax
Making Metamodels Aware of Concrete Syntax (FF, TB), pp. 190–204.
SACSAC-2005-Ahmedi #xpath
Making XPath reach for the web-wide links (LA), pp. 1714–1721.
Mappings Make Data Processing Go ’Round (RL, EM), pp. 169–218.
ICSEICSE-2005-Ayton #how
Extending the discipline: how software can help or hinder human decision making (and vice-versa) (PA), p. 36.
ICSEICSE-2005-Szyperski #challenge
The making of a software engineer challenges for the educator (CAS), pp. 635–636.
VLDBVLDB-2004-Campbell #database
Production Database Systems: Making Them Easy is Hard Work (DC), pp. 1196–1197.
TACASTACAS-2004-GeldenhuysV #algorithm #ltl #on the fly #performance #verification
Tarjan’s Algorithm Makes On-the-Fly LTL Verification More Efficient (JG, AV), pp. 205–219.
PEPMPEPM-2004-SmaragdakisHZ #generative #tool support
Program generators and the tools to make them (YS, SSH, DZ), pp. 92–100.
SASSAS-2004-Smaragdakis #generative #tool support
Program Generators and the Tools to Make Them (YS), pp. 19–20.
ICFPICFP-2004-Graham #debugging #programming
Don’t make the wrong mistakes: programming as debugging (PG), p. 66.
ICFPICFP-2004-MarlowJ #higher-order #performance
Making a fast curry: push/enter vs. eval/apply for higher-order languages (SM, SLPJ), pp. 4–15.
ICFPICFP-2004-NeergaardM #type system #why
Types, potency, and idempotency: why nonlinearity and amnesia make a type system work (PMN, HGM), pp. 138–149.
CHICHI-2004-GergleMKF #chat #matter #persistent
Persistence matters: making the most of chat in tightly-coupled work (DG, DRM, REK, SRF), pp. 431–438.
CHICHI-2004-JensenP #evaluation #online #policy #privacy #tool support
Privacy policies as decision-making tools: an evaluation of online privacy notices (CJ, CP), pp. 471–478.
List making in the home (AST, LS), pp. 542–545.
CSCWCSCW-2004-YankelovichWRWKP #distributed #effectiveness
Meeting central: making distributed meetings more effective (NY, WW, PR, MW, JK, JP), pp. 419–428.
ICMLICML-2004-GabrilovichM #categorisation #feature model #using
Text categorization with many redundant features: using aggressive feature selection to make SVMs competitive with C4.5 (EG, SM).
ICPRICPR-v2-2004-GutierrezRA #identification
Weighted Loss Functions to Make Risk-based Language Identification Fused Decisions (JG, JLR, RAO), pp. 863–866.
KDDKDD-2004-AliS #architecture #collaboration #distributed #named #recommendation #using
TiVo: making show recommendations using a distributed collaborative filtering architecture (KA, WvS), pp. 394–401.
KDDKDD-2004-NijssenK #difference #mining
A quickstart in frequent structure mining can make a difference (SN, JNK), pp. 647–652.
PPDPPPDP-2004-Smaragdakis #generative #tool support
Invited talk: program generators and the tools to make them (YS), pp. 7–8.
SACSAC-2004-El-Gayar #fuzzy #logic #multi
Application of fuzzy logic to multiple criteria decision making in aquacultural planning (OFEG), pp. 1028–1029.
FSEFSE-2004-LevesonW #embedded #reuse
Making embedded software reuse practical and safe (NGL, KAW), pp. 171–178.
ICSEICSE-2004-FentonMNCFT #resource management
Making Resource Decisions for Software Projects (NEF, WM, MN, PC, SF, MT), pp. 397–406.
SPLCSPLC-2004-AmericaHIOR #architecture #product line #variability
Scenario-Based Decision Making for Architectural Variability in Product Families (PA, DKH, MTI, JHO, ER), pp. 284–303.
Coherence decoupling: making use of incoherence (JH, JC, DB, GSS), pp. 97–106.
Making cyclic circuits acyclic (SAE), pp. 159–162.
