562 papers:
CASE-2015-CheongSB #ad hoc #automation #optimisation- Ad-hoc automated teller machine failure forecast and field service optimization (MLFC, KPS, BCB), pp. 1427–1433.
CASE-2015-JiangSLZ #database #estimation #physics- Physical field estimation from CFD database and sparse sensor observations (CJ, YCS, HL, HZ), pp. 1294–1299.
CASE-2015-KaoLJ #mobile- Application of potential field method and optimal path planning to mobile robot control (CCK, CML, JGJ), pp. 1552–1554.
CASE-2015-LatulippeM- Dipole field controlled micro- and nanomanipulation (ML, SM), pp. 1601–1607.
CASE-2015-NetoCHS #approximate #optimisation- A piecewise linear-quadratic approximation for production optimization of gas-lifted oil fields (LRN, EC, RH, TLS), pp. 793–798.
CASE-2015-TorresP #multi #using- Cooperative control of multiple untethered magnetic microrobots using a single magnetic field source (NAT, DOP), pp. 1608–1613.
CASE-2015-YuYS #multi- Motion planning and manipulation of multiple nanowires simultaneouly under electric-fields in fluid suspension (KY, JY, JS), pp. 489–494.
DAC-2015-ChenSC #flexibility- A SPICE model of flexible transition metal dichalcogenide field-effect transistors (YYC, ZS, DC), p. 6.
DAC-2015-JangPGB #self- Self-correcting STTRAM under magnetic field attacks (JWJ, JP, SG, SB), p. 6.
DATE-2015-RiefertCSRB #automation #generative #on the #source code- On the automatic generation of SBST test programs for in-field test (AR, RC, MS, MSR, BB), pp. 1186–1191.
DATE-2015-SunKPE #algebra #geometry #using #verification- Formal verification of sequential Galois field arithmetic circuits using algebraic geometry (XS, PK, TP, FE), pp. 1623–1628.
DRR-2015-ClawsonB #automation- Intelligent indexing: a semi-automated, trainable system for field labeling (RC, WAB).
ICSME-2015-BaloghABVGV #developer #identification #interactive- Identifying wasted effort in the field via developer interaction data (GB, GA, ÁB, LV, TG, AZV), pp. 391–400.
STOC-2015-BhowmickL- The List Decoding Radius of Reed-Muller Codes over Small Fields (AB, SL), pp. 277–285.
CHI-2015-AlmuhimediSSAAG #case study #exclamation #mobile #privacy- Your Location has been Shared 5, 398 Times!: A Field Study on Mobile App Privacy Nudging (HA, FS, NMS, IA, AA, JG, LFC, YA), pp. 787–796.
CHI-2015-JohnsonRMT #collaboration #how- Can You See Me Now?: How Field of View Affects Collaboration in Robotic Telepresence (SJ, IR, BM, LT), pp. 2397–2406.
DHM-EH-2015-YamamotoABKGO- Caregiver’s Eye Gaze and Field of View Presumption Method During Bathing Care in Elderly Facility (AY, TA, HCBJ, NK, AG, TO), pp. 524–532.
DUXU-UI-2015-ZhuSK #case study #design #smarttech- A Field Study on Basic Usage Patterns of Traditional Watch and Smart Phone for Designing Smart Watch (ZZ, HS, SWK), pp. 597–608.
HCI-IT-2015-AdhikarlaJS #design #evaluation #gesture #interactive- Design and Evaluation of Freehand Gesture Interaction for Light Field Display (VKA, GJ, JS), pp. 54–65.
HCI-IT-2015-SakoNK #estimation #random- Violin Fingering Estimation According to the Performer’s Skill Level Based on Conditional Random Field (SS, WN, TK), pp. 485–494.
HIMI-IKC-2015-FilhoHTJM #smarttech #using- Using Wearable and Contextual Computing to Optimize Field Engineering Work Practices (RSSF, CLH, AT, JJ, PM), pp. 522–533.
ICML-2015-JerniteRS #approach #learning #markov #modelling #performance #random- A Fast Variational Approach for Learning Markov Random Field Language Models (YJ, AMR, DS), pp. 2209–2217.
ICML-2015-TanseyPSR #exponential #markov #product line #random- Vector-Space Markov Random Fields via Exponential Families (WT, OHMP, ASS, PR), pp. 684–692.
KDD-2015-White #enterprise- Data Science from the Lab to the Field to the Enterprise (CW), p. 1637.
SIGIR-2015-ZhiltsovKN #ad hoc #dependence #retrieval #web- Fielded Sequential Dependence Model for Ad-Hoc Entity Retrieval in the Web of Data (NZ, AK, FN), pp. 253–262.
ESEC-FSE-2015-RotellaCG #predict #reliability- Predicting field reliability (PR, SC, DG), pp. 986–989.
ICSE-v2-2015-AugustineFQSSBF #case study #navigation- A Field Study on Fostering Structural Navigation with Prodet (VA, PF, XQ, DCS, WS, CB, TF), pp. 229–238.
ISMM-2015-OsterlundL #concurrent #protocol #using- Concurrent compaction using a field pinning protocol (EÖ, WL), pp. 56–69.
CASE-2014-LeeSP #automation- Automatic optimal control of Field Assisted Sintering Technology (JL, JS, VP), pp. 764–769.
DAC-2014-EkenZWJLC #self- A New Field-assisted Access Scheme of STT-RAM with Self-reference Capability (EE, YZ, WW, RVJ, HL, YC), p. 6.
DAC-2014-PrussKE #abstraction #equivalence #scalability #using #verification- Equivalence Verification of Large Galois Field Arithmetic Circuits using Word-Level Abstraction via Gröbner Bases (TP, PK, FE), p. 6.
DAC-2014-RoyMIT #multi #performance- Tile Before Multiplication: An Efficient Strategy to Optimize DSP Multiplier for Accelerating Prime Field ECC for NIST Curves (DBR, DM, MI, JT), p. 6.
DRR-2014-TaoTX #documentation #learning #random #using- Document page structure learning for fixed-layout e-books using conditional random fields (XT, ZT, CX), p. ?–9.
CSMR-WCRE-2014-XiaLWSZ #debugging #empirical- An empirical study of bug report field reassignment (XX, DL, MW, ES, BZ), pp. 174–183.
ICPC-2014-KaulgudAMT #comprehension #learning- Comprehension support during knowledge transitions: learning from field (VSK, KMA, JM, GT), pp. 205–206.
ICSME-2014-Syer #evolution #maintenance #performance #testing- The Maintenance and Evolution of Field-Representative Performance Tests (MDS), p. 665.
PLDI-2014-ArztRFBBKTOM #analysis #android #named #precise- FlowDroid: precise context, flow, field, object-sensitive and lifecycle-aware taint analysis for Android apps (SA, SR, CF, EB, AB, JK, YLT, DO, PM), p. 29.
PLDI-2014-Simon #polymorphism- Optimal inference of fields in row-polymorphic records (AS), p. 13.
STOC-2014-EisentragerHK0 #algorithm #quantum- A quantum algorithm for computing the unit group of an arbitrary degree number field (KE, SH, AK, FS), pp. 293–302.
ICALP-v1-2014-KoppartyKS #finite #performance- Efficient Indexing of Necklaces and Irreducible Polynomials over Finite Fields (SK, MK, MES), pp. 726–737.
FM-2014-PonzioRAF #bound #performance- Efficient Tight Field Bounds Computation Based on Shape Predicates (PP, NR, NA, MFF), pp. 531–546.
CHI-2014-0005LACFS #facebook #privacy- A field trial of privacy nudges for facebook (YW, PGL, AA, LFC, AF, NMS), pp. 2367–2376.
CHI-2014-CostanzaFCRRJ #energy- Doing the laundry with agents: a field trial of a future smart energy system in the home (EC, JEF, JAC, TR, SDR, NRJ), pp. 813–822.
CHI-2014-FitchettCG #design #evaluation- Finder highlights: field evaluation and design of an augmented file browser (SF, AC, CG), pp. 3685–3694.
CHI-2014-GocTIK #3d #interactive #low cost #mobile- A low-cost transparent electric field sensor for 3d interaction on mobile devices (MLG, ST, SI, CK), pp. 3167–3170.
CHI-2014-MaudererCNV- Depth perception with gaze-contingent depth of field (MM, SC, MAN, DV), pp. 217–226.
CHI-2014-MullerET #case study #named- Communiplay: a field study of a public display mediaspace (JM, DE, KT), pp. 1415–1424.
CHI-2014-OdomSBKRSFZ #case study #design- Designing for slowness, anticipation and re-visitation: a long term field study of the photobox (WO, AS, RB, DSK, TR, MS, JF, JZ), pp. 1961–1970.
CHI-2014-SoloveyZPRM #performance #using- Classifying driver workload using physiological and driving performance data: two field studies (ETS, MZ, EAGP, BR, BM), pp. 4057–4066.
DHM-2014-OtaEH- Future Applied Conventional Technology Engineering New Academic Fields from Manufacturing Country JAPAN (TO, AE, HH), pp. 185–196.
DHM-2014-YamamotoKGOAYB- Caregiver’s Gaze and Field of View Presumption Method During Bath Care in the Elderly Facility (AY, NK, AG, TO, TA, SY, HBJ), pp. 78–87.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-MontAlvao #bibliography #health #using- Health Care Professionals vs Other Professionals: Do They Have Different Perceptions about Health Care Waste and Dangerous Products Pictograms? Some Findings Using a Digital Device in Field Survey (CRM), pp. 83–90.
HCI-TMT-2014-HoroldMK #guidelines #testing #usability- Guidelines for Usability Field Tests in the Dynamic Contexts of Public Transport (SH, CM, HK), pp. 489–499.
HCI-TMT-2014-MayasHRK #testing #usability- Evaluating Methods and Equipment for Usability Field Tests in Public Transport (CM, SH, CR, HK), pp. 545–553.
HIMI-DE-2014-LeeLS14a #communication #development- Development of Digital-Device-Based Cooperation Support System to Aid Communication between MCR Operators and Field Workers in Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) (SML, HCL, PHS), pp. 483–490.
EDOC-2014-WeissK #lifecycle #multi- A Life Cycle for Coupled Multi-scale, Multi-field Experiments Realized through Choreographies (AW, DK), pp. 234–241.
ECIR-2014-MarcheggianiTE0 #aspect-oriented #mining #multi #random- Hierarchical Multi-label Conditional Random Fields for Aspect-Oriented Opinion Mining (DM, OT, AE, FS), pp. 273–285.
ICML-c2-2014-AhmedTBZDKB #detection #random- Hierarchical Conditional Random Fields for Outlier Detection: An Application to Detecting Epileptogenic Cortical Malformations (BA, TT, KB, YZ, OD, RK, CEB), pp. 1080–1088.
ICML-c2-2014-LinYHY #distance #learning- Geodesic Distance Function Learning via Heat Flow on Vector Fields (BL, JY, XH, JY), pp. 145–153.
ICML-c2-2014-MizrahiDF #learning #linear #markov #parallel #random- Linear and Parallel Learning of Markov Random Fields (YDM, MD, NdF), pp. 199–207.
ICPR-2014-AfridiLM #automation #rating- An Automated System for Plant-Level Disease Rating in Real Fields (MJA, XL, JMM), pp. 148–153.
ICPR-2014-DongSFBC #3d- Three-Dimensional Deconvolution of Wide Field Microscopy with Sparse Priors: Application to Zebrafish Imagery (BD, LS, AFF, OB, MDC), pp. 865–870.
ICPR-2014-HusainDT #random #using- Recognizing Point Clouds Using Conditional Random Fields (FH, BD, CT), pp. 4257–4262.
ICPR-2014-KaradagV #image #markov #random- Fusion of Image Segmentations under Markov, Random Fields (ÖÖK, FTYV), pp. 930–935.
ICPR-2014-McCloskey- Masking Light Fields to Remove Partial Occlusion (SM), pp. 2053–2058.
ICPR-2014-WangCH #hybrid #markov #multi #random #using #video- Wide Baseline Multi-view Video Matting Using a Hybrid Markov Random Field (TW, JPC, AH), pp. 136–141.
ICPR-2014-Yasuda #effectiveness- Effective Mean-Field Inference Method for Nonnegative Boltzmann Machines (MY), pp. 3600–3605.
