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319 papers:

WICSAWICSA-2015-TamburriN #architecture #social
When Software Architecture Leads to Social Debt (DAT, EDN), pp. 61–64.
DATEDATE-2015-PozoSKM #question
Side-channel attacks from static power: when should we care? (SMDP, FXS, DK, AM), pp. 145–150.
Location-Aware Pub/Sub System: When Continuous Moving Queries Meet Dynamic Event Streams (LG, DZ, GL, KLT, ZB), pp. 843–857.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2015-Dickson #development #education #game studies #using
Using Unity to Teach Game Development: When You’ve Never Written a Game (PED), pp. 75–80.
ICSMEICSME-2015-VendomeVBPGP #developer #why
When and why developers adopt and change software licenses (CV, MLV, GB, MDP, DMG, DP), pp. 31–40.
SCAMSCAM-2015-FenskeSMS #detection #smell #variability
When code smells twice as much: Metric-based detection of variability-aware code smells (WF, SS, DM, GS), pp. 171–180.
CHICHI-2015-CramerJ #communication #question #what #why
Couples’ Communication Channels: What, When & Why? (HC, MLJ), pp. 709–712.
CHICHI-2015-JensenRMG #challenge #design #game studies
Keepin’ it Real: Challenges when Designing Sports-Training Games (MMJ, MKR, F'M, KG), pp. 2003–2012.
CHICHI-2015-KimCD #detection #interactive #monitoring
Sensors Know When to Interrupt You in the Car: Detecting Driver Interruptibility Through Monitoring of Peripheral Interactions (SK, JC, AKD), pp. 487–496.
CSCWCSCW-2015-OlteanuVC #social #social media #what
What to Expect When the Unexpected Happens: Social Media Communications Across Crises (AO, SV, CC), pp. 994–1009.
CSCWCSCW-2015-RedaelliC #coordination
Coordination-Artifacts Suiting: When Plans are in the Midst of Ordering Systems (IR, AC), pp. 165–178.
CSCWCSCW-2015-Tufekci #algorithm
Algorithms in our Midst: Information, Power and Choice when Software is Everywhere (ZT), p. 1918.
HCIHCI-IT-2015-HaraUO #smarttech
Effect of Button Size and Location When Pointing with Index Finger on Smartwatch (KH, TU, NO), pp. 165–174.
HCIHCI-UC-2015-ClarkeBK #experience #question #using #what
What Learnability Issues Do Primary Care Physicians Experience When Using CPOE? (MAC, JLB, MSK), pp. 373–383.
The Effect of Timing When Introducing a Decision Aid in a Decision Support System for Supply Chain Management (NG, HN), pp. 101–108.
HCIHIMI-IKC-2015-KosakaN #behaviour #education
Education Method for Safe Bicycle Riding to Evaluate Actual Cycling Behaviors When Entering an Intersection (HK, MN), pp. 225–232.
KDDKDD-2015-SpasojevicLRB #network #social
When-To-Post on Social Networks (NS, ZL, AR, PB), pp. 2127–2136.
When Relevance Judgement is Happening?: An EEG-based Study (MA, YM, MH, FEP, JMJ, GP), pp. 719–722.
SIGIRSIGIR-2015-YangS #information retrieval #privacy #security
Privacy-Preserving IR 2015: When Information Retrieval Meets Privacy and Security (HY, IS), pp. 1157–1158.
SIGIRSIGIR-2015-ZhangCQZL #multi #personalisation #recommendation #similarity
When Personalization Meets Conformity: Collective Similarity based Multi-Domain Recommendation (XZ, JC, SQ, ZZ, HL), pp. 1019–1022.
SACSAC-2015-HoldererAM #bibliography #constraints #workflow
When four-eyes become too much: a survey on the interplay of authorization constraints and workflow resilience (JH, RA, GM), pp. 1245–1248.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2015-BellerGPZ #developer #how #ide #why
When, how, and why developers (do not) test in their IDEs (MB, GG, AP, AZ), pp. 179–190.
ICSEICSE-v1-2015-GaoLCMW #interactive #question #testing #what
Making System User Interactive Tests Repeatable: When and What Should We Control? (ZG, YL, MBC, AMM, ZW), pp. 55–65.
ICSEICSE-v1-2015-TufanoPBOPLP #smell #why
When and Why Your Code Starts to Smell Bad (MT, FP, GB, RO, MDP, ADL, DP), pp. 403–414.
ICSEICSE-v2-2015-GomezMMR #debugging
When App Stores Listen to the Crowd to Fight Bugs in the Wild (MG, MM, MM, RR), pp. 567–570.
ICSEICSE-v2-2015-ShepherdDP #how #re-engineering #research
How and When to Transfer Software Engineering Research via Extensions (DCS, KD, LLP), pp. 239–240.
ISSTAISSTA-2015-Narayanaswamy #concurrent #performance
When truth is efficient: analysing concurrency (GN), pp. 141–152.
DocEngDocEng-2014-FranzeMW #what
What academics want when reading digitally (JF, KM, MW), pp. 199–202.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2014-AgarwalMKTJMMS #approximate #performance #query #reliability
Knowing when you’re wrong: building fast and reliable approximate query processing systems (SA, HM, AK, AT, MIJ, SM, BM, IS), pp. 481–492.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2014-CheungMS #database #lazy evaluation #named #query
Sloth: being lazy is a virtue (when issuing database queries) (AC, SM, ASL), pp. 931–942.
VLDBVLDB-2014-He #approximate #challenge #data transformation #hardware
When Data Management Systems Meet Approximate Hardware: Challenges and Opportunities (BH), pp. 877–880.
ICSMEICSME-2014-AbreuCFMPS14a #detection #fault #locality #smell
FaultySheet Detective: When Smells Meet Fault Localization (RA, JC, JPF, PM, AP, JS), pp. 625–628.
ICSMEICSME-2014-McIntoshANH #co-evolution #mining
Mining Co-change Information to Understand When Build Changes Are Necessary (SM, BA, MN, AEH), pp. 241–250.
FMFM-2014-FengZ #automaton #bisimulation #equivalence #probability
When Equivalence and Bisimulation Join Forces in Probabilistic Automata (YF, LZ), pp. 247–262.
Pay or delay: the role of technology when managing a low income (JV, PD, AM), pp. 501–510.
CSCWCSCW-2014-KangKK #analysis #collaboration #information management #tool support
Teammate inaccuracy blindness: when information sharing tools hinder collaborative analysis (RK, AK, SBK), pp. 797–806.
HCIDUXU-DP-2014-AncientG #design #interface #people
Considering People Living with Dementia When Designing Interfaces (CA, AG), pp. 113–123.
HCIDUXU-TMT-2014-WetzlingerAD #effectiveness #experience #performance #usability #user interface #using
Comparing Effectiveness, Efficiency, Ease of Use, Usability and User Experience When Using Tablets and Laptops (WW, AA, MD), pp. 402–412.
