321 papers:
ITiCSE-2015-Soyslo #algorithm #student- From Algorithmic to Computational Thinking: On the Way for Computing for all Students (MMS), p. 1.
SCAM-2015-YuSF #named- LeakTracer: Tracing leaks along the way (HY, XS, WF), pp. 181–190.
STOC-2015-GargLOS #ram- Garbled RAM From One-Way Functions (SG, SL, RO, AS), pp. 449–458.
CIAA-2015-Hulden #automaton #finite #regular expression- From Two-Way to One-Way Finite Automata — Three Regular Expression-Based Methods (MH), pp. 176–187.
DLT-2015-BianchiHK #automaton #liveness #on the #problem- On the Size of Two-Way Reasonable Automata for the Liveness Problem (MPB, JH, IK), pp. 120–131.
ICALP-v1-2015-MolinaroWY #complexity- Amplification of One-Way Information Complexity via Codes and Noise Sensitivity (MM, DPW, GY), pp. 960–972.
CSCW-2015-EpsteinJBMM #design #exclamation #framework #social- From “nobody cares” to “way to go!”: A Design Framework for Social Sharing in Personal Informatics (DAE, BHJ, EB, DWM, SAM), pp. 1622–1636.
CSCW-2015-MazmanianEH #logic- Circumscribed Time and Porous Time: Logics as a Way of Studying Temporality (MM, IE, EH), pp. 1453–1464.
DHM-EH-2015-KanazawaOWWTGH15a #analysis #experience- Experience Factors Influence on Motion Technique of “The Way of Tea” by Motion Analysis (SK, TO, ZW, TW, YT, AG, HH), pp. 155–163.
DHM-HM-2015-KanazawaOWTTGH #experience #performance #research- Research on the Performance of Three Tea Whisks of “The Way of Tea” with Different Experience (SK, TO, ZW, AT, YT, AG, HH), pp. 95–103.
DHM-HM-2015-KanazawaOWWTGH #bibliography #evaluation #visual notation- Visual Evaluation of “The Way of Tea” Based on Questionnaire Survey Between Chinese and Japanese (SK, TO, ZW, RW, YT, AG, HH), pp. 299–306.
SCSM-2015-Lopez-OrnelasZ #social #social media- Social Media Participation: A Narrative Way to Help Urban Planners (ÉLO, NMZ), pp. 48–54.
ICEIS-v2-2015-LedvinkaK #named #object-oriented #ontology- JOPA: Accessing Ontologies in an Object-oriented Way (ML, PK), pp. 212–221.
RecSys-2015-Guardia-Sebaoun #modelling #performance #recommendation- Latent Trajectory Modeling: A Light and Efficient Way to Introduce Time in Recommender Systems (ÉGS, VG, PG), pp. 281–284.
GPCE-2015-FoustJP #constraints #data flow #generative #multi #source code #user interface #visual notation- Generating reactive programs for graphical user interfaces from multi-way dataflow constraint systems (GF, JJ, SP), pp. 121–130.
SAC-2015-DasK #using- Dynamic associativity management using utility based way-sharing (SD, HKK), pp. 1919–1924.
HPCA-2015-BeckmannS #named #performance- Talus: A simple way to remove cliffs in cache performance (NB, DS), pp. 64–75.
CSL-2015-CartonD #transducer- Aperiodic Two-way Transducers and FO-Transductions (OC, LD), pp. 160–174.
STOC-2014-BermanHT #bias #constant- Coin flipping of any constant bias implies one-way functions (IB, IH, AT), pp. 398–407.
STOC-2014-BitanskyCPR #on the- On the existence of extractable one-way functions (NB, RC, OP, AR), pp. 505–514.
DLT-J-2013-KutribMW14a #automaton #finite #multi- Stateless One-Way Multi-Head Finite Automata with Pebbles (MK, AM, MW), pp. 1141–1160.
AFL-2014-CarninoL #ambiguity #automaton #on the- On Determinism and Unambiguity of Weighted Two-way Automata (VC, SL), pp. 188–200.
CIAA-2014-BianchiMP #automaton #on the #power of #quantum- On the Power of One-Way Automata with Quantum and Classical States (MPB, CM, BP), pp. 84–97.
CIAA-2014-BiasiY #automaton- Unary Languages Recognized by Two-Way One-Counter Automata (MDB, AY), pp. 148–161.
DLT-2014-GloannecO- Knight Tiles: Particles and Collisions in the Realm of 4-Way Deterministic Tilings (BLG, NO), pp. 227–238.
LATA-2014-OttoM #automaton #order- Extended Two-Way Ordered Restarting Automata for Picture Languages (FO, FM), pp. 541–552.
CHI-2014-HazzardBB #case study #experience- Walk this way: musically guided walking experiences (AH, SB, GEB), pp. 605–614.
CSCW-2014-LampeGFE #facebook- Help is on the way: patterns of responses to resource requests on facebook (CL, RG, ATF, NBE), pp. 3–15.
DHM-2014-OhgiriYYKH #analysis #comparison- Comparison of Gait Analysis by the Way of Semi-structured Interviews (MO, KY, HY, NK, HH), pp. 43–54.
DHM-2014-OtaWKTGH #comparison #process- Comparison of Different Tea Whisk Influence on Bubble Form in Processes of “The Way of Tea” (TO, ZW, SK, YT, AG, HH), pp. 197–203.
DUXU-DI-2014-RugenhagenH #design #development #game studies #research- Game Design Techniques in User Research Methods — A New Way to Reach the High Score in Development Teams (ER, TH), pp. 754–762.
HIMI-DE-2014-WangGZY #microblog #visualisation- An Intuitive Way to Describe Our World: A Microblog LBS Visualization System (JMW, LG, RPZ, FY), pp. 108–119.
LCT-TRE-2014-FardounACL #communication #community- A New Way to Community Services — Communication with Administration (HMF, DMA, APC, SRL), pp. 397–407.
GPCE-2014-JarviFH #constraints #data flow #multi- Specializing planners for hierarchical multi-way dataflow constraint systems (JJ, GF, MH), pp. 1–10.
SAC-2014-Zheng #matrix #using- Semi-supervised context-aware matrix factorization: using contexts in a way of “latent” factors (YZ), pp. 292–293.
LICS-CSL-2014-BlumensathCKPB #automaton #infinity #logic- Two-way cost automata and cost logics over infinite trees (AB, TC, DK, PP, MVB), p. 9.
STOC-2013-ChungPS #security #simulation- Non-black-box simulation from one-way functions and applications to resettable security (KMC, RP, KS), pp. 231–240.
DLT-J-2012-HromkovicKKS13 #automaton #logic #nondeterminism #representation- Determinism vs. Nondeterminism for Two-Way Automata: Representing the Meaning of States by Logical Formulæ (JH, RK, RK, RS), pp. 955–978.