ICPR-2014-YunJYKC #detection #interactive #video- Motion Interaction Field for Accident Detection in Traffic Surveillance Video (KY, HJ, KMY, SWK, JYC), pp. 3062–3067.
KDIR-2014-KudamaL #random #semantics #using- Semantic Annotation of UMLS using Conditional Random Fields (SK, RBL), pp. 335–341.
CC-2014-MadsenA #analysis #string- String Analysis for Dynamic Field Access (MM, EA), pp. 197–217.
ICST-2014-KifetewJTOT #grammarware #source code- Reproducing Field Failures for Programs with Complex Grammar-Based Input (FMK, WJ, RT, AO, PT), pp. 163–172.
CASE-2013-GiulianiCP #analysis #optimisation- A computational analysis of nondifferentiable optimization: Applications to production maximization in gas-lifted oil fields (CMG, EC, AP), pp. 286–291.
CASE-2013-LaSC #mobile #network- Cooperative and active sensing in mobile sensor networks for scalar field mapping (HML, WS, JC), pp. 831–836.
DAC-2013-GrissomB #programmable- A field-programmable pin-constrained digital microfluidic biochip (DG, PB), p. 9.
DAC-2013-JiangYXCE #3d #effectiveness #on the #performance- On effective and efficient in-field TSV repair for stacked 3D ICs (LJ, FY, QX, KC, BE), p. 6.
DATE-2013-ChenRSIFC #analysis #process- A SPICE-compatible model of graphene nano-ribbon field-effect transistors enabling circuit-level delay and power analysis under process variation (YYC, AR, AS, GI, GF, DC), pp. 1789–1794.
DocEng-2013-SatkhozhinaAA #random #recognition #using- Optical font recognition using conditional random field (AS, IA, JPA), pp. 119–122.
DRR-2013-ClawsonBCPKRB #automation #recognition- Automated recognition and extraction of tabular fields for the indexing of census records (RC, KB, GC, MP, DJK, JR, WAB).
ICDAR-2013-DelayeL #documentation #online #random- Graphics Extraction from Heterogeneous Online Documents with Hierarchical Random Fields (AD, CLL), pp. 1007–1011.
ICDAR-2013-RayCC #random #recognition #using- Character Recognition Using Conditional Random Field Based Recognition Engine (AR, AC, SC), pp. 18–22.
ICDAR-2013-RusinolBD #documentation #incremental- Field Extraction from Administrative Documents by Incremental Structural Templates (MR, TB, VPD), pp. 1100–1104.
ICDAR-2013-ShivramZSNG #online #random #recognition #segmentation #word- Segmentation Based Online Word Recognition: A Conditional Random Field Driven Beam Search Strategy (AS, BZ, SS, MN, VG), pp. 852–856.
ICDAR-2013-ZhouTLW #markov #random #recognition #using- Minimum Risk Training for Handwritten Chinese/Japanese Text Recognition Using Semi-Markov Conditional Random Fields (XDZ, FT, CLL, HW), pp. 940–944.
CSMR-2013-SneedE #java #migration- Migrating AS400-COBOL to Java: A Report from the Field (HMS, KE), pp. 231–240.
CHI-2013-BardramFSFVK #design #health #mobile- Designing mobile health technology for bipolar disorder: a field trial of the monarca system (JEB, MF, KS, MFJ, MV, LVK), pp. 2627–2636.
CHI-2013-ChilanaKWG #case study #crowdsourcing #multi- A multi-site field study of crowdsourced contextual help: usage and perspectives of end users and software teams (PKC, AJK, JOW, TG), pp. 217–226.
CHI-2013-JacksonB #framework- Infrastructure and vocation: field, calling and computation in ecology (SJJ, SB), pp. 2873–2882.
CHI-2013-TamMMK #design- The design and field observation of a haptic notification system for timing awareness during oral presentations (DT, KEM, JM, KJK), pp. 1689–1698.
CHI-2013-ZhuZHKK #empirical #feedback #wiki- Effects of peer feedback on contribution: a field experiment in Wikipedia (HZ, AZ, JH, REK, AK), pp. 2253–2262.
CSCW-2013-Velden #community #difference- Explaining field differences in openness and sharing in scientific communities (TV), pp. 445–458.
DHM-HB-2013-NettenDG #behaviour #case study #metric- Chair Based Measurements of Sitting Behavior a Field Study of Sitting Postures and Sitting Time in Office Work (MPN, LHMvdD, RHMG), pp. 261–268.
DUXU-CXC-2013-NishimuraKNYFHMWSSM #design #interactive- Participatory Interaction Design for the Healthcare Service Field (TN, MK, MN, KCY, TF, MH, HM, KW, YS, TS, YM), pp. 435–441.
DUXU-NTE-2013-KulkarniW #energy #using- Classifying Energy-Related Events Using Electromagnetic Field Signatures (ASK, KCW), pp. 105–111.
DUXU-PMT-2013-BellowsHY #approach #design #difference #research- An Individual Differences Approach to Design Fixation: Comparing Laboratory and Field Research (BGB, JFH, RJY), pp. 13–21.
DUXU-WM-2013-BreuerWU- User-Centered Soft Innovation in Established Business Fields (HB, ZW, EU), pp. 3–12.
HCI-IMT-2013-KarunanayakaSENG #interface- Magnetic Field Based Near Surface Haptic and Pointing Interface (KK, SS, CPE, RN, GP), pp. 601–609.
HIMI-HSM-2013-MizutaniKSASUKSI #development #eye tracking #visual notation- Development of Screening Visual Field Test Application that Use Eye Movement (MM, KK, SS, TA, TS, MU, SK, MS, TI), pp. 291–300.
ICEIS-v1-2013-ZaamouneBPB #analysis #approach #multi #relational- A New Relational Spatial OLAP Approach for Multi-resolution and Spatio-multidimensional Analysis of Incomplete Field Data (MZ, SB, FP, PB), pp. 145–152.
ICML-c3-2013-KraehenbuehlK #convergence #learning #parametricity #random- Parameter Learning and Convergent Inference for Dense Random Fields (PK, VK), pp. 513–521.
ICML-c3-2013-WytockK #algorithm #energy #random #theory and practice- Sparse Gaussian Conditional Random Fields: Algorithms, Theory, and Application to Energy Forecasting (MW, JZK), pp. 1265–1273.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-Lindner #constraints #parsing #random #using- Using Conditional Random Fields with Constraints to Train Support Vector Machines — Locating and Parsing Bibliographic References (SL), pp. 28–36.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-MelnichenkoB #automation #image #low level #random- Automatic Image Annotation with Low-level Features and Conditional Random Fields (AM, AB), pp. 197–201.
MLDM-2013-SouzaP #random #recognition #word- Sign Language Recognition with Support Vector Machines and Hidden Conditional Random Fields: Going from Fingerspelling to Natural Articulated Words (CRdS, EBP), pp. 84–98.
SIGIR-2013-RaiberK #clustering #documentation #markov #random #ranking #using- Ranking document clusters using markov random fields (FR, OK), pp. 333–342.
SAC-2013-MaiaB #modelling #network #performance #predict #query- Sensor-field modeling based on in-network data prediction: an efficient strategy for answering complex queries in wireless sensor networks (JEBM, AB), pp. 554–559.
ICSE-2013-BellomoNO #agile #case study- A study of enabling factors for rapid fielding: combined practices to balance speed and stability (SB, RLN, IO), pp. 982–991.
ICSE-2013-BellSK #lightweight #named- Chronicler: lightweight recording to reproduce field failures (JB, NS, GEK), pp. 362–371.
ICSE-2013-Jin #debugging- Reproducing and debugging field failures in house (WJ), pp. 1441–1443.
ISSTA-2013-JinO #fault #locality #named- F3: fault localization for field failures (WJ, AO), pp. 213–223.
ISSTA-2013-RosnerGBBRPZF #analysis #bound #invariant #parallel #refinement- Parallel bounded analysis in code with rich invariants by refinement of field bounds (NR, JPG, SB, GMB, SPDR, LP, LZ, MFF), pp. 23–33.
ASE-2012-ThungLLJRD #debugging #detection #empirical #fault #tool support #what- To what extent could we detect field defects? an empirical study of false negatives in static bug finding tools (FT, L, DL, LJ, FR, PTD), pp. 50–59.
CASE-2012-KimKHHL #framework #using- A robot platform for unmanned weeding in a paddy field using sensor fusion (GHK, SCK, YKH, KSH, SGL), pp. 904–907.
CASE-2012-VoseUL- Manipulation with vibratory velocity fields on a tilted plate (THV, PU, KML), pp. 942–949.
DAC-2012-PaekMSSK #markov #named #random- PowerField: a transient temperature-to-power technique based on Markov random field theory (SP, SHM, WS, JS, LSK), pp. 630–635.
DATE-2012-LvKE #multi #performance #reduction #verification- Efficient Gröbner basis reductions for formal verification of galois field multipliers (JL, PK, FE), pp. 899–904.
ICSM-2012-BiegelBHD #developer #how #order- The Order of Things: How developers sort fields and methods (BB, FB, WH, SD), pp. 88–97.
STOC-2012-GuruswamiX- Folded codes from function field towers and improved optimal rate list decoding (VG, CX), pp. 339–350.
CHI-2012-KjeldskovSPP #case study #mobile #using- Using mobile phones to support sustainability: a field study of residential electricity consumption (JK, MBS, JP, RP), pp. 2347–2356.
CHI-2012-LeeKFR #case study #embedded #social- Ripple effects of an embedded social agent: a field study of a social robot in the workplace (MKL, SBK, JF, PER), pp. 695–704.
CHI-2012-MullerWBNA #case study- Looking glass: a field study on noticing interactivity of a shop window (JM, RW, GB, MN, FA), pp. 297–306.
CHI-2012-OganWBRCLC #case study #collaboration #design #recommendation- Collaboration in cognitive tutor use in latin America: field study and design recommendations (AO, EW, RSJdB, GRM, MJC, TL, AMJBdC), pp. 1381–1390.
CHI-2012-SundarOBJK #empirical #self- Interactivity as self-expression: a field experiment with customization and blogging (SSS, JO, SB, HJ, HSK), pp. 395–404.
CSCW-2012-FarzanKPK #community #empirical #online #volunteer- Socializing volunteers in an online community: a field experiment (RF, RK, AP, JAK), pp. 325–334.
CSCW-2012-LiuWLWD #named- HappyGo: a field trial of local group buying (HL, WW, DL, HW, ND), pp. 505–508.
ICEIS-v2-2012-MunozMJ #comprehension- Storm as a Model for Measuring Understanding of Electrical Field (MMM, JAGdM, MLJ), pp. 59–62.
ECIR-2012-KimC #documentation #retrieval- A Field Relevance Model for Structured Document Retrieval (JK, WBC), pp. 97–108.
ICPR-2012-DriraADSB #3d #novel #random #recognition- 3D dynamic expression recognition based on a novel Deformation Vector Field and Random Forest (HD, BBA, MD, AS, SB), pp. 1104–1107.
ICPR-2012-Ho #approach #detection #effectiveness- An effective vortex detection approach for velocity vector field (SSH), pp. 2643–2646.
ICPR-2012-KisilevFWTN #image- DFlow and DField: New features for capturing object and image relationships (PK, DF, EW, AT, YN), pp. 3590–3593.
ICPR-2012-MandalRP #documentation- Date field extraction in handwritten documents (RM, PPR, UP), pp. 533–536.
ICPR-2012-MolnarKJ #multi- A multi-layer phase field model for extracting multiple near-circular objects (CM, ZK, IJ), pp. 1427–1430.
ICPR-2012-NguyenJ #metric- Enhancing motion field with OA-filter and alternative measurement (DDN, JWJ), pp. 870–873.
ICPR-2012-ShiraiOI #component #composition #image- Color-line vector field and local color component decomposition for smoothing and denoising of color images (KS, MO, MI), pp. 3050–3053.
ICPR-2012-SuLT #documentation #framework #image #learning #markov #random #using- A learning framework for degraded document image binarization using Markov Random Field (BS, SL, CLT), pp. 3200–3203.
ICPR-2012-TagawaMY- 8-D reflectance field for computational photography (ST, YM, YY), pp. 2181–2185.