DACDAC-2003-Matsuzawa #collaboration #communication #how #optimisation #performance
How to make efficient communication, collaboration, and optimization from system to chip (AM), pp. 417–418.
HTHT-2003-FallensteinLHA #named #using #web
Storm: using P2P to make the desktop part of the web (BF, TJL, HH, TA), pp. 150–151.
ICDARICDAR-2003-CouasnonL #documentation #recognition
A Generic Recognition System for Making Archives Documents accessible to Publi (BC, IL), pp. 228–232.
ICDARICDAR-2003-Dengel #challenge #comprehension #documentation
Making Documents Work: Challenges for Document Understanding (AD), p. 1026–?.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2003-SchwarmV #assessment #concept #elicitation #information management #student #using
Making connections: using classroom assessment to elicit students’ prior knowledge and construction of concepts (SES, TV), pp. 65–69.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2003-Yehezkel #execution
Making program execution comprehensible one level above the machine language (CY), pp. 124–128.
ESOPESOP-2003-Meadows #analysis #encryption #evolution #protocol #requirements #specification #what
What Makes a Cryptographic Protocol Secure? The Evolution of Requirements Specification in Formal Cryptographic Protocol Analysis (CM), pp. 10–21.
ICSMEICSM-2003-Mul #internet #legacy
Making maximum use of legacy code: Transavia internet booking engine (CM), p. 466.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2003-BrownSKL #communication #enterprise
The Communigram: Making Communication Visible for Enterprise Management (KMB, HS, JJK, PL), pp. 34–42.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2003-MaciasVSR #data mining #development #mining
A Data Mining Method to Support Decision Making in Software Development Projects (JLÁM, JMV, JCRS, IR), pp. 11–18.
ICEISICEIS-v3-2003-AndreouZP #3d #component #development #elicitation #requirements
A Three-Dimensional Requirements Elicitation and Management Decision-Making Scheme for the Development of New Software Components (ASA, ACZ, GAP), pp. 3–13.
GPCEGPCE-2003-Dincklage #metaprogramming
Making Patterns Explicit with Metaprogramming (DvD), pp. 287–306.
REFSQREFSQ-J-2002-AurumW03 #process #requirements
The fundamental nature of requirements engineering activities as a decision-making process (AA, CW), pp. 945–954.
RERE-2003-MeadK #requirements
Requirements Engineering in Practice: Making the Business Case for Requirements Engineering (NRM, NK), p. 342.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2003-RanL #architecture #mobile #runtime
Making sense of runtime architecture for mobile phone software (AR, RL), pp. 367–370.
CAVCAV-2003-ClarkeGTW #abstraction #how #performance
Making Predicate Abstraction Efficient: How to Eliminate Redundant Predicates (EMC, OG, MT, DW), pp. 126–140.
ASEASE-2002-OwenMC #finite #modelling #question #what
What Makes Finite-State Models More (or Less) Testable? (DO, TM, BC), pp. 237–240.
DATEDATE-2002-Ratford #design #memory management
Make Your SoC Design a Winner: Select the Right Memory IP (VR), p. 15.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2002-FreireHRRS #named #xml
StatiX: making XML count (JF, JRH, MR, PR, JS), pp. 181–191.
XBase: making your gigabyte disk queriable (HL, GW, GY, YB, JL, YY), p. 630.
VLDBVLDB-2002-LohmanL #named
SMART: Making DB2 (More) Autonomic (GML, SL), pp. 877–879.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2002-Knox #named
CITIDEL: making resources available (DK), p. 225.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2002-KorhonenMMS #difference #question #student #web
Does it make a difference if students exercise on the web or in the classroom? (AK, LM, PM, PS), pp. 121–124.
SASSAS-2002-RanzatoT #model checking
Making Abstract Model Checking Strongly Preserving (FR, FT), pp. 411–427.
FMFME-2002-Jorgensen #incremental
Safeness of Make-Based Incremental Recompilation (NJ), pp. 126–145.
IFLIFL-2002-DowseSB #haskell #proving
Proving Make Correct: I/O Proofs in Haskell and Clean (MD, GS, AB), pp. 68–83.