HCIHIMI-AS-2014-GotzeBPB #quote
“A Careful Driver is One Who Looks in Both Directions When He Passes a Red Light” — Increased Demands in Urban Traffic (MG, FB, IPS, KB), pp. 229–240.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2014-BorattoC #clustering #collaboration #recommendation #using
Using Collaborative Filtering to Overcome the Curse of Dimensionality when Clustering Users in a Group Recommender System (LB, SC), pp. 564–572.
CIKMCIKM-2014-LimsopathamMO #modelling #multi #ranking #towards
Modelling Relevance towards Multiple Inclusion Criteria when Ranking Patients (NL, CM, IO), pp. 1639–1648.
ICMLICML-c2-2014-0001NKA #estimation #probability
GEV-Canonical Regression for Accurate Binary Class Probability Estimation when One Class is Rare (AA, HN, SK, SA), pp. 1989–1997.
ICMLICML-c2-2014-NgoT #modelling #relational
Model-Based Relational RL When Object Existence is Partially Observable (NAV, MT), pp. 559–567.
ICMLICML-c2-2014-VinnikovS #component #independence
K-means recovers ICA filters when independent components are sparse (AV, SSS), pp. 712–720.
ICPRICPR-2014-MesterC #statistics
When Patches Match — A Statistical View on Matching under Illumination Variation (RM, CC), pp. 4364–4369.
ICPRICPR-2014-YingWMYZ #problem #using
The Perspective-3-Point Problem When Using a Planar Mirror (XY, GW, XM, SY, HZ), pp. 4033–4037.
SIGIRSIGIR-2014-SiY #information retrieval #privacy #security
Privacy-preserving IR: when information retrieval meets privacy and security (LS, HY), p. 1295.
HPDCHPDC-2014-MuCWZ #network #replication #state machine
When paxos meets erasure code: reduce network and storage cost in state machine replication (SM, KC, YW, WZ), pp. 61–72.
DACDAC-2013-ZhaiBS #parallel #realtime #streaming
Exploiting just-enough parallelism when mapping streaming applications in hard real-time systems (JTZ, MB, TS), p. 8.
PODSPODS-2013-GheerbrantLS #evaluation #question
When is naive evaluation possible? (AG, LL, CS), pp. 75–86.
VLDBVLDB-2013-SimoesGG #algorithm #approximate #information management #performance #using
When Speed Has a Price: Fast Information Extraction Using Approximate Algorithms (GS, HG, LG), pp. 1462–1473.
CSMRCSMR-2013-PanichellaMMPOPL #how #traceability #using
When and How Using Structural Information to Improve IR-Based Traceability Recovery (AP, CM, EM, DP, RO, DP, ADL), pp. 199–208.
MSRMSR-2013-AllamanisS #stack overflow #topic #what #why
Why, when, and what: analyzing stack overflow questions by topic, type, and code (MA, CAS), pp. 53–56.
WCREWCRE-2013-LiXPZ #developer #how #question #what
What help do developers seek, when and how? (HL, ZX, XP, WZ), pp. 142–151.
PLDIPLDI-2013-KongVSFPS #code generation
When polyhedral transformations meet SIMD code generation (MK, RV, KS, FF, LNP, PS), pp. 127–138.
The secret life of a persona: when the personal becomes private (EE, HA, AS), pp. 2677–2686.
CHICHI-2013-GustafsonRB #comprehension #interface #visual notation
Understanding palm-based imaginary interfaces: the role of visual and tactile cues when browsing (SG, BR, PB), pp. 889–898.
CHICHI-2013-LewisUM #named
UMUX-LITE: when there’s no time for the SUS (JRL, BU, DEM), pp. 2099–2102.
CHICHI-2013-RiceTOYWN #behaviour #game studies #interactive
The dynamics of younger and older adult’s paired behavior when playing an interactive silhouette game (MDR, WPT, JO, LJY, MW, JN), pp. 1081–1090.
When the price is right: enabling time-dependent pricing of broadband data (SS, CJW, SH, JB, MC), pp. 2477–2486.
CSCWCSCW-2013-DoucetteGMNS #collaboration #how
Sometimes when we touch: how arm embodiments change reaching and collaboration on digital tables (AD, CG, RLM, MAN, SS), pp. 193–202.
HCIDHM-SET-2013-BrooksB #game studies #using #video
Facilitators’ Intervention Variance and Outcome Influence When Using Video Games with Fibromyalgia Patients (ALB, EPB), pp. 163–172.
HCIDUXU-CXC-2013-Webb #gamification #named
Gamification: When It Works, When It Doesn’t (ENW), pp. 608–614.
HCIHCI-UC-2013-KawabeIN #predict
A Refuge Location Prediction System for When a Tsunami Has Occurred (AK, TI, YN), pp. 295–300.
HCIHIMI-D-2013-JinnaiONKAS #evaluation #multi
Evaluation of Somatosensory Evoked Responses When Multiple Tactile Information Was Given to the Palm: A MEG Study (AJ, AO, SN, KK, TA, SS), pp. 594–603.
HCIHIMI-D-2013-Remy #in the cloud #simulation #standard
Quantifying the Impact of Standards When Hosting Robotic Simulations in the Cloud (SLR), pp. 365–374.
HCIHIMI-D-2013-SilvaZGBSV #question
Are the Intrusive Effects of SPAM Probes Present When Operators Differ by Skill Level and Training? (HIS, JZ, TG, VB, TZS, KPLV), pp. 269–275.
HCIHIMI-HSM-2013-CastronovoMM #interface #what
What, Where, and When? Intelligent Presentation Management for Automotive Human Machine Interfaces and Its Application (SC, AM, CAM), pp. 460–469.
HCIHIMI-HSM-2013-KosakaN #behaviour #education
Pilot Experiments in Education for Safe Bicycle Riding to Evaluate Actual Cycling Behaviors When Entering an Intersection (HK, MN), pp. 515–523.
KDDKDD-2013-GaneshapillaiG #data-driven
A data-driven method for in-game decision making in MLB: when to pull a starting pitcher (GG, JVG), pp. 973–979.
KDDKDD-2013-RobardetSPF #dependence
When TEDDY meets GrizzLY: temporal dependency discovery for triggering road deicing operations (CR, VMS, MP, AF), pp. 1490–1493.
KDDKDD-2013-YuanCMSM #topic #twitter #what
Who, where, when and what: discover spatio-temporal topics for twitter users (QY, GC, ZM, AS, NMT), pp. 605–613.
KDDKDD-2013-ZhengLH #big data #named #quality
U-Air: when urban air quality inference meets big data (YZ, FL, HPH), pp. 1436–1444.
KDIRKDIR-KMIS-2013-StroetmannLOE #difference #information management #performance #quality
When Measuring Performance Makes the Difference — Quality and Success of a Clinical Knowledge Management Project (BS, AL, AO, OE), pp. 419–425.