ICPR-2012-TaniyamaH #image #recognition #robust- Robust car License Plate Recognition system verified with 163, 574 images captured in fields (KT, KH), pp. 1273–1276.
KDD-2012-JiLHCH #parallel #ranking- Parallel field ranking (MJ, BL, XH, DC, JH), pp. 723–731.
KDIR-2012-ChueaphunKMC #nearest neighbour #random #recognition #using- Lanna Dharma Printed Character Recognition using k-Nearest Neighbor and Conditional Random Fields (CC, AK, SM, JC), pp. 169–174.
KDIR-2012-LindnerH #constraints #learning #maintenance #parsing #random- Parsing and Maintaining Bibliographic References — Semi-supervised Learning of Conditional Random Fields with Constraints (SL, WH), pp. 233–238.
KEOD-2012-ZainolN #design #process- Conflict Resolution in Overlapping Information Fields for Context-based Activity Design (ZZ, KN), pp. 190–195.
KMIS-2012-RezendeLBJMRB #framework #information management #modelling- Modelling and Knowledge Management in the Field of Road Infrastructure Operation and Regulation — Study on the Methods Application in an Organizational Unit (LR, MAL, CRNB, JdLPCJ, LAM, SAR, CAMB), pp. 265–268.
SAC-2012-DasguptaK #analysis #precise #using- Precise shape analysis using field sensitivity (SD, AK), pp. 1300–1307.
FSE-2012-KimZN #case study #challenge #refactoring- A field study of refactoring challenges and benefits (MK, TZ, NN), p. 50.
ICSE-2012-JinO #debugging #named- BugRedux: Reproducing field failures for in-house debugging (WJ, AO), pp. 474–484.
ASE-2011-ParizekL #identification #traversal- Identifying future field accesses in exhaustive state space traversal (PP, OL), pp. 93–102.
CASE-2011-FalconiPB #modelling #network- Potential field-based microscopic modeling of road networks with heterogeneous vehicular traffic (RF, AP, CB), pp. 226–231.
CASE-2011-LeH #analysis #random- Marginal analysis on binary pairwise Gibbs random fields (TL, CNH), pp. 316–321.
DAC-2011-Jandhyala #automation #design #network #social #tool support #web- Physics-based field-theoretic design automation tools for social networks and web search (VJ), pp. 280–281.
DAC-2011-SorgenfreiS #detection #using- Single-molecule electronic detection using nanoscale field-effect devices (SS, KLS), pp. 712–717.
DAC-2011-WangTW #metric #optimisation- In-field aging measurement and calibration for power-performance optimization (SW, MT, LW), pp. 706–711.
DATE-2011-DrmanacSWWA #multi #optimisation #parametricity #predict #testing- Multidimensional parametric test set optimization of wafer probe data for predicting in field failures and setting tighter test limits (DGD, NS, LW, LCW, MSA), pp. 794–799.
ICDAR-2011-LiuC #image- Binarizing the Courtesy Amount Field on Color Chinese Bank Check Images (DL, YC), pp. 774–778.
ICDAR-2011-MandalRP #documentation #random #segmentation #using- Signature Segmentation from Machine Printed Documents Using Conditional Random Field (RM, PPR, UP), pp. 1170–1174.
ICDAR-2011-PengCPN #random #using #video- Text Extraction from Video Using Conditional Random Fields (XP, HC, RP, PN), pp. 1029–1033.
ICDAR-2011-VinelDA #feature model #linear #optimisation #random- Joint Optimization of Hidden Conditional Random Fields and Non Linear Feature Extraction (AV, TMTD, TA), pp. 513–517.
ICDAR-2011-ZhangLYDW #random #recognition #using- An Improved Scene Text Extraction Method Using Conditional Random Field and Optical Character Recognition (HZ, CL, CY, XD, KW), pp. 708–712.
ICDAR-2011-ZhouYWWNL #random #using- Transcript Mapping for Handwritten Text Lines Using Conditional Random Fields (XDZ, FY, DHW, QFW, MN, CLL), pp. 58–62.
ICSM-2011-DhaliwalKZ #case study #debugging- Classifying field crash reports for fixing bugs: A case study of Mozilla Firefox (TD, FK, YZ), pp. 333–342.
ICSM-2011-KhomhCZSD #fault #predict #testing #using- Predicting post-release defects using pre-release field testing results (FK, BC, YZ, AS, DD), pp. 253–262.
WCRE-2011-KhomhCZH #approach #case study #evaluation- An Entropy Evaluation Approach for Triaging Field Crashes: A Case Study of Mozilla Firefox (FK, BC, YZ, AEH), pp. 261–270.
STOC-2011-Kopparty #complexity #finite #on the- On the complexity of powering in finite fields (SK), pp. 489–498.
STOC-2011-SaxenaS #bound #matter #testing- Blackbox identity testing for bounded top fanin depth-3 circuits: the field doesn’t matter (NS, CS), pp. 431–440.
DLT-J-2010-RigoW11 #finite #logic #set- Logical Characterization of Recognizable Sets of polynomials over a Finite Field (MR, LW), pp. 1549–1563.
CHI-2011-BrownRS #challenge- Into the wild: challenges and opportunities for field trial methods (BB, SR, SS), pp. 1657–1666.
CHI-2011-HechtHSC #twitter- Tweets from Justin Bieber’s heart: the dynamics of the location field in user profiles (BH, LH, BS, EHC), pp. 237–246.
CHI-2011-QuinnB #bibliography #taxonomy- Human computation: a survey and taxonomy of a growing field (AJQ, BBB), pp. 1403–1412.
CHI-2011-ZimmermanTGYHATHS #co-evolution #design- Field trial of Tiramisu: crowd-sourcing bus arrival times to spur co-design (JZ, AT, CG, DY, CH, RA, NRT, YH, AS), pp. 1677–1686.
HCI-ITE-2011-OzakiMYS #communication #design #multi- Design of a Face-to-Face Multilingual Communication System for a Handheld Device in the Medical Field (SO, TM, TY, AS), pp. 378–386.
HCI-MIIE-2011-CasillasM #documentation #process- Field to File: A Tool for Activity Documentation Work in Remote Mobility Environments (RC, ALM), pp. 3–12.
HCI-UA-2011-FiddianBMFCKML #case study #design- An End User and Environment Field Study for an Inclusive Design of Consumer Products (TF, CB, MM, AF, JOC, PTK, YM, ML), pp. 443–452.
HCI-UA-2011-KimuraF #communication #comprehension #design- Design of Communication Field for Leading to Satisfied Understanding: Example of High-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal in Japan (HK, MF), pp. 354–359.
HIMI-v1-2011-YanoAFJ #modelling #performance #predict #process- Feasibility Study of Predictive Human Performance Modeling Technique in Field Activities (NY, TA, SF, BEJ), pp. 180–189.
HIMI-v2-2011-FagerstromG #empirical #facebook #network #social #using- Co-Creation of Value through Social Network Marketing: A Field Experiment Using a Facebook Campaign to Increase Conversion Rate (AF, GG), pp. 229–235.
CIKM-2011-LiuCZH #learning #random- Learning conditional random fields with latent sparse features for acronym expansion finding (JL, JC, YZ, YH), pp. 867–872.
ECIR-2011-ZhouH #comprehension #learning #natural language #random- Learning Conditional Random Fields from Unaligned Data for Natural Language Understanding (DZ, YH), pp. 283–288.
ICML-2011-Gould #learning #linear #markov #random- Max-margin Learning for Lower Linear Envelope Potentials in Binary Markov Random Fields (SG), pp. 193–200.
SIGIR-2011-WangWZH #learning #online #random- Learning online discussion structures by conditional random fields (HW, CW, CZ, JH), pp. 435–444.
SAC-2011-LinCL #data-driven #navigation- Service-oriented dynamic data driven application systems to potential field method vehicle navigation (SYL, KMC, CCL), pp. 462–467.
ICSE-2011-ClauseO #automation #named- Camouflage: automated anonymization of field data (JAC, AO), pp. 21–30.
ICSE-2011-SpotoE- Inference of field initialization (FS, MDE), pp. 231–240.
DocEng-2010-SpenglerG #documentation #layout #random #web- Document structure meets page layout: loopy random fields for web news content extraction (AS, PG), pp. 151–160.
VLDB-2010-AilamakiHJMOW- Time for Our Field to Grow Up (AA, LMH, HVJ, DM, MTÖ, MW), p. 1658.
ICPC-2010-ChanZHS #testing #visualisation- Visualizing the Results of Field Testing (BC, YZ, AEH, AS), pp. 114–123.
SCAM-2010-Graf #dependence #generative- Speeding Up Context-, Object- and Field-Sensitive SDG Generation (JG), pp. 105–114.
SAS-2010-AlbertAGPD #analysis #approach- From Object Fields to Local Variables: A Practical Approach to Field-Sensitive Analysis (EA, PA, SG, GP, DVRD), pp. 100–116.
CHI-2010-BohmeK #empirical- Trained to accept?: a field experiment on consent dialogs (RB, SK), pp. 2403–2406.
CHI-2010-Civan-HartzlerMPSMP #design- Bringing the field into focus: user-centered design of a patient expertise locator (ACH, DWM, CP, MMS, MM, WP), pp. 1675–1684.
CHI-2010-FlorLJPKC #case study #mobile #process- The case of the disappearing Ox: a field study of mobile activity and context logging (GdlF, PL, MJ, JP, RK, AC), pp. 473–482.
CHI-2010-KarkkainenVV #case study #mobile #process- I don’t mind being logged, but want to remain in control: a field study of mobile activity and context logging (TK, TV, KVVM), pp. 163–172.
CHI-2010-LindleyHS #case study #design #game studies- Designing a technological playground: a field study of the emergence of play in household messaging (SEL, RHRH, AS), pp. 2351–2360.
CHI-2010-PatelCJDP #case study #interactive- Avaaj Otalo: a field study of an interactive voice forum for small farmers in rural India (NP, DC, AJ, PD, TSP), pp. 733–742.
CSCW-2010-CaoLHS #deployment- Telling the whole story: anticipation, inspiration and reputation in a field deployment of TellTable (XC, SEL, JH, AS), pp. 251–260.
CSCW-2010-IqbalH #case study- Notifications and awareness: a field study of alert usage and preferences (STI, EH), pp. 27–30.
CIKM-2010-LangMWL #concept #markov #random #using- Improved latent concept expansion using hierarchical markov random fields (HL, DM, BW, JTL), pp. 249–258.
ICML-2010-BradleyG #learning #random- Learning Tree Conditional Random Fields (JKB, CG), pp. 127–134.
ICML-2010-DeselaersF #learning #multi #random- A Conditional Random Field for Multiple-Instance Learning (TD, VF), pp. 287–294.
ICML-2010-ZhuX #random #topic- Conditional Topic Random Fields (JZ, EPX), pp. 1239–1246.
ICPR-2010-BaeJ- Building a Videorama with Shallow Depth of Field (SB, HJ), pp. 420–423.
ICPR-2010-CaoZL #markov #random #using- Human Body Parts Tracking Using Sequential Markov Random Fields (XQC, JZ, ZQL), pp. 1759–1762.
ICPR-2010-CiompiPR #approach #random #using- A Meta-Learning Approach to Conditional Random Fields Using Error-Correcting Output Codes (FC, OP, PR), pp. 710–713.
ICPR-2010-ElmezainAM #gesture #random #recognition #robust #segmentation #using- A Robust Method for Hand Gesture Segmentation and Recognition Using Forward Spotting Scheme in Conditional Random Fields (ME, AAH, BM), pp. 3850–3853.
ICPR-2010-Fehr #3d #invariant- Local Rotation Invariant Patch Descriptors for 3D Vector Fields (JF), pp. 1381–1384.
ICPR-2010-KeuperBRPH #3d #robust- Mean Shift Gradient Vector Flow: A Robust External Force Field for 3D Active Surfaces (MK, HB, OR, JP, PH), pp. 2784–2787.
ICPR-2010-KimL #markov #monte carlo #optimisation #random #using- Continuous Markov Random Field Optimization Using Fusion Move Driven Markov Chain Monte Carlo Technique (WK, KML), pp. 1364–1367.
