Travelled to:
18 × USA
8 × Germany
9 × France
Collaborated with:
S.M.Reddy ∅ J.Rajski S.Kundu R.Guo W.Li Y.Zorian K.Cheng G.Chen C.Liu X.Lin P.Uppaluri A.Kumar B.Becker S.Remersaro S.Venkataraman B.Seshadri C.Yu S.Kajihara K.Kinoshita H.Tang C.Wang
Talks about:
test (45) fault (34) generat (19) circuit (19) scan (13) base (12) use (11) sequenti (9) detect (9) set (9)
Person: Irith Pomeranz
DBLP: Pomeranz:Irith
Contributed to:
Wrote 62 papers:
- DAC-2015-Pomeranz #generative #testing
- Generation of close-to-functional broadside tests with equal primary input vectors (IP), p. 6.
- DATE-2014-Pomeranz #generative #testing
- Test and non-test cubes for diagnostic test generation based on merging of test cubes (IP), pp. 1–4.
- DATE-2014-Pomeranz14a #fault
- Substituting transition faults with path delay faults as a basic delay fault model (IP), pp. 1–6.
- DATE-2013-Pomeranz #equivalence #fault #graph #on the #set
- On candidate fault sets for fault diagnosis and dominance graphs of equivalence classes (IP), pp. 1083–1088.
- DAC-2011-Pomeranz #clustering #fault
- Diagnosis of transition fault clusters (IP), pp. 429–434.
- DATE-2011-KumarRPB #3d #clustering #testing
- Hyper-graph based partitioning to reduce DFT cost for pre-bond 3D-IC testing (AK, SMR, IP, BB), pp. 1424–1429.
- DATE-2011-Pomeranz #functional #generative #testing
- Built-in generation of functional broadside tests (IP), pp. 1297–1302.
- DATE-2010-PomeranzR #requirements #sequence #testing #using
- Reducing the storage requirements of a test sequence by using a background vector (IP, SMR), pp. 1237–1242.
- DATE-2010-PomeranzR10a #functional #on the #testing
- On reset based functional broadside tests (IP, SMR), pp. 1438–1443.
- DATE-2009-PomeranzR #fault
- Selection of a fault model for fault diagnosis based on unique responses (IP, SMR), pp. 994–999.
- DATE-2009-RemersaroRRP #generative #scalability #testing
- A scalable method for the generation of small test sets (SR, JR, SMR, IP), pp. 1136–1141.
- DAC-2008-ReddyPL #detection #on the #testing
- On tests to detect via opens in digital CMOS circuits (SMR, IP, CL), pp. 840–845.
- DATE-2008-PomeranzR #detection #fault #logic
- A Bridging Fault Model Where Undetectable Faults Imply Logic Redundancy (IP, SMR), pp. 1166–1171.
- DATE-2008-PomeranzR08a #fault #taxonomy
- A Same/Different Fault Dictionary: An Extended Pass/Fail Fault Dictionary with Improved Diagnostic Resolution (IP, SMR), pp. 1474–1479.
- DATE-2007-PomeranzR #generative #on the #testing
- On test generation by input cube avoidance (IP, SMR), pp. 522–527.
- DAC-2006-ChenRPR #algorithm
- A test pattern ordering algorithm for diagnosis with truncated fail data (GC, SMR, IP, JR), pp. 399–404.
- DATE-2006-PomeranzR #detection #fault #generative #testing
- Generation of broadside transition fault test sets that detect four-way bridging faults (IP, SMR), pp. 907–912.
- DATE-2006-PomeranzR06a #fault
- Test compaction for transition faults under transparent-scan (IP, SMR), pp. 1264–1269.
- DAC-2005-Pomeranz #detection
- N-detection under transparent-scan (IP), pp. 129–134.
- DATE-2005-PomeranzR #analysis #detection #testing #worst-case
- Worst-Case and Average-Case Analysis of n-Detection Test Sets (IP, SMR), pp. 444–449.
- DATE-2005-PomeranzR05a #detection #fault #heuristic
- The Accidental Detection Index as a Fault Ordering Heuristic for Full-Scan Circuits (IP, SMR), pp. 1008–1013.
- DATE-2005-TangCRWRP #fault
- Defect Aware Test Patterns (HT, GC, SMR, CW, JR, IP), pp. 450–455.
- DAC-2004-LiRP #fault #generative #on the #testing
- On test generation for transition faults with minimized peak power dissipation (WL, SMR, IP), pp. 504–509.
- DAC-2004-Pomeranz #functional #generative #on the #testing
- On the generation of scan-based test sets with reachable states for testing under functional operation conditions (IP), pp. 928–933.
- DAC-2004-Pomeranz04a
- Scan-BIST based on transition probabilities (IP), pp. 940–943.
- DATE-v1-2004-PomeranzR #fault #metric #similarity
- Level of Similarity: A Metric for Fault Collapsing (IP, SMR), pp. 56–61.
- DATE-v1-2004-PomeranzVRS #detection #fault
- Z-Sets and Z-Detections: Circuit Characteristics that Simplify Fault Diagnosis (IP, SV, SMR, BS), pp. 68–75.
- DAC-2003-LiYRP #generative #markov #using
- A scan BIST generation method using a markov source and partial bit-fixing (WL, CY, SMR, IP), pp. 554–559.
- DAC-2003-PomeranzR #detection #on the #testing
- On test data compression and n-detection test sets (IP, SMR), pp. 748–751.
- DATE-2003-PomeranzR #approach #generative #testing
- A New Approach to Test Generation and Test Compaction for Scan Circuits (IP, SMR), pp. 11000–11005.