CHICHI-2002-BellottiBEGHL #design #research
Making sense of sensing systems: five questions for designers and researchers (VB, MB, WKE, REG, DAHJ, CVL), pp. 415–422.
CHICHI-2002-WhittakerHASBISZR #interface #named #speech
SCANMail: a voicemail interface that makes speech browsable, readable and searchable (SW, JH, BA, LAS, MB, PLI, LS, GZ, AER), pp. 275–282.
CSCWCSCW-2002-GirgensohnL #interactive #social #web
Making web sites be places for social interaction (AG, AL), pp. 136–145.
Group Decision Making Based on the Linguistic 2-Tuple Model in Heterogeneous Contexts (FH, LM), pp. 358–366.
ICMLICML-2002-KleinKM #clustering #constraints #information management
From Instance-level Constraints to Space-Level Constraints: Making the Most of Prior Knowledge in Data Clustering (DK, SDK, CDM), pp. 307–314.
ICMLICML-2002-Seewald #how #performance
How to Make Stacking Better and Faster While Also Taking Care of an Unknown Weakness (AKS), pp. 554–561.
KDDKDD-2002-JoshiAK #predict #question
Predicting rare classes: can boosting make any weak learner strong? (MVJ, RCA, VK), pp. 297–306.
KDDKDD-2002-PednaultAZ #learning
Sequential cost-sensitive decision making with reinforcement learning (EPDP, NA, BZ), pp. 259–268.
KDDKDD-2002-WuF #performance #scalability
Making every bit count: fast nonlinear axis scaling (LW, CF), pp. 664–669.
KRKR-2002-DuboisFP #on the
On the Limitations of Ordinal Approaches to Decision-making (DD, HF, PP), pp. 133–146.
SEKESEKE-2002-AlvesF #challenge #off the shelf #perspective #requirements
Challenges in COTS decision-making: a goal-driven requirements engineering perspective (CFA, AF), pp. 789–794.
SEKESEKE-2002-ChartersKTM #component #visualisation
Visualisation for informed decision making; from code to components (SMC, CK, NT, MM), pp. 765–772.
SEKESEKE-2002-RaffoHV #framework #hybrid #metric #modelling #process #trade-off #using
Software process decision support: making process tradeoffs using a hybrid metrics, modeling and utility framework (DR, WH, JV), pp. 803–809.
SIGIRSIGIR-2002-DziadoszC #question #web
Do thumbnail previews help users make better relevance decisions about web search results? (SD, RC), pp. 365–366.
ECOOPECOOP-2002-KienzleG #aspect-oriented #concurrent #named
AOP: Does It Make Sense? The Case of Concurrency and Failures (JK, RG), pp. 37–61.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2002-Dmitriev #java #programming language
Language-specific make technology for the Java programming language (MD), pp. 373–385.
RERE-2002-KauppinenKAL #how #requirements
Introducing Requirements Engineering: How to Make a Cultural Change Happen in Practice (MK, SK, TA, LL), pp. 43–51.
ICSEICSE-2002-DHondt #information management
Making software knowledgeable (MD), pp. 735–736.
SPLCSPLC-2002-KishiNK #framework #product line
A Method for Product Line Scoping Based on a Decision-Making Framework (TK, NN, TK), pp. 348–365.
OSDIOSDI-2002-CoxMN #named
Pastiche: Making Backup Cheap and Easy (LPC, CDM, BDN), pp. 285–298.
ICTSSTestCom-2002-Sachse #testing
Position Statement: Making TTCN-3 testing a success (WS), pp. 201–208.
HTHT-2001-SchraefelZ #design
Interaciton design for Web-based, within-page collection making and management (MMCS, YZ), p. 125.
PASTEPASTE-2001-Griswold #slicing
Making slicing practical: the final mile (Abstract) (WGG), p. 1.
FMFME-2001-LeuschelMC #csp #how #ltl #model checking #refinement
How to Make FDR Spin LTL Model Checking of CSP by Refinement (ML, TM, AC), pp. 99–118.