ICPR-2010-LuWD #detection #random- Part Detection, Description and Selection Based on Hidden Conditional Random Fields (WL, SW, XD), pp. 657–660.
ICPR-2010-MaHHL #detection- Context Inspired Pedestrian Detection in Far-Field Videos (WM, PH, LH, CL), pp. 3009–3012.
ICPR-2010-OkumuraTA #random #recognition #segmentation- Generic Object Recognition by Tree Conditional Random Field Based on Hierarchical Segmentation (TO, TT, YA), pp. 3025–3028.
ICPR-2010-TaoYCWLT #2d #estimation #fourier- Estimation of Fingerprint Orientation Field by Weighted 2D Fourier Expansion Model (XT, XY, KC, RW, PL, JT), pp. 1253–1256.
ICPR-2010-WakaharaU #composition #recognition- Hierarchical Decomposition of Handwriting Deformation Vector Field for Improving Recognition Accuracy (TW, SU), pp. 1860–1863.
ICPR-2010-YangL10a #random #recognition #robust- Robust Sign Language Recognition with Hierarchical Conditional Random Fields (HDY, SWL), pp. 2202–2205.
ICPR-2010-ZossoT- Geodesic Active Fields on the Sphere (DZ, JPT), pp. 4484–4487.
KDD-2010-ZhuLX #feature model #incremental #learning #markov #named #performance #random- Grafting-light: fast, incremental feature selection and structure learning of Markov random fields (JZ, NL, EPX), pp. 303–312.
KDIR-2010-CamposMO #random #recognition #using- Recognition of Gene/Protein Names using Conditional Random Fields (DC, SM, JLO), pp. 275–280.
KDIR-2010-ZhangSF #random- Conditional Random Fields for Term Extraction (XZ, YS, ACF), pp. 414–417.
KEOD-2010-KohnLP #automation #challenge #documentation- The Challenge of Automatically Annotating Solution Documents — Comparing Manual and Automatic Annotation of Solution Documents in the Field of Mechanical Engineering (AK, UL, GP), pp. 153–158.
KR-2010-AntoniouPB #reasoning- Reasoning about Context in Ambient Intelligence Environments: A Report from the Field (GA, CP, AB).
SIGIR-2010-LiuW #email #learning #multi- Multi-field learning for email spam filtering (WL, TW), pp. 745–746.
FSE-2010-LitvakDBRS #analysis #dependence- Field-sensitive program dependence analysis (SL, ND, RB, NR, MS), pp. 287–296.
ICSE-2010-WangZ #case study #development #multi #policy- Penalty policies in professional software development practice: a multi-method field study (YW, MZ), pp. 39–47.
CASE-2009-BorgstromJBSK- Field-tests of a redundantly actuated cable-driven robot for environmental sampling applications (PHB, BLJ, MAB, GSS, WJK), pp. 615–620.
DAC-2009-GroeneveldRPCC- Oil fields, hedge funds, and drugs (PG, RAR, JWP, ECC, JC), pp. 416–417.
DATE-2009-MitraZPW #logic #using- Imperfection-immune VLSI logic circuits using Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistors (SM, JZ, NP, HW), pp. 436–441.
DATE-2009-RealVD #correlation #using- Enhancing correlation electromagnetic attack using planar near-field cartography (DR, FV, MD), pp. 628–633.
HT-2009-KleinHN #performance #web- Comparing the performance of us college football teams in the web and on the field (MK, OH, MLN), pp. 63–72.
ICDAR-2009-BulacuBZS #recognition #scalability- Recognition of Handwritten Numerical Fields in a Large Single-Writer Historical Collection (MB, AB, TvdZ, LS), pp. 808–812.
ICDAR-2009-KermorvantBMM #recognition- From Isolated Handwritten Characters to Fields Recognition: There’s Many a Slip Twixt Cup and Lip (CK, ALB, PM, FM), pp. 1031–1035.
ICDAR-2009-LeloreB #documentation #image #markov #using- Document Image Binarisation Using Markov Field Model (TL, FB), pp. 551–555.
ICDAR-2009-MontreuilGHN #2d #documentation #layout #random #using- Unconstrained Handwritten Document Layout Extraction Using 2D Conditional Random Fields (FM, EG, LH, SN), pp. 853–857.
ICDAR-2009-PanHL #image #locality #random- Text Localization in Natural Scene Images Based on Conditional Random Field (YFP, XH, CLL), pp. 6–10.
ICDAR-2009-PengSGSB #documentation #identification #markov #random- Markov Random Field Based Text Identification from Annotated Machine Printed Documents (XP, SS, VG, RS, KB), pp. 431–435.
ICDAR-2009-SharmaL #bound- Form Field Frame Boundary Removal for Form Processing System in Gurmukhi Script (DVS, GSL), pp. 256–260.
ICDAR-2009-WakaharaU #2d #composition #using- Hierarchical Decomposition of Handwriting Deformation Vector Field Using 2D Warping and Global/Local Affine Transformation (TW, SU), pp. 1141–1145.
ICDAR-2009-ZhouLN #online #random #recognition #string #using- Online Handwritten Japanese Character String Recognition Using Conditional Random Fields (XDZ, CLL, MN), pp. 521–525.
FASE-2009-LeinoM #consistency #proving- Proving Consistency of Pure Methods and Model Fields (KRML, RM), pp. 231–245.
ICSM-2009-ChanZHS #problem #testing #visualisation- Visualizing the structure of field testing problems (BC, YZ, AEH, AS), pp. 429–432.
ICSM-2009-Chapin #maintenance- Software maintenance in complying with IT governance: A report from the field (NC), pp. 499–502.
STOC-2009-Guruswami #morphism- Artin automorphisms, cyclotomic function fields, and folded list-decodable codes (VG), pp. 23–32.
FM-2009-AlbertAGP #analysis- Field-Sensitive Value Analysis by Field-Insensitive Analysis (EA, PA, SG, GP), pp. 370–386.
CHI-2009-HaynesCKXB #design #research- Design research as explanation: perceptions in the field (SRH, JMC, TGK, LX, PMB), pp. 1121–1130.
CHI-2009-HuangHTNMMR #case study #chat #communication #social- Of social television comes home: a field study of communication choices and practices in tv-based text and voice chat (EMH, GH, JT, AN, NM, CJM, GR), pp. 585–594.
CHI-2009-JakobsenH #source code #using #visualisation- Fisheyes in the field: using method triangulation to study the adoption and use of a source code visualization (MRJ, KH), pp. 1579–1588.
CHI-2009-PapeV #case study #dependence- An experimental study of field dependency in altered Gz environments (MALP, RKV), pp. 1255–1264.
DHM-2009-EllegastHS #assessment #using- Workload Assessment in Field Using the Ambulatory CUELA System (RPE, IH, CS), pp. 221–226.
HIMI-DIE-2009-BruinLB #case study #feedback #how- How to Learn from Intelligent Products; The Structuring of Incoherent Field Feedback Data in Two Case Studies (RdB, YL, AB), pp. 227–232.
IDGD-2009-Rampoldi-HniloWSS #case study #enterprise #future of #mobile- The Future of Enterprise Is with the Mobile Workforce: An International Field Study (LRH, BKW, MS, ACS), pp. 308–315.
CIKM-2009-ChenL #product line- Message family propagation for ising mean field based on iteration tree (YC, SL), pp. 345–354.
CIKM-2009-XinKDL #framework #multi #random #recommendation #social- A social recommendation framework based on multi-scale continuous conditional random fields (XX, IK, HD, MRL), pp. 1247–1256.
ICML-2009-PlathTN #classification #image #multi #random #segmentation #using- Multi-class image segmentation using conditional random fields and global classification (NP, MT, SN), pp. 817–824.
ICML-2009-QianJZHW #higher-order #random #sequence- Sparse higher order conditional random fields for improved sequence labeling (XQ, XJ, QZ, XH, LW), pp. 849–856.
KDD-2009-ChenCBT #learning #optimisation #random- Constrained optimization for validation-guided conditional random field learning (MC, YC, MRB, AET), pp. 189–198.
KDD-2009-FrenoTG #estimation #hybrid #pseudo #random #scalability- Scalable pseudo-likelihood estimation in hybrid random fields (AF, ET, MG), pp. 319–328.
SIGIR-2009-Lease #markov #query #random- An improved markov random field model for supporting verbose queries (ML), pp. 476–483.
SIGIR-2009-LiWA #query #random- Extracting structured information from user queries with semi-supervised conditional random fields (XL, YYW, AA), pp. 572–579.
ICSE-2009-ChangMP #component #integration #off the shelf #problem- In-field healing of integration problems with COTS components (HC, LM, MP), pp. 166–176.
DAC-2008-HanSE #3d #equation #modelling- Electric field integral equation combined with cylindrical conduction mode basis functions for electrical modeling of three-dimensional interconnects (KJH, MS, EE), pp. 421–424.
DATE-2008-Liu08a #correlation #performance #random #simulation- Spatial Correlation Extraction via Random Field Simulation and Production Chip Performance Regression (BL), pp. 527–532.
PASTE-2008-Abi-AntounA #architecture #case study #runtime- A field study in static extraction of runtime architectures (MAA, JA), pp. 22–28.
SAS-2008-PrabhuS #analysis #array #java #pointer #using- Field Flow Sensitive Pointer and Escape Analysis for Java Using Heap Array SSA (PP, PS), pp. 110–127.
STOC-2008-GopalanKZ- List-decoding reed-muller codes over small fields (PG, ARK, DZ), pp. 265–274.
CHI-2008-BiehlBBTIC #collaboration #development #evaluation #framework #interactive #multi #named- Impromptu: a new interaction framework for supporting collaboration in multiple display environments and its field evaluation for co-located software development (JTB, WTB, BPB, DST, KMI, MC), pp. 939–948.
CHI-2008-ConsolvoMTCFHKLLLSL #process- Activity sensing in the wild: a field trial of ubifit garden (SC, DWM, TT, MYC, JF, BLH, PVK, AL, LL, RL, IES, JAL), pp. 1797–1806.
CSCW-2008-AbrahamR #case study #coordination- Moving patients around: a field study of coordination between clinical and non-clinical staff in hospitals (JA, MCR), pp. 225–228.
CIKM-2008-XinLTL #comprehension #random #using- Academic conference homepage understanding using constrained hierarchical conditional random fields (XX, JL, JT, QL), pp. 1301–1310.
ICPR-2008-ChenHCZL #adaptation #detection #markov #random- Change detection based on adaptive Markov Random Fields (KC, CH, JC, ZZ, HL), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-EngelC #invariant- Scale-invariant medial features based on gradient vector flow fields (DE, CC), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-GuoYZZY #embedded #markov #random #using- Face super-resolution using 8-connected Markov Random Fields with embedded prior (KG, XY, RZ, GZ, SY), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-HainesW #random #using- Combining shape-from-shading and stereo using Gaussian-Markov random fields (TSFH, RCW), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-HuAS08a #learning #using- Learning motion patterns in crowded scenes using motion flow field (MH, SA, MS), pp. 1–5.
ICPR-2008-KimuraPTYK #markov #modelling #probability #random #visual notation- Dynamic Markov random fields for stochastic modeling of visual attention (AK, DP, TT, JY, KK), pp. 1–5.
ICPR-2008-KiserSM #algorithm- Accelerating active contour algorithms with the Gradient Diffusion Field (WK, PS, CM), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-LevadaMT #image #markov #modelling #on the #probability #random- On the asymptotic variances of Gaussian Markov Random Field model hyperparameters in stochastic image modeling (ALML, NDAM, AT), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-LiLLM #geometry- Lennard-Jones force field for Geometric Active Contour (ZL, QL, HL, DNM), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-UdeA #perspective #recognition- Control and recognition on a humanoid head with cameras having different field of view (AU, TA), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-VachaH #invariant #markov #random- Illumination invariants based on Markov random fields (PV, MH), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-XuD- A local descriptor for finding corresponding points in vector fields (LX, HQD), pp. 1–4.
KDD-2008-HallSM #dependence #using- Unsupervised deduplication using cross-field dependencies (RH, CAS, AM), pp. 310–317.
SIGIR-2008-QiD #classification #web- Classifiers without borders: incorporating fielded text from neighboring web pages (XQ, BDD), pp. 643–650.