DLT-2013-KutribMW #automaton #finite #multi- One-Way Multi-Head Finite Automata with Pebbles But No States (MK, AM, MW), pp. 313–324.
LATA-2013-Souza #transducer- Uniformisation of Two-Way Transducers (RdS), pp. 547–558.
SEFM-2013-OliveiraJW #csp #multi #protocol- A Verified Protocol to Implement Multi-way Synchronisation and Interleaving in CSP (MVMO, ISdMJ, JW), pp. 46–60.
CHI-2013-ZhangBG #interactive #interface #named- SideWays: a gaze interface for spontaneous interaction with situated displays (YZ, AB, HG), pp. 851–860.
HCI-UC-2013-YangRV #industrial #interactive- Principled Ways of Finding, Analysing and Planning for Communicative Overhead in Interaction Technology for Fashion Industry (JY, SR, SV), pp. 484–491.
ICEIS-J-2013-HendersonL13a #database #evaluation #multi #relational- An Evaluation of Multi-way Joins for Relational Database Systems (MH, RL), pp. 37–50.
ICEIS-v1-2013-HendersonL #multi #question- Are Multi-way Joins Actually Useful? (MH, RL), pp. 13–22.
SEKE-2013-QiHW #combinator #concurrent #source code #testing- A Mixed-way Combinatorial Testing for Concurrent Programs (S) (XQ, JH, PW), pp. 699–702.
ICMT-2013-BaggeL- Walk Your Tree Any Way You Want (AHB, RL), pp. 33–49.
ECOOP-2013-WuZSGSY #fault #optimisation #statistics- Simple Profile Rectifications Go a Long Way — Statistically Exploring and Alleviating the Effects of Sampling Errors for Program Optimizations (BW, MZ, XS, YG, RS, GY), pp. 654–678.
SAC-2013-ValsomatzisG #in memory #multi- Driver input selection for main-memory multi-way joins (EV, AG), pp. 818–825.
ESEC-FSE-2013-RubinC #model merging- N-way model merging (JR, MC), pp. 301–311.
CADE-2013-HoderV- The 481 Ways to Split a Clause and Deal with Propositional Variables (KH, AV), pp. 450–464.
ISSTA-2013-TrippWG #approach #learning #security #testing #web- Finding your way in the testing jungle: a learning approach to web security testing (OT, OW, LG), pp. 347–357.
LICS-2013-FiliotGRS #finite #transducer- From Two-Way to One-Way Finite State Transducers (EF, OG, PAR, FS), pp. 468–477.
VLDB-2012-ZhangCW #multi #performance #pipes and filters #using- Efficient Multi-way Theta-Join Processing Using MapReduce (XZ, LC, MW), pp. 1184–1195.
STOC-2012-Applebaum #generative #locality #pseudo #random- Pseudorandom generators with long stretch and low locality from random local one-way functions (BA), pp. 805–816.
STOC-2012-LeeGT #clustering #higher-order #multi- Multi-way spectral partitioning and higher-order cheeger inequalities (JRL, SOG, LT), pp. 1117–1130.
AFL-J-2011-IbarraS12 #bound #linear- Characterizations of Bounded semilinear Languages by One-Way and Two-Way Deterministic Machines (OHI, SS), pp. 1291–1306.
DLT-J-2011-ZhengQL12 #automaton #finite #quantum- Some Languages Recognized by Two-Way Finite Automata with Quantum and Classical States (SZ, DQ, LL), pp. 1117–1130.
DLT-2012-Carton #transducer- Two-Way Transducers with a Two-Way Output Tape (OC), pp. 263–272.
DLT-2012-HromkovicKKS #automaton #logic #nondeterminism #representation- Determinism vs. Nondeterminism for Two-Way Automata — Representing the Meaning of States by Logical Formulæ (JH, RK, RK, RS), pp. 24–39.
LATA-2012-GeffertGP #automaton- Two-Way Automata Making Choices Only at the Endmarkers (VG, BG, GP), pp. 264–276.
LATA-2012-Yamakami #automaton #finite #quantum- One-Way Reversible and Quantum Finite Automata with Advice (TY), pp. 526–537.
CHI-2012-YangAAWL #sentiment- The way i talk to you: sentiment expression in an organizational context (JY, LAA, MSA, ZW, CYL), pp. 551–554.
CIKM-2012-GaoZLH #clustering #recommendation #twitter- Twitter hyperlink recommendation with user-tweet-hyperlink three-way clustering (DG, RZ, WL, YH), pp. 2535–2538.
ECIR-2012-DiriyeTB #interactive #process #query- A Little Interaction Can Go a Long Way: Enriching the Query Formulation Process (AD, AT, AB), pp. 531–534.
ICPR-2012-HuZFZ #clustering #multi #strict- Multi-way constrained spectral clustering by nonnegative restriction (HH, JZ, JF, JZ), pp. 1550–1553.
ICPR-2012-ZhuHR #visual notation- Visual saliency: A manifold way of perception (HZ, BH, XR), pp. 2606–2609.
RecSys-2012-Saez-TrumperQC #distance- Ads and the city: considering geographic distance goes a long way (DST, DQ, JC), pp. 187–194.
SEKE-2012-DingS #architecture #collaboration #mobile #using- Proactive Two Way Mobile Advertisement Using a Collaborative Client Server Architecture (WD, XS), pp. 768–773.
Onward-2012-HansenLG #architecture #programming- Cognitive architectures: a way forward for the psychology of programming (MEH, AL, RLG), pp. 27–38.
SAC-2012-ChenNX #collaboration #recommendation- A common neighbour based two-way collaborative recommendation method (LC, RN, YX), pp. 214–215.
CAV-2012-HanJ #satisfiability- When Boolean Satisfiability Meets Gaussian Elimination in a Simplex Way (CSH, JHRJ), pp. 410–426.
ICLP-2012-AguadoCDPV- Paving the Way for Temporal Grounding (FA, PC, MD, GP, CV), pp. 290–300.
LICS-2012-ClairambaultGW #concurrent #game studies- The Winning Ways of Concurrent Games (PC, JG, GW), pp. 235–244.
ASE-2011-ZhengT #architecture #implementation- Taming changes With 1.x-Way architecture-implementation mapping (YZ, RNT), pp. 396–399.
ICPC-2011-Burnett #programming #question #tool support- Males and Females Developing Software: Are Programming Tools Getting in the Way? (MB), p. xvii.
ICSM-2011-KuhnK #combinator #detection #fault #testing- Practical combinatorial (t-way) methods for detecting complex faults in regression testing (RK, RK), p. 599.
STOC-2011-Goyal #constant #protocol #using- Constant round non-malleable protocols using one way functions (VG), pp. 695–704.