CHICHI-2001-FoggMLOVFPRSST #scalability #web #what
What makes Web sites credible?: a report on a large quantitative study (BJF, JM, OL, AO, CV, NF, JP, AR, JS, PS, MT), pp. 61–68.
Improvements in the Decision Making in Software Projects (IR, JCRS, JAP), pp. 431–436.
CIKMCIKM-2001-FordREMKJG #semantics
Tempus Fugit: A System for Making Semantic Connections (DAF, JR, SE, JM, JHK, JJ, MG), pp. 520–522.
KDDKDD-2001-ZadroznyE #learning
Learning and making decisions when costs and probabilities are both unknown (BZ, CE), pp. 204–213.
SEKESEKE-2001-Pfleeger #re-engineering
Decision-Making in Software Engineering (SLP), p. 179.
CBSECBSE-2000-Gómez-PerezL #component
Impact of Software Components Characteristics Above Decision-Making Factors (AGP, AL), p. 10.
HTHT-2000-Boese #case study #hypermedia
Making a successful case for a hypertextual doctoral dissertation (CB), pp. 232–233.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2000-RaoR #in memory #memory management
Making B+-Trees Cache Conscious in Main Memory (JR, KAR), pp. 475–486.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2000-DannCP #programming
Making the connection: programming with animated small world (WD, SC, RP), pp. 41–44.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2000-Zeller #bibliography #student
Making students read and review code (AZ), pp. 89–92.
ICFPICFP-2000-SasanoHTO #algorithm #linear #problem
Make it practical: a generic linear-time algorithm for solving maximum-weightsum problems (IS, ZH, MT, MO), pp. 137–149.
CHICHI-2000-LeeKM #design #internet #what
What makes Internet users visit cyber stores again? key design factors for customer loyalty (JL, JK, JYM), pp. 305–312.
CSCWCSCW-2000-FarnhamCMKL #interactive #online
Structured online interactions: improving the decision-making of small discussion groups (SF, HRC, DEM, RK, JL), pp. 299–308.
ICEISICEIS-2000-GunterBS #industrial
Supporting Distrubted Decision Making in the Manegement of Bids for Tender for the It Industry (KG, PB, HS), pp. 287–293.
ICEISICEIS-2000-OquendoPR #enterprise #modelling #process
Addressing Decision Making Issues in Enterprise Process Modelling (FO, KNP, IR), pp. 333–338.
Making the Most of Your Knowledge (IR), p. XXVI.
ICEISICEIS-2000-RodriguesRH #how #process
How to Make KDD Process More Accessible to Users (MdFR, CR, PRH), pp. 209–216.
KRKR-2000-FargierLM #logic
Propositional Logic and One-Stage Decision Making (HF, JL, PM), pp. 445–456.
KRKR-2000-LafageL #logic #representation
Logical representation of preferences for group decision making (CL, JL), pp. 457–468.
UMLUML-2000-Padawitz #constraints #diagrams #how #proving #state machine #theorem proving #uml
Swinging UML: How to Make Class Diagrams and State Machines Amenable to Constraint Solving and Proving (PP), pp. 162–177.
TOOLSTOOLS-EUROPE-2000-DuvalP #design pattern #interactive #kernel #object-oriented #using
Using the PAC-Amodeus Model and Design Patterns to Make Interactive an Existing Object-Oriented Kernel (TD, FP), pp. 407–418.
TOOLSTOOLS-EUROPE-2000-KleppeW #diagrams #object-oriented #process #uml
Making UML Activity Diagrams Object-Oriented (AK, JW), pp. 288–299.
SACSAC-2000-MinskyMU #distributed #tuple
Making Tuple Spaces Safe for Heterogeneous Distributed Systems (NHM, YM, VU), pp. 218–226.
The making of Orbix and the iPortal suite (SB), pp. 609–616.
CAVCAV-2000-BienmullerDW #verification
The STATEMATE Verification Environment — Making It Real (TB, WD, HW), pp. 561–567.
ICDARICDAR-1999-Baird #documentation #image #quality
Document Image Quality: Making Fine Discriminations (HSB), pp. 459–462.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1999-BargaL #named #robust
Phoenix: Making Applications Robust (RSB, DBL), pp. 562–564.