MLDMMLDM-2013-PrieditisL #bound #classification #performance #problem #using
When Classification becomes a Problem: Using Branch-and-Bound to Improve Classification Efficiency (AP, ML), pp. 466–480.
RecSysRecSys-2013-CremonesiGQ #recommendation
Evaluating top-n recommendations “when the best are gone” (PC, FG, MQ), pp. 339–342.
RecSysRecSys-2013-WilsonS #collaboration #recommendation
When power users attack: assessing impacts in collaborative recommender systems (DCW, CES), pp. 427–430.
SIGIRSIGIR-2013-McCreadieMO #what
News vertical search: when and what to display to users (RM, CM, IO), pp. 253–262.
GPCEGPCE-2013-Flatt #question
Submodules in racket: you want it when, again? (MF), pp. 13–22.
SACSAC-2013-BuarqueCA #modelling #requirements
The role of NFRs when transforming i* requirements models into OO-method models (AB, JC, FMRA), pp. 1305–1306.
SACSAC-2013-CeccarelliGLNP #query #recommendation #semantics
When entities meet query recommender systems: semantic search shortcuts (DC, SG, CL, FMN, RP), pp. 933–938.
ICSEICSE-2013-ShangJHAHM #big data #data analysis #developer
Assisting developers of big data analytics applications when deploying on hadoop clouds (WS, ZMJ, HH, BA, AEH, PM), pp. 402–411.
CSLCSL-2013-Hunter #logic #metric #question
When is Metric Temporal Logic Expressively Complete? (PH), pp. 380–394.
DACDAC-2012-ChangB #simulation
Improving gate-level simulation accuracy when unknowns exist (KHC, CB), pp. 936–940.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2012-SuS #pipes and filters
Oracle in-database hadoop: when mapreduce meets RDBMS (XS, GS), pp. 779–790.
FASEFASE-2012-BradfieldS #calculus #qvt #recursion #μ-calculus
Recursive Checkonly QVT-R Transformations with General when and where Clauses via the Modal μ Calculus (JCB, PS), pp. 194–208.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2012-AhmanCU #monad #question
When Is a Container a Comonad? (DA, JC, TU), pp. 74–88.
CSMRCSMR-2012-BernardiCLPD #communication #debugging #developer #eclipse
Do Developers Introduce Bugs When They Do Not Communicate? The Case of Eclipse and Mozilla (MLB, GC, GADL, MDP, DD), pp. 139–148.
ICSMEICSM-2012-ThungLJLRD #debugging #question
When would this bug get reported? (FT, DL, LJ, L, FR, PTD), pp. 420–429.
SCAMSCAM-2012-BavotaCLPOS #debugging #empirical #refactoring
When Does a Refactoring Induce Bugs? An Empirical Study (GB, BDC, ADL, MDP, RO, OS), pp. 104–113.
SASSAS-2012-HalbwachsH #sequence
When the Decreasing Sequence Fails (NH, JH), pp. 198–213.
STOCSTOC-2012-ChakrabartiFW #multi #network #problem
When the cut condition is enough: a complete characterization for multiflow problems in series-parallel networks (AC, LF, CW), pp. 19–26.
FMFM-2012-DormoyKL #component #configuration management #refinement
When Structural Refinement of Components Keeps Temporal Properties over Reconfigurations (JD, OK, AL), pp. 171–186.
CHICHI-2012-Densmore #mobile
Claim mobile: when to fail a technology (MD), pp. 1833–1842.
CHICHI-2012-TopkaraPLDWB #email #enterprise #quote #video
“You’ve got video”: increasing clickthrough when sharing enterprise video with email (MT, SP, JCL, AD, SW, JB), pp. 565–568.
EDOCEDOC-2012-GraupnerBNM #enterprise #social #social media
When Social Media Meet the Enterprise (SG, CB, HRMN, DM), pp. 201–210.
ECIRECIR-2012-NeumayerBN12a #effectiveness #semantics
When Simple is (more than) Good Enough: Effective Semantic Search with (almost) no Semantics (RN, KB, KN), pp. 540–543.
KDDKDD-2012-Davidson #clustering #comprehension #constraints
Two approaches to understanding when constraints help clustering (ID), pp. 1312–1320.
RecSysRecSys-2012-EkstrandR #algorithm #predict #recommendation
When recommenders fail: predicting recommender failure for algorithm selection and combination (MDE, JR), pp. 233–236.
SIGIRSIGIR-2012-LiuADMS #comprehension #web
When web search fails, searchers become askers: understanding the transition (QL, EA, GD, YM, IS), pp. 801–810.
SIGIRSIGIR-2012-Sakai #evaluation #information retrieval #mobile #towards #what
Towards zero-click mobile IR evaluation: knowing what and knowing when (TS), pp. 1157–1158.
ECOOPECOOP-2012-Odersky #compilation
When Compilers Are Mirrors (MO), p. 1.
RERE-2012-MaglyasNS #question #what
What do practitioners mean when they talk about product management? (AM, UN, KS), pp. 261–266.
REFSQREFSQ-2012-AnhCCHFA #collaboration #component #open source #requirements
Collaborative Resolution of Requirements Mismatches When Adopting Open Source Components (NDA, DSC, RC, MH, XF, CPA), pp. 77–93.
ICSEICSE-2012-CeccatoMMNT #debugging #effectiveness #empirical #random testing #testing
An empirical study about the effectiveness of debugging when random test cases are used (MC, AM, LM, CDN, PT), pp. 452–462.
ICSEICSE-2012-ForbesKR #challenge #navigation #open source #research
When open source turns cold on innovation — The challenges of navigating licensing complexities in new research domains (CF, IK, JR), pp. 1447–1448.
OSDIOSDI-2012-LiPCGPR #consistency #performance
Making Geo-Replicated Systems Fast as Possible, Consistent when Necessary (CL, DP, AC, JG, NMP, RR), pp. 265–278.
CAVCAV-2012-HanJ #satisfiability
When Boolean Satisfiability Meets Gaussian Elimination in a Simplex Way (CSH, JHRJ), pp. 410–426.
ICSTICST-2012-ChenLYS #question #testing #user interface #what
When a GUI Regression Test Failed, What Should be Blamed? (JC, ML, KY, BS), pp. 467–470.
ICSTICST-2012-ChoudharyDBJOI #challenge #internet #modelling #security #testing
Solving Some Modeling Challenges when Testing Rich Internet Applications for Security (SC, MED, GvB, GVJ, IVO, PI), pp. 850–857.
LICSLICS-2012-ChatterjeeD #game studies #how #probability
Partial-Observation Stochastic Games: How to Win When Belief Fails (KC, LD), pp. 175–184.