STOC-2011-LinP- Constant-round non-malleable commitments from any one-way function (HL, RP), pp. 705–714.
STOC-2011-RegevK #communication #quantum- Quantum one-way communication can be exponentially stronger than classical communication (OR, BK), pp. 31–40.
CIAA-J-2010-KufleitnerL11 #automaton #order- Partially Ordered Two-Way BüChi Automata (MK, AL), pp. 1861–1876.
AFL-2011-IbarraS #bound #linear- Characterizations of Bounded Semilinear Languages by One-Way and Two-way Deterministic Machines (OHI, SS), pp. 211–224.
DLT-2011-IbarraY #on the #transducer- On Two-Way Transducers (OHI, HCY), pp. 300–311.
DLT-2011-KuncO #automaton #finite #using- Describing Periodicity in Two-Way Deterministic Finite Automata Using Transformation Semigroups (MK, AO), pp. 324–336.
ICALP-v1-2011-Zhang #bound #communication #complexity #on the #power of #quantum- On the Power of Lower Bound Methods for One-Way Quantum Communication Complexity (SZ), pp. 49–60.
FM-2011-FisherPV- The Only Way Is Up (JF, NP, MYV), pp. 3–11.
DUXU-v1-2011-VilarRNT #design #game studies- Environmental Affordances as a Way to Help in the Design of Videogame Worlds (EV, FR, PN, LT), pp. 323–331.
HCI-MIIE-2011-BlazicaVM #named- ShoeBox: A Natural Way of Organizing Pictures According to User’s Affinities (BB, DV, DM), pp. 519–524.
ICEIS-v4-2011-HuoXT- Characteristics of Modern Logistics and Ways of Reducing Logistics Costs (CH, MX, YT), pp. 732–735.
ICEIS-v4-2011-SchiefKZRWSMME #internet #process- The ADiWa Project — On the Way to Just-in-time Process Dynamics based on Events from the Internet of Things (MS, CK, BZ, PR, WW, JS, DM, HM, JE), pp. 371–377.
CIKM-2011-RonzanoMT #editing #wiki- Editing knowledge resources: the wiki way (FR, AM, MT), pp. 2533–2536.
ICML-2011-NickelTK #learning #multi- A Three-Way Model for Collective Learning on Multi-Relational Data (MN, VT, HPK), pp. 809–816.
KEOD-2011-IshakLA #approach #learning #modelling #ontology #probability #visual notation- A Two-way Approach for Probabilistic Graphical Models Structure Learning and Ontology Enrichment (MBI, PL, NBA), pp. 189–194.
MLDM-2011-CelibertoM #learning- Investigation in Transfer Learning: Better Way to Apply Transfer Learning between Agents (LACJ, JPM), pp. 210–223.
OOPSLA-2011-CledatKP #programming- Efficiently speeding up sequential computation through the n-way programming model (RC, TK, SP), pp. 537–554.
SAC-2011-ParisAL #on-demand- Accelerated chaining: a better way to harness peer power in video-on-demand applications (JFP, AA, DDEL), pp. 534–539.
ICSE-2011-Zheng #architecture #implementation- 1.x-Way architecture-implementation mapping (YZ), pp. 1118–1121.
PLEASE-2011-Kulkarni #challenge- Use of SPLE to deliver custom solutions at product cost: challenges and a way forward (VK), pp. 1–5.
LICS-2011-Figueira #decidability #logic #word- A Decidable Two-Way Logic on Data Words (DF), pp. 365–374.
DocEng-2010-ThaoM #data type #detection #using #version control #xml- Using versioned tree data structure, change detection and node identity for three-way XML merging (CT, EVM), pp. 77–86.
HT-2010-HsiehPJNS #generative #hypermedia- Assisting two-way mapping generation in hypermedia workspace (HwH, KP, AJ, GN, FMSI), pp. 99–108.
VLDB-2010-Martinez-PalauDL- Two-way Replacement Selection (XMP, DDS, JLLP), pp. 871–881.
STOC-2010-AkaviaGGM #np-hard- Erratum for: on basing one-way functions on NP-hardness (AA, OG, SG, DM), pp. 795–796.
STOC-2010-HaitnerRV #generative #performance #pseudo- Efficiency improvements in constructing pseudorandom generators from one-way functions (IH, OR, SPV), pp. 437–446.
CIAA-2010-KufleitnerL #automaton #order- Partially Ordered Two-Way Büchi Automata (MK, AL), pp. 181–190.
DLT-2010-GeffertP #automaton- Two-Way Unary Automata versus Logarithmic Space (VG, GP), pp. 197–208.
CHI-2010-SmythKMT #mobile- Where there’s a will there’s a way: mobile media sharing in urban india (TNS, SK, IM, KT), pp. 753–762.
CSCW-2010-BirnholtzGHB #quote- “On my way”: deceptive texting and interpersonal awareness narratives (JPB, JG, JTH, NNB), pp. 1–4.
CSCW-2010-TangPIBTB #collaboration #communication #comprehension #distributed- Three’s company: understanding communication channels in three-way distributed collaboration (AT, MP, KI, HB, JCT, BB), pp. 271–280.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2010-CuzzocreaFP #abstraction #analysis #collaboration #effectiveness #flexibility #mining #process- Effective Analysis of Flexible Collaboration Processes by Way of Abstraction and Mining Techniques (AC, FF, LP), pp. 157–166.
ICPR-2010-MatsukawaK #recognition #using- Action Recognition Using Three-Way Cross-Correlations Feature of Local Moton Attributes (TM, TK), pp. 1731–1734.
ICPR-2010-Porro-MunozDOTL #difference #representation- Classifying Three-way Seismic Volcanic Data by Dissimilarity Representation (DPM, RPWD, MOA, ITB, JMLB), pp. 814–817.
RecSys-2010-ResnickKHP #contest #named #question- Contests: way forward or detour? (PR, JAK, AH, JP), pp. 37–38.
SEKE-2010-PatelGS #effectiveness #maintenance #named #testing #web- TestDrive — A Cost Effective Way to Create and Maintain Test Scripts for Web Applications (SP, PG, PS), pp. 474–476.
SAC-2010-LamprierASL #clustering- Traveling among clusters: a way to reconsider the benefits of the cluster hypothesis (SL, TA, FS, BL), pp. 1774–1780.
HPDC-2010-MontanerSD #low cost #memory management- A practical way to extend shared memory support beyond a motherboard at low cost (HM, FS, JD), pp. 155–166.
DAC-2009-KluterBIC #automation #set- Way Stealing: cache-assisted automatic instruction set extensions (TK, PB, PI, EC), pp. 31–36.
SIGMOD-2009-NathYC #outsourcing- Secure outsourced aggregation via one-way chains (SN, HY, HC), pp. 31–44.