Making it easy for all (DGJF), pp. 947–951.
HCIHCI-CCAD-1999-GrundelS #communication #process #user interface
A direct manipulation user interface for the control of communication processes — making call handling manageable (CG, MSH), pp. 8–13.
HCIHCI-CCAD-1999-KoisoFN #coordination #interface #visual notation
Proposal of visual interfaces to coordinate decision making in hierarchical structures and their application to fire systems (TK, TF, SN), pp. 367–371.
HCIHCI-CCAD-1999-Kuutti #framework #information management
Supporting perspective making and perspective taking: a framework for contextual information (KK), pp. 293–297.
HCIHCI-CCAD-1999-LuczakW #communication
Computer supported communication and cooperation — making information aware (HL, MW), pp. 298–302.
HCIHCI-CCAD-1999-McNeese #analysis #learning #metric #performance #process #protocol
Making sense of teamwork: the use of protocol analysis / performance measures to reveal cooperative work processes in a situated learning environment (MDM), pp. 502–506.
Group work with younger children for making animated stories (YSS, TO, YT), pp. 362–366.
HCIHCI-EI-1999-VoorhorstK #interface
User-friendly by making the interface graspable (FV, HK), pp. 416–420.
AdaSIGAda-1999-BuhlerF #ada #corba #framework #independence #information management #java
Applying Ada, Java and CORBA for making a command and control information system platform independent (GB, HF), pp. 83–88.
EDOCEDOC-1999-Senivongse #approach #corba #equivalence
An approach to making CORBA support equivalence relationships (TS), pp. 233–244.
ICEISICEIS-1999-Fox #challenge #enterprise #perspective
The Challenge of Making Enterprises Virtual: An AI Perspective (MSF), p. IV.
Making Better Use of Global Discretization (EF, IHW), pp. 115–123.
KDDKDD-1999-Domingos #classification #named
MetaCost: A General Method for Making Classifiers Cost-Sensitive (PMD), pp. 155–164.
TOOLSTOOLS-EUROPE-1999-PourGF #component #development #enterprise
Making the Transition to Component-Based Enterprise Software Development: Overcoming the Obstacles 3/4 Patterns for Success (GP, MLG, JMF), p. 419.
TOOLSTOOLS-USA-1999-GrissPF #component #development #enterprise
Making the Transition to Component-Based Enterprise Software Development Overcoming the Obstacles — Patterns for Success (MLG, GP, JMF), pp. 527–531.
TOOLSTOOLS-USA-1999-Pour #component #development #enterprise #java #quality
Quality Component Development: Making the Most of JavaBeans and Enterprise JavaBeans Features (GP), pp. 427–437.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-1999-RossOS #recursion #source code
Making Mercury Programs Tail Recursive (PR, DO, ZS), pp. 196–215.
DACDAC-1998-AmonBL #using
Making Complex Timing Relationships Readable: Presburger Formula Simplicication Using Don’t Cares (TA, GB, JL), pp. 586–590.
DACDAC-1998-KimCLLPK #functional #modelling
Virtual Chip: Making Functional Models Work on Real Target Systems (NK, HC, SL, SL, ICP, CMK), pp. 170–173.
HTHT-1998-HirtleSC #clustering #web
Clusters on the World Wide Web: Creating Neighborhoods of Make-Believe (SCH, MES, GC), pp. 289–290.
ICSMEICSM-1998-Pfleeger #component #maintenance
Making Change: The Other Components of Software Maintenance (SLP), p. 2–?.
ICGTTAGT-1998-Hrischuk #automation #graph grammar #process #using
A Model Making Automation Process (MMAP) Using a Graph Grammar Formalism (CEH), pp. 442–454.
EDOCEDOC-1998-HoffnerS #contract
Co-operation, contracts, contractual match-making and binding (YH, AS), pp. 75–86.
Making Decision in a Qualitative Setting: from Decision under Uncertaintly to Case-based Decision (DD, LG, HP, AZ), pp. 594–607.