ECSAECSA-2011-Axelsson #architecture #embedded #how #nondeterminism #on the
On How to Deal with Uncertainty When Architecting Embedded Software and Systems (JA), pp. 199–202.
DATEDATE-2011-JhaLMR #simulation #statistics #trade-off #verification
When to stop verification?: Statistical trade-off between expected loss and simulation cost (SKJ, CJL, SM, SR), pp. 1309–1314.
DocEngDocEng-2011-CazenaveQR #css #html
Timesheets.js: when SMIL meets HTML5 and CSS3 (FC, VQ, CR), pp. 43–52.
All liaisons are dangerous when all your friends are known to us (DGA), pp. 171–180.
ICDARICDAR-2011-LoprestiN #problem #question
When is a Problem Solved? (DPL, GN), pp. 32–36.
CSEETCSEET-2011-RadermacherW #empirical #interactive #programming #student #using
Investigating student-instructor interactions when using pair programming: An empirical study (AR, GSW), pp. 41–50.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2011-AmbrosioM #education #matter #what
What matters most when teaching CS1 (APA, SWM), p. 385.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2011-AtkeyJG #induction #question #refinement
When Is a Type Refinement an Inductive Type? (RA, PJ, NG), pp. 72–87.
ICSMEICSM-2011-Kemmerer #how #what
How to steal a botnet and what can happen when you do (RAK), p. 1.
Domination When the Stars Are Out (DH, MM, EJvL, GJW), pp. 462–473.
CHICHI-2011-BaumerS #design
When the implication is not to design (technology) (EPSB, MSS), pp. 2271–2274.
CHICHI-2011-KelleyBCS #question
When are users comfortable sharing locations with advertisers? (PGK, MB, LFC, NMS), pp. 2449–2452.
When a little knowledge isn’t a dangerous thing (JO, DBM, TC, AG), pp. 1667–1676.
CHICHI-2011-SauroL #design #question #usability
When designing usability questionnaires, does it hurt to be positive? (JS, JRL), pp. 2215–2224.
Do men heal more when in drag?: conflicting identity cues between user and avatar (NY, ND, MY, LN), pp. 773–776.
HCIDHM-2011-TangoMAP #automation #behaviour #classification
Automation Effects on Driver’s Behaviour When Integrating a PADAS and a Distraction Classifier (FT, LM, RA, OP), pp. 503–512.
HCIDUXU-v1-2011-PrabhalaLG #people #question #what #word
Ethnography, Ethnography or Ethnography? What Happens When the Same Word Means Different Things to Different People? (SP, DL, SG), pp. 102–110.
HCIHCI-UA-2011-LargeB #comparison #interface #retrieval #using #visualisation
A Comparison of Children’s and Adults’ Retrieval Performances and Affective Reactions When Using a Conventional Interface and an Information Visualization Interface (AL, JB), pp. 590–598.
Timing when to buy (RA, SI, RV), pp. 709–718.
CIKMCIKM-2011-ElsayedLM #approximate #performance #retrieval
When close enough is good enough: approximate positional indexes for efficient ranked retrieval (TE, JJL, DM), pp. 1993–1996.
SIGIRSIGIR-2011-LvZ #documentation #exclamation
When documents are very long, BM25 fails! (YL, CZ), pp. 1103–1104.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2011-SonMS #named #security #what
RoleCast: finding missing security checks when you do not know what checks are (SS, KSM, VS), pp. 1069–1084.
GPCEGPCE-2011-RibeiroQBTBS #dependence #maintenance #on the #product line
On the impact of feature dependencies when maintaining preprocessor-based software product lines (MR, FQ, PB, TT, CB, SS), pp. 23–32.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2011-AliSSONM #monitoring #social
Social sensing: when users become monitors (RA, CS, MS, IO, BN, WM), pp. 476–479.
ICSTICST-2011-YuSSR #embedded #testing #using
Using Property-Based Oracles when Testing Embedded System Applications (TY, AS, WSa, GR), pp. 100–109.
ASEASE-2010-KessentiniVS #identification #risk management
Deviance from perfection is a better criterion than closeness to evil when identifying risky code (MK, SV, HAS), pp. 113–122.
ASEASE-2010-KocaguneliGMYK #estimation
When to use data from other projects for effort estimation (EK, GG, TM, YY, JWK), pp. 321–324.
PODSPODS-2010-HartmannL #dependence #logic #sql
When data dependencies over SQL tables meet the logics of paradox and S-3 (SH, SL), pp. 317–326.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2010-DoddsLB #biology #collaboration
When CS 1 is biology 1: crossdisciplinary collaboration as CS context (ZD, RLH, EB), pp. 219–223.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2010-Williams-KingAC #named
Enbug: when debuggers go bad (DWK, JA, DMNdC), pp. 28–32.
FoSSaCSFoSSaCS-2010-DemriS #decidability #ltl #model checking
When Model-Checking Freeze LTL over Counter Machines Becomes Decidable (SD, AS), pp. 176–190.
TACASTACAS-2010-AbdullaCHMV #anti #simulation
When Simulation Meets Antichains (PAA, YFC, LH, RM, TV), pp. 158–174.
MSRMSR-2010-BachmannB #correlation #dataset #debugging #process #quality #re-engineering
When process data quality affects the number of bugs: Correlations in software engineering datasets (AB, AB), pp. 62–71.
ICALPICALP-v1-2010-Welzl #constraints #satisfiability
When Conflicting Constraints Can Be Resolved — The Lovász Local Lemma and Satisfiability (EW), p. 18.
CHICHI-2010-HornofZH #multimodal
Knowing where and when to look in a time-critical multimodal dual task (AJH, YZ, TH), pp. 2103–2112.
KDDKDD-2010-AttenbergP #classification #learning #modelling #why
Why label when you can search?: alternatives to active learning for applying human resources to build classification models under extreme class imbalance (JA, FJP), pp. 423–432.
KDDKDD-2010-YuHCL #classification #in memory #linear #memory management #scalability
Large linear classification when data cannot fit in memory (HFY, CJH, KWC, CJL), pp. 833–842.
SPLCSPLC-2010-BelategiSE #embedded #product line #variability
MARTE Mechanisms to Model Variability When Analyzing Embedded Software Product Lines (LB, GS, LE), pp. 466–470.
ICSTICST-2010-JobstlWAW #consistency #execution #smt #symbolic computation #testing
When BDDs Fail: Conformance Testing with Symbolic Execution and SMT Solving (EJ, MW, BKA, FW), pp. 479–488.
HTHT-2009-RomanelloBBC #information management #parsing
When printed hypertexts go digital: information extraction from the parsing of indices (MR, MB, AB, GRC), pp. 357–358.
VLDBVLDB-2009-KraskaHAK #consistency #in the cloud #matter
Consistency Rationing in the Cloud: Pay only when it matters (TK, MH, GA, DK), pp. 253–264.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2009-Kumar #education
Need to consider variations within demographic groups when evaluating educational interventions (ANK), pp. 176–180.