WRLA-2008-LucasM09 #equation #order #source code #termination- Operational Termination of Membership Equational Programs: the Order-Sorted Way (SL, JM), pp. 207–225.
FASE-2009-Wachsmuth- A Formal Way from Text to Code Templates (GW), pp. 109–123.
CIAA-J-2008-AllauzenM09 #composition #finite #transducer- N-Way Composition of Weighted Finite-State Transducers (CA, MM), pp. 613–627.
DLT-2009-Kapoutsis #automaton #complexity #finite- Size Complexity of Two-Way Finite Automata (CAK), pp. 47–66.
FM-2009-Eshuis #petri net- Translating Safe Petri Nets to Statecharts in a Structure-Preserving Way (RE), pp. 239–255.
CHI-2009-ChungS- Going my way: a user-aware route planner (JC, CS), pp. 1899–1902.
CHI-2009-LimLL- Interactivity attributes: a new way of thinking and describing interactivity (YKL, SSL, KyL), pp. 105–108.
DHM-2009-ZhengHLZLQ #feedback #fuzzy #logic #nondeterminism- Fuzzy Logic in Exploring Data Effects: A Way to Unveil Uncertainty in EEG Feedback (FZ, BH, LL, TZ, YL, YQ), pp. 754–763.
HCI-AUII-2009-JiK #named #using- CLURD: A New Character-Inputting System Using One 5-Way Key Module (HJ, TK), pp. 39–47.
HCI-NT-2009-AkasakaO #performance- Providing an Efficient Way to Make Desktop Icons Visible (TA, YO), pp. 569–578.
HCI-VAD-2009-DogusoyC #comprehension #eye tracking #learning #process- An Innovative Way of Understanding Learning Processes: Eye Tracking (BD, KÇ), pp. 94–100.
HCI-VAD-2009-ZhangLBAMY #development #learning #simulation #visualisation- Development of a Visualised Sound Simulation Environment: An e-Approach to a Constructivist Way of Learning (JZ, BL, IB, LA, YM, SY), pp. 266–275.
MoDELS-2009-MohanK #development #enterprise #experience #lessons learnt #modelling #user interface #visual notation- Model Driven Development of Graphical User Interfaces for Enterprise Business Applications — Experience, Lessons Learnt and a Way Forward (RM, VK), pp. 307–321.
MoDELS-2009-MohanK #development #enterprise #experience #lessons learnt #modelling #user interface #visual notation- Model Driven Development of Graphical User Interfaces for Enterprise Business Applications — Experience, Lessons Learnt and a Way Forward (RM, VK), pp. 307–321.
SAC-2009-RobertsSG #interface- Model interfaces for two-way obliviousness (NVR, ES, PCG), pp. 488–495.
CSL-2009-CockettS #communication #on the #problem #word- On the Word Problem for ΣΠ-Categories, and the Properties of Two-Way Communication (JRBC, LS), pp. 194–208.
DATE-2008-JonesBBCO #compilation #energy- Instruction Cache Energy Saving Through Compiler Way-Placement (TMJ, SB, BDB, JC, MFPO), pp. 1196–1201.
ITiCSE-2008-MetrolhoC #branch #student- Branches of professional organizations a way to enrich student’s scientific and personal skills (JCM, MITC), p. 360.
FoSSaCS-2008-Walukiewicz- Finding Your Way in a Forest: On Different Types of Trees and Their Properties (IW), pp. 1–4.
STOC-2008-Thorup- Minimum k-way cuts via deterministic greedy tree packing (MT), pp. 159–166.
CIAA-2008-AllauzenM #composition #finite #transducer- 3-Way Composition of Weighted Finite-State Transducers (CA, MM), pp. 262–273.
DLT-2008-JiraskovaO #automaton #complexity #finite #on the- On the State Complexity of Operations on Two-Way Finite Automata (GJ, AO), pp. 443–454.
ICALP-C-2008-CanettiD- Extractable Perfectly One-Way Functions (RC, RRD), pp. 449–460.
LATA-2008-Petersen #sorting #turing machine- Sorting and Element Distinctness on One-Way Turing Machines (HP), pp. 433–439.
ICGT-2008-Dorr #modelling- The AUTOSAR Way of Model-Based Engineering of Automotive Systems (HD), p. 38.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2008-Zacharias- Rules as Simple Way to Model Knowledge — Closing the Gap between Promise and Reality (VZ), pp. 87–94.
CIKM-2008-PengLS #adaptation #clustering #multi- Clustering multi-way data via adaptive subspace iteration (WP, TL, BS), pp. 1519–1520.
SIGIR-2008-BalogWR #modelling #query- A few examples go a long way: constructing query models from elaborate query formulations (KB, WW, MdR), pp. 371–378.
SIGIR-2008-PengL #analysis #evolution #topic #using- Author-topic evolution analysis using three-way non-negative Paratucker (WP, TL), pp. 819–820.
SAC-2008-Kavallieratou #algorithm- An objective way to evaluate and compare binarization algorithms (EK), pp. 397–401.
HT-2007-NelsonSM #hypermedia- Back to the future: hypertext the way it used to be (THN, RAS, MM), pp. 227–228.
VLDB-2007-WuLXHLR #database #named- DataScope: Viewing Database Contents in Google Maps’ Way (TW, XL, DX, JH, JL, RR), pp. 1314–1317.
ITiCSE-2007-Dickinson07b #navigation- Is the shortcut the quickest way to go?: translating instructions for keyboard navigation and other stories (AD), p. 358.
TACAS-2007-Cleaveland #lessons learnt- THERE AND BACK AGAIN: Lessons Learned on the Way to the Market (RC), p. 1.
STOC-2007-GavinskyKKRW #communication #complexity #encryption #exponential #quantum- Exponential separations for one-way quantum communication complexity, with applications to cryptography (DG, JK, IK, RR, RdW), pp. 516–525.
STOC-2007-HaitnerR #statistics- Statistically-hiding commitment from any one-way function (IH, OR), pp. 1–10.
ICALP-2007-IwamaNRY #bound #communication #complexity #quantum- Unbounded-Error One-Way Classical and Quantum Communication Complexity (KI, HN, RR, SY), pp. 110–121.
CHI-2007-BoshernitsanGH #development #tool support- Aligning development tools with the way programmers think about code changes (MB, SLG, MAH), pp. 567–576.
CHI-2007-KirkRF #collaboration #gesture- Turn it this way: grounding collaborative action with remote gestures (DSK, TR, DSF), pp. 1039–1048.
CHI-2007-StrachanWM #monte carlo #navigation- Show me the way to Monte Carlo: density-based trajectory navigation (SS, JW, RMS), pp. 1245–1248.