UMLUML-1998-SuzukiY #modelling #uml
Making UML Models Interoperables with UXF (JS, YY), pp. 78–91.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-1998-BrachaOSW #java #programming language
Making the Future Safe for the Past: Adding Genericity to the Java Programming Language (GB, MO, DS, PW), pp. 183–200.
TOOLSTOOLS-USA-1998-Meyer #component #question
Can We Make Componentware Succeed? (BM), p. 3.
ASEASE-1997-SchumannF #component #named #retrieval
NORA/HAMMR: Making Deduction-Based Software Component Retrieval Practical (JS, BF), pp. 246–254.
ITiCSEITiCSE-1997-Naps #algorithm #difference #exclamation #java #visualisation #web
Algorithm visualization on the World Wide Web — the difference Java makes! (TLN), pp. 59–61.
STOCSTOC-1997-FeigeK #game studies
Making Games Short (Extended Abstract) (UF, JK), pp. 506–516.
Making Computers Easier for Older Adults to Use: Area Cursors and Sticky Icons (AW, NW, KB, SEH), pp. 266–271.
HCIHCI-SEC-1997-MatsudaN #interactive
Interactive Support for Decision Making (NM, KN), pp. 479–482.
EDOCEDOC-1997-Kindel #black box #encapsulation #interface #multi #named #what
COM: what makes it work, black-box encapsulation through multiple, immutable interfaces (CK), pp. 68–77.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-1997-Alagic #question
The ODMG Object Model: Does it Make Sense? (SA), pp. 253–270.
TOOLSTOOLS-PACIFIC-1997-Meyer #contract #design #object-oriented #source code
Design by Contract: Making Object-Oriented Programs that Work (BM), p. 360.
RERE-1997-NuseibehR #requirements
Making Requirements Measurable (BN, SR), p. 262.
RERE-1997-RoscaFW #lifecycle
Decision Making Methodology in Support of the Business Rules Lifecycle (DR, MF, CW), pp. 236–246.
ESECESEC-FSE-1997-MeijlerDE #adaptation #composition #design pattern
Making Design Patterns Explicit in FACE: A Frame Work Adaptive Composition Environment (TDM, SD, RE), pp. 94–110.
ICSEICSE-1997-NuseibehR #requirements #tutorial
Making Requirements Measurable (Tutorial) (BN, SR), pp. 647–648.
CADECADE-1997-LoweD #named #proving #theorem proving
XBarnacle: Making Theorem Provers More Accessible (HL, DD), pp. 404–407.
STOCSTOC-1996-AwerbuchAFL #how #nondeterminism
Making Commitments in the Face of Uncertainty: How to Pick a Winner Almost Every Time (Extended Abstract) (BA, YA, AF, FTL), pp. 519–530.
ICALPICALP-1996-Kaivola #automaton #fixpoint
Fixpoints for Rabin Tree Automata Make Complementation Easy (RK), pp. 312–323.
IFLIFL-1996-LoidlH #communication #effectiveness #graph #parallel #reduction
Making a Packet: Cost-Effective Communication for a Parallel Graph Reducer (HWL, KH), pp. 184–199.
CHICHI-1996-DouglasK #difference #modelling #question
Do Color Models Really Make a Difference? (SAD, TK), p. 399–?.
CHICHI-1996-Gonzalez #animation #question #user interface
Does Animation in User Interfaces Improve Decision Making? (CG), pp. 27–34.
CHICHI-1996-SawyerFW #difference
Making a Difference — the Impact of Inspections (PS, AF, DRW), pp. 376–382.
Making Choices Lazily (JH, AM), pp. 108–119.
CHICHI-1995-HalgrenFT #animation
Amazing Animation: Movie Making for Kids (SLH, TF, DT), pp. 519–524.
ICMLICML-1995-KrishnanLV #learning
Learning to Make Rent-to-Buy Decisions with Systems Applications (PK, PML, JSV), pp. 233–330.
SIGIRSIGIR-1995-Riloff #classification #difference #word
Little Words Can Make a Big Difference for Text Classification (ER), pp. 130–136.
A dynamical model for reaching consensus in group decision making (MF, MF, RAMP, AZ), pp. 493–496.