CSMRCSMR-2009-RibeiroB #product line
Improving Guidance when Restructuring Variabilities in Software Product Lines (MdMR, PB), pp. 79–88.
Balancing value and modifiability when planning for the next release (AJ, MG, MM, GR), pp. 495–498.
ICALPICALP-v2-2009-BaierBBB #automaton #question
When Are Timed Automata Determinizable? (CB, NB, PB, TB), pp. 43–54.
CHICHI-2009-BrumbySH #adaptation #constraints #how
Focus on driving: how cognitive constraints shape the adaptation of strategy when dialing while driving (DPB, DDS, AH), pp. 1629–1638.
CHICHI-2009-BuscherCM #eye tracking #predict #using #web #what
What do you see when you’re surfing?: using eye tracking to predict salient regions of web pages (GB, EC, MRM), pp. 21–30.
CHICHI-2009-GaverBKBJ #design #how #what
Anatomy of a failure: how we knew when our design went wrong, and what we learned from it (WWG, JB, TK, AB, NJ), pp. 2213–2222.
CHICHI-2009-HogganCBK #feedback #question
Audio or tactile feedback: which modality when? (EEH, AC, SAB, TK), pp. 2253–2256.
CHICHI-2009-KarlsonBS #comprehension #mobile
Can I borrow your phone?: understanding concerns when sharing mobile phones (AKK, AJBB, SES), pp. 1647–1650.
CHICHI-2009-KlasnjaCJGLPW #privacy #quote
“When I am on Wi-Fi, I am fearless”: privacy concerns & practices in everyday Wi-Fi use (PVK, SC, JJ, BG, LL, PP, DW), pp. 1993–2002.
CHICHI-2009-MarshallFHRHRYD #interactive #physics #using
Fighting for control: children’s embodied interactions when using physical and digital representations (PM, RF, AH, JR, EH, YR, NY, NSD), pp. 2149–2152.
HCIOCSC-2009-EgertJB #social #social media
When Social Worlds Collide: Charting the Intersection of Social Media and Courseware/Course Management Systems (CAE, SJ, SBB), pp. 452–461.
ICMLICML-2009-PoczosASGS #exclamation #learning
Learning when to stop thinking and do something! (BP, YAY, CS, RG, NRS), pp. 825–832.
ICMLICML-2009-RaykarYZJFVBM #learning #multi #trust
Supervised learning from multiple experts: whom to trust when everyone lies a bit (VCR, SY, LHZ, AKJ, CF, GHV, LB, LM), pp. 889–896.
KDDKDD-2009-CrookFKL #web
Seven pitfalls to avoid when running controlled experiments on the web (TC, BF, RK, RL), pp. 1105–1114.
KMISKMIS-2009-MorenoCCAMCG #case study #experience #research
When Knowledge Meets Innovation Technology — The ENEA e-LEARN Experiences through Technology and Research (AM, FC, CC, AA, CM, AC, SG), pp. 161–166.
SIGIRSIGIR-2009-HauffA #effectiveness #performance #predict #query #question
When is query performance prediction effective? (CH, LA), pp. 829–830.
When more is less: the paradox of choice in search engine use (AO, JPH, BS), pp. 516–523.
REFSQREFSQ-2009-Dzamashvili-FogelstromBAH #requirements
When Product Managers Gamble with Requirements: Attitudes to Value and Risk (NDF, SB, AA, AH), pp. 1–15.
Keeping diversity when exploring dynamic environments (JLFM, JLA), pp. 1192–1196.
SACSAC-2009-NetoFP #named #people #using
MATRACA: a tool to provide support for people with impaired vision when using the computer for simple tasks (FGdON, JMF, RRGP), pp. 158–159.
VLDBVLDB-2008-HoseKMS #question
When is it time to rethink the aggregate configuration of your OLAP server? (KH, DK, MM, KUS), pp. 1492–1495.
When Things Go Wrong: Interrupting Conversations (JKFB, SM), pp. 131–145.
DLTDLT-2008-CsimaK #decidability #question #reachability
When Is Reachability Intrinsically Decidable? (BFC, BK), pp. 216–227.
ICALPICALP-B-2008-GomezGP #commutative #question
When Does Partial Commutative Closure Preserve Regularity? (ACG, GG, JÉP), pp. 209–220.
ICALPICALP-C-2008-HochS #on the
On the Strength of the Concatenated Hash Combiner When All the Hash Functions Are Weak (JJH, AS), pp. 616–630.
CHICHI-2008-ChauMF #what
What to do when search fails: finding information by association (DHC, BAM, AF), pp. 999–1008.
CHICHI-2008-RohsO #lens
Target acquisition with camera phones when used as magic lenses (MR, AO), pp. 1409–1418.
CAiSECAiSE-2008-Godet-BarDR #interactive
When Interaction Choices Trigger Business Evolutions (GGB, SDC, DR), pp. 144–147.
ICEISICEIS-DISI-2008-PennesiHRWS #what #why
WWW++ — Adding Why to What, When and Where (PP, MH, CR, CYW, SS), pp. 304–309.
CIKMCIKM-2008-BroderCFGJMMP #learning
To swing or not to swing: learning when (not) to advertise (AZB, MC, MF, EG, VJ, DM, VM, VP), pp. 1003–1012.
Training structural SVMs when exact inference is intractable (TF, TJ), pp. 304–311.
ICPRICPR-2008-SeiffertKHN #classification #named #performance
RUSBoost: Improving classification performance when training data is skewed (CS, TMK, JVH, AN), pp. 1–4.
SIGIRSIGIR-2008-RahurkarC #predict
Predicting when browsing context is relevant to search (MR, SC), pp. 841–842.
REFSQREFSQ-2008-WelshS #adaptation #identification #problem
When to Adapt? Identification of Problem Domains for Adaptive Systems (KW, PS), pp. 198–203.
SACSAC-2008-FariaM #recognition #scalability #speech
When a mismatch can be good: large vocabulary speech recognition trained with idealized tandem features (AF, NM), pp. 1574–1577.
SACSAC-2008-GrovPMI #component #concurrent #coordination
Preserving coordination properties when transforming concurrent system components (GG, RFP, GM, AI), pp. 126–127.
CASECASE-2007-XiaoWL #flexibility #simulation
Dynamic Coupling Simulation of a Power Transmission Line Inspection Robot with its Flexible Moving Path when Overcoming Obstacles (XX, GW, SL), pp. 326–331.
DACDAC-2007-BacchiniHFRLTPZ #question #verification
Verification Coverage: When is Enough, Enough? (FB, AJH, TF, RR, DL, MT, AP, AZ), pp. 744–745.
VLDBVLDB-2007-IvesDR #adaptation #how #query #question #what #why
Adaptive query processing: Why, How, When, and What Next? (ZGI, AD, VR), pp. 1426–1427.