POPL-2008-UnkelL #automation #java- Automatic inference of stationary fields: a generalization of java’s final fields (CU, MSL), pp. 183–195.
SAC-2008-BaveraB #analysis #bytecode #data flow #policy #type system- Type-based information flow analysis for bytecode languages with variable object field policies (FB, EB), pp. 347–351.
SAC-2008-LangD #evaluation- Digital audio watermarking evaluation within the application field of perceptual hashing (AL, JD), pp. 1192–1196.
SLE-2008-Kleppe- The Field of Software Language Engineering (AK), pp. 1–7.
CASE-2007-CamponogaraCP #scheduling- Compressor Scheduling in Oil Fields: A Piecewise-Linear Formulation (EC, MPdC, AP), pp. 436–441.
DRR-2007-ShettySBS #documentation #random #segmentation #using- Segmentation and labeling of documents using conditional random fields (SS, HS, MJB, SNS).
ICDAR-2007-BuchaAU #image- Image Pixel Force Fields and their Application for Color Map Vectorisation (VB, SA, SU), pp. 1228–1242.
ICDAR-2007-NicolasDPH #2d #documentation #image #random #segmentation #using- Document Image Segmentation Using a 2D Conditional Random Field Model (SN, JD, TP, LH), pp. 407–411.
ICDAR-2007-SchneiderBR #documentation #robust- Robust Document Warping with Interpolated Vector Fields (DS, MB, RR), pp. 113–117.
ICDAR-2007-ShettySS #random #recognition #using #word- Handwritten Word Recognition Using Conditional Random Fields (SS, HS, SNS), pp. 1098–1102.
ICDAR-2007-ZhouLQA #classification #markov #random- Text/Non-text Ink Stroke Classification in Japanese Handwriting Based on Markov Random Fields (XDZ, CLL, SQ, ÉA), pp. 377–381.
CHI-2007-GaverSKKB #health #testing #ubiquitous- Enhancing ubiquitous computing with user interpretation: field testing the home health horoscope (WWG, PS, TK, JK, JB), pp. 537–546.
CHI-2007-IqbalH #analysis #case study- Disruption and recovery of computing tasks: field study, analysis, and directions (STI, EH), pp. 677–686.
CHI-2007-MakelaBGH #case study #interactive #mobile #visual notation- Mobile interaction with visual and RFID tags: a field study on user perceptions (KM, SB, DG, JH), pp. 991–994.
CHI-2007-TullioDCF #case study #how- How it works: a field study of non-technical users interacting with an intelligent system (JT, AKD, JC, JF), pp. 31–40.
DHM-2007-LinP #experience #modelling #user interface- User Experience Modeling and Enhancement for Virtual Environments That Employ Wide-Field Displays (JJWL, DEP), pp. 423–433.
HCI-AS-2007-UszkoreitXLSALMHW #information management #mobile #multi- A Successful Field Test of a Mobile and Multilingual Information Service System COMPASS2008 (HU, FX, WL, JS, IA, JL, CM, BH, MW), pp. 1047–1056.
HCI-IDU-2007-EvjemoAS #lessons learnt- User Acceptance of Digital Tourist Guides Lessons Learnt from Two Field Studies (BE, SA, AS), pp. 746–755.
HCI-IPT-2007-GengLL #3d #retrieval- Force Field Based Expression for 3D Shape Retrieval (XG, WL, HL), pp. 587–596.
HIMI-IIE-2007-FisherBHSJ #email #lessons learnt #metadata #social #using- Using Social Metadata in Email Triage: Lessons from the Field (DF, AJBB, BH, MAS, AJ), pp. 13–22.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2007-BlunnCCWD #information management #mobile- Mobile Decision Making and Knowledge Management: Supporting Geoarchaeologists in the Field (MB, JC, DEC, CW, DD), pp. 57–62.
ICEIS-EIS-2007-LeutgebUWF #adaptation #process #semantics- Adaptive Processes in E-Government — A Field Report about Semantic-Based Approaches from the EU-Project “FIT” (AL, WU, RW, HGF), pp. 264–269.
ICEIS-HCI-2007-DeryckeC #flexibility #framework- A Flexible Infrastructure for P-Learning: A First Application in the Field of Professional Training (AD, VC), pp. 215–222.
ICEIS-HCI-2007-MotzB- Investigations into Shipborne Alarm Management — Conduction and Results of Field Studies (FM, MAB), pp. 136–141.
ICEIS-J-2007-LiuCM07a #comparison #random #recognition- Named Entity Recognition in Biomedical Literature: A Comparison of Support Vector Machines and Conditional Random Fields (FL, YC, BM), pp. 137–147.
CIKM-2007-Metzler #automation #feature model #information retrieval #markov #random- Automatic feature selection in the markov random field model for information retrieval (DM), pp. 253–262.
ECIR-2007-HeO #normalisation- Setting Per-field Normalisation Hyper-parameters for the Named-Page Finding Search Task (BH, IO), pp. 468–480.
ECIR-2007-PlachourasO #documentation #modelling #multi #retrieval- Multinomial Randomness Models for Retrieval with Document Fields (VP, IO), pp. 28–39.
ECIR-2007-ZhuTZM #clustering #documentation #multi #probability- A Probabilistic Model for Clustering Text Documents with Multiple Fields (SZ, IT, SZ, HM), pp. 331–342.
ICML-2007-SuttonM #performance #pseudo #random- Piecewise pseudolikelihood for efficient training of conditional random fields (CAS, AM), pp. 863–870.
ICML-2007-ZhangAV #learning #multi #random- Conditional random fields for multi-agent reinforcement learning (XZ, DA, SVNV), pp. 1143–1150.
ICML-2007-ZhuNZW #markov #random #web- Dynamic hierarchical Markov random fields and their application to web data extraction (JZ, ZN, BZ, JRW), pp. 1175–1182.
SEKE-2007-ShiN #component #java #named #security #static analysis- SAFES: A Static Analysis for Field Security in Java Components (AS, GN), pp. 302–307.
SIGIR-2007-MetzlerC #concept #markov #random #using- Latent concept expansion using markov random fields (DM, WBC), pp. 311–318.
ECOOP-2007-CabralM #case study #dot-net #exception #java- Exception Handling: A Field Study in Java and .NET (BC, PM), pp. 151–175.
RE-2007-HoWA #performance #requirements #specification- Improving Performance Requirements Specifications from Field Failure Reports (CWH, LW, AIA), pp. 79–88.
SAC-2007-MilsztajnG #3d #algorithm #markov #random #search-based #segmentation #using- Three-dimensional segmentation of brain tissues using Markov random fields and genetic algorithms (FM, KdG), pp. 745–746.
ESEC-FSE-2007-SherriffHLW #identification #static analysis #using- Using groupings of static analysis alerts to identify files likely to contain field failures (MS, SSH, JML, LAW), pp. 565–568.
ICSE-2007-ClauseO #debugging- A Technique for Enabling and Supporting Debugging of Field Failures (JAC, AO), pp. 261–270.
CASE-2006-QiuMH #design #detection- The Design of Field Information Detection System Based on Microcomputer (ZQ, JM, YH), pp. 156–160.
DAC-2006-WagnerBA #design #logic- Shielding against design flaws with field repairable control logic (IW, VB, TMA), pp. 344–347.
DATE-2006-ShinKKH #embedded #memory management- Restructuring field layouts for embedded memory systems (KS, JK, SK, HH), pp. 937–942.
DATE-DF-2006-YehWLW #multi #programmable- A 124.8Msps, 15.6mW field-programmable variable-length codec for multimedia applications (CY, CCW, LCL, JSW), pp. 239–243.
ESOP-2006-LeinoM #verification- A Verification Methodology for Model Fields (KRML, PM), pp. 115–130.
WCRE-2006-SneedS #interface #reverse engineering- Reverse Engineering of System Interfaces A Report from the Field (HMS, SHS), pp. 125–133.
CHI-2006-YehLKGLKSP #biology #mobile #named #research- ButterflyNet: a mobile capture and access system for field biology research (RBY, CL, SRK, FG, BL, BK, JAS, AP), pp. 571–580.
CSCW-2006-TangLMLD #interactive #using- Unobtrusive but invasive: using screen recording to collect field data on computer-mediated interaction (JCT, SBL, MJM, JL, CD), pp. 479–482.
ICML-2006-RavikumarL #estimation #markov #metric #polynomial #programming #random- Quadratic programming relaxations for metric labeling and Markov random field MAP estimation (PDR, JDL), pp. 737–744.
ICML-2006-VishwanathanSSM #probability #random- Accelerated training of conditional random fields with stochastic gradient methods (SVNV, NNS, MWS, KPM), pp. 969–976.
ICPR-v1-2006-ChenCLT #algorithm #automation #graph #image #segmentation #using- Automatic Segmentation of Lung Fields from Radiographic Images of SARS Patients Using a New Graph Cuts Algorithm (SC, LC, JL, XT), pp. 271–274.
ICPR-v1-2006-DemonceauxV #adaptation #markov #random- Adaptative Markov Random Fields for Omnidirectional Vision (CD, PV), pp. 848–851.
ICPR-v1-2006-ZengL #markov #random #segmentation #using- Stroke Segmentation of Chinese Characters Using Markov Random Fields (JZ, ZQL), pp. 868–871.
ICPR-v1-2006-ZengL06a #fuzzy #markov #random #recognition- Type-2 Fuzzy Markov Random Fields to Handwritten Character Recognition (JZ, ZQL), pp. 1162–65.
ICPR-v2-2006-HeLL #bias #robust #segmentation- Robust Partial Volume Segmentation with Bias Field Correction in Brain MRI (HH, BL, KL), pp. 175–178.
ICPR-v2-2006-KimYL #estimation #image #interactive #modelling #parametricity #random #segmentation #using- New MRF Parameter Estimation Technique for Texture Image Segmentation using Hierarchical GMRF Model Based on Random Spatial Interaction and Mean Field Theory (DHK, IDY, SUL), pp. 365–368.
ICPR-v2-2006-YangS #detection #random #using- Detecting Coarticulation in Sign Language using Conditional Random Fields (RY, SS), pp. 108–112.
ICPR-v3-2006-AssabieB #recognition #using- Ethiopic Character Recognition Using Direction Field Tensor (YA, JB), pp. 284–287.
ICPR-v3-2006-ChanLN #re-engineering- Extending the Depth of Field in a Compound-Eye Imaging System with Super-Resolution Reconstruction (WSC, EYL, MKN), pp. 623–626.
ICPR-v3-2006-ChatelainHP #documentation- A two-stage outlier rejection strategy for numerical field extraction in handwritten documents (CC, LH, TP), pp. 224–227.
ICPR-v3-2006-KongHXTG #random #video- A Conditional Random Field Model for Video Super-resolution (DK, MH, WX, HT, YG), pp. 619–622.
ICPR-v3-2006-VidholmSN #3d- Accelerating the Computation of 3D Gradient Vector Flow Fields (EV, PS, IN), pp. 677–680.
ICPR-v3-2006-WenLG #image- Remote Sensing Image Fusion on Gradient Field (JW, YL, HG), pp. 643–646.
ICPR-v3-2006-ZhongW #detection #markov #random- Object Detection Based on Combination of Conditional Random Field and Markov Random Field (PZ, RW), pp. 160–163.
ICPR-v4-2006-AndraN #classification- Combining Dichotomizers for MAP Field Classification (SA, GN), pp. 210–214.
ICPR-v4-2006-BuchaUA #interactive- Interactive Road Extraction with Pixel Force Fields (VB, SU, SA), pp. 829–832.
ICPR-v4-2006-NiuG #network #using- Recovering Non-overlapping Network Topology Using Far-field Vehicle Tracking Data (CN, EG), pp. 944–949.
SIGIR-2006-MacdonaldO #email- Combining fields in known-item email search (CM, IO), pp. 675–676.
SAC-2006-KramerMH #case study #elicitation #mobile #using- Field study on methods for elicitation of preferences using a mobile digital assistant for a dynamic tour guide (RK, MM, KtH), pp. 997–1001.
ICSE-2006-LiHSR #case study #experience #fault #predict- Experiences and results from initiating field defect prediction and product test prioritization efforts at ABB Inc (PLL, JDH, MS, BR), pp. 413–422.