- DATE-2003-PomeranzR03a #dependence #testing
- Test Data Compression Based on Output Dependence (IP, SMR), pp. 11186–11187.
- DATE-2003-PomeranzRK #detection #fault #on the
- On the Characterization of Hard-to-Detect Bridging Faults (IP, SMR, SK), pp. 11012–11019.
- DAC-2002-PomeranzKR #on the
- On output response compression in the presence of unknown output values (IP, SK, SMR), pp. 255–258.
- DATE-2002-PomeranzR #fault #multi #set #using
- Test Enrichment for Path Delay Faults Using Multiple Sets of Target Faults (IP, SMR), pp. 722–729.
- DATE-2002-PomeranzRR #debugging #fault
- Finding a Common Fault Response for Diagnosis during Silicon Debug (IP, JR, SMR), p. 1116.
- DATE-2002-PomeranzZ #fault #testing #using
- Fault Isolation Using Tests for Non-Isolated Blocks (IP, YZ), p. 1123.
- DAC-2001-Pomeranz #random #testing
- Random Limited-Scan to Improve Random Pattern Testing of Scan Circuits (IP), pp. 145–150.
- DAC-2001-PomeranzR #approach #testing
- An Approach to Test Compaction for Scan Circuits that Enhances At-Speed Testing (IP, SMR), pp. 156–161.
- DATE-2001-PomeranzR #order #sequence
- Sequence reordering to improve the levels of compaction achievable by static compaction procedures (IP, SMR), pp. 214–218.
- DATE-2001-PomeranzR01a #detection #effectiveness #fault #generative #testing
- Definitions of the numbers of detections of target faults and their effectiveness in guiding test generation for high defect coverage (IP, SMR), pp. 504–508.
- DAC-2000-PomeranzR #fault #on the
- On diagnosis of pattern-dependent delay faults (IP, SMR), pp. 59–62.
- DATE-2000-PomeranzR #generative #sequence #testing
- Built-In Generation of Weighted Test Sequences for Synchronous Sequential Circuits (IP, SMR), pp. 298–304.
- DATE-2000-PomeranzR00a #functional #generative #testing
- Functional Test Generation for Full Scan Circuits (IP, SMR), pp. 396–401.
- DAC-1999-GuoRP #generative #named #using
- Proptest: A Property Based Test Pattern Generator for Sequential Circuits Using Test Compaction (RG, SMR, IP), pp. 653–659.
- DAC-1999-PomeranzR #generative #sequence #testing
- Built-In Test Sequence Generation for Synchronous Sequential Circuits Based on Loading and Expansion of Test Subsequences (IP, SMR), pp. 754–759.
- DATE-1999-LinPR #fault
- Full Scan Fault Coverage With Partial Scan (XL, IP, SMR), pp. 468–472.
- DATE-1998-GuoPR #sequence #testing
- Procedures for Static Compaction of Test Sequences for Synchronous Sequential Circuits Based on Vector Restoration (RG, IP, SMR), pp. 583–587.
- DATE-1998-PomeranzR #flexibility #logic #synthesis
- A Synthesis Procedure for Flexible Logic Functions (IP, SMR), pp. 973–974.
- DATE-1998-PomeranzR98a #using
- Design-for-Testability for Synchronous Sequential Circuits using Locally Available Lines (IP, SMR), pp. 983–984.
- DAC-1997-PomeranzR #approach #fault #multi #simulation #using
- Fault Simulation under the Multiple Observation Time Approach using Backward Implications (IP, SMR), pp. 608–613.
- EDTC-1997-PomeranzR #generative #on the #optimisation #search-based #testing
- On improving genetic optimization based test generation (IP, SMR), pp. 506–511.
- EDTC-1997-PomeranzR97a #finite #on the #state machine #testing
- On the use of reset to increase the testability of interconnected finite-state machines (IP, SMR), pp. 554–559.
- DAC-1996-PomeranzR #on the #sequence #testing
- On Static Compaction of Test Sequences for Synchronous Sequential Circuits (IP, SMR), pp. 215–220.
- DAC-1995-PomeranzR #logic #on the
- On Synthesis-for-Testability of Combinational Logic Circuits (IP, SMR), pp. 126–132.
- DAC-1994-PomeranzR #combinator #fault #scalability #using
- Design-for-Testability for Path Delay Faults in Large Combinatorial Circuits Using Test-Points (IP, SMR), pp. 358–364.
- DAC-1994-PomeranzR94a #fault #on the
- On Improving Fault Diagnosis for Synchronous Sequential Circuits (IP, SMR), pp. 504–509.
- DAC-1993-KajiharaPKR #effectiveness #fault #generative #logic #testing
- Cost-Effective Generation of Minimal Test Sets for Stuck-at Faults in Combinational Logic Circuits (SK, IP, KK, SMR), pp. 102–106.
- DAC-1993-PomeranzR #generative #incremental #learning #named #testing
- INCREDYBLE-TG: INCREmental DYnamic test generation based on LEarning (IP, SMR), pp. 80–85.
- DAC-1993-PomeranzRU #fault #generative #named #testing
- NEST: A Non-Enumerative Test Generation Method for Path Delay Faults in Combinational Circuits (IP, SMR, PU), pp. 439–445.
- DAC-1992-PomeranzC #using
- State Assignment Using Input/Output Functions (IP, KTC), pp. 573–577.
- DAC-1992-PomeranzR #testing
- At-Speed Delay Testing of Synchronous Sequential Circuits (IP, SMR), pp. 177–181.
- DAC-1991-PomeranzR #fault #on the #using
- On Achieving a Complete Fault Coverage for Sequential Machines Using the Transition Fault Model (IP, SMR), pp. 341–346.