CHICHI-2007-KalnikaiteW #memory management #people #why
Software or wetware?: discovering when and why people use digital prosthetic memory (VK, SW), pp. 71–80.
HCIHCI-IPT-2007-AuerD #difference
When Does a Difference Make a Difference? A Snapshot on Global Icon Comprehensibility (SA, ED), pp. 3–12.
ICEISICEIS-DISI-2007-ChristianssonS #open data #problem #standard
Problems with non-open data standards in swedish municipals — when integrating and adopting systems (BC, FS), pp. 264–267.
ECIRECIR-2007-MelucciP07a #named #order #rank
PageRank: When Order Changes (MM, LP), pp. 581–588.
ICMLICML-2007-YamazakiKWSM #fault
Asymptotic Bayesian generalization error when training and test distributions are different (KY, MK, SW, MS, KRM), pp. 1079–1086.
MLDMMLDM-2007-MendezCGRD #performance
Analyzing the Performance of Spam Filtering Methods When Dimensionality of Input Vector Changes (JRM, BC, DGP, FFR, FD), pp. 364–378.
ICSEICSE-2007-PistoiaFFY #enterprise #modelling #policy #security #validation
When Role Models Have Flaws: Static Validation of Enterprise Security Policies (MP, SJF, RJF, EY), pp. 478–488.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2006-DeshpandeHR #adaptation #how #query #what #why
Adaptive query processing: why, how, when, what next (AD, JMH, VR), pp. 806–807.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2006-Boetje #education #re-engineering
Foundational actions: teaching software engineering when time is tight (JB), pp. 285–288.
PEPMPEPM-2006-SwadiTKP #approach #monad #staging
A monadic approach for avoiding code duplication when staging memoized functions (KNS, WT, OK, EP), pp. 160–169.
STOCSTOC-2006-Feige #on the
On maximizing welfare when utility functions are subadditive (UF), pp. 41–50.
FMFM-2006-GenonMM #algorithm #distributed #ltl #monitoring #performance #sequence
Monitoring Distributed Controllers: When an Efficient LTL Algorithm on Sequences Is Needed to Model-Check Traces (AG, TM, CM), pp. 557–572.
CSCWCSCW-2006-McNeeKK #recommendation #research
Don’t look stupid: avoiding pitfalls when recommending research papers (SMM, NK, JAK), pp. 171–180.
AdaSIGAda-2006-Mosley #embedded #legacy
When to migrate legacy embedded applications (DM), pp. 77–80.
AdaSIGAda-2006-ShindiC #benchmark #metric #performance
Evaluate the performance changes of processor simulator benchmarks When context switches are incorporated (RSS, SC), pp. 9–14.
Pay Attention When Selecting Features (SF, PJ, HIC), pp. 163–166.
KRKR-2006-Rector #information management #representation
Users Are Always Right ... Even When They Are Wrong: Making Knowledge Representation Useful and Usable (ALR), p. 4.
GPCEGPCE-2006-ApelB #aspect-oriented #case study
When to use features and aspects?: a case study (SA, DSB), pp. 59–68.
RERE-2006-Cleland-Huang #how #question #requirements #traceability
Requirements Traceability — When and How does it Deliver more than it Costs? (JCH), p. 323.
HPDCHPDC-2006-WeinbergS #game studies
When Jobs Play Nice: The Case For Symbiotic Space-Sharing (JW, AS), pp. 361–362.
MBTMBT-2006-AichernigG #modelling #testing
When Model-based Testing Fails (BKA, CG), pp. 115–128.
WICSAWICSA-2005-LandBLC #architecture #case study #experience #industrial #integration
Architectural Concerns When Selecting an In-House Integration Strategy — Experiences from Industry (RL, LB, SL, IC), pp. 274–275.
ASEASE-2005-Zheng #source code #testing
In regression testing selection when source code is not available (JZ0), pp. 452–455.
HTHT-2005-Walker #hypermedia
Feral hypertext: when hypertext literature escapes control (JW), pp. 46–53.
PODSPODS-2005-Dobra #approximate #question
Histograms revisited: when are histograms the best approximation method for aggregates over joins? (AD), pp. 228–237.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2005-ChaudhuriKR #query #question #sql #trust
When Can We Trust Progress Estimators for SQL Queries? (SC, RK, RR), pp. 575–586.
VLDBVLDB-2005-YuP #adaptation #semantics
Semantic Adaptation of Schema Mappings when Schemas Evolve (CY, LP), pp. 1006–1017.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2005-Barker #experience #question #student
When do group projects widen the student experience gap? (LJB), pp. 276–280.
MSRMSR-2005-SliwerskiZZ #question
When do changes induce fixes? (, TZ, AZ), pp. 41–45.
WCREWCRE-2005-KimPW #automation #detection
When Functions Change Their Names: Automatic Detection of Origin Relationships (SK, KP, EJWJ), pp. 143–152.
When participants do the capturing: the role of media in diary studies (SC, JM), pp. 899–908.
CHICHI-2005-ConsolvoSMLTP #people #social #what #why
Location disclosure to social relations: why, when, & what people want to share (SC, IES, TM, AL, JT, PP), pp. 81–90.
CHICHI-2005-Kaki #category theory #documentation #named #ranking
Findex: search result categories help users when document ranking fails (MK), pp. 131–140.
CHICHI-2005-PatilL #configuration management #privacy #what
Who gets to know what when: configuring privacy permissions in an awareness application (SP, JL), pp. 101–110.
SEKESEKE-2005-JuricWM #automation #case study #component #experience #generative #off the shelf
Experiences of Generating COTS Components when Automating Medicinal Product Evaluations (RJ, SW, PM), pp. 653–656.
SIGIRSIGIR-2005-AllanCL #information retrieval #question
When will information retrieval be “good enough”? (JA, BC, JL), pp. 433–440.
SACSAC-2005-ToKS #exclamation #mobile #network
Mobile agents for network management: when and when not! (HHT, SK, BS), pp. 47–53.
ICSEICSE-2005-JacksonZ #question
Where do you go when you’re through the turnstile? (MJ, PZ), p. 44.
CCCC-2005-Zeller #abstraction
When Abstraction Fails (AZ), pp. 1–9.
CADECADE-2005-Dowek #consistency #question #what
What Do We Know When We Know That a Theory Is Consistent? (GD), pp. 1–6.
ICLPICLP-2005-Ray #horn clause #logic #query
The Need for Ancestor Resolution When Answering Queries in Horn Clause Logic (OR), pp. 410–411.
DACDAC-2004-StrojwasCGHKLNPT #fault #question
When IC yield missed the target, who is at fault? (AJS, MC, VG, JH, JK, ML, WN, DP, MT), p. 80.