LCTES-2006-Mine #analysis #c #embedded #pointer #source code- Field-sensitive value analysis of embedded C programs with union types and pointer arithmetics (AM), pp. 54–63.
VMCAI-2006-WiesKLPR #analysis #constraints- Field Constraint Analysis (TW, VK, PL, AP, MCR), pp. 157–173.
DATE-2005-ChiangKSXZ #detection- Bright-Field AAPSM Conflict Detection and Correction (CC, ABK, SS, XX, AZ), pp. 908–913.
ICDAR-2005-NicolasKPH #documentation #markov #random #segmentation #using- Handwritten Document Segmentation Using Hidden Markov Random Fields (SN, YK, TP, LH), pp. 212–216.
ICDAR-2005-Szummer #diagrams #learning #random- Learning Diagram Parts with Hidden Random Fields (MS), pp. 1188–1193.
ICDAR-2005-ZengL #markov #random #recognition- Markov Random Fields for Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition (JZ, ZQL), pp. 101–105.
CSMR-2005-KnodelFG #architecture #design #product line- Comparing Design Alternatives from Field-Tested Systems to Support Product Line Architecture Design (JK, TF, JFG), pp. 344–353.
STOC-2005-Hallgren #algorithm #performance #quantum- Fast quantum algorithms for computing the unit group and class group of a number field (SH), pp. 468–474.
STOC-2005-SchmidtV #algorithm #polynomial #quantum- Polynomial time quantum algorithm for the computation of the unit group of a number field (AS, UV), pp. 475–480.
ICALP-2005-HanedaKT- Suitable Curves for Genus-4 HCC over Prime Fields: Point Counting Formulae for Hyperelliptic Curves of Type y2=x2k+1+ax (MH, MK, TT), pp. 539–550.
ICALP-2005-Kayal #equation #finite #polynomial- Solvability of a System of Bivariate Polynomial Equations over a Finite Field (NK), pp. 551–562.
CHI-2005-Ahlstrom #modelling #using- Modeling and improving selection in cascading pull-down menus using Fitts’ law, the steering law and force fields (DA), pp. 61–70.
CHI-2005-RowanM #product line- Digital Family Portrait Field Trial: Support for Aging in Place (JR, EDM), pp. 521–530.
ICML-2005-RothY #integer #linear #programming #random- Integer linear programming inference for conditional random fields (DR, WtY), pp. 736–743.
ICML-2005-WangWGSC #markov #modelling #random #semantics- Exploiting syntactic, semantic and lexical regularities in language modeling via directed Markov random fields (SW, SW, RG, DS, LC), pp. 948–955.
ICML-2005-ZhuNWZM #2d #information management #random #web- 2D Conditional Random Fields for Web information extraction (JZ, ZN, JRW, BZ, WYM), pp. 1044–1051.
SIGIR-2005-MetzlerC #dependence #markov #random- A Markov random field model for term dependencies (DM, WBC), pp. 472–479.
SAC-2005-WanMA #array #markov #random #similarity #using- Cleaning microarray expression data using Markov random fields based on profile similarity (RW, HM, KFA), pp. 206–207.
PASTE-2004-PearceKH #analysis #c #performance #pointer- Efficient field-sensitive pointer analysis for C (DJP, PHJK, CH), pp. 37–42.
CHI-2004-JiangHTL #prototype #scalability #ubiquitous- Ubiquitous computing for firefighters: field studies and prototypes of large displays for incident command (XJ, JIH, LT, JAL), pp. 679–686.
CHI-2004-PoFB #visual notation- Mouse and touchscreen selection in the upper and lower visual fields (BAP, BDF, KSB), pp. 359–366.
CSCW-2004-BarrettKMHTP #analysis #tool support- Field studies of computer system administrators: analysis of system management tools and practices (RB, EK, PPM, EMH, LT, MP), pp. 388–395.
CSCW-2004-CarpenterNMRDBFJ #lessons learnt #online- Online political organizing: lessons from the field (KC, BAN, JM, SR, DD, IB, KAF, QJ), pp. 59–62.
CSCW-2004-HorvitzKA #cost analysis #modelling #named #personalisation- BusyBody: creating and fielding personalized models of the cost of interruption (EH, PK, JA), pp. 507–510.
CSCW-2004-SouzaRCMP #case study #interface #programming- Sometimes you need to see through walls: a field study of application programming interfaces (CRBdS, DFR, LTC, DRM, JFP), pp. 63–71.
CIKM-2004-RobertsonZT #multi- Simple BM25 extension to multiple weighted fields (SER, HZ, MJT), pp. 42–49.
ICML-2004-DietterichAB #random- Training conditional random fields via gradient tree boosting (TGD, AA, YB).
ICML-2004-LaffertyZL #clique #kernel #random #representation- Kernel conditional random fields: representation and clique selection (JDL, XZ, YL).
ICML-2004-SuttonRM #modelling #probability #random #sequence- Dynamic conditional random fields: factorized probabilistic models for labeling and segmenting sequence data (CAS, KR, AM).
ICPR-v1-2004-ClausiY #comparison #markov #random #segmentation #using- Texture Segmentation Comparison Using Grey Level Co-Occurrence Probabilities and Markov Random Fields (DAC, BY), pp. 584–587.
ICPR-v1-2004-KusachiSIA #detection #image #recognition #robust- Kanji Recognition in Scene Images without Detection of Text Fields — Robust Against Variation of Viewpoint, Contrast, and Background Texture (YK, AS, NI, KA), pp. 457–460.
ICPR-v1-2004-SunG #image #markov #random #segmentation- Bayesian Image Segmentation Based on an Inhomogeneous Hidden Markov Random Field (JS, DG), pp. 596–599.
ICPR-v2-2004-LindeL #higher-order #recognition #using- Object Recognition Using Composed Receptive Field Histograms of Higher Dimensionality (OL, TL), pp. 1–6.
ICPR-v2-2004-Robles-KellyH- Vector Field Smoothing Via Heat Flow (ARK, ERH), pp. 94–97.
ICPR-v2-2004-SoiferKK #analysis #fuzzy- Fuzzy Direction Field Method for Fringe and Tree-like Patterns Analysis (VAS, AGK, AOK), pp. 779–782.
ICPR-v2-2004-SunWTC #estimation #recognition #robust- Robust Direction Estimation of Gradient Vector Field for Iris Recognition (ZS, YW, TT, JC), pp. 783–786.
ICPR-v2-2004-TanakaT #image #probability- Probabilistic Image Processing based on the Q-Ising Model by Means of the Mean-Field Method and Loopy Belief Propagation (KT, DMT), pp. 40–43.
ICPR-v3-2004-AntoniolC #approach #array #image #markov #random- A Markov Random Field Approach to Microarray Image Gridding (GA, MC), pp. 550–553.
ICPR-v3-2004-HuangMP #hybrid #markov #random #recognition #using- A Hybrid Face Recognition Method using Markov Random Fields (RH, DNM, VP), pp. 157–160.
ICPR-v4-2004-YagerA #algorithm #evaluation- Evaluation of Fingerprint Orientation Field Registration Algorithms (NY, AA), pp. 641–644.
SAC-2004-AvinoGM #finite #problem #reverse engineering- Applications of finite fields to dynamical systems and reverse engineering problems (MAA, ELG, OM), pp. 191–196.
SAC-2004-MameiZ #coordination #distributed #network #self #tuple- Self-maintained distributed tuples for field-based coordination in dynamic networks (MM, FZ), pp. 479–486.
ISMM-2004-ChenKVI #analysis #embedded #java #optimisation- Field level analysis for heap space optimization in embedded java environments (GC, MTK, NV, MJI), pp. 131–142.
DAC-2003-Bernstein #automaton- Quantum-dot cellular automata: computing by field polarization (GHB), pp. 268–273.
DATE-2003-LykakisMVNPSKPR #performance #protocol- Efficient Field Processing Cores in an Innovative Protocol Processor System-on-Chip (GL, NM, KV, NAN, SP, GS, GEK, DNP, DIR), pp. 20014–20019.
ICDAR-2003-BesagniBB #segmentation- A Segmentation Method for Bibliographic References by Contextual Tagging of Fields (DB, AB, NB), pp. 384–388.
ICDAR-2003-ChoisyB #markov #network #recognition #word- Coupling of a local vision by Markov field and a global vision by Neural Network for the recognition of handwritten words (CC, AB), pp. 849–853.
ICDAR-2003-ZhengLD03a #documentation #identification #image #markov #random #using- Text Identification in Noisy Document Images Using Markov Random Field (YZ, HL, DSD), p. 599–?.
ICEIS-v3-2003-KambayashiO #design pattern- Extracting the Software Elements and Design Patterns From the Software Field (YK, MO), pp. 603–608.
ICEIS-v4-2003-AbeSO #named- Gli-Bbs: A Groupware Based on Geographical Location Information for Field Workers (AA, TS, NO), pp. 3–9.
ICML-2003-ZhuGL #learning #using- Semi-Supervised Learning Using Gaussian Fields and Harmonic Functions (XZ, ZG, JDL), pp. 912–919.
SIGIR-2003-LavrenkoP #modelling #music #random- Music modeling with random fields (VL, JP), pp. 389–390.
SIGIR-2003-PintoMWC #random #using- Table extraction using conditional random fields (DP, AM, XW, WBC), pp. 235–242.
SAC-2003-KatzerKS #array #markov #random- A Markov Random Field Model of Microarray Gridding (MK, FK, GS), pp. 72–77.
ESEC-FSE-2003-OrsoAH #impact analysis #testing- Leveraging field data for impact analysis and regression testing (AO, TA, MJH), pp. 128–137.
ICSE-2003-MooreKKA #architecture #design #lessons learnt- Quantifying the Value of Architecture Design Decisions: Lessons from the Field (MM, RK, MK, JA), pp. 557–563.
CSL-2003-Vorobjov03a #effectiveness #quantifier #tutorial- Effective Quantifier Elimination over Real Closed Fields (Tutorial) (NV), p. 545.
DAC-2002-MartelDAWA #logic- Carbon nanotube field-effect transistors and logic circuits (RM, VD, JA, SJW, PA), pp. 94–98.
CSCW-2002-LuttersA #bound #case study #safety- Achieving safety: a field study of boundary objects in aircraft technical support (WGL, MSA), pp. 266–275.
ICEIS-2002-ViaeneBDVP #pattern matching #pattern recognition #proving #recognition #state of the art- Proof Running Two State-Of-The-Art Pattern Recognition Techniques in the Field of Direct Marketing (SV, BB, GD, JV, DVdP), pp. 446–454.
ICML-2002-KakadeTR #markov- An Alternate Objective Function for Markovian Fields (SK, YWT, STR), pp. 275–282.
ICPR-v1-2002-CoquinB #image- A New Method to Compute the Distortion Vector Field from Two Images (DC, PB), pp. 279–282.
ICPR-v1-2002-FlorianiMD #composition- A Smale-Like Decomposition for Discrete Scalar Fields (LDF, MMM, ED), pp. 184–187.
ICPR-v1-2002-Meas-YedidTO #analysis #clustering #image #markov #random #segmentation- Color Image Segmentation Based on Markov Random Field Clustering for Histological Image Analysis (VMY, ST, JCOM), pp. 796–799.
ICPR-v1-2002-TakizawaYMTIM #3d #image #markov #modelling #random #recognition #using- Recognition of Lung Nodules from X-ray CT Images Using 3D Markov Random Field Models (HT, SY, TM, YT, TI, MM), pp. 99–102.
ICPR-v1-2002-WollnyTK #analysis #segmentation- Segmentation of Vector Fields by Critical Point Analysis: Application to Brain Deformation (GW, MT, FK), pp. 524–527.
ICPR-v1-2002-YuanL #modelling- Simulated Static Electric Field (SSEF) Snake for Deformable Models (DY, SL), pp. 83–86.
ICPR-v2-2002-HoneaSB #using- Active Contours Using a Potential Field (DMH, WES, GLB), pp. 757–760.
ICPR-v2-2002-KamijoIS #image #invariant #markov #random #segmentation- Illumination Invariant Segmentation of Spatio-Temporal Images by Spatio-Temporal Markov Random Field Model (SK, KI, MS), pp. 617–622.