HCI-IDU-2007-XuQC #case study #design- A Case Study of New Way to Apply Card Sort in Panel Design (YX, XQ, SSC), pp. 289–297.
HCI-IPT-2007-ChenK- Displays Attentive to Unattended Regions: Presenting Information in a Peripheral-Vision-Friendly Way (MCC, RLK), pp. 23–31.
HCI-MIE-2007-HwangLK #interactive- Three Way Relationship of Human-Robot Interaction (JHH, KWL, DSK), pp. 321–330.
RE-2007-MaidenNKSG #requirements- Exploring Scenario Forms and Ways of Use to Discover Requirements on Airports that Minimize Environmental Impact (NAMM, CN, SK, NS, PG), pp. 29–38.
LICS-2007-Bojanczyk #logic- Two-way unary temporal logic over trees (MB), pp. 121–130.
SAT-2007-CimattiGS #flexibility #modulo theories #satisfiability- A Simple and Flexible Way of Computing Small Unsatisfiable Cores in SAT Modulo Theories (AC, AG, RS), pp. 334–339.
QoSA-2006-CorryHS #architecture- Traveling Architects — A New Way of Herding Cats (AVC, KMH, DS), pp. 111–126.
DAC-2006-ElbazTSGBM #encryption- A parallelized way to provide data encryption and integrity checking on a processor-memory bus (RE, LT, GS, PG, MB, AM), pp. 506–509.
DATE-2006-PomeranzR #detection #fault #generative #testing- Generation of broadside transition fault test sets that detect four-way bridging faults (IP, SMR), pp. 907–912.
SIGMOD-2006-JagadishOTVZ #multi #network #peer-to-peer- Speeding up search in peer-to-peer networks with a multi-way tree structure (HVJ, BCO, KLT, QHV, RZ), pp. 1–12.
ITiCSE-2006-BerglundW #empirical #student- Students learn CS in different ways: insights from an empirical study (AB, MW), pp. 265–269.
ITiCSE-2006-Godejord #education #social #using- Exploring teacher methodology: using the example of sexual abuse of children as a way of teaching social informatics (PAG), p. 340.
ITiCSE-2006-KeenanPCM #agile #learning- Learning project planning the agile way (FK, SP, GC, KM), p. 324.
STOC-2006-AkaviaGGM #np-hard #on the- On basing one-way functions on NP-hardness (AA, OG, SG, DM), pp. 701–710.
DLT-2006-Ravikumar #automaton #finite #modelling #on the #probability- On Some Variations of Two-Way Probabilistic Finite Automata Models (BR), pp. 443–454.
ICALP-v2-2006-DanosKP #quantum- The One Way to Quantum Computation (VD, EK, PP), pp. 13–21.
ICALP-v2-2006-HaitnerHR #generative #performance #pseudo- Efficient Pseudorandom Generators from Exponentially Hard One-Way Functions (IH, DH, OR), pp. 228–239.
ICEIS-ISAS-2006-CruzLW #contract #specification #visual notation- Visual Contracts — A Way to Reason about States and Cardinalities in IT System Specifications (JDDlC, LSL, AW), pp. 298–303.
ICEIS-SAIC-2006-HaddadMR #semantics #synthesis #web #web service- Client Synthesis for Web Services by Way of a Timed Semantics (SH, PM, SR), pp. 19–26.
DATE-2005-IshiharaF #power management- A Way Memoization Technique for Reducing Power Consumption of Caches in Application Specific Integrated Processors (TI, FF), pp. 358–363.
VLDB-2005-BonczGKMRT #named #relational #xquery- Pathfinder: XQuery — The Relational Way (PAB, TG, MvK, SM, JR, JT), pp. 1322–1325.
ITiCSE-2005-Luque #education #evolution #question- Is evolution or revolution the way for improving the teaching methodology in computer science? (EL), p. 2.
DLT-2005-GeffertMP #automaton #finite- Complementing Two-Way Finite Automata (VG, CM, GP), pp. 260–271.
ICEIS-v1-2005-Greene #enterprise- Changing the Way the Enterprise Works: Operational Transformations (TG), p. 7.
ICML-2005-BekkermanEM #clustering #interactive #multi- Multi-way distributional clustering via pairwise interactions (RB, REY, AM), pp. 41–48.
ECMDA-FA-2005-BendraouDG #approach #component #flexibility #implementation- MDA Components: A Flexible Way for Implementing the MDA Approach (RB, PD, MPG), pp. 59–73.
SAC-2005-Hosobe #constraints #documentation #layout #linear #web- Solving linear and one-way constraints for web document layout (HH), pp. 1252–1253.
DocEng-2004-Lindholm #documentation #xml- A three-way merge for XML documents (TL), pp. 1–10.
ITiCSE-WGR-2004-Shumba #education #effectiveness #towards- Towards a more effective way of teaching a cybersecurity basics course (RS), pp. 108–111.
STOC-2004-Bar-YossefJK #communication #complexity #exponential #quantum- Exponential separation of quantum and classical one-way communication complexity (ZBY, TSJ, IK), pp. 128–137.
ICEIS-v3-2004-ShishkovD #component #modelling #process #specification- Aligning Business Process Modeling and Software Specification in a Component-Based Way, the Advantages of SDBC (BS, JLGD), pp. 103–108.
RE-2004-BodduGMC #named #requirements #testing- RETNA: From Requirements to Testing in a Natural Way (RB, LG, SM, BC), pp. 262–271.
VLDB-2003-AltinelBKMPR #adaptation #database- Cache Tables: Paving the Way for an Adaptive Database Cache (MA, CB, SK, CM, HP, BR), pp. 718–729.
VLDB-2003-ViglasNB #multi #query #streaming- Maximizing the Output Rate of Multi-Way Join Queries over Streaming Information Sources (SV, JFN, JB), pp. 285–296.
CIAA-2003-KuskeM #automaton #branch #parallel- Branching Automata with Costs — A Way of Reflecting Parallelism in Costs (DK, IM), pp. 150–162.
DLT-2003-BertoniMP #automaton #quantum- Quantum Computing: 1-Way Quantum Automata (AB, CM, BP), pp. 1–20.
ICALP-2003-HromkovicS03a #automaton #finite #nondeterminism- Nondeterminism versus Determinism for Two-Way Finite Automata: Generalizations of Sipser’s Separation (JH, GS), pp. 439–451.
IFL-2003-MartinezP #algebra #algorithm #interface- Building an Interface Between Eden and Maple: A Way of Parallelizing Computer Algebra Algorithms (RMT, RP), pp. 135–151.
CIKM-2003-LiZO #analysis #categorisation #multi #performance- Efficient multi-way text categorization via generalized discriminant analysis (TL, SZ, MO), pp. 317–324.
KDD-2003-KorenH #clustering #visualisation- A two-way visualization method for clustered data (YK, DH), pp. 589–594.