HTHT-2004-ZhouHR #hypermedia #peer-to-peer
When open hypermedia meets peer-to-peer computing (JZ, WH, DDR), pp. 266–267.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2004-IpeirotisG #database #using
When one Sample is not Enough: Improving Text Database Selection Using Shrinkage (PGI, LG), pp. 767–778.
CHICHI-2004-AdamczykB #execution
If not now, when?: the effects of interruption at different moments within task execution (PDA, BPB), pp. 271–278.
CHICHI-2004-BakerCKW #behaviour #game studies #student
Off-task behavior in the cognitive tutor classroom: when students “game the system” (RSB, ATC, KRK, AZW), pp. 383–390.
CAiSECAiSE-2004-Nilsson #information management #modelling
Modelling in Information Systems Engineering When It Works and When It Doesn’t (BEN), p. 1.
ICEISICEIS-v5-2004-JantkeLGGTT #data mining #learning #mining
Learning by Doing and Learning when Doing: Dovetailing E-Learning and Decision Support with a Data Mining Tutor (KPJ, SL, GG, PAG, BT, BT), pp. 238–241.
KDDKDD-2004-KantarciogluJC #data mining #mining #privacy #question
When do data mining results violate privacy? (MK, JJ, CC), pp. 599–604.
When Ambients Cannot Be Opened (IB, JMT), pp. 169–184.
CHICHI-2003-ShechtmanH #difference #how #people
Media inequality in conversation: how people behave differently when interacting with computers and people (NS, LMH), pp. 281–288.
ECIRECIR-2003-FisherE #classification
When Are Links Useful? Experiments in Text Classification (MF, RME), pp. 41–56.
ICMLICML-2003-JensenNH #bias #relational
Avoiding Bias when Aggregating Relational Data with Degree Disparity (DJ, JN, MH), pp. 274–281.
SIGIRSIGIR-2003-BillerbeckZ #query
When query expansion fails (BB, JZ), pp. 387–388.
CAVCAV-2003-Obdrzalek #bound #calculus #model checking #performance #μ-calculus
Fast μ-Calculus Model Checking when Tree-Width Is Bounded (JO), pp. 80–92.
CSEETCSEET-2002-KroneJS #case study #education #industrial
When Theory Meets Practice: Enriching the CS Curriculum through Industrial Case Studies (JK, DWJ, MS), pp. 207–214.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2002-Hazzan #abstraction #concept #learning
Reducing abstraction level when learning computability theory concepts (OH), pp. 156–160.
STOCSTOC-2002-CryanD #algorithm #approximate #constant #polynomial
A polynomial-time algorithm to approximately count contingency tables when the number of rows is constant (MC, MED), pp. 240–249.
ICFPICFP-2002-Flatt #composition #metaprogramming #question
Composable and compilable macros: : you want it when? (MF), pp. 72–83.
When Generic Functions Use Dynamic Values (PA, AA, MJP), pp. 17–33.
When conventions collide: the tensions of instant messaging attributed (AV, WN, EDM), pp. 187–194.
ICPRICPR-v2-2002-GuillametV #matrix #metric #using
Determining a Suitable Metric when Using Non-Negative Matrix Factorization (DG, JV), pp. 128–131.
Classifying Textures when Seen from Different Distances (XL, MP), pp. 909–912.
SEKESEKE-2002-JorgensenM #development #how #predict #question #why
Combination of software development effort prediction intervals: why, when and how? (MJ, KM), pp. 425–428.
RERE-2002-CrookILN #anti #requirements #security
Security Requirements Engineering: When Anti-Requirements Hit the Fan (RC, DCI, LL, BN), pp. 203–205.
LCTESLCTES-SCOPES-2002-PalmLDM #compilation #question
When to use a compilation service? (JP, HBL, AD, JEBM), pp. 194–203.
WICSAWICSA-2001-Shaw #architecture #bound #communication #research #ubiquitous
When System Boundaries Dissolve: Research Opportunities in Software Architectures for Ubiquitous Computing and Communication (MS), p. 99–?.
TACASTACAS-2001-PasareanuDV #java #model checking #source code
Finding Feasible Counter-examples when Model Checking Abstracted Java Programs (CSP, MBD, WV), pp. 284–298.
CSMRCSMR-2001-SilvaLG #evaluation #legacy #migration #performance #simulation
A Simulation Model for the Performance Evaluation When Migrating Legacy Systems (PPdS, AHFL, PBG), pp. 210–215.
STOCSTOC-2001-GroheSS #evaluation #query #question
When is the evaluation of conjunctive queries tractable? (MG, TS, LS), pp. 657–666.
STOCSTOC-2001-MolloyR #graph
Colouring graphs when the number of colours is nearly the maximum degree (MM, BAR), pp. 462–470.
KDDKDD-2001-ZadroznyE #learning
Learning and making decisions when costs and probabilities are both unknown (BZ, CE), pp. 204–213.
SEKESEKE-2001-Vegas #question #testing #what
What Information is Relevant when Selecting Testing Techniques? (SV), pp. 45–52.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-2001-VanhoofB #matter
When Size Does Matter (WV, MB), pp. 129–147.
PPDPPPDP-2001-SchulteS #bound #question
When Do Bounds and Domain Propagation Lead to the Same Search Space? (CS, PJS), pp. 115–126.
ICSEICSE-2001-ShepardK #how
How to Do Inspections When There is No Time (TS, DK), pp. 718–719.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2000-Lomet #logic #online #using
High Speed On-line Backup When Using Logical Log Operations (DBL), pp. 34–45.
ICALPICALP-2000-AlonKKMS #scalability
Scalable Secure Storage when Half the System Is Faulty (NA, HK, MK, DM, JPS), pp. 576–587.
ICEISICEIS-2000-LousaM #workflow
Thoughts about the Organisational Contect When Adopting a Workflow System (ML, AM), pp. 527–528.
GPCEGCSE-2000-Veldhuizen #java
Just When You Thought Your Little Language Was Safe: “Expression Templates” in Java (TLV), pp. 188–202.
ICSEICSE-2000-Rifkin #diagrams #precedence
When the project absolutely must get done: marrying the organization chart with the precedence diagram (SR), pp. 588–596.
ITiCSEITiCSE-1999-Carter #collaboration #student #what
Collaboration or plagiarism: what happens when students work together (JC), pp. 52–55.
ITiCSEITiCSE-1999-McCrackenW #why
Why? When an otherwise successful intervention fails (MM, RW), pp. 9–12.
Test tube systems: when two tubes are enough (RF, FF), pp. 338–350.
ICFPICFP-1999-Longley #functional #question
When is a Functional Program Not a Functional Program? (JL), pp. 1–7.
HCIHCI-CCAD-1999-BookG #interface
Mental effort increases when adding a voice control feature to a familiar interface (RB, MG), pp. 23–27.
When one is more than twenty one (PR), pp. 558–562.