ICPR-v2-2002-RiviereMMTPF #graph #learning #markov #random #relational #using- Relational Graph Labelling Using Learning Techniques and Markov Random Fields (DR, JFM, JMM, FT, DPO, VF), pp. 172–175.
ICPR-v2-2002-VeeramachaneniFLN #classification #polynomial- Style-Conscious Quadratic Field Classifier (SV, HF, CLL, GN), pp. 72–75.
ICPR-v3-2002-CaputoBN #markov #random #recognition #robust #using- Robust Appearance-Based Object Recognition Using a Fully Connected Markov Random Field (BC, SB, HN), pp. 565–568.
ICPR-v3-2002-WolfD #markov #quality #random #using- Binarization of Low Quality Text Using a Markov Random Field Model (CW, DSD), pp. 160–163.
ICPR-v4-2002-ChenOB #markov #random #recognition #segmentation- Text Segmentation and Recognition in Complex Background Based on Markov Random Field (DC, JMO, HB), pp. 227–230.
ICPR-v4-2002-DassJL #detection #markov #modelling #random #synthesis #using- Face Detection and Synthesis Using Markov Random Field Models (SCD, AKJ, XL), pp. 201–204.
ICPR-v4-2002-Sarkar #algorithm #classification- An Iterative Algorithm for Optimal Style Conscious Field Classification (PS), p. 243–?.
ICSE-2002-EstublierLCCHTW #community #configuration management #research- Impact of the research community for the field of software configuration management (JE, DBL, GC, RC, AvdH, WFT, DWW), pp. 643–644.
DATE-2001-BertoniBF #architecture #encryption #finite #multi #performance- Efficient finite field digital-serial multiplier architecture for cryptography applications (GB, LB, PF), p. 812.
ICDAR-2001-HiranoOY- Field Extraction Method from Existing Forms Transmitted by Facsimile (TH, YO, FY), pp. 738–742.
ICDAR-2001-KimLSN #analysis #encoding #performance- Analysis of Postal Address Fields for Efficient Encoding of Korean Mail Pieces (GK, SL, MS, YSN), pp. 675–679.
PLDI-2001-AggarwalR #analysis- Related Field Analysis (AA, KHR), pp. 214–220.
STOC-2001-Shparlinski #approximate #finite #polynomial- Sparse polynomial approximation in finite fields (IS), pp. 209–215.
ICML-2001-LaffertyMP #modelling #probability #random #sequence- Conditional Random Fields: Probabilistic Models for Segmenting and Labeling Sequence Data (JDL, AM, FCNP), pp. 282–289.
MLDM-2001-ImiyaI #detection #statistics- Statistics of Flow Vectors and Its Application to the Voting Method for the Detection of Flow Fields (AI, KI), pp. 293–306.
SAC-2001-LiuBKV #scalability #visualisation- Large-scale flow field visualization for aneurysm treatment (DSML, MB, WJK, DJV), pp. 68–72.
CAV-2001-MoriokaKY #algorithm #performance #towards #verification- Towards Efficient Verification of Arithmetic Algorithms over Galois Fields GF(2m) (SM, YK, TY), pp. 465–477.
DAC-2000-CongH #array #incremental #programmable- Depth optimal incremental mapping for field programmable gate arrays (JC, HH), pp. 290–293.
DATE-2000-GanesanV #array #programmable- Technology Mapping and Retargeting for Field-Programmable Analog Arrays (SG, RV), pp. 58–64.
PLDI-2000-GhemawatRS #analysis #interprocedural #low cost- Field analysis: getting useful and low-cost interprocedural information (SG, KHR, DJS), pp. 334–344.
WLC-2000-Nishio #automaton #finite- Cellular Automata with Polynomials over Finite Fields (HN), pp. 370–377.
CHI-2000-MakelaGTS #communication #how #image #network #social- Joking, storytelling, artsharing, expressing affection: a field trial of how children and their social network communicate with digital images in leisure time (AM, VG, MT, RS), pp. 548–555.
CSCW-2000-FagrellFS #architecture #information management #mobile #named- FieldWise: a mobile knowledge management architecture (HF, KF, JS), pp. 211–220.
ICEIS-2000-DingleyP #collaboration #lessons learnt- Engaging in Collaborative Systems: Lessons from the Field (SD, JP), pp. 424–428.
ICPR-v1-2000-AggarwalA #generative #on the #scalability- On Generating Seamless Mosaics with Large Depth of Field (MA, NA), pp. 1588–1591.
ICPR-v1-2000-Bourgeois #image #retrieval #using- Content Based Image Retrieval Using Gradient Color Fields (FLB), pp. 5027–5030.
ICPR-v1-2000-KamijoMIS #markov #random #robust- Occlusion Robust Tracking Utilizing Spatio-Temporal Markov Random Field Model (SK, YM, KI, MS), pp. 1140–1144.
ICPR-v1-2000-TorreR #algorithm #contest #image- Agricultural-Field Extraction on Aerial Images by Region Competition Algorithm (MT, PR), pp. 1313–1316.
ICPR-v2-2000-ChapronBA #multi- A Multiresolution Based Method for Recognizing Weeds in Corn Fields (MC, PB, LA), pp. 2303–2306.
ICPR-v2-2000-ChoudhuryP #modelling #robust- Motion Field Histograms for Robust Modeling of Facial Expressions (TC, AP), pp. 2929–2932.
ICPR-v2-2000-SarkarN #classification- Classification of Style-Constrained Pattern-Fields (PS, GN), pp. 2855–2858.
ICPR-v2-2000-WangZCF #approach #markov #random #recognition- Hidden Markov Random Field Based Approach for Off-Line Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition (QW, RZ, ZC, DDF), pp. 2347–2350.
ICPR-v3-2000-AdamsSWG #named- MFDTs: Mean Field Dynamic Trees (NJA, AJS, CKIW, ZG), pp. 3151–3154.
ICPR-v3-2000-GravierSC #automation #markov #random #recognition #speech- A Markov Random Field Model for Automatic Speech Recognition (GG, MS, GC), pp. 3258–3261.
ICPR-v3-2000-Jianchao #2d #estimation #geometry- Estimation of 2D Motion Field Based on Affine Geometric Invariance (YJ), pp. 7049–7052.
ICPR-v3-2000-OukilS #algorithm #energy #markov #random- Markovian Random Fields Energy Minimization Algorithms (AO, AS), pp. 3522–3525.
ICPR-v3-2000-PagetL #analysis #markov #parametricity #random #testing- Nonparametric Markov Random Field Model Analysis of the MeasTex Test Suite (RP, IDL), pp. 3939–3942.
ICPR-v4-2000-FabletB #statistics #using- Statistical Motion-Based Object Indexing Using Optic Flow Field (RF, PB), pp. 4287–4290.
DATE-1999-LatorreBHPN #design #modelling- Design, Characterization & Modelling of a CMOS Magnetic Field Sensor (LL, YB, PH, FP, PN), pp. 239–243.
ICDAR-1999-SrihariYG #analysis #automation- Information Theoretic Analysis of Postal Address Fields for Automatic Address Interpretation (SNS, WjY, VG), pp. 309–312.
IWPC-1999-SneedD #distributed #object-oriented- Comprehending a Complex, Distributed, Object-Oriented Software System a Report from the Field (HMS, TD), pp. 218–225.
HCI-CCAD-1999-KernB #case study #experience #interface- Experiences with interfaces for virtual environments in the field of engineering (PK, RB), pp. 696–700.
HCI-CCAD-1999-KirvesojaSVT #case study #experience- Field experiences of providing home care and related services over a videophone (HK, JS, SV, VT), pp. 266–270.
HCI-EI-1999-AarasRH- Can a more neutral position and support of the forearms at the Table top reduce pain for VDU operators. Laboratory and field studies (AA, OR, GH), pp. 51–55.
HCI-EI-1999-KylmaahoRKV #case study- Supporting the forearm and wrist during mouse and keybord work. A field study (EK, SR, RK, EVJ), pp. 23–26.
HCI-EI-1999-LoiseletHD #research- From Field to Simulator and Microworld Studies: The Ecological Validity of Research (AL, JMH, PD), pp. 880–884.
ICEIS-1999-CordeiroD #estimation #random- Contour Estimation on Piecewise Homogeneous Random Fields (JAMC, JMBD), pp. 183–194.
ICEIS-1999-Stamper #analysis #design #paradigm- Information-Field Paradigm and New Directions for Systems Analysis and Design (RKS), p. VI.
CIKM-1999-KangSLL- Indexing field values in field oriented systems: interval Quadtree (MAK, SS, KJL, RL), pp. 335–342.
OOPSLA-1999-OnoderaK #case study- A Study of Locking Objects with Bimodal Fields (TO, KK), pp. 223–237.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1999-RamosP #information management #object-oriented #physics #representation #simulation- Needs of Object-Oriented Languages for Physics Knowledge Representation in the Simulation Field (JJR, MAP), pp. 162–171.
CSL-1999-Bonelli #using- Using Fields and Explicit Substitutions to Implement Objects and Functions in a de Bruijn Setting (EB), pp. 204–219.
DATE-1998-KimuraI #analysis #design- A Unified Technique for PCB/MCM Design by Combining Electromagnetic Field Analysis with Circuit Simulator (HK, NI), pp. 951–952.
DATE-1998-SzekelyR #performance #static analysis- Fast Field Solvers for Thermal and Electrostatic Analysis (VS, MR), pp. 518–523.
STOC-1998-LewinV #polynomial #question #towards- Checking Polynomial Identities over any Field: Towards a Derandomization? (DL, SPV), pp. 438–447.
CHI-1998-XiaoH #navigation- Navigation Guided by Artificial Force Fields (DX, RJH), pp. 179–186.
CSCW-1998-McDonaldA #case study- Just Talk to Me: A Field Study of Expertise Location (DWM, MSA), pp. 315–324.
ICPR-1998-ChenL #algorithm #documentation #using- Field-data grouping for form document processing using a gravitation-based algorithm (JLC, HJL), pp. 1095–1097.
ICPR-1998-Gimelfarb98a #image #modelling #on the #random- On the maximum likelihood potential estimates for Gibbs random field image models (GLG), pp. 1598–1600.
ICPR-1998-GoktepeAYY #image #markov #modelling #random #segmentation #using- Unsupervised texture based image segmentation by simulated annealing using Markov random field and Potts models (MG, VA, NY, CY), pp. 820–822.
ICPR-1998-PagetL #markov #multi #parametricity #random #recognition #synthesis- Texture synthesis and unsupervised recognition with a nonparametric multiscale Markov random field model (RP, DL), pp. 1068–1070.
ICPR-1998-ShihLRC #image- Morphologic field warping: a volumetric deformation method for medical image registration (WSVS, WCL, SYR, CTC), pp. 1680–1682.
ICPR-1998-WangLL #classification #composition #markov #modelling #random #using- Texture classification using wavelet decomposition with Markov random field models (LW, JL, SZL), pp. 1613–1615.
ICPR-1998-YangX #image #retrieval #scalability- Scaling laws in image gradient fields and texture retrieval (ZY, JX), pp. 1062–1064.
DAC-1997-DengiR #2d #modelling- Hierarchical 2-D Field Solution for Capacitance Extraction for VLSI Interconnect Modeling (EAD, RAR), pp. 127–132.
EDTC-1997-FauraHKCAI #integration #programmable- A new field programmable system-on-a-chip for mixed signal integration (JF, CH, BK, JC, MAA, JMI), p. 610.
EDTC-1997-HuangW #array #design #performance- High-speed C-testable systolic array design for Galois-field inversion (CTH, CWW), pp. 342–346.
ICDAR-1997-BenedettiK- Confidence computation improvement in an optical field reading system (AB, ZMKV), pp. 836–841.
HCI-CC-1997-Kjuus #design #health #requirements- Field Studies of Possible Health Effects Related to VDU Work-Epidemiological Design Options and Requirements (MDHK), pp. 627–630.
HCI-CC-1997-Lee- Effect of the Field-of-View Against Target Ratio in Haptic Exploration (SL), pp. 595–598.
HCI-CC-1997-Murphy- Leadership Issues in the Field of Disability and Technology (HJM), pp. 421–423.