SEKE-2003-MunchHD #clustering- A Practical Way to Use Clustering and Context Knowledge for Software Project Planning (JM, JH, AD), pp. 377–384.
LICS-2003-Kopylov #type system- Dependent Intersection: A New Way of Defining Records in Type Theory (AK), pp. 86–95.
RTA-2003-Verma #automaton #decidability #equation- Two-Way Equational Tree Automata for AC-Like Theories: Decidability and Closure Properties (KNV), pp. 180–196.
ITiCSE-2002-ChristensenC #framework #programming- Frameworks in CS1: a different way of introducing event-driven programming (HBC, MEC), pp. 75–79.
CIAA-J-2000-Bruggemann-KleinW02 #automaton #nondeterminism- The Regularity of Two-Way Nondeterministic Tree Automata Languages (ABK, DW), pp. 67–81.
DLT-2002-IbarraDS #automaton #finite #safety #verification- Safety Verification for Two-Way Finite Automata with Monotonic Counters (OHI, ZD, ZWS), pp. 326–338.
ICALP-2002-Bojanczyk #automaton #finite #modelling- Two-Way Alternating Automata and Finite Models (MB), pp. 833–844.
FME-2002-UmeduTYNHT #mobile #multi- A Language for Describing Wireless Mobile Applications with Dynamic Establishment of Multi-way Synchronization Channels (TU, YT, KY, AN, TH, KT), pp. 607–624.
CAiSE-2002-AalstHV #graph #workflow- An Alternative Way to Analyze Workflow Graphs (WMPvdA, AH, EV), pp. 535–552.
ICEIS-2002-CheungCD #design #process #standard- Supporting Engineering Design Process with an Intelligent Compliance Agent: A Way to Ensure a Standard Complied Process (LYCC, PWHC, RD), pp. 341–349.
KDD-2002-EsterKS #mining #web- Web site mining: a new way to spot competitors, customers and suppliers in the world wide web (ME, HPK, MS), pp. 249–258.
SEKE-2002-Briand #information management #on the #re-engineering- On the many ways software engineering can benefit from knowledge engineering (LCB), pp. 3–6.
ECOOP-2002-CheonL #approach #ml #testing- A Simple and Practical Approach to Unit Testing: The JML and JUnit Way (YC, GTL), pp. 231–255.
SAC-2002-PandaH #approach #database #dependence #robust- Extended data dependency approach: a robust way of rebuilding database (BP, KAH), pp. 446–452.
ASE-2001-GouraudDGM #automation #statistics #testing- A New Way of Automating Statistical Testing Methods (SDG, AD, MCG, BM), pp. 5–12.
PODS-2001-Larsen #multi- Relaxed Multi-Way Trees with Group Updates (KSL).
VLDB-2001-Sondag #semantics #web- The Semantic Web Paving the Way to the Knowledge Society (PPS), p. 16.
FoSSaCS-2001-Bojanczyk #automaton #finite #graph #problem- The Finite Graph Problem for Two-Way Alternating Automata (MB), pp. 88–103.
DLT-2001-SchwentickTV #automaton- Partially-Ordered Two-Way Automata: A New Characterization of DA (TS, DT, HV), pp. 239–250.
FME-2001-BellegardeDJK #named #refinement- Reformulation: A Way to Combine Dynamic Properties and B Refinement (FB, CD, JJ, OK), pp. 2–19.
DAC-2000-KatagiriYKHT #communication #concurrent #hardware #implementation #multi #protocol- Hardware implementation of communication protocols modeled by concurrent EFSMs with multi-way synchronization (HK, KY, AK, TH, KT), pp. 762–767.
SIGMOD-2000-WattezCBFF #benchmark #learning #metric #query- Benchmarking Queries over Trees: Learning the Hard Truth the Hard Way (FW, SC, VB, GF, CF), pp. 510–511.
VLDB-2000-KemmeA #consistency #database #lazy evaluation #replication- Don’t Be Lazy, Be Consistent: Postgres-R, A New Way to Implement Database Replication (BK, GA), pp. 134–143.
STOC-2000-Klauck #communication #on the #probability #protocol #quantum- On quantum and probabilistic communication: Las Vegas and one-way protocols (HK), pp. 644–651.
CIAA-2000-Bruggemann-KleinW #automaton #nondeterminism- Regularly Extended Two-Way Nondeterministic Tree Automata (ABK, DW), pp. 57–66.
IFL-2000-ZornerKEP #functional- Polygonizing Implicit Surfaces in a Purely Functional Way (THGZ, PWMK, MCJDvE, MJP), pp. 158–175.
ICEIS-2000-Belo #monitoring #process #realtime- Monitoring Production Plants Activities in Real Time as a Way to Gather Decision Support Information in Advance (OB), pp. 27–31.
ICEIS-2000-Sato-Ilic #classification #fuzzy #relational- Classification Based on Relational Fuzzy C-Means for 3-Way Data (MSI), pp. 217–221.
CIKM-2000-AmitayP #automation #question #web- Automatically Summarising Web Sites — Is There A Way Around It? (EA, CP), pp. 173–179.
ICPR-v4-2000-SeinstraK #api #image #parallel- Transparent Parallel Image Processing by way of a Familiar Sequential API (FJS, DK), pp. 4824–4827.
SAC-2000-FeekinC #detection #sorting #using- Duplicate Detection Using K-way Sorting Method (AF, ZC), pp. 323–327.
SAC-2000-GaedkeSG #named #object-oriented #reuse #web- WCML: Paving the Way for Reuse in Object-Oriented Web Engineering (MG, CS, HWG), pp. 748–755.
LICS-2000-Voronkov #calculus #how #logic #proving- How to Optimize Proof-Search in Modal Logics: A New Way of Proving Redundancy Criteria for Sequent Calculi (AV), pp. 401–412.
DAC-1999-KarypisK #clustering #multi- Multilevel k-way Hypergraph Partitioning (GK, VK), pp. 343–348.
DATE-1999-KrupnovaS #clustering #multi- Iterative Improvement Based Multi-Way Netlist Partitioning for FPGAs (HK, GS), p. 587–?.
STOC-1999-AmbainisNTV #automaton #bound #quantum- Dense Quantum Coding and a Lower Bound for 1-Way Quantum Automata (AA, AN, ATS, UVV), pp. 376–383.
STOC-1999-BeimelIKM #information retrieval- One-Way Functions Are Essential for Single-Server Private Information Retrieval (AB, YI, EK, TM), pp. 89–98.
STOC-1999-CrescenzoI- Security-Preserving Hardness-Amplification for Any Regular One-Way Function (GDC, RI), pp. 169–178.