TOOLSTOOLS-USA-1999-CrichtonDW #data access #mobile #trust
When to Trust Mobile Objects: Access Control in the Jini(tm) Software System (CC, JD, JW), pp. 116–125.
SOSPSOSP-1999-SantryFHVCO #file system
Deciding when to forget in the Elephant file system (DSS, MJF, NCH, ACV, RWC, JO), pp. 110–123.
Generalizing Data to Provide Anonymity when Disclosing Information (Abstract) (PS, LS), p. 188.
ITiCSEITiCSE-1998-NorrisSS #comprehension #education
Educational technology over 25 years (panel): understanding the conditions when it works (CAN, JS, ES), p. 268.
IWPCIWPC-1998-SomeL #compilation #parsing
Parsing Minimization when Extracting Information from Code in the Presence of Conditional Compilation (SSS, TCL), pp. 118–125.
CHICHI-1998-FriedlanderSM #exclamation
Bullseye! when Fitts’ Law Doesn’t Fit (NF, KS, MMM), pp. 257–264.
CHICHI-1998-NassKL #comparison #interface
When My Face Is the Interface: An Experimental Comparison of Interacting With One’s Own Face or Someone Else’s Face (CN, EYK, EJL), pp. 148–154.
CHICHI-1998-SchianoW #people
The First Noble Truth of CyberSpace: People are People (even when they MOO) (DJS, SW), pp. 352–359.
CHICHI-1998-Strommen #interface #learning
When the Interface is a Talking Dinosaur: Learning Across Media with ActiMates Barney (ES), pp. 288–295.
STOCSTOC-1997-Trevisan #geometry
When Hamming Meets Euclid: The Approximability of Geometric TSP and MST (Extended Abstract) (LT), pp. 21–29.
DLTDLT-1997-FernauS #how
How Powerful is Unconditional Transfer? — When UT meets AC (HF, FS), pp. 249–260.
HCIHCI-CC-1997-Kurosu #how
Wind from East: When Will it Blow and How (MK), pp. 141–144.
PPDPPLILP-1997-Serrano #how #question
Inline Expansion: When and How? (MS), pp. 143–157.
CAVCAV-1997-PandeyB #evaluation #symmetry #verification
Exploiting Symmetry When Verifying Transitor-Level Circuits by Symbolic Trajectory Evaluation (MP, REB), pp. 244–255.
CAiSECAiSE-1996-SiauWB #bias #modelling
When Parents Need Not Have Children — Cognitive Biases in Information Modeling (KS, YW, IB), pp. 402–420.
SACSAC-1995-Arnow #email #network #programming #using
:-) When you grade that: using e-mail and the network in programming courses (DMA), pp. 10–13.
CAVCAV-1995-EmersonS #approach #model checking #symmetry
Utilizing Symmetry when Model Checking under Fairness Assumptions: An Automata-theoretic Approach (EAE, APS), pp. 309–324.
LICSLICS-1995-Seth #complexity #fixpoint #logic #question
When Do Fixed Point Logics Capture Complexity Classes? (AS), pp. 353–363.
CSEETCSEE-1994-Modesitt #re-engineering
When the Golden Arches Gang Aft Agley: Incorporating Software Engineering into Computer Science (KLM), pp. 35–61.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-1994-SemeraroEMBP #case study #learning #logic #source code
Avoiding Non-Termination when Learning Logical Programs: A Case Study with FOIL and FOCL (GS, FE, DM, CB, MJP), pp. 183–198.
PPDPPLILP-1994-Serrano #analysis #compilation #control flow #functional #higher-order #using
Using Higher-Order Control Flow Analysis When Compiling Functional Languages (MS), pp. 447–448.
PLDIPLDI-1993-KernsE #latency #memory management #nondeterminism #scheduling
Balanced Scheduling: Instruction Scheduling When Memory Latency is Uncertain (DRK, SJE), pp. 278–289.
PLDIBest-of-PLDI-1993-KernsE93a #latency #memory management #nondeterminism #scheduling
Balanced scheduling: instruction scheduling when memory latency is uncertain (with retrospective) (DRK, SJE), pp. 515–527.
CHIINTERCHI-1993-AllenBBMMNS #design #how #process #question #why
User involvement in the design process: why, when & how? (CDA, DB, VB, HHMJ, MM, JN, JMS), pp. 251–254.
TOOLSTOOLS-USA-1993-WhiteW #information management #object-oriented #question
Utilization of Object-Oriented Technology in Mainstream Information Systems: if not now, when? (KW, EW), pp. 497–498.
HTHT-ECHT-1992-FreiS #hypermedia
Making Use of Hypertext Links when Retrieving Information (HPF, DS), pp. 102–111.
HTHT-ECHT-1992-Rouet #question
Cognitive Processing of Hyperdocuments: When Does Nonlinearity Help? (JFR), pp. 131–140.
When Do Extra Majority Gates Help? Polylog(n) Majority Gates Are Equivalent to One (RB), pp. 450–454.
AdaTRI-Ada-C-1992-Beidler #component #education #tool support #what
Building on the Booch Components: What Can Be Learned When Modifying Real World Software Tools for Educational Use (JB), pp. 157–164.
AdaTRI-Ada-C-1992-HummerB #ada #design #hardware #safety
When Hardware Becomes Software: Designing a Safety-Critical System with Ada (JH, LB), pp. 538–544.
STOCSTOC-1991-AgrawalKR #algorithm #approximate #network #problem
When Trees Collide: An Approximation Algorithm for the Generalized Steiner Problem on Networks (AA, PNK, RR), pp. 134–144.
STOCSTOC-1991-AngluinK #query
When Won’t Membership Queries Help? (Extended Abstract) (DA, MK), pp. 444–454.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-ECOOP-1990-Berlin #case study #experience #multi #reuse
When Objects Collide: Experiences with Reusing Multiple Class Hierarchies (LMB), pp. 181–193.
LICSLICS-1990-CleavelandS #proving #specification #using
When is “Partial” Adequate? A Logic-Based Proof Technique Using Partial Specifications (RC, BS), pp. 440–449.
HTHT-1989-Lesk #what
What To Do When There’s Too Much Information (ML), pp. 305–318.
VLDBVLDB-1986-ZandenTB #correlation #data access
Estimating Block Accessses when Attributes are Correlated (BTVZ, HMT, DB), pp. 119–127.
STOCSTOC-1986-Cleve #security
Limits on the Security of Coin Flips when Half the Processors Are Faulty (Extended Abstract) (RC), pp. 364–369.
Determining when a Structure is a Nested Relation (PCF, DVG), pp. 171–180.
ICSEICSE-1984-MaibaumT #on the #what
On What Exactly Is Going On When Software Is Developed Step-by-Step (TSEM, WMT), pp. 528–533.
DACDAC-1981-Burdick #design #formal method #process #what
What to do when the seat of your pants wears out — the formalization of the VLSI design process (EB), pp. 708–709.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.