HCI-CC-1997-SkybergSEVG #health #problem- Electric Fields, Dust and Health Problems Among VDU-Users in an Office Environment: An Intervention Program (KS, KS, EW, AIV, LOG), pp. 655–657.
HCI-CC-1997-WestlanderBH #development #information management #interactive #process- Modes of Interaction Between Businesses and R&D Project Teams in Cognitive Engineering and Information Systems Development. Success and Failures in the Process of Field Studies (GW, TB, SH), pp. 793–796.
DAC-1996-BrownMVCGGGLZS #design #experience #multi #programmable #scalability #tool support #using- Experience in Designing a Large-scale Multiprocessor using Field-Programmable Devices and Advanced CAD Tools (SDB, NM, ZGV, SC, AG, RG, MG, KL, ZZ, SS), pp. 427–432.
ICSM-1996-WildeC #comprehension #experience- Early field experience with the Software Reconnaissance technique for program comprehension (NW, CC), pp. 312–318.
WCRE-1996-WildeC #comprehension #experience- Early Field Experience with the Software Recounaissance Technique for Program Comprehension (NW, CC), pp. 270–276.
CHI-1996-KrautSMMK #internet #named- HomeNet: A Field Trial of Residential Internet Services (REK, WLS, TM, JM, SBK), pp. 284–291.
CSCW-1996-HindusAMS #case study #named- Thunderwire: A Field Study of an Audio-Only Media Space (DH, MSA, SDM, BS), pp. 238–247.
CAiSE-1996-KroneKHDE #case study #information management #using- Developing an Information System Using TROLL: An Application Field Study (MK, MK, PH, GD, HDE), pp. 136–159.
ICPR-1996-CamusCHH #realtime #using- Real-time single-workstation obstacle avoidance using only wide-field flow divergence (TC, DC, MH, THH), pp. 323–330.
ICPR-1996-ChiangG #feature model #framework #hybrid #recognition- A hybrid feature extraction framework for handwritten numeric fields recognition (JHC, PDG), pp. 436–440.
ICPR-1996-CooperHY #markov #random- A Markov random field model of subjective contour perception (PRC, SH, PY), pp. 100–104.
ICPR-1996-CrouzilMC #correlation #similarity- A new correlation criterion based on gradient fields similarity (AC, LMP, SC), pp. 632–636.
ICPR-1996-DelagnesB #graph #image #markov #random- Rectilinear structure extraction in textured images with an irregular, graph-based Markov random field model (PD, DB), pp. 800–804.
ICPR-1996-FinchWH #relational- Relational matching with mean field annealing (AMF, RCW, ERH), pp. 359–363.
ICPR-1996-GonzalezC #classification #functional #markov #random- The Markov random fields in functional neighbors as a texture model: applications in texture classification (AMG, DC), pp. 815–819.
ICPR-1996-MaseN- Computing the field-of-view of a stitched panorama to create for sensitive virtual environments (KM, HN), pp. 151–155.
ICPR-1996-MichaelisSSM #adaptation #network #using- Adaptive filtering of distorted displacement vector fields using artificial neural networks (BM, OS, US, RM), pp. 335–339.
ICPR-1996-PatrasAT #estimation #image #sequence- Joint disparity and motion field estimation in stereoscopic image sequences (IP, NA, GT), pp. 359–363.
ICPR-1996-SchieleC #multi #probability #recognition #using- Probabilistic object recognition using multidimensional receptive field histograms (BS, JLC), pp. 50–54.
ICPR-1996-SmitsD #adaptation #approach #image #markov #random #segmentation #using- Information fusion in a Markov random field-based image segmentation approach using adaptive neighbourhoods (PCS, SGD), pp. 570–575.
ICPR-1996-SoiferKKS #identification #using- Fingerprint identification using the directions field (VAS, VVK, SNK, RVS), pp. 586–590.
KDD-1996-MongeE #algorithm #problem- The Field Matching Problem: Algorithms and Applications (AEM, CE), pp. 267–270.
SEKE-1996-Gentleman #challenge- Challenges in Deploying Software: Rollout, Field Support, Upgrades (WMG), pp. 426–433.
ICDAR-v1-1995-ParkL #markov #random #recognition- Hidden Markov mesh random field: theory and its application to handwritten character recognition (HSP, SWL), pp. 409–412.
ICDAR-v1-1995-SimonciniK- A system for reading USA census ’90 hand-written fields (LS, ZMKV), pp. 86–91.
ICDAR-v2-1995-BouchaffraM #approach #information retrieval #markov #random- A Markovian random field approach to information retrieval (DB, JGM), pp. 997–1002.
ICDAR-v2-1995-LiD #recognition- The field transform and its application to personal handwritten Chinese character recognition (ML, RWD), pp. 689–692.
ICDAR-v2-1995-YuanTS #graph- Four directional adjacency graphs (FDAG) and their application in locating fields in forms (JY, YYT, CYS), pp. 752–755.
STOC-1995-KaltofenS #finite- Subquadratic-time factoring of polynomials over finite fields (EK, VS), pp. 398–406.
ICALP-1995-BlumCGS #self- Self-Correcting for Function Fields Transcendental Degree (MB, BC, PG, TS), pp. 547–557.
CHI-1995-ZimmermanSPAG #human-computer #interface- Applying Electric Field Sensing to Human-Computer Interfaces (TGZ, JRS, JAP, DA, NG), pp. 280–287.
RE-1995-EmamM #case study #development #information management #requirements- A field study of requirements engineering practices in information systems development (KEE, NHM), pp. 68–80.
DAC-1994-LanZG #multi #programmable- Placement and Routing for a Field Programmable Multi-Chip Module (SL, AZ, AEG), pp. 295–300.
EDAC-1994-WuM #2d #array #performance #programmable- An Efficient Router for 2-D Field Programmable Gate Arrays (YLW, MMS), pp. 412–416.
SAS-1994-LisperC #analysis- Extended Analysis of Data Fields (BL, JFC), pp. 208–222.
CHI-1994-Rowley94b #testing #usability- Usability testing in the field: bringing the laboratory to the user (DER), pp. 252–257.
CSCW-1994-Ackerman #case study #memory management- Augmenting the Organizational Memory: A Field Study of Answer Garden (MSA), pp. 243–252.
SEKE-1994-DuranteSV #protocol #specification- A LOTOS specification of the SERCOS field-bus protocol (LD, RS, AV), pp. 139–147.
SIGIR-1994-BruzaH #axiom #using- Investigating Aboutness Axioms using Information Fields (PB, TWCH), pp. 112–121.
DAC-1993-ChanSZ #array #on the #predict #programmable- On Routability Prediction for Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (PKC, MDFS, JYZ), pp. 326–330.
ICDAR-1993-CollinTV #analysis #documentation- Don’t tell mom I’m doing document analysis; she believes I’m in the computer vision field (SC, KT, PV), pp. 619–622.
ICDAR-1993-Nagaishi #identification #induction #recognition- Identifying ability of a recognition method based on the field of induction (MN), pp. 926–929.
CSM-1993-AbranR #case study #reliability- Reliability of Function Points Productivity Model for Enhancement Projects (A Field Study) (AA, PNR), pp. 80–87.
WCRE-1993-SelfridgeWC #challenge #reverse engineering- Challenges for the Field of Reverse Engineering (PGS, RCW, EJC), pp. 144–150.
ICALP-1993-Schonhage #adaptation #finite #parallel #performance- Fast Parallel Computation of Characteristic Polynomials by Leverrier’s POwer Sum Method Adapted to Fields of Finite Characteristic (AS), pp. 410–417.
HCI-ACS-1993-Beck #case study #design- User Participation in systems Design — Results of a Field Study (AB), pp. 534–539.
HCI-ACS-1993-LuCA #case study- VDTs in Offices: A Field Study (HL, JC, FA), pp. 786–790.
DAC-1992-SawkarT #array #programmable- Area and Delay Mapping for Table-Look-Up Based Field Programmable Gate Arrays (PS, DET), pp. 368–373.
HT-ECHT-1992-LeluF #approach #hypermedia #information retrieval #paradigm- Hypertext Paradigm in the Field of Information Retrieval: A Neural Approach (AL, CF), pp. 112–121.
STOC-1992-CallahanK #composition #multi #nearest neighbour- A Decomposition of Multi-Dimensional Point-Sets with Applications to k-Nearest-Neighbors and n-Body Potential Fields (Preliminary Version) (PBC, SRK), pp. 546–556.
DAC-1991-Hill #array #design #programmable- A CAD System for the Design of Field Programmable Gate Arrays (DDH), pp. 187–192.
DAC-1991-Karplus #array #named #programmable- Xmap: A Technology Mapper for Table-Lookup Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (KK), pp. 240–243.
DAC-1991-Karplus91a #array #named #programmable- Amap: A Technology Mapper for Selector-Based Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (KK), pp. 244–247.
STOC-1991-BuchmannS #finite- Constructing Nonresidues in Finite Fields and the Extended Riemann Hypothesis (JAB, VS), pp. 72–79.
STOC-1991-MenezesVO #finite- Reducing Elliptic Curve Logarithms to Logarithms in a Finite Field (AM, SAV, TO), pp. 80–89.
DAC-1990-FrancisRC #array #named #programmable- Chortle: A Technology Mapping Program for Lookup Table-Based Field Programmable Gate Arrays (RJF, JR, KC), pp. 613–619.
STOC-1990-LenstraLMP- The Number Field Sieve (AKL, HWLJ, MSM, JMP), pp. 564–572.
STOC-1990-Shoup #finite- Searching for Primitive Roots in Finite Fields (VS), pp. 546–554.
CSCW-1990-GalegherK #communication #empirical- Computer-Mediated Communication for Intellectual Teamwork: A Field Experiment in Group Writing (JG, REK), pp. 65–78.
CAiSE-1990-SmolanderTL #case study #how #tool support- How to Combine Tools and Methods in Practice — a Field Study (KS, VPT, KL), pp. 195–214.
VLDB-1989-LehmanL- The Starburst Long Field Manager (TJL, BGL), pp. 375–383.
STOC-1989-Ierardi #algebra #formal method #quantifier- Quantifier Elimination in the Theory of an Algebraically-closed Field (DI), pp. 138–147.
CHI-1989-GoodCLW #experience #research- Experience with contextual field research (MG, RC, GL, PW), pp. 21–24.
CSCW-1988-EvelandB #empirical- Work Group Structures and Computer Support: A Field Experiment (JDE, TKB), pp. 324–343.
STOC-1986-AdlemanL #finite- Finding Irreducible Polynomials over Finite Fields (LMA, HWLJ), pp. 350–355.
STOC-1986-Mulmuley #algorithm #matrix #parallel #performance #rank- A Fast Parallel Algorithm to Compute the Rank of a Matrix over an Arbitrary Field (KM), pp. 338–339.
CSCW-1986-JohnsonWODM #collaboration #empirical #using- Using a computer-based tool to support collaboration: a field experiment (BJ, GW, MHO, RD, GM), pp. 343–352.
LICS-1986-Csirmaz #correctness #finite- Program Correctness on Finite Fields (LC, BH), pp. 4–10.
STOC-1985-FichT #complexity #finite #parallel- The Parallel Complexity of Exponentiating Polynomials over Finite Fields (FEF, MT), pp. 38–47.
STOC-1985-Huang #finite- Riemann Hypothesis and Finding Roots over Finite Fields (MDAH), pp. 121–130.
STOC-1984-Huang #algebra #finite- Factorization of Polynomials over Finite Fields and Factorization of Primes in Algebraic Number Fields (MDAH), pp. 175–182.
STOC-1983-Lenstra #finite #multi- Factoring Multivariate Polynomials over Finite Fields (Extended Abstract) (AKL), pp. 189–192.
ICALP-1983-GathenK #finite #multi #polynomial- Polynomial-Time Factorization of Multivariate Polynomials over Finite Fields (JvzG, EK), pp. 250–263.
GG-1982-Messerschmidt #automation #graph #natural language- Graph transductions in the field of automatic translation of natural languages (JM), pp. 255–266.
STOC-1978-Pan #complexity- Computational Complexity of Computing Polynomials over the Fields of Real and Complex Numbers (VYP), pp. 162–172.
STOC-1969-HermanI- Computability over Arbitrary Fields (GTH, SDI), pp. 149–153.