ICALP-1999-EngelfrietH #finite #higher-order #logic #monad #transducer- Two-Way Finite State Transducers and Monadic Second-Order Logic (JE, HJH), pp. 311–320.
ICALP-1999-HromkovicS #automaton #finite #on the #power of- On the Power of Las Vegas II. Two-Way Finite Automata (JH, GS), pp. 433–442.
CHI-1999-Raisamo- An Alternative Way of Drawing (RR), pp. 175–182.
HCI-EI-1999-Cierjacks #question- Acquiring Tasks: A Better Way Than Asking? (MC), pp. 1194–1198.
HCI-EI-1999-Goppold- Spatio-Temporal Perspectives: A new way for cognitive enhancement (AG), pp. 476–480.
ICSE-1999-NishimatsuJKI #performance #slicing- Call-Mark Slicing: An Efficient and Economical Way of Reducing Slice (AN, MJ, SK, KI), pp. 422–431.
CADE-1999-Horacek #proving- Presenting Proofs in a Human-Oriented Way (HH), pp. 142–156.
STOC-1998-CanettiMR #probability- Perfectly One-Way Probabilistic Hash Functions (Preliminary Version) (RC, DM, OR), pp. 131–140.
ICALP-1998-Vardi #automaton #reasoning- Reasoning about The Past with Two-Way Automata (MYV), pp. 628–641.
JICSLP-1998-VanhoofMSV- Specialising the Other Way Arond (WV, BM, DDS, KDV), pp. 279–293.
DAC-1997-FangW #clustering #design #multi- Multi-Way FPGA Partitioning by Fully Exploiting Design Hierarchy (WJF, ACHW), pp. 518–521.
EDTC-1997-RiescoDMCSJ #multi #network #on the- On the way to the 2.5 Gbits/s ATM network ATM multiplexer demultiplexer ASIC (JR, JCD, LAM, JLC, CS, EJM), pp. 218–222.
EDTC-1997-SeongK #clustering #design #layout- Two-way partitioning based on direction vector [layout design] (KSS, CMK), pp. 306–310.
ITiCSE-1997-MeisaloST #data type #education #named- CLAP: teaching data structures in a creative way (VM, ES, JT), pp. 117–119.
WPC-1997-Sayyad-ShirabadLL #comprehension #towards- A Little Knowledge Can Go a Long Way Towards Program Understanding (JSS, TCL, SL), pp. 111–117.
DLT-1997-BuchholzK #bound #on the #power of- On the power of one-way bounded cellular time computers (TB, MK), pp. 365–375.
HCI-CC-1997-MamiyaHSK- A New Way to Overcome the Uneasy Operation of Touch-Sensitive Displays by Incorporating “Click” Mechanism CC Switch (MM, HH, YS, MK), pp. 619–622.
HCI-CC-1997-TrybusV #adaptation #health- Job Adaptation for a Reverse Transformation Dynamics in Pre-Retirement: A Way to Health and Longevity (RJT, VFV), pp. 841–846.
UML-1997-Strahringer #modelling #object-oriented- Ways of Handling and Interpreting Specialization in Object-Oriented Modeling (SS), pp. 170–189.
RE-1997-GuptaJKW #generative #named #performance- Auditdraw: Generating Audits the FAST Way (NKG, LJJ, EK, DMW), pp. 188–197.
TLCA-1997-Stark #equation- Names, Equations, Relations: Practical Ways to Reason about new (IS), pp. 336–353.
ICPR-1996-LaumyDL #approach #comparison #optimisation- Segments matching: comparison between a neural approach and a classical optimization way (ML, MD, JTL), pp. 261–265.
SEKE-1996-Balmas96a #formal method #named #programming #source code- PRISME: Formalizing Programming Strategies as a Way to Understand Programs (FB), pp. 361–368.
ALP-1996-OlveszkyL #order #termination- Order-Sorted Termination: The Unsorted Way (PCÖ, OL), pp. 92–106.
ICRE-1996-WhiteSNS- Project Aurora: Dawn of a New Way (EAW, HTS, LAN, DWS), pp. 165–172.
SAC-1996-CucuccioGS #fuzzy #logic #low cost #performance- W.A.R.P and FUZZYSTUDIO: an easy and fast way to implement, With low cost, fuzzy logic control systems (AC, BG, GS), pp. 580–585.
HPDC-1996-FosterGNST #distributed #empirical #framework #performance- Software Infrastructure for the I-WAY Performance Distributed Computing Experiment (ITF, JG, BN, WS, ST), pp. 562–571.
HPDC-1996-NieplochaH #memory management #programming- Shared Memory NUMA Programming on I-WAY (JN, RJH), pp. 432–441.
DAC-1995-SawkarT #clustering #multi- Multi-way Partitioning for Minimum Delay for Look-Up Table Based FPGAs (PS, DET), pp. 201–205.
ICDAR-v2-1995-CouasnonC #analysis #documentation #music #recognition- A way to separate knowledge from program in structured document analysis: application to optical music recognition (BC, JC), pp. 1092–1097.
DLT-1995-KutribR #automaton #realtime- Real-Time One-Way Pushdown Cellular Automata Languages (MK, JR), pp. 420–429.
CHI-1995-MaltzE #collaboration- Pointing the Way: Active Collaborative Filtering (DM, KE), pp. 202–209.
CAiSE-1995-Lehman #process- Process Improvement — The Way Forward (MML), pp. 1–11.
CAiSE-1995-PlihonR #modelling- Modelling Ways-of-Working (VP, CR), pp. 126–139.
CIKM-1995-LiR- PERF Join: An Alternative to Two-way Semijoin and Bloomjoin (ZL, KAR), pp. 137–144.
ICML-1995-FultonKS #algorithm #multi #performance- Efficient Algorithms for Finding Multi-way Splits for Decision Trees (TF, SK, SS), pp. 244–251.
DAC-1994-AlpertK #clustering #multi #programming- Multi-Way Partitioning Via Spacefilling curves and Dynamic Programming (CJA, ABK), pp. 652–657.
DAC-1994-CongLB #clustering #multi #network- Acyclic Multi-Way Partitioning of Boolean Networks (JC, ZL, RB), pp. 670–675.
DAC-1994-KuznarBZ #clustering #multi- Multi-way Netlist Partitioning into Heterogeneous FPGAs and Minimization of Total Device Cost and Interconnect (RK, FB, BZ), pp. 238–243.
TAGT-1994-KimJ #generative- HRNCE Grammars — A Hypergraph Generating System with an eNCE Way (CK, TEJ), pp. 383–396.
CAiSE-1994-MorenoRS #approach- A Generic Approach to Support a Way-of-Working Definition (MM, CR, CS), pp. 367–379.
SAC-1994-ChretienVLLP #design- The GéoSabrina design: the way to build a GIS above a spatial data server (DC, YV, TL, RL, DP), pp. 328–332.