SACSAC-1995-Goonatilake #hybrid
Intelligent hybrid systems for financial decision making (SG), pp. 471–476.
ICLPICLP-1995-ShimajiriSI #database #logic #query
Making Query Processing Goal-Directed in Disjunctive Logic Databases (YS, HS, HI), p. 820.
PODSPODS-1994-CalvaneseL #object-oriented
Making Object-Oriented Schemas More Expressive (DC, ML), pp. 243–254.
CSCWCSCW-1994-Bowers #network
The Work to Make a Network Work: Studying CSCW in Action (JB), pp. 287–298.
CSCWCSCW-1994-KatzenbergM #summary
Meaning-Making in the Creation of Useful Summary Reports (BK, JPM), pp. 199–206.
KRKR-1994-Teege #difference #logic
Making the Difference: A Subtraction Operation for Description Logics (GT), pp. 540–550.
KRKR-1994-Val #compilation #database #how
Tractable Databases: How to Make Propositional Unit Resolution Complete Through Compilation (AdV), pp. 551–561.
ICDARICDAR-1993-Kita #automation #recognition #taxonomy #using
Making a personal recognition dictionary from characters automatically generated by using handwriting model (NK), pp. 76–81.
ICALPICALP-1993-Blum #approach #reliability #source code
Program Result Checking: A New Approach to Making Programs More Reliable (MB), pp. 1–14.
ICALPICALP-1993-KozenZ #bound #problem
Optimal Bounds for the Change-Making Problem (DK, SZ), pp. 150–161.
HCIHCI-ACS-1993-LewisS #modelling #multi
Modeling Multispecialist Decision Making (ML, KPS), pp. 481–486.
HCIHCI-ACS-1993-OBrienFM #automation #monitoring
The Effect of Automated Intelligent Advisors on Human Decision Making in Monitoring Complex Mechanical Systems (KO, EMF, FM), pp. 185–190.
HCIHCI-ACS-1993-VendaH #analysis #complexity
Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Human Decision-Making Complexity (VFV, HWH), pp. 636–641.
HCIHCI-SHI-1993-Gillies #information management
Making Information Systems Fit Users Needs (ACG), pp. 391–396.
ESECESEC-1993-BustardW #requirements #specification
Making Changes to Formal Specifications: Requirements and an Example (DWB, ACW), pp. 115–126.
HTHT-ECHT-1992-FreiS #hypermedia
Making Use of Hypertext Links when Retrieving Information (HPF, DS), pp. 102–111.
PODSPODS-1992-TurekSP #algorithm #concurrent #data type
Locking without Blocking: Making Lock Based Concurrent Data Structure Algorithms Nonblocking (JT, DS, SP), pp. 212–222.
STOCSTOC-1992-BellareP #performance #proving
Making Zero-Knowledge Provers Efficient (MB, EP), pp. 711–722.
CSCWCSCW-1992-BolandMTST #distributed
Sharing Perspectives in Distributed Decision Making (RJBJ, AM, DT, DGS, RVT), pp. 306–313.
KRKR-1992-BaaderHNPF #analysis #empirical #optimisation #representation
An Empirical Analysis of Optimization Techniques for Terminological Representation Systems, or Making KRIS Get a Move On (FB, BH, BN, HJP, EF), pp. 270–281.
ECOOPECOOP-1992-OxhojPS #type inference
Making Type Inference Practical (NO, JP, MIS), pp. 329–349.
DACDAC-1991-Fuhrman #industrial #synthesis #tool support
Industrial Extensions to University High Level Synthesis Tools: Making It Work in the Real World (TEF), pp. 520–525.
FPCAFPCA-1991-Hannan #automaton
Making Abstract Machines Less Abstract (JH), pp. 618–635.
ICMLML-1991-TchengLLR #adaptation #interactive #modelling #named
AIMS: An Adaptive Interactive Modeling System for Supporting Engineering Decision Making (DKT, BLL, SCYL, LAR), pp. 645–649.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-1991-ChambersU #object-oriented
Making Pure Object-Oriented Languages Practical (CC, DU), pp. 1–15.