ICLP-1994-Silcrat #algebra #logic #static analysis- Logic, Algebra and Static Analysis in DM Systems, the IE Way (EDS), p. 744.
DAC-1993-AlpertK #clustering #geometry #multi #performance- Geometric Embeddings for Faster and Better Multi-Way Netlist Partitioning (CJA, ABK), pp. 743–748.
DAC-1993-ChanSZ93a #clustering- Spectral K-Way Ratio-Cut Partitioning and Clustering (PKC, MDFS, JYZ), pp. 749–754.
STOC-1993-JiangL #string- k one-way heads cannot do string-matching (TJ, ML), pp. 62–70.
ICALP-1993-Ablayev #bound #communication #complexity #probability- Lower Bounds for One-way Probabilistic Communication Complexity (FMA), pp. 241–252.
ICALP-1993-IbarraJTW #decidability- New Decidability Results Concerning Two-way Counter Machines and Applications (OHI, TJ, NQT, HW), pp. 313–324.
CIKM-1993-MulhemB- A Way to Compare Objects (PM, MFB), pp. 49–56.
SEI-1992-Grant #education #re-engineering- Software Engineering Education in the 1990s — The Way Foreward (DDG), pp. 11–22.
PLDI-1992-Maslov #dependence #equation #multi #named #performance- Delinearization: An Efficient Way to Break Multiloop Dependence Equations (VM), pp. 152–161.
IWPTS-1992-BlikV #towards- The Way Towards Interoperability (HB, GV), pp. 163–164.
DAC-1991-YehCL #algorithm #clustering #multi- A General Purpose Multiple Way Partitioning Algorithm (CWY, CKC, TTYL), pp. 421–426.
HT-1991-Gloor #named #navigation- CYBERMAP: Yet Another Way of Navigating in Hyperspace (PAG), pp. 107–121.
ICALP-1991-KanepsF #automaton #probability #regular expression- Running Time to Recognize Nonregular Languages by 2-Way Probabilistic Automata (JK, RF), pp. 174–185.
VDME-1991-1-WingZ #specification- Unintrusive Ways to Integrate Formal Specifications in Practice (JMW, AMZ), pp. 545–569.
SIGIR-1991-Sutcliffe #distributed #information retrieval #using- Distributed Representations in a Text Based Information Retrieval System: A New Way of Using the Vector Space Model (RFES), pp. 123–132.
CSL-1991-BarguryM #automaton #multi #power of #transitive- The Expressive Power of Transitive Closue and 2-way Multihead Automata (YB, JAM), pp. 1–14.
STOC-1990-Rompel- One-Way Functions are Necessary and Sufficient for Secure Signatures (JR), pp. 387–394.
ICALP-1990-Anselmo #automaton #multi- Two-Way Automata with Multiplicity (MA), pp. 88–102.
STOC-1989-GoldreichL- A Hard-Core Predicate for all One-Way Functions (OG, LAL), pp. 25–32.
STOC-1989-ImpagliazzoLL #generative #pseudo- Pseudo-random Generation from one-way functions (Extended Abstracts) (RI, LAL, ML), pp. 12–24.
STOC-1989-ImpagliazzoR #permutation- Limits on the Provable Consequences of One-Way Permutations (RI, SR), pp. 44–61.
STOC-1989-NaorY #encryption- Universal One-Way Hash Functions and their Cryptographic Applications (MN, MY), pp. 33–43.
SEKE-1989-WuCZT #identification #morphism #novel #query #subclass- A Novel Way 1o Identify IneguaIity Query Subclasses Which possess the Homomorphism Property (TW, JLC, NZ, KT), pp. 158–163.
CSL-1989-Ohlbach #first-order #logic #multi #proving- New Ways for Developing Proof Theories for First-Order Multi Modal Logics (HJO), pp. 271–308.
ICALP-1987-IbarraJ #array #on the #power of- On the Computing Power of One-Way Cellular Arrays (OHI, TJ), pp. 550–562.
POPL-1987-Wadler #abstraction #named #pattern matching- Views: A Way for Pattern Matching to Cohabit with Data Abstraction (PW), pp. 307–313.
PODS-1986-BancilhonMSU #logic programming #set #source code- Magic Sets and Other Strange Ways to Implement Logic Programs (FB, DM, YS, JDU), pp. 1–15.
STOC-1986-KoLD #morphism #polynomial- A Note on One-Way Functions and Polynomial-Time Isomorphisms (Extended Abstract) (KIK, TJL, DZD), pp. 295–303.
GG-1986-Rozenberg #graph- An introduction to the NLC way of rewriting graphs (GR), pp. 55–66.
SLP-1986-JosephsonD86 #implementation- An Implementation of Narrowing: The RITE Way (NAJ, ND), pp. 187–197.
STOC-1985-Levin #generative #pseudo- One-Way Functions and Pseudorandom Generators (LAL), pp. 363–365.
ICALP-1985-Chrobak #automaton #multi- Hierarchies of One-Way Multihead Automata Languages (MC), pp. 101–110.
ICSE-1985-YellinM #attribute grammar- Two-Way Translators Based on Attribute Grammar Inversion (DMY, EMMM), pp. 36–42.
STOC-1984-Gerth #composition #how #logic- Transition Logic: How to Reason About Temporal Properties in a Compositional Way (RG), pp. 39–50.
ICALP-1983-MannaP #precedence #proving- Proving Precedence Properties: The Temporal Way (ZM, AP), pp. 491–512.
STOC-1981-DurisG #automaton- Fooling a Two-Way Automaton or One Pushdown Store Is Better Than One Counter for Two Way Machines (Preliminary Version) (PD, ZG), pp. 177–188.
SIGMOD-1980-Kim- A New Way to Compute the Product and Join of Relations (WK), pp. 179–187.
DAC-1979-Rath- Hughes S&CG custom LSI layouts — “we did it our way” (RRR), pp. 392–397.
POPL-1979-Banning #alias #performance- An Efficient Way to Find Side Effects of Procedure Calls and Aliases of Variables (JB), pp. 29–41.
STOC-1978-EngelfrietRS #transducer- Tree Transducers, L Systems and Two-Way Machines (Extended Abstract) (JE, GR, GS), pp. 66–74.
STOC-1978-SakodaS #automaton #finite #nondeterminism- Nondeterminism and the Size of Two Way Finite Automata (WJS, MS), pp. 275–286.
ICALP-1977-ChytilJ #composition #finite #source code #string #transducer- Serial Composition of 2-Way Finite-State Transducers and Simple Programs on Strings (MC, VJ), pp. 135–147.
STOC-1971-Rajlich #finite #parallel #transducer- Absolutely Parallel Grammars and Two-Way Deterministic Finite-State Transducers (VR), pp. 132–137.