POPLPOPL-1991-Odersky #how
How to Make Destructive Updates Less Destructive (MO), pp. 25–36.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1990-KiernanMS #database #deduction
Making Deductive Databases a Practical Technology: A Step Forward (GK, CdM, ES), pp. 237–246.
CAiSECAiSE-1990-Parkinson #automation
Making CASE Work (JP), pp. 21–41.
SEKESEKE-1990-Mazurov #learning #parallel #process
Parallel Processes of Decision Making and Multivalued Interpretation of Contradictory Data by Learning Neuron Machines (VDM), p. 165.
POPLPOPL-1990-Steele #parallel
Making Asynchronous Parallelism Safe for the World (GLSJ), pp. 218–231.
DACDAC-1989-McFarland #social
The Social Implications of Computerization: Making the Technology Humane (MCM), pp. 129–134.
HTHT-1989-MarshallI #how #hypermedia #online
Guided Tours and On-Line Presentations: How Authors Make Existing Hypertext Intelligible for Readers (CCM, PMI), pp. 15–26.
KRKR-1989-SubramanianW #calculus
Making Situation Calculus Indexical (DS, JW), pp. 467–474.
ICMLML-1989-KrulwichCB #experience
Improving Decision-Making on the Basis of Experience (BK, GC, LB), pp. 55–57.
ECOOPECOOP-1989-Cook #eiffel #type safety
A Proposal for Making Eiffel Type-Safe (WRC), pp. 57–70.
POPLPOPL-1989-WadlerB #ad hoc #how #morphism #polymorphism
How to Make ad-hoc Polymorphism Less ad-hoc (PW, SB), pp. 60–76.
CSCWCSCW-1988-BermannT #network #question
Can Networks Make an Organization? (TB, KT), pp. 153–166.
DACDAC-1987-Rosenberg #perspective #re-engineering
The Making of VIVID: A Software Engineering Perspective (JBR), pp. 74–81.
Making Computers More Useful and More Usable (GF), pp. 97–104.
HCIHCI-CE-1987-NakamuraS #case study #flexibility #scheduling
Human Decision Making in Computer-Based Scheduling within a Flexible Manufacturing System: An Experimental Study (NN, GS), pp. 257–264.
HCIHCI-CE-1987-OShaughnessyCK #information management #multi #online
Multiple Attribute Decision Making and On-Line Information Systems (MPO, SC, EK), pp. 61–66.
HCIHCI-SES-1987-Karasek #design
Making Customer-Oriented Variety Feasible for CIM: Customer-Oriented Product Design Software (RAK), pp. 129–136.
ICLPICLP-1987-Ueda87 #source code
Making Exhaustive Search Programs Deterministic, Part II (KU), pp. 356–375.
STOCSTOC-1986-DriscollSST #data type #persistent
Making Data Structures Persistent (JRD, NS, DDS, RET), pp. 109–121.
ICLPICLP-1986-Ueda86 #source code
Making Exhaustive Search Programs Deterministic (KU), pp. 270–282.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1984-CopelandM #database #smalltalk
Making Smalltalk a Database System (GPC, DM), pp. 316–325.
LISPLFP-1984-Smolka #data flow #logic programming #source code
Making Control and Data Flow in Logic Programs Explicit (GS), pp. 311–322.
POPLPOPL-1984-HalpernMT #question #semantics #what
The Semantics of Local Storage, or What Makes the Free-List Free? (JYH, ARM, BAT), pp. 245–257.
POPLPOPL-1983-DemersD #equation
Making Variables Abstract: An Equational Theory for Russell (AJD, JED), pp. 59–72.
Making the wire frame solid (DR), pp. 650–654.
ICLPILPC-1982-RoachF82 #migration #prolog #simulation
A Prolog Simulation of Migration Decision Making in a Less Developed Country (JWR, TDF), pp. 110–115.
POPLPOPL-1981-Owicki #garbage collection
Making the World Safe for Garbage Collection (SSO), pp. 77–86.
ICSEICSE-1976-Wexelblat #design #how #programming
Maxims for Malfeasant Designers, or How to Design Languages to Make Programming as Difficult as Possible (RLW), pp. 331–336.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.